Browse by Author

Kalandides, Ares ORCID: and Grésillon, Boris
The Ambiguities of ‘Sustainable’ Berlin.
Sustainability, 13 (4).
ISSN 2071-1050
Grésillon, Boris and Kalandides, Ares ORCID:
Berlin ville verte et durable : utopie ou réalité ?
Allemagne d'aujourd'hui, N° 234 (4).
p. 46.
ISSN 0002-5712
Kalandides, A (2018) Citizen Participation: Towards a Framework for Policy Assessment. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11 (2). pp. 152-164. ISSN 1753-8335
Kalandides, A ORCID:
Editorial: Special Issue: Participatory placemaking: concepts, methods and practices.
Journal of Place Management and Development, 11 (2).
pp. 150-151.
ISSN 1753-8335
Vaiou, D and Kalandides, A (2017) Practices of solidarity in Athens: reconfigurations of public space and urban citizenship. Citizenship Studies, 21 (4). pp. 440-454. ISSN 1362-1025
Kalandides, A (2017) Notes on Place identity. Geographies (ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ), 30. pp. 53-65. ISSN 1109-186X
Kalandides, A (2017) Place and Space in the work of Doreen Massey. Geographies (ΓΕΩΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ), 29. pp. 15-24. ISSN 1109-186X
Kalandides, A (2016) Guest editorial. Journal of Place Management and Development, 9 (2). pp. 118-119. ISSN 1753-8335
Book Section
Kalandides, A (2018) Hobrecht, James. In: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Sciences . Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-118-56845-3 (Unpublished)