Items where Division is "Faculties > Business and Law" and Year is 2016

Albertson, KV, Pateman, M, Albertson, KE, Barnes, A and Peplow, D (2016) The Role of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in Forming and Informing Responses to Contemporary Social Change. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies, 11.
Alexandra Beauregard, T, Arevshatian, L, Booth, JE and Whittle, S (2016) Listen carefully: transgender voices in the workplace. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27. ISSN 0958-5192
Andreoni, V, Arto, I and Rueda-Cantuche, JM (2016) Global use of water resources: a multiregional analysis for Water Use, Water Footprint and Water Trade Balance. Water Resources and Economics, 15. ISSN 2212-4284
Andreoni, V and Galmarini, S (2016) Drivers in CO2 emissions variation: A decomposition analysis for 33 world countries. Energy, 103. pp. 27-37. ISSN 0360-5442
Andreoni, V and Galmarini, S (2016) Mapping socioeconomic well-being across EU regions. International Journal of Social Economics, 43 (3). pp. 226-243. ISSN 0306-8293
Antoniadou, M and Holmes, H (2016) The impact of peer-mentoring on the experience of first year business students. Learning and Teaching in Action, 12 (1). pp. 19-34.
Antoniadou, M ORCID:, Sandiford, P, Wright, G
ORCID: and Alker, LP
Workplace Fear: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experiences of Human Service Workers.
Research on Emotions in Organization.
ISBN 978-1-78754-845-9
Antoniadou, Marilena ORCID:
On being an international academic in the UK’s Higher Education.
In: SRHE Newer and Early Career Researchers Conference 2016, 06 December 2016, Newport, South Wales, UK.
Antoniadou, Marilena ORCID: and Crowder, Mark
Recruitment and development of year tutors in Higher Education.
In: University Forum for Human Resource Development 2016, 08 June 2016 - 10 June 2016, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Ashraf, R ORCID:, Zahid, A, Khawaja, ZUA and Yousaf, S
Union Railways: Selling Advertising Rights on Trains and Stations.
Asian Journal of Management Cases, 13 (2).
pp. 125-147.
ISSN 0972-8201
Atkinson, C ORCID:, Mallett, O and Wapshott, R
‘You try to be a fair employer’: regulation and employment relationships in medium-sized firms.
International Small Business Journal, 34 (1).
pp. 16-33.
ISSN 0264-6560
Atkinson, JL (2016) ‘Letters aren’t good’: the operation of the right to request flexible working post-maternity leave in UK small and medium-sized companies. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 38 (4). ISSN 1469-9621
Attar, Maryam, Lohi, Khalil and Lever, John ORCID:
Remembering the spirit of halal: an Iranian perspective.
Halal Matters: Islam, politics and markets in global perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 55-71.
ISBN 9781138812758 (hardback); 9781315746128 (ebook)
Bamford, D ORCID: and Dehe, B
Service quality at the London 2012 games – a paralympics athletes survey.
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 33 (2).
pp. 142-159.
ISSN 0265-671X
Baragheh, A, Rowley, JE ORCID: and Hemsworth, D
The effect of organisational age and size on position and paradigm innovation.
Journal of Small Business and Entreprise Development, 23 (3).
pp. 768-789.
ISSN 1462-6004
Bergeaud-Blackler, Florence, Fischer, Johan and Lever, John ORCID:
Halal Matters: Islam, Politics and Markets in Global Perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 1-203.
ISBN 9781138812758 (hardback); 9781315746128 (ebook)
Bergeaud-Blackler, Florence, Fischer, Johan and Lever, John ORCID:
Introduction: Studying the politics of global halal markets.
Halal Matters: Islam, Politics and Markets in Global Perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 1-18.
ISBN 9781138812758 (hardback); 9781315746128 (ebook)
Berry, CP (2016) Industrial Policy Change in the Post-Crisis British Economy: Policy Innovation in an Incomplete Institutional and Ideational Envirnoment. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18 (4). pp. 829-847. ISSN 1467-856X
Berry, CP (2016) UK Manufacturing Decline Since the Crisis in Historical Perspective. UNSPECIFIED. Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI).
