Items where Year is 2009

Adam, Mariyam S. and Urquhart, Cathy (2009) No man is an island: social and human capital in IT capacity building in the Maldives. Information and organization, 19 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1471-7727
Albertson, Kevin and Aylen, Jonathan (2009) Long lags or seasonal mis-specification? A note on co-integration testing and the consumption function. Applied economics letters, 16 (3). pp. 267-271. ISSN 1350-4851
Allen, Christopher (2009) The fallacy of “housing studies”: philosophical problems of knowledge and understanding in housing research. theory and society, 26 (1). pp. 53-79. ISSN 1403-6096
Allen, Christopher and Crookes, Lee (2009) Fables of the reconstruction: a phenomenology of 'place shaping' in the North of England. Town Planning Review, 80 (4-5). pp. 455-480. ISSN 0041-0020
Allen, Norman S., Liauw, Chris, Reyes, Aitor, Edge, Michele, Johnson, Brian and Keck-Antoine, Klaus (2009) Color inhibition of phenolic antioxidants in Ziegler-Natta polyethylene. II. In-situ solution studies. Journal of vinyl and additive technology, 15 (4). pp. 234-243. ISSN 1548-0585
Allen, Norman S., Zeynalov, Eldar B., Taylor, Kimberley and Birkett, Paul R. (2009) Antioxidant capacity of novel amine derivatives of buckminsterfullerene: determination of inhibition rate constants in a model oxidation system. Polymer degradation and stability, 94 (11). pp. 1932-1940. ISSN 0141-3910
Atkinson, C ORCID: and Hall, L
The role of gender in varying forms of flexible working.
Gender, Work & Organization, 16 (6).
pp. 650-666.
ISSN 1468-0432
Bai, W., Mingham, Clive G., Causon, Derek M. and Qian, Ling (2009) Finite volume simulation of viscous free surface waves using the Cartesian cut cell approach. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 63 (1). 69 - 95. ISSN 1097-0363
Banham, Gary (2009) Descartes' kinematics. Parallax, 15 (2). 69 - 82. ISSN 1460-700X
Barden, Owen (2009) From “acting reading” to reading for acting: a case study of the transformational power of reading. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy, 53 (4). pp. 293-302. ISSN 1936-2706
Baregheh, Anahita, Rowley, Jennifer and Sambrook, Sally (2009) Towards a multidisciplinary definition of innovation. Management decision, 47 (8). pp. 1323-1339. ISSN 0025-1747
Barr, ID and Clark, CD (2009) Distribution and pattern of moraines in far ne Russia reveal former glacial extent. Journal of Maps, 5 (1). pp. 186-193. ISSN 1744-5647
Barrios, LM ORCID:, Chambers, SJ, Ismail, N, Guzman, HM and Mair, JM
Distribution of Idanthyrsus cretus (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) in the Tropical Eastern Pacific and application of PCR-RAPD for population analysis.
Zoosymposia, 2 (1).
pp. 487-503.
ISSN 1178-9905
Barron, Ian (2009) Illegitimate participation? A group of young minority ethnic children's experiences of early childhood education. culture and society, 17 (3). pp. 341-354. ISSN 1747-5104
Belavý, Daniel L., Miokovic, Tanja, Armbrecht, Gabriele, Rittweger, Jörn and Felsenberg, Dieter (2009) Resistive vibration exercise reduces lower limb muscle atrophy during 56-day bed-rest. Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions, 9 (4). pp. 225-35. ISSN 1108-7161
Berkeley, Andrew, Perry, Christopher T. and Smithers, Scott G. (2009) Taphonomic signatures and patterns of test degradation on tropical, intertidal benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, 73 (3-4). pp. 148-163. ISSN 1872-6186
Beswick, Simon, Smith, John and Wright, Sue (2009) Thinking caps on! Teaching, Thinking and Creativity, 9 (4). ISSN 1750-7138
Bezin, Yann, Iwnicki, Simon D., Cavalletti, M., de Vries, E., Shahzad, F. and Evans, G. (2009) An investigation of sleeper voids using a flexible track. Journal of rail and rapid transit, 223 (6). pp. 597-607. ISSN 2041-3017
Binsch, Olaf, Oudejans, Raôul, Bakker, Frank C. and Savelsbergh, Geert (2009) Unwanted effects in aiming actions: the relationship between gaze behavior and performance in a golf putting task. Psychology of sport and exercise, 10 (6). pp. 628-635. ISSN 1469-0292
Blake, L ORCID:
"You guys and your cute little categories": Torchwood, the space-time rift and Cardiff's postmodern, postcolonial and (avowedly) pansexual gothic.
