Items where Division is "Research Centres > Education and Social Research Institute" and Year is 2022
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Ainsworth, Stephanie, Welbourne, Stephen, Woollams, Anna and Hesketh, Anne (2022) Global versus phonemic similarity: evidence in support of multi-level representation. Cognition, 225. p. 105138. ISSN 0010-0277
Ainsworth, Stephanie, da Costa, Marta, Davies, Caroline and Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda (2022) New perspectives on Middle Leadership in schools in England – persistent tensions and emerging possibilities. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. ISSN 1741-1432
Alan, Britton, Lesley, Emerson, Sue, James, Lee, Jerome, Matthew, Milliken and Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
Citizenship education in the United Kingdom: comparing England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Journal of Social Science Education, 21 (4).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1611-9665
Anastasiou, Thekla (2022) Eating relationships in an Early Years setting : more-than-a-kiss assemblage. International Journal of Literature and Arts, 10 (2). pp. 82-90. ISSN 2331-0553
Arculus, Charlotte and Macrae, Birgit ORCID:
Clowns, fools, and the more-than-Adult toddler.
Global Studies of Childhood, 12 (3).
pp. 209-223.
ISSN 2043-6106
Bagnall, Charlotte, Skipper, Yvonne and Fox, Claire ORCID:
Primary-secondary school transition under Covid-19: exploring the perceptions and experiences of children, parents/guardians, and teachers.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (3).
pp. 1011-1033.
ISSN 0007-0998
Bhattacharjee, L, Corcoran, SL, Underhill, H ORCID:, Wakia, J and Walakira, E
Editorial: Intersectional yet individual experiences: the importance of acknowledging, conceptualising and contextualising separated childhoods.
Global Studies of Childhood, 12 (1).
pp. 3-13.
ISSN 2043-6106
Churchill Dower, Ruth (2022) Contact Improvisation as a force for expressive reciprocity with young children who don’t speak. LEARNing Landscapes Journal, 15 (1). pp. 75-87. ISSN 1913-5688
Corcoran, Su Lyn, Pinnock, Helen and Twigg, Rachel (2022) Home learning for children in low-income contexts during a pandemic: an analysis of 2020 survey results from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal on Education in Emergencies, 8 (3). pp. 80-107. ISSN 2518-6833
Cranmer, S and Lewin, C ORCID:
Developing Inclusive Digital Pedagogies: Reflections on the Past, the Present and Future Directions.
In: OCCE 2021: Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future, 17 August 2021 - 20 August 2021, Tampere, Finland.
Cumming, T, Richardson, S, Gibson, M, Crisp, K, Harrison, L, Press, F ORCID: and Wong, S
Investigating multi-tasking and task rotation as aspects of the complexity of early childhood educators’ work.
Early years: an international research journal.
ISSN 0957-5146
Damon, Lisa, Kiconco, GLoria, Atukunda, Charity and Pahl, Kate ORCID:
Queering the form: zine making as disruptive practice.
Cultural Studies: Critical Methodologies, 22 (4).
pp. 407-419.
ISSN 1532-7086
Eriksen, Elisabeta and Solomon, Yvette ORCID:
The mathematics teacher educator as broker: boundary learning.
In: 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12), 02 February 2022 - 05 February 2022, University of Bolzano, Italy.
Eriksen, Elisabeta, Solomon, Yvette ORCID:, Bjerke, Annette Hessen, Gray, James and Kleve, Bodil
Making decisions about attainment grouping in mathematics: teacher agency and autonomy in Norway.
Research Papers in Education.
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 0267-1522
Eseonu, T and Duggan, J ORCID:
Negotiating cultural appropriation while re-imagining co-production via Afrofuturism.
Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (1).
pp. 96-107.
ISSN 1443-9883
Evans, Sarah ORCID:, Harrison, Michaela
ORCID: and Rousell, David
Teaching in the afterward: undoing order-words and affirming transversal alternatives.
Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 43 (5).
pp. 785-803.
ISSN 0159-6306
Evans, Sarah ORCID:, Pacievich, Caroline, Donadel, Marcia and Sant Obiols, Edda
Voices : drama and the development of speaking and acting in public spaces.
International Perspectives in Drama and Citizenship Education : Acting Globally.
Routledge Research in Education
Routledge, pp. 141-150.
ISBN 9780367524876 (hardback); 9781003058144 (ebook)
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Ethical provocations for early childhood research.
Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age: insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education.
Perspectives on Education in the Digital Age
Routledge, London, pp. 207-213.