Berry, CP, Gamble, Andrew, Hay, Colin, Payne, Anthony and Hunt, Tom (2016) Reorienting the Treasury, Reorienting British Capitalism. UNSPECIFIED. Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI).
Berry, CP and Hunt, Tom (2016) The Rising Tide of Gerontocracy: How Young People will be Outvoted. UNSPECIFIED. Intergenerational Foundation.
Berry, CP, Hunt, Tom, Lavery, Scott and Vittery, William (2016) UK Regions and European Structural and Investment Funds. UNSPECIFIED. Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI).
Berry, CP, Kirkland, Christopher, Lavery, Scott and Hunt, Tom (2016) UK Regions, the European Union and Manufacturing Exports. UNSPECIFIED. Sheffield Political Economy Institute (SPERI).
Brannagan, PM and Rookwood, J (2016) Sports mega-events, soft power and soft disempowerment: international supporters’ perspectives on Qatar’s acquisition of the 2022 FIFA World Cup finals. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8 (2). pp. 173-188. ISSN 1940-6940
Bull, Mike (2016) Shape Sorting: Towards Defining Social Enterprise in the UK. In: International Conference: Transforming Emerging Economies Through Sustainability and Innovations in Businesses (IC TEE 2016), 08 November 2016 - 09 November 2016, Bengaluru, India. (Unpublished)
Bull, Mike ORCID:
Using Social Enterprise to Advance Responsible Management Education at MMU.
In: Engaging with Responsible and Ethical Management, 20 April 2016, Sheffield Hallam University.
Bull, Mike and Ridley-Duff, R (2016) Multi-Stakeholder Co-operativism: The (Hidden) Origins of Communitarian Pluralism in the UK Social Enterprise Movement. In: European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy International Conference (EAEPE 2016), 03 November 2016 - 05 November 2016, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Bull, Mike and Ridley-Duff, R (2016) Multi-Stakeholder Co-operativism: The (Hidden) Origins of Communitarian Pluralism in the UK Social Enterprise Movement. In: International Conference: Transforming Emerging Economies Through Sustainability and Innovations in Businesses (IC TEE 2016), 08 November 2016 - 09 November 2016, Bengaluru, India. (Unpublished)
Bull, Mike and Whittam, G (2016) Do football Club owners create Value? In: 8th International Social Innovation Research Conference, 05 September 2016 - 07 September 2016, Glasgow. (Unpublished)
Burton, J, Story, VM, Zolkiewski, J, Raddats, C, Baines, T and Medway, D ORCID:
Identifying tensions in the servitized value chain.
Research-Technology Management, 59 (5).
pp. 38-47.
ISSN 0895-6308
Cao, Q, Criscuolo, Paola and Autio, Erkko (2016) SME internationalisation and Its impact on firm performance. In: Impact of International Business Challenges and Solutions for Policy and Practice. The Academy of International Business . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 220-240. ISBN 1137569468
Christie, Fiona ORCID:
Uncertain transition: exploring the experiences of recent graduates.
Project Report.
Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU)/Prospects Luminate.
Cockayne, David, Papalexi, Marina ORCID: and Jordan, Christine
Location, location, location: exploring macro-market influences and impacts of re-shoring on operational decision-making.
In: Academy of Marketing B2B SIG, 23 June 2016 - 24 June 2016, Paris, France.
Collins, Alison, Hislop, D and Cartwright, S (2016) Social support in the workplace between teleworkers, their office-based colleagues and supervisors. New Technology, Work and Employment, 31 (2). pp. 161-175. ISSN 0268-1072
Collinson-Shield, Jessica and Antoniadou, Marilena ORCID:
Exploring Levels of Awareness and Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence within a UK Law Firm.
In: University Forum for Human Resource Development 2016, 08 June 2016 - 10 June 2016, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Cranmer, E, Jung, T, tom Dieck, MC and Miller, A (2016) Implementing Augmented Reality to Increase Tourist Attraction Sustainability. In: Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Innovate Conference.
