Items where Division is "Research Centres > Education and Social Research Institute" and Year is 2022
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Ainsworth, Stephanie, Welbourne, Stephen, Woollams, Anna and Hesketh, Anne (2022) Global versus phonemic similarity: evidence in support of multi-level representation. Cognition, 225. p. 105138. ISSN 0010-0277
Ainsworth, Stephanie, da Costa, Marta, Davies, Caroline and Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda (2022) New perspectives on Middle Leadership in schools in England – persistent tensions and emerging possibilities. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. ISSN 1741-1432
Alan, Britton, Lesley, Emerson, Sue, James, Lee, Jerome, Matthew, Milliken and Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
Citizenship education in the United Kingdom: comparing England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Journal of Social Science Education, 21 (4).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1611-9665
Anastasiou, Thekla (2022) Eating relationships in an Early Years setting : more-than-a-kiss assemblage. International Journal of Literature and Arts, 10 (2). pp. 82-90. ISSN 2331-0553
Arculus, Charlotte and Macrae, Birgit ORCID:
Clowns, fools, and the more-than-Adult toddler.
Global Studies of Childhood, 12 (3).
pp. 209-223.
ISSN 2043-6106
Bagnall, Charlotte, Skipper, Yvonne and Fox, Claire ORCID:
Primary-secondary school transition under Covid-19: exploring the perceptions and experiences of children, parents/guardians, and teachers.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (3).
pp. 1011-1033.
ISSN 0007-0998
Bhattacharjee, L, Corcoran, SL, Underhill, H ORCID:, Wakia, J and Walakira, E
Editorial: Intersectional yet individual experiences: the importance of acknowledging, conceptualising and contextualising separated childhoods.
Global Studies of Childhood, 12 (1).
pp. 3-13.
ISSN 2043-6106
Churchill Dower, Ruth (2022) Contact Improvisation as a force for expressive reciprocity with young children who don’t speak. LEARNing Landscapes Journal, 15 (1). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1913-5688
Corcoran, Su Lyn, Pinnock, Helen and Twigg, Rachel (2022) Home learning for children in low-income contexts during a pandemic: an analysis of 2020 survey results from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal on Education in Emergencies, 8 (3). pp. 80-107. ISSN 2518-6833
Cumming, T, Richardson, S, Gibson, M, Crisp, K, Harrison, L, Press, F ORCID: and Wong, S
Investigating multi-tasking and task rotation as aspects of the complexity of early childhood educators’ work.
Early years: an international research journal.
ISSN 0957-5146
Damon, Lisa, Kiconco, GLoria, Atukunda, Charity and Pahl, Kate ORCID:
Queering the form: zine making as disruptive practice.
Cultural Studies: Critical Methodologies, 22 (4).
pp. 407-419.
ISSN 1532-7086
Eriksen, Elisabeta, Solomon, Yvette ORCID:, Bjerke, Annette Hessen, Gray, James and Kleve, Bodil
Making decisions about attainment grouping in mathematics: teacher agency and autonomy in Norway.
Research Papers in Education.
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 0267-1522
Eseonu, T and Duggan, J ORCID:
Negotiating cultural appropriation while re-imagining co-production via Afrofuturism.
Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (1).
pp. 96-107.
ISSN 1443-9883
Evans, Sarah ORCID:, Harrison, Michaela
ORCID: and Rousell, David
Teaching in the afterward: undoing order-words and affirming transversal alternatives.
Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 43 (5).
pp. 785-803.
ISSN 0159-6306
Forsyth, R ORCID:, Hamshire, C
ORCID:, Fontaine-Rainen, D and Soldaat, L
Shape-shifting and pushing against the odds: staff perceptions of the experiences of first generation students in South Africa and the UK.
The Australian Educational Researcher, 49 (2).
pp. 307-321.
ISSN 0311-6999
Gamote, Shuab, Edmead, Leonie, Stewart, Bethany, Patrick, Tamara, Hamshire, Claire ORCID:, Forsyth, Rachel
ORCID: and Jones, Louise
Student partnership to achieve cultural change.
International Journal for Students as Partners, 6 (1).
pp. 99-108.
ISSN 2560-7367
Gide, Sene, Wong, Sandie, Press, Frances ORCID: and Davis, Belinda
Cultural diversity in the Australian early childhood education workforce: What do we know, what don’t we know and why is it important?
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 47 (1).
pp. 48-61.