The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies (7).
pp. 16-22.
ISSN 2009-0374
Borresen, Jon and Lynch, Stephen (2009) Neuronal computers. methods & applications, 71 (12). e2372-e2376. ISSN 1873-5215
Bowling, Frank L, Stickings, Daryl S, Edwards-Jones, Valerie, Armstrong, David G and Boulton, Andrew J (2009) Hydrodebridement of wounds: effectiveness in reducing wound bacterial contamination and potential for air bacterial contamination. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 2 (1). p. 13. ISSN 1757-1146
Brook, Paul (2009) In critical defence of ‘emotional labour’. employment & society, 23 (3). pp. 531-548. ISSN 0950-0170
Brook, Paul (2009) The alienated heart: Hochschild’s ‘emotional labour’ thesis and the anticapitalist politics of alienation. Capital and Class, 33 (2). pp. 7-31. ISSN 0309-8168
Brown, Antony, Bennett, Jenny and Rhodes, Edward (2009) Roman mining on Exmoor: a geomorphological approach at Anstey's Combe, Dulverton. Environmental archaeology, 14 (1). pp. 50-61. ISSN 1749-6314
Brown, Claire, Varley, Peter and Pal, John W. (2009) University course selection and services marketing. Marketing intelligence & planning, 27 (3). pp. 310-325. ISSN 0263-4503
Brown, W, Harman, S, Hurt, S, Lee, D and Smith, K (2009) Editorial: New Directions in International Relations and Africa. The Round Table, 98 (402). pp. 263-267. ISSN 0035-8533
Bunting, Kirsty (2009) The very stage and theatre of our dramatic happiness: scenes from Michael Field’s Rottingdean. The Michaelian (1).
Burgess, Katherine, Pearson, Stephen J., Breen, Leigh and Onambélé-Pearson, Gladys (2009) Tendon structural and mechanical properties do not differ between genders in a healthy community-dwelling elderly population. Journal of orthopaedic research, 27 (6). pp. 820-25. ISSN 0736-0266
Burgess, Katherine, Pearson, Stephen J. and Onambélé-Pearson, Gladys (2009) Menstrual cycle variations in oestradiol and progesterone have no impact on in vivo medial gastrocnemius tendon mechanical properties. Clinical biomechanics, 24 (6). pp. 504-9. ISSN 0268-0033
Burman, Erica (2009) Beyond 'emotional literacy' in feminist and educational research. British educational research journal, 35 (1). pp. 137-155. ISSN 0141-1926
Burman, Erica (2009) Desenvolvimento desejado? Contribuições psicanalíticas para o antidesenvolvimento psicológico. A Peste: Revista de Psicanálise e Sociedade e Filosofia, 1 (2). pp. 267-292. ISSN 2175-6104 (Unpublished)
Burman, Erica (2009) Grenzobjekte und Groupanalyse: Zwischen Psychoanalyse under Sozialtheorie. Psychosozial, 32 (115). pp. 15-27. ISSN 0171-3434
Burman, Erica (2009) On linking Lacan and Foulkes: commentary on Dieter Nitzgen's 'The location of sexuality in group analysis'. Group analysis, 42 (3). pp. 229-232. ISSN 1461-717X
Bég, O. Anwar, Zueco, Joaquín, Bhargava, Rama and Takhar, Harmindar S. (2009) Magnetohydrodynamic convection flow from a sphere to a non-Darcian porous medium with heat generation or absorption effects: network simulation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 48 (5). pp. 913-921. ISSN 1290-0729