ISBN 9780367702526 (hardback); 9781003145257 (ebook); 9780367702533 (ebook)
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:, Arnott, Lorna, Gillen, Julia, Winter, Karen, McLaughlin, Katrina and Goodall, Janet
Researching 0-3-Year-Old Children’s Language and Literacy Play at Home in a Digital Age.
In: 31st EECERA Conference, 23 August 2022 - 26 August 2022, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID: and Cowan, Kate
Agency in Digital Documentation (The ADD Project).
In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference 2022, 23 August 2022 - 26 August 2022, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Forsyth, R ORCID:, Hamshire, C
ORCID:, Fontaine-Rainen, D and Soldaat, L
Shape-shifting and pushing against the odds: staff perceptions of the experiences of first generation students in South Africa and the UK.
The Australian Educational Researcher, 49 (2).
pp. 307-321.
ISSN 0311-6999
Foyn, Trine and Solomon, Yvette ORCID:
Surprising everyone but herself with her good results: the twin dynamic of invisibility and failure to see.
In: 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12), 02 February 2022 - 06 February 2022, Bolzano, Italy.
Gamote, Shuab, Edmead, Leonie, Stewart, Bethany, Patrick, Tamara, Hamshire, Claire ORCID:, Forsyth, Rachel
ORCID: and Jones, Louise
Student partnership to achieve cultural change.
International Journal for Students as Partners, 6 (1).
pp. 99-108.
ISSN 2560-7367
Gide, Sene, Wong, Sandie, Press, Frances ORCID: and Davis, Belinda
Cultural diversity in the Australian early childhood education workforce: What do we know, what don’t we know and why is it important?
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 47 (1).
pp. 48-61.
ISSN 1836-9391
Goodley, Claire and Perryman, Jane (2022) Beyond the ‘terrors of performativity’: dichotomies, identities and escaping the panopticon. London Review of Education, 20 (1). p. 29. ISSN 1474-8460
Guy, Hannah Victoria (2022) An examination of the role of images in the spread of disinformation on social media: The case of the Westminster Bridge photograph. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Harrison, Emma D, Fox, Claire ORCID: and Hulme, Julie A
Development of a measure for assessing victimisation at UK Universities.
Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2 (1).
pp. 22-47.
ISSN 2752-4116
Harrison, Emma, Hulme, Julie and Fox, Claire ORCID:
A Thematic Analysis of Students’ perceptions and experiences of bullying in Higher Education.
Europe's Journal of Psychology, 18 (1).
pp. 53-69.
ISSN 1841-0413
Harrison, Michaela (2022) Deleuze-inspired action research in the university: mobilising Deleuzian concepts to rethink research on the reflective writing practices of student teachers. Educational Action Research, 30 (3). pp. 395-410. ISSN 0965-0792
Hoicka, Elena, Soy Telli, Burcu, Prouten, Eloise, Leckie, George, Browne, William J, Mireault, Gina and Fox, Claire ORCID:
The Early Humor Survey (EHS): a reliable parent-report measure of humor development for 1- to 47-month-olds.
Behavior Research Methods, 54 (4).
pp. 1928-1953.
ISSN 1554-351X
Hulme, Moira ORCID:, Olsson Rost, Anna
ORCID: and O'Sullivan, Rachel
Developing an online practicum in professional education: a case study from UK teacher education.
Applied Degree Education and the Future of Learning.
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology
Springer Singapore, Singapore.
ISBN 9789811698118 (hardback); 9789811698125 (ebook)
Ingram, Nicola ORCID: and Gamsu, Sol
Talking the talk of social mobility : a critique of the political performance of a misguided agenda.
Sociological Research Online: an electronic journal, 27 (1).
pp. 189-206.
ISSN 1360-7804
Ivinson, Gabrielle Mary and Renold, EJ (2022) Emplaced activism: what-if environmental education attuned to young people’s entanglements with post-industrial landscapes? Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 38 (3-4). pp. 415-430. ISSN 0814-0626
Kimppa, L, Leminen, A, Sirri, L and Festman, J (2022) Editorial: Neurobehavioral changes in language learning. Frontiers in Communication, 7. p. 1003686. ISSN 2297-900X
Koh, Aaron, Pashby, Karen ORCID:, Tarc, Paul and Yemini, Miri
Editorial: Internationalisation in teacher education: discourses, policies, practices.
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1354-0602
Kucirkova, Natalia and Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Understanding parents’ conflicting beliefs about children’s digital book reading.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 22 (2).
pp. 157-181.