ISSN 1836-9391
Goodley, Claire and Perryman, Jane (2022) Beyond the ‘terrors of performativity’: dichotomies, identities and escaping the panopticon. London Review of Education, 20 (1). p. 29. ISSN 1474-8460
Harrison, Emma D, Fox, Claire ORCID: and Hulme, Julie A
Development of a measure for assessing victimisation at UK Universities.
Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2 (1).
pp. 22-47.
ISSN 2752-4116
Harrison, Emma, Hulme, Julie and Fox, Claire ORCID:
A Thematic Analysis of Students’ perceptions and experiences of bullying in Higher Education.
Europe's Journal of Psychology, 18 (1).
pp. 53-69.
ISSN 1841-0413
Harrison, Michaela (2022) Deleuze-inspired action research in the university: mobilising Deleuzian concepts to rethink research on the reflective writing practices of student teachers. Educational Action Research, 30 (3). pp. 395-410. ISSN 0965-0792
Hoicka, Elena, Soy Telli, Burcu, Prouten, Eloise, Leckie, George, Browne, William J, Mireault, Gina and Fox, Claire ORCID:
The Early Humor Survey (EHS): a reliable parent-report measure of humor development for 1- to 47-month-olds.
Behavior Research Methods, 54 (4).
pp. 1928-1953.
ISSN 1554-351X
Ingram, Nicola ORCID: and Gamsu, Sol
Talking the talk of social mobility : a critique of the political performance of a misguided agenda.
Sociological Research Online: an electronic journal, 27 (1).
pp. 189-206.
ISSN 1360-7804
Ivinson, Gabrielle Mary and Renold, EJ (2022) Emplaced activism: what-if environmental education attuned to young people’s entanglements with post-industrial landscapes? Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 38 (3-4). pp. 415-430. ISSN 0814-0626
Kimppa, L, Leminen, A, Sirri, L and Festman, J (2022) Editorial: Neurobehavioral changes in language learning. Frontiers in Communication, 7. p. 1003686. ISSN 2297-900X
Koh, Aaron, Pashby, Karen ORCID:, Tarc, Paul and Yemini, Miri
Editorial: Internationalisation in teacher education: discourses, policies, practices.
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1354-0602
Kucirkova, Natalia and Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Understanding parents’ conflicting beliefs about children’s digital book reading.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 22 (2).
pp. 157-181.
ISSN 1468-7984
MacRae, Christina (2022) The Red Blanket: a dance of animacy. Global Studies of Childhood, 12 (4). pp. 348-358. ISSN 2043-6106
Macrae, Birgit ORCID:, Barron, Ian and Taylor, Lisa
Seeking space for entanglements with young children in immanent material relationality.
Early Years: an international journal of research and development, 42 (4-5).
pp. 543-556.
ISSN 0957-5146
Macrae, Birgit ORCID: and Maclure, Maggie
Folding Froebel with Deleuze: rethinking the significance of imitation in early childhood.
Global Education Review, 9 (1).
pp. 54-68.
ISSN 2325-663X
Massip Sabater, Mariona and Sant, Edda (2022) Gendering citizenship education. Feminist-relational approaches on political education. (Género y educación ciudadana. Enfoques feministas-relacionales en la educación política). REIDICS. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, 11. pp. 35-51.
Nemirovsky, Benjamin ORCID: and Bunn, Stephanie
Basketry and Mathematics: Reflections on Curves and Surfaces.
The Textile Museum Journal, 49.
pp. 50-67.
ISSN 0083-7407
Ng, Shuang Yin Cheryl, Bloom, Alle, Corcoran, Su Lyn, Fletcher, Thomas and Sibley, Jonathan ORCID:
“If you respect us...listen to us”: how sporting event media reframes or reinforces representations of street-connected children.
Leisure Studies, 41 (6).
pp. 757-774.
ISSN 0261-4367
Oldfield, Jeremy and Ainsworth, Steph (2022) Decentring the ‘resilient teacher’: exploring interactions between individuals and their social ecologies. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52 (4). pp. 409-430. ISSN 0305-764X
Olsson Rost, Anna ORCID:
Strengthening teacher networks, decolonising secondary school history curricula: challenges & opportunities in a (post-)pandemic context.
BERA Research intelligence (151).
pp. 26-27.
ISSN 0307-9023
Pais, Alexandre (2022) Correction: Hegel, subjectivity and youth (Subjectivity, (2022), 15, 1-2, (70-87), 10.1057/s41286-022-00130-x). Subjectivity, 15 (4). p. 289. ISSN 1471-4167
Pais, Alexandre (2022) Hegel, subjectivity and youth. Subjectivity, 15. pp. 70-87. ISSN 1755-6341
Pais, Alexandre (2022) Making the waste count: a contribution to the political economy of youth. Youth and Globalization, 3 (2). pp. 403-421. ISSN 2589-5737
Pashby, Karen ORCID:, Sund, Louise, Corcoran, Su
ORCID: and Wicker, Catriona
Teaching for sustainable development through ethical global issues pedagogy.