Bég, O. Anwar, Zueco, Joaquín, Bég, Tasveer A., Takhar, Harmindar S. and Kahya, Ercan (2009) NSM analysis of time-dependent nonlinear buoyancy-driven double-diffusive radiative convection flow in non-Darcy geological porous media. Acta Mechanica, 202 (1-4). pp. 181-204. ISSN 0001-5970
Bég, O. Anwar, Zueco, Joaquín and Takhar, Harmindar S. (2009) Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic Hartmann–Couette flow and heat transfer in a Darcian channel with Hall current, ionslip, viscous and Joule heating effects: network numerical solutions. Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 14 (4). pp. 1082-1097. ISSN 1007-5704
Camilotti, Bárbara Maria, Rodacki, André L. F., Israel, Vera Lúcia and Fowler, Neil E. (2009) Stature recovery after sitting on land and in water. Manual therapy, 14 (6). pp. 685-689. ISSN 1532-2769 (Unpublished)
Cammack, Paul (2009) Forget the transnational state. History and International Relations, 1 (2). pp. 79-97. ISSN 1948-9145
Cammack, Paul (2009) Poverty reduction and universal competitiveness. Labour, Capital and Society, 42 (1&2). ISSN 0706-1706
Carpenter, Ginette (2009) Review of Justine Picardie's Daphne. Women: A Cultural Review, 20 (1). pp. 89-96. ISSN 1470-1367
Carpenter, S. and Kelly, P. J. (2009) Sub-microstructure and surface topography of reactive unbalanced magnetron sputtered titanium and titanium compound thin films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 204 (6-7). pp. 923-926. ISSN 0257-8972
Cartwright, Rachel and Sullivan, Matthew (2009) Associations with multiple male groups increase the energy expenditure of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) female and calf pairs on the breeding grounds. Behaviour, 146 (11). pp. 1573-1600. ISSN 1568-539X
Cassell, Catherine, Bishop, Vicky, Symon, Gillian, Johnson, Phil and Buehring, Anna (2009) Learning to be a qualitative management researcher. Management learning, 40 (5). pp. 513-533. ISSN 1350-5076
Challis, B (2009) Technology, accessibility and creativity in popular music education. Popular Music, 28. ISSN 0261-1430
Chaudhry, Omair Z., Mackaness, William A. and Regnauld, Nicolas (2009) A functional perspective on map generalisation. environment and urban systems, 33 (5). pp. 349-362. ISSN 1873-7587
Clennon, Ornette D. (2009) Facilitating musical composition as 'contract learning' in the classroom: the development and application of a teaching resource for primary school teachers in the UK. International Journal of Music Education, 27 (4). pp. 300-313. ISSN 0255-7614
Coaffee, J, O'Hare, P and Hawkesworth, M (2009) The Visibility of (In)security: The Aesthetics of Planning Urban Defences Against Terrorism. SECURITY DIALOGUE, 40. ISSN 0967-0106
Coulthwaite, Lisa, Pretty, Iain A., Smith, Philip W., Higham, Susan M. and Verran, Joanna (2009) QLF is not readily suitable for in vivo denture plaque assessment. Journal of dentistry, 37 (11). pp. 898-901. ISSN 0300-5712
Coupe, Laurence (2009) Genesis and the nature of myth. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 11 (1). pp. 9-22. ISSN 1468-8417
Cox, Nigel ORCID:
Subjects of concern: troubling categories.
Nurse Researcher, 17 (1).
pp. 88-92.