ISSN 1468-7984
MacRae, Christina (2022) The Red Blanket: a dance of animacy. Global Studies of Childhood, 12 (4). pp. 348-358. ISSN 2043-6106
Macrae, Birgit ORCID:, Barron, Ian and Taylor, Lisa
Seeking space for entanglements with young children in immanent material relationality.
Early Years: an international journal of research and development, 42 (4-5).
pp. 543-556.
ISSN 0957-5146
Macrae, Birgit ORCID: and Maclure, Maggie
Folding Froebel with Deleuze: rethinking the significance of imitation in early childhood.
Global Education Review, 9 (1).
pp. 54-68.
ISSN 2325-663X
Massip Sabater, Mariona and Sant, Edda (2022) Gendering citizenship education. Feminist-relational approaches on political education. (Género y educación ciudadana. Enfoques feministas-relacionales en la educación política). REIDICS. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, 11. pp. 35-51.
Nemirovsky, Benjamin ORCID: and Bunn, Stephanie
Basketry and Mathematics: Reflections on Curves and Surfaces.
The Textile Museum Journal, 49.
pp. 50-67.
ISSN 0083-7407
Ng, Shuang Yin Cheryl, Bloom, Alle, Corcoran, Su Lyn, Fletcher, Thomas and Sibley, Jonathan ORCID:
“If you respect us...listen to us”: how sporting event media reframes or reinforces representations of street-connected children.
Leisure Studies, 41 (6).
pp. 757-774.
ISSN 0261-4367
Oldfield, Jeremy and Ainsworth, Steph (2022) Decentring the ‘resilient teacher’: exploring interactions between individuals and their social ecologies. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52 (4). pp. 409-430. ISSN 0305-764X
Olsson Rost, Anna ORCID:
Strengthening teacher networks, decolonising secondary school history curricula: challenges & opportunities in a (post-)pandemic context.
BERA Research intelligence (151).
pp. 26-27.
ISSN 0307-9023
Olsson Rost, Anna ORCID:
Strengthening teacher networks: Decolonising secondary school history curricula.
Research Report.
British Education Research Association (BERA).
Pais, Alexandre (2022) Correction: Hegel, subjectivity and youth (Subjectivity, (2022), 15, 1-2, (70-87), 10.1057/s41286-022-00130-x). Subjectivity, 15 (4). p. 289. ISSN 1471-4167
Pais, Alexandre (2022) Hegel, subjectivity and youth. Subjectivity, 15. pp. 70-87. ISSN 1755-6341
Pais, Alexandre (2022) Making the waste count: a contribution to the political economy of youth. Youth and Globalization, 3 (2). pp. 403-421. ISSN 2589-5737
Pais, Alexandre (2022) What Do Young People Learn in Formal Settings of Youth Participation? In: Youth Participation and Learning: Critical Perspectives on Citizenship Practices in Europe. Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life, 7 . Springer Nature, pp. 139-149. ISBN 9783030925147
Pashby, Karen ORCID:, Sund, Louise, Corcoran, Su
ORCID: and Wicker, Catriona
Teaching for sustainable development through ethical global issues pedagogy.
Impact (14).
Renold, EJ and Ivinson, G ORCID:
Posthuman co-production: becoming response-able with what matters.
Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (1).
pp. 108-128.
ISSN 1443-9883
Rost, Anna Olsson and Collinson, Marc (2022) Developing the Labour Party’s comprehensive secondary education policy, 1950-1965: Party activists as public intellectuals and policy entrepreneurs. British Journal of Educational Studies, 70 (5). pp. 609-625. ISSN 0007-1005
Rousell, David, Cary, Catherine, Kik, Agata, Robertson, Cole and Macrae, Birgit ORCID:
A Pedagogy of Suspensions: Infrathin Variations between London and Manchester.
Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 13 (3).
pp. 46-63.
ISSN 1892-042X
Roussell, David, Gallagher, Michael ORCID: and Wright, Mark
Becoming listening bodies: sensing the affective atmospheres of the city with young children.
Speculative Geographies: ethics, technologies, aesthetics.
Palgrave MacMillan, Singapore, pp. 251-267.
ISBN 9789811906909 (hardcover); 9789811906916 (ebook); 9789811906930 (softcover)
Rowley, Harriet, Ivinson, Gabrielle ORCID:, Duggan, James and Pahl, Kate
Editorial: Critically exploring co-production.
Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (1).
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 1443-9883
Sadownik, Alicja R, Bastiansen, Gitte and Gabi, Josephine ORCID:
Noncompliant Learning: Diffracting SpaceTimes, Intra-active Ropes, and a Museum's Roping into the City through a Curious Child.
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 7 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2364-4583
Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
Populism and Education.