Impact (14).
Renold, EJ and Ivinson, G ORCID:
Posthuman co-production: becoming response-able with what matters.
Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (1).
pp. 108-128.
ISSN 1443-9883
Rost, Anna Olsson and Collinson, Marc (2022) Developing the Labour Party’s comprehensive secondary education policy, 1950-1965: Party activists as public intellectuals and policy entrepreneurs. British Journal of Educational Studies, 70 (5). pp. 609-625. ISSN 0007-1005
Rousell, David, Cary, Catherine, Kik, Agata, Robertson, Cole and Macrae, Birgit ORCID:
A Pedagogy of Suspensions: Infrathin Variations between London and Manchester.
Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13 (3).
pp. 46-63.
ISSN 1892-042X
Rowley, Harriet, Ivinson, Gabrielle ORCID:, Duggan, James and Pahl, Kate
Editorial: Critically exploring co-production.
Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (1).
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 1443-9883
Sadownik, Alicja R, Bastiansen, Gitte and Gabi, Josephine ORCID:
Noncompliant Learning: Diffracting SpaceTimes, Intra-active Ropes, and a Museum's Roping into the City through a Curious Child.
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 7 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2364-4583
Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:, Gonzalez-Valencia, Gustavo, Shaikh, Ghazal, Santisteban, Antoni, da Costa, Marta, Hanley, Chris
ORCID: and Davies, Ian
Characterising citizenship education in terms of its emancipatory potential: reflections from Catalonia, Colombia, England, and Pakistan.
Compare: a journal of comparative and international education.
ISSN 0305-7925
Shannon, David Ben (2022) Perversity, precarity, and anxiety: tracing a ‘more precise typology’ of the affect of neuroqueer failure in an in-school research-creation project. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0951-8398
Skipper, Yvonne and Fox, Claire ORCID:
Boys will be boys: young people’s perceptions and experiences of gender within education.
Pastoral Care in Education, 40 (4).
pp. 391-409.
ISSN 0264-3944
Warner, Diane (2022) Black and minority ethnic student teachers' stories as empirical documents of hidden oppressions: using the personal to turn towards the structural. British Educational Research Journal, 48 (6). pp. 1145-1160. ISSN 0141-1926
Wicker, Kate (2022) Credibility contests: the contributions of experiential knowledge to radicalisation expertise. Critical Social Policy, 42 (3). pp. 510-530. ISSN 0261-0183
Wilkinson, C and Wilkinson, S ORCID:
Using Persona Dolls in research with children to combat the insider/outsider researcher status dilemma.
Children's Geographies, 20 (3).
pp. 375-380.
ISSN 1473-3285
Wilkinson, Samantha ORCID: and Wilkinson, Catherine
Not a hair out of place? Embracing messy positionality when researching the geographies of hair in Greater Manchester.
North West Geography, 22 (1).
pp. 11-16.
ISSN 1476-1580
Wilson-Thomas, Juliette ORCID:
Swiftly switching project-based learning to the online environment.
Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 4 (2).
pp. 72-81.
ISSN 2399-1836
Book Section
Evans, Sarah ORCID:, Pacievich, Caroline, Donadel, Marcia and Sant Obiols, Edda
Voices : drama and the development of speaking and acting in public spaces.
International Perspectives in Drama and Citizenship Education : Acting Globally.
Routledge Research in Education
Routledge, pp. 141-150.
ISBN 9780367524876 (hardback); 9781003058144 (ebook)
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Ethical provocations for early childhood research.
Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age: insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education.
Perspectives on Education in the Digital Age
Routledge, London, pp. 207-213.
ISBN 9780367702526 (hardback); 9781003145257 (ebook); 9780367702533 (ebook)
Hulme, Moira ORCID:, Olsson Rost, Anna
ORCID: and O'Sullivan, Rachel
Developing an online practicum in professional education: a case study from UK teacher education.
Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning.
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology
Springer Singapore, Singapore.
ISBN 9789811698118 (hardback); 9789811698125 (ebook)
Pais, Alexandre (2022) What Do Young People Learn in Formal Settings of Youth Participation? In: Youth Participation and Learning: Critical Perspectives on Citizenship Practices in Europe. Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life, 7 . Springer Nature, pp. 139-149. ISBN 9783030925147
Roussell, David, Gallagher, Michael ORCID: and Wright, Mark
Becoming listening bodies: sensing the affective atmospheres of the city with young children.