ISSN 1351-5578
Cristopoliski, Fabiano, Barela, José Angelo, Leite, Neiva, Fowler, Neil E. and Rodacki, André L. F. (2009) Stretching exercise program improves gait in the elderly. Gerontology, 55 (6). pp. 614-620. ISSN 0304-324X
Crome, Keith ORCID:
The nihilistic affirmation of life: biopower and biopolitics in The Will to Knowledge.
Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy (6).
pp. 46-61.
ISSN 1834-3287
Crome, Keith J., Farrar, Ruth and O'Connor, Patrick (2009) What is autonomous learning? Discourse: learning and teaching in philosophical and religious studies, 9 (1). 111 – 126. ISSN 2040-3674
Cullen, Rod, Langan, Mark and Sen, Robin (2009) Using learner response systems for ecological fieldwork. Centre for Bioscience Bulletin (26). pp. 6-7. ISSN 1746-0123
Daly, Selena (2009) From symbolism to futurism: poupées électriques and elettricita. Rivista di Studi Italiani, 27 (1). pp. 46-59. ISSN 1916-5412
Davies, Julie ORCID: and Thomas, Howard
What do business school deans do? Insights from a UK study.
Management Decision, 47 (9).
pp. 1396-1419.
ISSN 0025-1747
Deeney, John F. (2009) Censoring the uncensored: the case of ‘Children in Uniform’. New Theatre Quarterly, 16 (3). 219- 226. ISSN 1474-0613
Degens, Hans, Erskine, Robert M. and Morse, Christopher I. (2009) Disproportionate changes in skeletal muscle strength and size with resistance training and ageing. Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions, 9 (3). pp. 123-9. ISSN 1108-7161
Diaz Andrade, Antonio E. and Urquhart, Cathy (2009) ICTs as a tool for cultural dominance: prospects for a two-way street. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 37 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1681-4835
Diaz Andrade, Antonio E. and Urquhart, Cathy (2009) The value of extended networks: information and communication technology intervention in rural Peru. Information technology for development, 15 (2). pp. 108-132. ISSN 0268-1102
Dise, Nancy B. (2009) Peatland response to global change. Science, 326 (5954). pp. 810-811. ISSN 0036-8075
Djahel, S ORCID: and Naït-Abdesselam, F
FLSAC: A new scheme to defend against greedy behavior in wireless mesh networks.
International Journal of Communication Systems, 22 (10).
pp. 1245-1266.
ISSN 1074-5351
Doran, Anna L., Morden, W. E., Dunn, Ken and Edwards-Jones, Valerie (2009) Vapour-phase activities of essential oils against antibiotic sensitive and resistant bacteria including MRSA. Letters in applied microbiology, 48 (4). pp. 387-92. ISSN 1472-765X
Dunker, Christian Ingo Lenz and Parker, Ian (2009) How to be secretly Lacanian in anti-psychoanalytic qualitative research. Annual Review of Critical Psychology (7). pp. 52-71. ISSN 1746-739X
Duran-Encalada, Jorge and Paucar-Caceres, Alberto (2009) System dynamics urban sustainability model for Puerto Aura in Puebla, Mexico. Systemic practice and action research, 22 (2). pp. 77-99. ISSN 1094-429X
Durieux, Anne-Cécile, D'Antona, Giuseppe, Desplanches, Dominique, Freyssenet, Damien, Klossner, Stephan, Bottinelli, Roberto and Flüeck, Martin (2009) Focal adhesion kinase is a load-dependent governor of the slow contractile and oxidative muscle phenotype. The Journal of Physiology, 587 (14). pp. 3703-3717. ISSN 1469-7793
Easton, Catherine (2009) An examination of clicker technology use in legal education. Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT) (3). ISSN 1361-4169
Edensor, Timothy J. and Millington, Steve (2009) Illuminations, class identities and the contested landscapes of Christmas. Sociology, 43 (1). pp. 103-121. ISSN 0038-0385
Edmonds, Bruce, Norling, Emma and Hales, David (2009) Towards the evolution of social structure. Computational and mathematical organization theory, 15 (2). pp. 78-94. ISSN 1572-9346
Edwards, Lindsay M., Jobson, Simon A., George, Simon R., Day, Stephen H. and Nevill, Alan M. (2009) Whole-body efficiency is negatively correlated with minimum torque per duty cycle in trained cyclists. Journal of sports sciences, 27 (4). pp. 319-325. ISSN 0264-0414
Edwards, Phil (2009) ‘Veniamo da Lontano e Andiamo Lontano’: the Italian Left and the problem of transition. Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 (2). pp. 211-32.
Erskine, Robert M., Jones, David A., Maganaris, Constantinos N. and Degens, Hans (2009) In vivo specific tension of the human quadriceps femoris muscle. European journal of applied physiology, 106 (6). pp. 827-38. ISSN 1439-6319 (Unpublished)
Fenemore, Mark (2009) The recent historiography of sexuality in twentieth-century Germany. The historical journal, 52 (3). pp. 763-779. ISSN 0018-246X
Flewitt, R ORCID:, Nind, M and Payler, J
'If she's left with books she'll just eat them': considering inclusive multimodal literacy practices.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 9 (2).
pp. 211-233.
ISSN 1468-7984
Flueck, Martin (2009) Plasticity of the muscle proteome to exercise at altitude. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 10 (2). pp. 183-193. ISSN 1557-8682
Foniok, J, Fukuda, K, Gaertner, B and Luethi, H-J (2009) Pivoting in Linear Complementarity: Two Polynomial-Time Cases. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 42. ISSN 0179-5376
Foniok, J and Tardif, C (2009) Adjoint functors and tree duality. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 11. ISSN 1365-8050
Fox, Chris, Smyth, Graham and Williams, P. (2009) Findings from an interim evaluation of Peer Panels – a form of restorative justice. Cahiers Politiestudies, 2 (11). pp. 159-172. ISSN 1784-5300
Frankham, Jo and Edwards-Kerr, Deon (2009) Long story … beyond 'technologies' of knowing in case study work with permanently excluded young people. International journal of inclusive education, 13 (4). pp. 409-422. ISSN 1464-5173
Fraser, Nuran and Fraser, John (2009) Lean six sigma applied to supply chains within a services organisation – a practical solution. International journal of knowledge and learning, 5 (1). pp. 62-80. ISSN 1741-1017
Freeman, J. A., Kelly, P. J., West, G. T., Bradley, J. W. and Iordanova, I. (2009) The effects of composition and pulsed biasing on chromium nitride films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 204 (6-7). pp. 907-910. ISSN 0257-8972
Fuglestvedt, Jan, Berntsen, Terje, Eyring, Veronika, Isaksen, Ivar, Lee, David S. and Sausen, Robert (2009) Shipping emissions: from cooling to warming of climate—and reducing impacts on health. Environmental science & technology, 43 (24). pp. 9057-9062. ISSN 1520-5851
Galan, JM, Izquierdo, LR, Izquierdo, SS, Santos, JI, del Olmo, R, Lopez-Paredes, A and Edmonds, BM (2009) Errors and Artefacts in Agent-Based Modelling. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 12 (1). p. 1. ISSN 1460-7425
Gamble, Jos and Huang, Qihai (2009) One store, two employment systems: core, periphery and flexibility in China's retail sector. British journal of industrial relations, 47 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1467-8543
Garratt, Dean and Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda (2009) Academic identities in flux: ambivalent articulations in a post-1992 university. Power and Education, 1 (3). 307 -318. ISSN 1757-7438
Garrett, SJ, HUSSAIN, Z and STEPHEN, SO (2009) The cross-flow instability of the boundary layer on a rotating cone. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 622. ISSN 0022-1120
Gilroy, David Peter and McNamara, Olwen (2009) A critical history of research assessment in the United Kingdom and its post-1992 impact on education. Journal of education for teaching, 35 (4). pp. 321-335. ISSN 0260-7476
Giovanis, E (2009) Calendar Effects in Fifty-five Stock Market Indices. Global Journal of Finance and Management (GJFM), 1 (2). pp. 75-98. ISSN 0975-6477
Gregory, Ian N and Cooper, David (2009) Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: a literary GIS of two Lake District tours. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 3 (1-2). pp. 61-84. ISSN 1753-8548
Grimshaw, Anna and Ravetz, Amanda (2009) Rethinking observational cinema. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 15 (3). pp. 538-556. ISSN 1467-9655
Haigh, Carol and Neville, Lillian (2009) A time to live, a time to die? An exploration of the arguments surrounding the legalisation of assisted suicide - editorial. Journal of clinical nursing, 18 (23). pp. 3213-3215. ISSN 0962-1067
Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda and Adnett, Nick (2009) Empowerment or prescription? Workforce remodelling at the national and school level. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 37 (2). pp. 180-197. ISSN 1741-1432
Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda and Qualter, Anne (2009) Chasing improved pupil performance: the impact of policy change on school educators’ perceptions of their professional identity, the case of further change in English schools. British Educational Research Journal, 36 (6). pp. 903-917. ISSN 1469-3518
Hammersley-Fletcher, Linda and Qualter, Anne (2009) From schools to Higher Education – neoliberal agendas and implications for autonomy. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 41 (4). pp. 363-375. ISSN 1478-7431
Hanley, Keith and Dickinson, Rachel (2009) Introduction: nineteenth-century cultural travel. Prose Studies, 31 (2). pp. 89-92. ISSN 1743-9426
Hardill, Irene and Baines, Susan (2009) Active citizenship in later life: older volunteers in a deprived community in England. The professional geographer, 61 (1). pp. 36-45. ISSN 0033-0124
Hardill, Irene and Baines, Susan (2009) Personal reflections on Knowledge Transfer and changing UK research priorities. Twenty-first century society, 4 (1). pp. 83-96. ISSN 1745-0144
Heeks, Richard and Arun, Shoba (2009) Social outsourcing as a development tool: the impact of outsourcing IT services to women's social enterprises in Kerala. Journal of International Development, 22 (4). 441 - 454. ISSN 1099-1328
Heywood, Laura and Smyth, Graham (2009) Peer panels: an innovative approach to restorative justice? Safer Communities, 8 (3). pp. 39-47. ISSN 1757-8043
Highton, Louise, Kadara, Rashid O, Jenkinson, Norman, Riehl, Bill Logan and Banks, Craig E ORCID:
Metallic free carbon nanotube cluster modified screen printed electrodes for the sensing of nicotine in artificial saliva.
Electroanalysis, 21 (21).
pp. 2387-2389.
ISSN 1040-0397
Hillman, Mick (2009) Integrating knowledge: the key challenge for a new paradigm in river management. Geography compass, 3 (6). pp. 1988-2010. ISSN 1749-8198
Hollomotz, Andrea (2009) Beyond ‘vulnerability’: an ecological model approach to conceptualizing risk of sexual violence against people with learning difficulties. British journal of social work, 39 (1). pp. 99-112. ISSN 1468-263X
Hollomotz, Andrea (2009) 'May we please have sex tonight?'– people with learning difficulties pursuing privacy in residential group settings. British journal of learning disabilities, 37 (2). pp. 91-97. ISSN 1468-3156
Hollomotz, Andrea (2009) Selbstbestimmung, Privatsphäre und Sexualität in Wohneinrichtungen für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in England. Behinderte Menschen (2/3). ISSN 1561-2791
Holmes, Rachel (2009) Theatre of the self: autobiography as performance. International journal of qualitative studies in education, 22 (4). pp. 399-416. ISSN 1366-5898
Hoon, Steve R., Thomas, Andrew D. and Linton, Patricia E. (2009) The design and development of a closed chamber for the in-situ quantification of dryland soil carbon dioxide fluxes. Geographical research, 47 (1). pp. 71-82. ISSN 1745-5863
Hope, Andrew (2009) CCTV, school surveillance and social control. British educational research journal, 35 (6). pp. 891-907. ISSN 1469-3518
Hughes, Joyce G. (2009) “When I first started going I was going in on my knees, but I came out and I was skipping”: exploring rheumatoid arthritis patients’ perceptions of receiving treatment with acupuncture. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 17 (5-6). pp. 269-273. ISSN 1873-6963
Hurlock, Kathryn (2009) The Welsh wife of Malcolm, Earl of Fife (d.1266): an alternative suggestion. The Scottish historical review, 88 (2). pp. 352-355. ISSN 0036-9241
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) Is the Bush Revolution over? International Politics, 46 (2-3). pp. 157-176. ISSN 1740-3898
Hussain, S, Slevin, M, Ahmed, N, West, D, Choudhary, MI, Naz, H and Gaffney, J (2009) Stilbene glycosides are natural product inhibitors of FGF-2-induced angiogenesis. BMC Cell Biology, 10. ISSN 1471-2121
Hynes, Deirdre (2009) Users as designers: the internet in everyday life in Irish households. Anthropology in action, 16 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1752-2285
Illingworth, SM, Remedios, JJ and Parker, RJ (2009) Intercomparison of integrated IASI and AATSR calibrated radiances at 11 and 12 μm. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9. (Unpublished)
Ingram, David M., Gao, Feng, Causon, Derek M., Mingham, Clive G. and Troch, Peter (2009) Numerical investigations of wave overtopping at coastal structures. Coastal Engineering, 56 (2). pp. 190-202. ISSN 0378-3839
Iwnicki, Simon D. (2009) Future trends in railway engineering. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science, 223 (12). pp. 2743-2750. ISSN 2041-2983
Jacobs, Susie (2009) Gender and land reforms: comparative perspectives. Geography compass, 3 (5). pp. 1675-1687. ISSN 1749-8198
James, David (2009) A critical analysis of the portrayal of ‘race’ in It Ain't Half Hot Mum. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 6 (3). pp. 370-386. ISSN 1755-1714
Jayawarna, Dilani and Holt, Robin (2009) Knowledge and quality management: an R&D perspective. Technovation, 29 (11). pp. 775-785. ISSN 0166-4972
Johnson, Amanda ORCID:, Doherty, Patrick Joseph and Freemont, Anthony
Investigation of growth, development, and factors associated with injury in elite schoolboy footballers: prospective study.
BMJ, 338 (7696).
ISSN 1759-2151
Johnson, OE, Mbada, CE, Akosile, CO and Agbeja, OA (2009) Isometric endurance of the back extensors in school-aged adolescents with and without low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 22 (4). pp. 205-211. ISSN 1053-8127
Johnson, Samantha T. (2009) Jews in the Russian Army, 1827-1917. Drafted into modernity. East European Jewish affairs, 39 (3). pp. 408-410. ISSN 0038-545X
Jones, Rosalind and Rowley, Jennifer (2009) Marketing activities of companies in the educational software sector. Qualitative market research: an international journal, 12 (3). pp. 337-354. ISSN 1352-2752 (Unpublished)
Jones, Rosie (2009) The Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) 2009. Ariadne (59). ISSN 1361-3200
Jones, Rosie and Whitton, Nicola (2009) ARGOSI : Alternate Reality Games for Orientation, Socialisation and Induction. Learning and Teaching in Action, 18 (1). ISSN 1477-1241
Kadara, Rashid O, Jenkinson, Norman and Banks, Craig E ORCID:
Disposable bismuth oxide screen printed electrodes for the high throughput screening of heavy metals.
Electroanalysis, 21 (22).
pp. 2410-2414.
ISSN 1040-0397
Kadara, Rashid O, Jenkinson, Norman and Banks, Craig E ORCID:
Screen printed recessed microelectrode arrays.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 142 (1).
pp. 342-346.
ISSN 0925-4005
Kahuni, Abel Tasiyana, Rowley, Jennifer and Binsardi, Arnaz (2009) Guilty by association: image ‘spill-over’ in corporate co-branding. Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (1). pp. 52-63. ISSN 1479-1889
Kelly, P. J., Li, H., Whitehead, K. A., Verran, J., Arnell, R. D. and Iordanova, I. (2009) A study of the antimicrobial and tribological properties of TiN/Ag nanocomposite coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 204 (6-7). pp. 1137-1140. ISSN 0257-8972
Kidd, Debra (2009) Assessment as an act of love. Teaching Times, 9 (3).
Kidd, Debra (2009) Formative assessment models and their impact on Initial Teacher Training. Learning and teaching in action, 8 (1). pp. 21-28. ISSN 1477-1241
Kidd, Debra (2009) Hats off to collaboration. Teaching, Thinking and Creativity, 10 (1). ISSN 1750-7138
Kirk, Neville, MacRaild, Donald M. and Nolan, Melanie (2009) Introduction: transnational ideas, activities, and organizations in labour history 1860s to 1920s. Labour history review, 74 (3). pp. 221-232. ISSN 0961-5652
Klesse, Christian (2009) Autoethnografie als Methode kritischer Sexualforschung. Zeitschrift fuer Sexualforschung, 22 (4). pp. 353-358. ISSN 1438-9460
Kumar, M. and Burman, E. (2009) Editorial. Journal of health management, 11 (2). pp. 265-278. ISSN 0972-0634
Kumar, M. and Burman, E. (2009) Editorial. Journal of health management, 11 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0972-0634
Kuznetsov, Andrei, Kuznetsova, Olga and Warren, Richard (2009) CSR and the legitimacy of business in transition economies: the case of Russia. Scandianvian Journal of Management, 25 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 0956-5221
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Book Section
Ahsan, F, Djahel, S, Naidit-Abdesselam, F and Mohsin, S (2009) Neighbor based channel hopping coordination: Practical against jammer? In: Local Computer Networks, LCN 2009. IEEE 34th Conference on 20 - 30 October 2009. IEEE, pp. 993-998. ISBN 9781424444885
Ariza, Pura and Gwynn, Debs (2009) Modern foreign languages. In: Equality in the secondary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum. Continuum Books. ISBN 9781847061010
Arun, Shoba (2009) 'Caring' professionals: global migration and gendered cultural economy. In: Work and life in the global economy: a gendered analysis of service work. Palgrave. ISBN 9780230580848
Banham, Gary (2009) The continental tradition: Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche. In: The Continuum companion to continental philosophy. Continuum. ISBN 9780826498304
Bates, Jane and Lewis, Sue E. (2009) Education and employability. In: , Education studies: an issue-based approach. Learning Matters. ISBN 9781844452736
Batsleer, Janet R. (2009) Commentary 4: methods and frameworks. In: A handbook of children and young people's participation. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-46851-0
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Biswell, Andrew M. (2009) The age of anxiety. In: English anxieties. Photoworks. ISBN 978-1-872-771-72-4
Black, Laura, Mendick, Heather, Rodd, Melissa, Solomon, Yvette and Brown, Margaret (2009) Pain, pleasure and power: selecting and assessing defended subjects. In: Mathematical relationships in education: identities and participation. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-99684-6
Bunting, Kirsty (2009) Dreams of futurity in 'Votes for Men' and ‘The Dark Cottage’. In: Mary Cholmondeley reconsidered. Pickering & Chatto. ISBN 9781851966561
Burman, Erica (2009) Between justice and pathologisation: juxtapositions of epistemic and material violence in transnational research around migration and domestic violence. In: Researching violence, democracy and the rights of people. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-47877-9
Burman, Erica (2009) Narratives of challenging research: stirring tales of politics and practice. In: , Life-story research. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781412935883
Butcher, Valerie (2009) Midday supervisors. In: School management and multi-professional partnerships. