Items where Author is "Sant, Edda"

Sant, Edda and da Costa, Marta ORCID:
Un/learning to Disagree. A Response to "Pragmatist Thinking for a Populist Moment: Contingency and Racial Re-valuing in Education Governance".
Democracy & Education, 32 (2).
ISSN 1085-3545
Sant, Edda, Weinberg, James ORCID: and Thiel, Jonas
Fail to plan, plan to fail. Are education policies in England helping teachers to deliver on the promise of democracy?
British Educational Research Journal, 50 (4).
pp. 1831-1856.
ISSN 0141-1926
Thiel, Jonas ORCID: and Sant, Edda
Democracy as intra-action: Some educational implications when we diffract John Dewey’s, Karen Barad’s and Ernesto Laclau’s work.
Educational Philosophy and Theory.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0013-1857
da Costa, Marta ORCID:, Hanley, Chris
ORCID: and Sant, Edda
Global citizenship education in Europe: taking up the (hum)Man in teacher education in England.
Curriculum Inquiry, 54 (2).
pp. 137-155.
ISSN 0362-6784
Hanley, Christopher ORCID: and Sant, Edda
Touch, tact and swerve: three new concepts for the doctoral process, inspired by Jean-Luc Nancy’s ontology.
Research in Education.
ISSN 0034-5237
Massip Sabater, Mariona and Sant, Edda ORCID:
Gendering citizenship education. Feminist-relational approaches on political education. (Género y educación ciudadana. Enfoques feministas-relacionales en la educación política).
REIDICS. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, 11.
pp. 35-51.
Sant, Edda ORCID:, McDonnell, Jane
ORCID:, Pashby, Karen
ORCID: and Menendez Alvarez-Hevia, David
Pedagogies of agonistic democracy and citizenship education.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 16 (3).
pp. 227-244.
ISSN 1746-1979
Santisteban, Antoni, Gomes, Alfredo and Sant, Edda ORCID:
El currículum de historia en Inglaterra, Portugal y España: contextos diferentes y problemas comunes.
Educar em Revista, 37.
ISSN 0104-4060
Sant, Edda ORCID: and Brown, Tony
The fantasy of the populist disease and the educational cure.
British Educational Research Journal, 47 (2).
pp. 409-426.
ISSN 0141-1926
Chong, Eric King, Sant, Edda, Davies, Ian and Sant Obiols, Edda ORCID:
Civic education guidelines in Hong Kong 1985-2012: striving for normative stability in turbulent social and political contexts.
Theory and Research in Social Education, 48 (2).
pp. 285-306.
ISSN 0093-3104
Sant, Edda (2019) Democratic Education: A Theoretical Review (2006–2017). Review of Educational Research, 89 (5). pp. 655-696. ISSN 0034-6543
Sant, Edda (2018) We, the non-global citizens. Reflections on the possibilities and challenges of democratic global citizenship education in higher education contexts. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 13 (3). pp. 273-292. ISSN 1751-1917
Sant, Edda and Hanley, C (2018) Political assumptions underlying pedagogies of national education: the case of student teachers teaching ‘British Values’ in England. British Educational Research Journal, 44 (2). pp. 319-337. ISSN 0141-1926
Book Section
Menendez Alvarez Hevia, David and Sant, Edda (2018) Policy and Research on Citizenship Education in the United Kingdom (1998 – 2018). In: Handbook of Research on Education for Participative Citizenship and Global Prosperity. IGI Global, pp. 302-327. ISBN 1522571108
Sant, Edda and Gonzalez Valencia, G (2018) Global citizenship education in Latin America. In: The Palgrave handbook of global citizenship and education. Palgrave Macmillan,, pp. 67-82. ISBN 1137597321
Sant, Edda, Lewis, S, Delgado, S and Ross, W (2018) Justice and global citizenship education. In: The Palgrave handbook of global citizenship and education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 227-244. ISBN 1137597321
Sant, Edda, Pais, A, McDonnell, J and Mendez Alvarez-Hevia, D (2017) Social Fantasy vs. Radical Democracy: two competing views of populism and how they challenge education. In: The Implications of ‘New Populism’ For Education. Ethnography and education . E & E Printing, pp. 41-52. ISBN 0993108555
Sant, Edda, Davies, I, Pashby, K and Shultz, L (2018) Global Citizenship Education: A Critical Introduction to Key Concepts and Debates. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472592422