Creaby, F (2016) From the Inside Out: What Does Business Really Mean in Schools? The Voice - National Association for School Business Management Magazine, 13. pp. 47-48.
Crozier, SE and Cassell, CM (2016) Methodological considerations in the use of audio diaries in work psychology: adding to the qualitative toolkit. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89 (2). pp. 396-419. ISSN 0963-1798
Cutts, D and Widdop, P ORCID:
Reimagining omnivorousness in the context of place.
Journal of Consumer Culture, 17 (3).
pp. 480-503.
ISSN 1469-5405
Dagnall, N ORCID:, Denovan, A
ORCID:, Drinkwater, K
ORCID:, Parker, A
ORCID: and Clough, P
Towards a better understanding of the relationship between belief in the paranormal and statistical bias: The potential role of schizotypy.
Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
p. 1045.
ISSN 1664-1078
Dagnall, Neil ORCID:, Drinkwater, Kenneth
ORCID:, Denovan, Andrew
ORCID:, Parker, Andrew
ORCID: and Rowley, Kevin
Misperception of chance, conjunction, framing effects and belief in the paranormal: a further evaluation.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30 (3).
pp. 409-419.
ISSN 0888-4080
Davies, Julie ORCID:
Are business school deans doomed? The global financial crisis, Brexit and all that.
Journal of Management Development, 35 (7).
pp. 901-915.
ISSN 0262-1711
Dendler, L and Dewick, P (2016) Institutionalising the organic labelling scheme in China: a legitimacy perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134 (Part A). pp. 239-250. ISSN 0959-6526
Dimitratos, Pavlos, Buck, Trevor, Fletcher, Margaret and Li, Nicolas ORCID:
The motivation of international entrepreneurship: the case of Chinese transnational entrepreneurs.
International Business Review, 25 (5).
pp. 1103-1113.
ISSN 0969-5931
Edmonds, B (2016) A model of causation is not causation. Constructivist Foundations, 12 (1). pp. 12-14. ISSN 1782-348X
Edmonds, Bruce (2016) Book Review: The Aqua Book: Guidance on Producing Quality Analysis for Government. JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION, 19 (3). ISSN 1460-7425
Emediegwu, Lotanna ORCID: and Ighodaro, Clement
The connection between education and sustainable economic growth in Nigeria.
Zambia Social Science Journal, 6 (1).
pp. 65-79.
ISSN 2079-5521
Farny, S, Frederiksen, SH, Hannibal, M and Jones, S (2016) A CULTure of entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 28 (7-8). pp. 514-535. ISSN 0898-5626
Fletcher, L ORCID:
Training perceptions, engagement, and performance: comparing work engagement and personal role engagement.
Human Resource Development International, 19 (1).
pp. 4-26.
ISSN 1367-8868
Flint, John, Atkinson, Rowland, Ferrari, Ed, Gore, Tony and Lever, John ORCID:
Loic Wacquant Commentaries.
People, Place and Policy Online, 10 (2).
pp. 174-184.
Giovanis, E and Ozdamar, O (2016) Structural Equation Modelling and the Causal Effect of Permanent Income on Life Satisfaction: The Case of Air Pollution Valuation in Switzerland. Journal of Economic Surveys, 30 (3). pp. 430-459. ISSN 0950-0804
Giovanis, E and Ozdamar, O (2016) The impact of air pollution on health problems in Britain. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 8 (2). pp. 163-186. ISSN 1756-5804
Giovanis, E and Ozdamar, Oznur (2016) Who Pays More: Public, Private, Both or None? The Effects of Health Insurance Schemes and Health Reforms on Out-of-Pocket and Catastrophic Health Expenditures in Turkey. UNSPECIFIED. Economic Research Forum (ERF).