International Encyclopedia of Education.
Elsevier, pp. 648-657.
ISBN 9780128186299
Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:, Gonzalez-Valencia, Gustavo, Shaikh, Ghazal, Santisteban, Antoni, da Costa, Marta, Hanley, Chris
ORCID: and Davies, Ian
Characterising citizenship education in terms of its emancipatory potential: reflections from Catalonia, Colombia, England, and Pakistan.
Compare: a journal of comparative and international education.
ISSN 0305-7925
Sellar, Sam, Lingard, Bob and Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
In the name of the nation : PISA and federalism in Australia and Canada.
World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Banal Nationalism.
World Yearbook of Education
Routledge, pp. 153-168.
ISBN 9780367684921 (hardback); 9781003137801 (ebook)
Shannon, David Ben (2022) Perversity, precarity, and anxiety: tracing a ‘more precise typology’ of the affect of neuroqueer failure in an in-school research-creation project. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0951-8398
Sirri, Louah and Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Early language and literacy development.
Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice.
ISBN 9781529762976
Sirri, Louah and Lord, Janet ORCID:
Cognitive development.
Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice.
ISBN 9781529762976
Skipper, Yvonne and Fox, Claire ORCID:
Boys will be boys: young people’s perceptions and experiences of gender within education.
Pastoral Care in Education, 40 (4).
pp. 391-409.
ISSN 0264-3944
Street, Martina and Sirri, Louah (2022) Commentary on Chapters 8 and 9. In: (Re)conceptualising children's rights in infant-toddler care and education: transnational conversations. Policy and Pedagogy with Under-three Year Olds: Cross-disciplinary Insights and Innovations . Springer Heidelberg. ISBN 9783031052170 (hardback); 9783031052187 (online)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:
Curves, sways, loops, folds, and witches’ traps: sensing duration in Sylvie’s drawings.
New Images of Thought in the Study of Childhood Drawing.
Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories
Springer, Cham, pp. 81-102.
ISBN 9783031071423 (hardback); 9783031071454 (softcover); 9783031071430 (ebook)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:
Mapping Spatial Practices and Social Distancing in Smart Schools: Sensory and Digital Ethnographic Methods.
In: More than Human forms of Placemaking, 04 May 2022, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID: and Castro-Varela, Aurelio
Epilogue: The remaking of collective life in (post)pandemic times.
Visual participatory arts based research in the city: ontology, aesthetics and ethics.
Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City
Routledge, London, pp. 143-151.
ISBN 9780367462963 (hardback); 9781003027966 (ebook)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID: and Castro-Varela, Aurelio
Visual participatory arts-based research in the city: outlining posthumanist approaches.
Visual participatory arts based research in the city: ontology, aesthetics and ethics.
Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City
Routledge, London, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9780367462963 (hardback); 9781003027966 (ebook)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:, Rousell, David
ORCID: and deFreitas, Elizabeth
Making memories of the city’s future: re-assembling urban kino-cinema for the digital age.
New Materialist Affirmations: Creative Research Interventions in Methods and Practice (CRIMP).
Edinburgh University Press.
(In Press)
Trafi-Prats, Laura ORCID:, deFreitas, Elizabeth, Rousell, David and Hohti, Riikka
A poetics of opacity: towards a new ethics of participation in gallery-based art projects with young people.
Visual participatory arts based research in the city: ontology, aesthetics and ethics.
Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City
Routledge, London, pp. 126-142.
ISBN 9780367462963 (hardback); 9781003027966 (ebook)
Warner, Diane (2022) Black and minority ethnic student teachers' stories as empirical documents of hidden oppressions: using the personal to turn towards the structural. British Educational Research Journal, 48 (6). pp. 1145-1160. ISSN 0141-1926
Wicker, Kate (2022) Credibility contests: the contributions of experiential knowledge to radicalisation expertise. Critical Social Policy, 42 (3). pp. 510-530. ISSN 0261-0183
Wilkinson, C and Wilkinson, S ORCID:
Using Persona Dolls in research with children to combat the insider/outsider researcher status dilemma.
Children's Geographies, 20 (3).
pp. 375-380.
ISSN 1473-3285
Wilkinson, Samantha ORCID: and Wilkinson, Catherine
Not a hair out of place? Embracing messy positionality when researching the geographies of hair in Greater Manchester.
North West Geography, 22 (1).
pp. 11-16.
ISSN 1476-1580
Wilson-Thomas, Juliette ORCID:
Swiftly switching project-based learning to the online environment.
Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 4 (2).
pp. 72-81.
ISSN 2399-1836