Speculative Geographies: ethics, technologies, aesthetics.
Palgrave MacMillan, Singapore, pp. 251-267.
ISBN 9789811906909 (hardcover); 9789811906916 (ebook); 9789811906930 (softcover)
Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
Populism and Education.
International Encyclopedia of Education.
Elsevier, pp. 648-657.
ISBN 9780128186299
Sellar, Sam, Lingard, Bob and Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
In the name of the nation : PISA and federalism in Australia and Canada.
World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Banal Nationalism.
World Yearbook of Education
Routledge, pp. 153-168.
ISBN 9780367684921 (hardback); 9781003137801 (ebook)
Sirri, Louah and Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Early language and literacy development.
Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice.
ISBN 9781529762976
Sirri, Louah and Lord, Janet ORCID:
Cognitive development.
Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice.
ISBN 9781529762976
Street, Martina and Sirri, Louah (2022) Commentary on Chapters 8 and 9. In: (Re)conceptualising children's rights in infant-toddler care and education: transnational conversations. Policy and Pedagogy with Under-three Year Olds: Cross-disciplinary Insights and Innovations . Springer Heidelberg. ISBN 9783031052170 (hardback); 9783031052187 (online)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:
Curves, sways, loops, folds, and witches’ traps: sensing duration in Sylvie’s drawings.
New Images of Thought in the Study of Childhood Drawing.
Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories
Springer, Cham, pp. 81-102.
ISBN 9783031071423 (hardback); 9783031071454 (softcover); 9783031071430 (ebook)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID: and Castro-Varela, Aurelio
Epilogue: The remaking of collective life in (post)pandemic times.
Visual participatory arts based research in the city: ontology, aesthetics and ethics.
Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City
Routledge, London, pp. 143-151.
ISBN 9780367462963 (hardback); 9781003027966 (ebook)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID: and Castro-Varela, Aurelio
Visual participatory arts-based research in the city: outlining posthumanist approaches.
Visual participatory arts based research in the city: ontology, aesthetics and ethics.
Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City
Routledge, London, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9780367462963 (hardback); 9781003027966 (ebook)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:, Rousell, David
ORCID: and deFreitas, Elizabeth
Making memories of the city’s future: re-assembling urban kino-cinema for the digital age.
New Materialist Affirmations: Creative Research Interventions in Methods and Practice (CRIMP).
Edinburgh University Press.
(In Press)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:, deFreitas, Elizabeth, Rousell, David and Hohti, Riikka
A poetics of opacity: towards a new ethics of participation in gallery-based art projects with young people.
Visual participatory arts based research in the city: ontology, aesthetics and ethics.
Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City
Routledge, London, pp. 126-142.
ISBN 9780367462963 (hardback); 9781003027966 (ebook)
Olsson Rost, Anna ORCID:
Strengthening teacher networks: Decolonising secondary school history curricula.
Research Report.
British Education Research Association (BERA).
Conference or Workshop Item
Cranmer, S and Lewin, C ORCID:
Developing Inclusive Digital Pedagogies: Reflections on the Past, the Present and Future Directions.
In: OCCE 2021: Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future, 17 August 2021 - 20 August 2021, Tampere, Finland.
Eriksen, Elisabeta and Solomon, Yvette ORCID:
The mathematics teacher educator as broker: boundary learning.
In: 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12), 02 February 2022 - 05 February 2022, University of Bolzano, Italy.
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:, Arnott, Lorna, Gillen, Julia, Winter, Karen, McLaughlin, Katrina and Goodall, Janet
Researching 0-3-Year-Old Children’s Language and Literacy Play at Home in a Digital Age.
In: 31st EECERA Conference, 23 August 2022 - 26 August 2022, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID: and Cowan, Kate
Agency in Digital Documentation (The ADD Project).
In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference 2022, 23 August 2022 - 26 August 2022, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Foyn, Trine and Solomon, Yvette ORCID:
Surprising everyone but herself with her good results: the twin dynamic of invisibility and failure to see.
In: 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12), 02 February 2022 - 06 February 2022, Bolzano, Italy.
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:
Mapping Spatial Practices and Social Distancing in Smart Schools: Sensory and Digital Ethnographic Methods.
In: More than Human forms of Placemaking, 04 May 2022, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Guy, Hannah Victoria (2022) An examination of the role of images in the spread of disinformation on social media: The case of the Westminster Bridge photograph. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.