Grix, J and Brannagan, PM (2016) Of Mechanisms and Myths: Conceptualising States’ “Soft Power” Strategies through Sports Mega-Events. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 27 (2). pp. 251-272. ISSN 0959-2296
Grix, J and Harris, S (2016) Governance and Governmentality of Sport. In: Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, pp. 3-15. ISBN 9781317646679
Hoque, Samia Ferdous, Sinkovics, Noemi and Sinkovics, Rudolf R (2016) Supplier strategies to compensate for knowledge asymmetries in buyer-supplier relationships: implications for economic upgrading. European Journal of International Management, 10 (3). p. 254. ISSN 1751-6757
Idriss, MM (2016) Criminalisation of the Burqa in the UK. The Journal of Criminal Law, 80 (2). pp. 124-137. ISSN 0022-0183
Inoue, Y ORCID:, Havard, CT and Irwin, RL
Roles of sport and cause involvement in determining employees’ beliefs about cause-related sport sponsorship.
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 17 (1).
pp. 3-18.
ISSN 1464-6668
James, M ORCID: and Osborn, G
Criminalising Contract: Does Ticket Touting Warrant the Protection of the Criminal Law?
Criminal Law Review, 2016 (1).
pp. 4-19.
ISSN 0011-135X
Jeyacheya, JR and Hampton, MP (2016) Dive Tourism and the Entrepreneurial Process in the Perhentian Islands, Malaysia. In: Sustainable Island Tourism: Seasonality, Competitiveness and Quality of Life. CABI, pp. 135-152. ISBN 9781780645421
Johns, AM, Galpin, AJ, Meredith, J and Glancy, M (2016) I Kind of Had an Avatar Switch: The Role of the Self in Engagement with an Interactive TV Drama. In: TVX '16 Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, 22 June 2016 - 24 June 2016, Chicago, USA.
Johnson, F, Rowley, J ORCID: and Sbaffi, L
Exploring Information Interactions in the Context of Google.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67 (4).
pp. 824-840.
ISSN 2330-1635
Kaaristo, M and Rhoden, S (2016) Everyday life and water tourism mobilities: mundane aspects of canal travel. Tourism Geographies, 19 (1). pp. 78-95. ISSN 1461-6688
Kaaristo, Maarja ORCID:
Book review. Researching Hospitality and Tourism.
Hospitality and Society, 6 (3).
pp. 299-301.
ISSN 2042-7913
Kalandides, A (2016) Guest editorial. Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (2). pp. 118-119. ISSN 1753-8335
Kalandides, A, Millington, S, Parker, C and Quinn, S (2016) Shopping districts and centres, markets, neighbourhoods, public squares, and urban gardens: reflecting. Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (3). pp. 351-359. ISSN 1753-8335
Kanellopoulou, Evgenia ORCID:
Book Review: Net Neutrality Compendium: Human Rights, Free Competition and the Future of the Internet.
Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, 22 (5).
pp. 136-137.
ISSN 1357-3128
Kislov, R ORCID:, Hodgson, D and Boaden, R
Professionals as knowledge brokers: The limits of authority in healthcare collaboration.
Public Administration, 94 (2).
pp. 472-489.
ISSN 0033-3298
Kowalewska, G, Rutkowska-Ziarko, A, Simister, J and Sonmez, Y (2016) Where and Why in the UK? The Case of Polish Migrants. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 11 (2). pp. 137-150. ISSN 1897-2721
Kuznetsov, A and Kuznetsova, O (2016) Contextual constraints and the relevance discovery process: challenges facing knowledge gatekeepers in emerging economies. International Social Science Journal, 66 (219-20). pp. 79-91. ISSN 1468-2451
Kyparissis, Antonis ORCID: and Christodoulidou, Christina
Κυριάκος Βαρβαρέσος και διοικητική αναδιάρθρωση (Kyriakos Varvaresos and administrative restructure).
Αναπτυξιακά μοντέλα στην Ελλάδα: Παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον (Development Models in Greece: past, present and future).
Metamesonykties Editions, Athens.
ISBN 9789607800664
Lafuerza, LF, Dyson, L, Edmonds, B and McKane, AJ (2016) Simplification and analysis of a model of social interaction in voting. The European Physical Journal B, 89 (7). ISSN 1434-6028
Lafuerza, LF, Dyson, L, Edmonds, B and McKane, AJ (2016) Staged Models for Interdisciplinary Research. PLoS ONE, 11 (6). ISSN 1932-6203
Lai, Yanqing ORCID:, Saridakis, George, Blackburn, Robert and Johnstone, Stewart
Are the HR responses of small firms different from large firms in times of recession?
Journal of Business Venturing, 31 (1).
pp. 113-131.
ISSN 0883-9026
Lai, Yanqing ORCID:, Saridakis, George and Johnstone, Stewart
Human resource practices, employee attitudes and small firm performance.
International Small Business Journal, 35 (4).
pp. 470-494.
ISSN 0266-2426
Lawlor,, M-A, Dunne, A and Rowley, JE ORCID:
Young consumers' brand communications literacy in a social networking context.
European Journal of Marketing, 50 (11).
pp. 2018-2040.
ISSN 1758-7123
Lee, D ORCID:, Foster, E and Snaith, H
Implementing the Employability Agenda: a critical review of curriculum developments in Political Science and International Relations in English universities.
Politics, 36 (1).
pp. 95-111.
ISSN 0263-3957
Leguina, A, Widdop, P ORCID: and Tampubolon, G
The global omnivore: Identifying musical taste groups in Austria, England, Israel and Serbia.
Sociological Research Online, 21 (3).
Lever, John ORCID:
Re-imagining Malaysia: a postliberal halal strategy?
Halal Matters: Islam, Politics and Markets in Global Perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 19-37.
ISBN 9781138812758 (hardback); 9781315746128 (ebook)
Lever, John ORCID: and Anil, Haluk
From an implicit to an explicit understanding: new definitions of halal in Turkey.
Halal Matters: Islam, Politics and Markets in Global Perspective.
Routledge, London, pp. 38-54.
ISBN 9781138812758 (hardback); 9781315746128 (ebook)
Lever, John ORCID:, Coslet,, Alexandra and Hesselden, Fiona
Developing a strong and sustainable food economy in Kirklees.
Project Report.
Kirklees Council.
Lewis, KV (2016) Identity capital: an exploration in the context of youth social entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 28 (3-4). pp. 191-205. ISSN 0898-5626
Martin, L, Turner, P, Carter, JK, Baines, S and Taylor, D (2016) Partnered innovation in the design and implementation of UK management education - new Management Degree Apprenticeships. In: 2016 EFMD Higher Education Research Conference, 10 October 2016 - 11 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)
McCarroll, P (2016) Service Delivery in FM: Enhancement or Enchantment? In: 15th research symposium EuroFM, 08 June 2016 - 09 June 2016, Milan.
McCarthy, J (2016) Social Network Sites and Relationship Marketing Communications: Challenges for UK Football Clubs. In: 12th Annual Doctoral Symposium 2009. (Unpublished)
McCarthy, J, Pioch, E, Rowley, J, Ashworth, CJ, Harrigan, P and Harris, L (2016) The Practice of Business Research: Akin to Orienteering. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2012: Marketing: Catching the Technology Wave. (Unpublished)
Medway, D and Parker, C (2016) Editorial: The Experts are Dead: Long Live The Experts. Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (3). pp. 242-246. ISSN 1753-8335
Medway, D, Parker, C, Quin, S and Roberts, G (2016) Changing places; placing change. Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (1). ISSN 1753-8335
Medway, D ORCID:, Parker, C
ORCID: and Roper, S
Litter, gender and brand: The anticipation of incivilities and perceptions of crime prevalence.
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45.
pp. 135-144.
ISSN 0272-4944
Meyer, R and Vasey, Huw (2016) Can Social Networks Explain Ethnic Labour Market Segmentation? In: Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2016), 19 September 2016 - 23 September 2016, Rome, Italy.
Millington, SD (2016) Universities and Place Making. In: 2016 AAG Annual Meeting.
Modeme, Lawrence (2016) Business Organisations and Agency. Modern Business Law, 5-7 . Bookboon. ISBN 978-87-403-1492-2
Modeme, Lawrence (2016) English Legal System and Obligations. Modern Business Law, 1-4 . Bookboon. ISBN 978-87-403-1493-9
Morley, AS, Marsden, TK and Morgan, KJ (2016) Food Policy as Public Policy: A Review of the Welsh Government’s Food Strategy and Action Plan. Public Policy Institute for Wales.
Mulholland, Cara (2016) A reflection on the Social Value Spotlight by Cara Mulholland. ARCOM Newsletter, 34 (1). p. 6.
Murphy, P and Glennon, R ORCID:
The devil in the detail of Brexit starts to emerge.
Public Sector Focus.
Nabi, G, Liñán, F, Fayolle, A, Krueger, N and Walmsley, A (2016) The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. Academy of Management: Learning and Education, 16 (2). pp. 277-299. ISSN 1537-260X
Ndhlovu, TP and Ndinda, C (2016) Social Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical Analysis of Diaspora Social Investments. In: Diaspora and Transnational Entrepreneurship in Global Contexts. IGI Global, pp. 219-235. ISBN 9781522519911
Ndinda, C and Ndhlovu, TP (2016) Attitudes towards foreigners in informal settlements targeted for upgrading in South Africa: A Gendered Perspective. Agenda, 30 (2). ISSN 1013-0950
Nowak, Victoria (2016) Understanding entrepreneurship in low-income communities: A substantivist approach. In: 2nd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar ‘Societies in transition – Social and solidarity economy, the commons, public action and livelihood, 19 May 2016 - 20 May 2016, Paris, France.
Nudurupati, SS, Lascelles, D, Yip, N and Wright, G (2016) Eight Challenges of Servitization for the Configuration, Measurement and Management of Organisations. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 26 (6). pp. 745-763. ISSN 2055-6225
Nunez, JE (2016) The Force of Law: law and coercion, validity and effectiveness, and synergy. In: The Force of Law Reaffirmed: Frederick Schauer meets the critics. Springer, Cham, pp. 107-120. ISBN 9783319339863 (hardback); 9783319339870 (ebook); 9783319816487 (softcover)
Nunez, JE (2016) Sovereignty Conflicts and the Desirability of a Peaceful Solution: Why Current International Remedies are not the Solution. In: Selected Issues in Modern Jurisprudence. Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, pp. 191-214. ISBN 9789605980337
Nunez, JE (2016) The logical analysis of law as a bridge between legal philosophical traditions. Jurisprudence, 7 (3). pp. 627-635. ISSN 2040-3321
Omidvar, O and Kislov, R ORCID:
R&D consortia as boundary organisations: Misalignment and asymmetry of boundary management.
International Journal of Innovation Management, 20 (2).
ISSN 1363-9196
Ozdamar, Oznur and Giovanis, E (2016) The Effect of Survivors’ Benefits on Poverty and Health Indicators of Women and Children in Widowed-Mother Households: A Turkish Case Study. UNSPECIFIED. Economic Research Forum (ERF).
Ozdamar, Oznur and Giovanis, E ORCID:
The link between health condition costs and standard of living: A structural equation modelling.
Working Paper.
Economic Research Forum (ERF).
Papadopoulos, Orestis (2016) Economic crisis and youth unemployment: Comparing Greece and Ireland. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 22 (4). pp. 409-426. ISSN 0959-6801
Papadopoulos, Orestis ORCID:
Youth unemployment discourses in Greece and Ireland before and during the economic crisis: moving from divergence to ‘contingent convergence’.
Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37 (3).
pp. 493-515.
ISSN 0143-831X
Parker, CR, Ntounis, N, Quin, S and Millington, S (2016) High Street UK 2020 Project Report. Project Report. Institute of Place Management.
Partington, SN (2016) Hospitality Employment: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. In: The Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Studies. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781317395669
Pearson, John ORCID:
Human Security vs. Environmental Security: At Legal Loggerheads.
Security and International Law.
Hart Publishing, pp. 43-67.
ISBN 9781849466349
Pijetlovic, Katarina ORCID:
EU Competition Law and Organisational Rules.
The Legacy of Bosman: Revisiting the Relationship Between EU Law and Sport.
Springer, pp. 117-151.
ISBN 9462651205
Postlethwaite, V and Grix, Jonathan (2016) Beyond the Acronyms: Sport Diplomacy and the Classification of the International Olympic Committee. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 27 (2). pp. 295-313. ISSN 0959-2296
Rashid, A, Barnes, L and Warnaby, G ORCID:
Management perspectives on country of origin.
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 20 (2).
pp. 230-244.
ISSN 1361-2026
Ridley-Duff, R and Bull, Mike (2016) Rendering the Social Solidarity Economy: Exploring the Case for a Paradigm Shift in the Visibility of Co-operative and Mutual Enterprises in Business Education and Policy-Making. International Summit of Cooperatives.
Saridakis, George, Lai, Yanqing ORCID: and Cooper, Cary L
Exploring the relationship between HRM and firm performance: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.
Human Resource Management Review, 27 (1).
pp. 87-96.
ISSN 1053-4822
Sato, M, Du, J and Inoue, Y ORCID:
Rate of physical activity and community health: Evidence from U.S. counties.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13 (6).
pp. 640-648.
ISSN 1543-3080
Scelles, N, Duran, C, Bonnal, L, Goyeau, D and Andreff, W (2016) Do all sporting prizes have a significant positive impact on attendance in a European national football league? Competitive intensity in the French Ligue 1. Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy, 11 (3). pp. 82-107. ISSN 1994-5124
Shaheen, F, Nudurupati, S and Petty, DJ (2016) Understanding the Impact of Culture on Performance Measurement System: Evidence From Bangladesh. In: Performance Measurement Association Conference 2016, 26 June 2016 - 29 June 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)
Shand, R (2016) The Governance of Sustainable Rural Renewal: A Comparative Global Perspective. Routledge. ISBN 9781138898493
Simister, J ORCID:
Domestic Violence against Women: Higher Tax on Alcohol Could Protect Women.
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 04 (05).
pp. 114-123.
ISSN 2327-5952
Simister, J ORCID:
UK and The European Union: Exports of Car Components From 1994 to 2016.
International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, 3 (4).
pp. 49-58.
ISSN 2394-5923
Simister, J ORCID: and Kowalewska, G
Gender-Based Violence and Christianity: Catholic Prevention of Divorce Traps Women in an Abusive Marriage.
Psychology, 07 (13).
pp. 1624-1644.
ISSN 2152-7180
Simpson, K and Loveless, M (2016) Another chance? Concerns about inequality, support for the European Union and further European integration. Journal of European Public Policy, 24 (7). pp. 1069-1089. ISSN 1350-1763
Sinclair, M (2016) Introduction. In: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781472574879
Sinkovics, Noemi, Hoque, Samia Ferdous and Sinkovics, Rudolf R (2016) Rana Plaza collapse aftermath: are CSR compliance and auditing pressures effective? Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 29 (4). pp. 617-649. ISSN 0951-3574
Sissons, Paul and Jones, Katy ORCID:
Local industrial strategy and skills policy in England: Assessing the linkages and limitations – a case study of the Sheffield City Deal.
Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 31 (8).
pp. 857-872.
ISSN 0269-0942
Skagen, Kristian and Collins, Alison M (2016) The consequences of sickness presenteeism on health and wellbeing over time: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 161. pp. 169-177. ISSN 0277-9536
Skinner, H (2016) What's Occurring? Barry since Gavin & Stacey. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18 (3). pp. 251-259. ISSN 1099-2340
Syrrakos, D (2016) The Franco-German Alliance and its Role in the Process of European Monetary Integration: 1944-2010- Lessons for Today. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 11 (2). pp. 119-135. ISSN 1897-2721
Tavana, M, Kazemi, MR, Vafadarnikjoo, A ORCID: and Mobin, M
An artificial immune algorithm for ergonomic product classification using anthropometric measurements.
Measurement, 94.
pp. 621-629.
ISSN 0263-2241
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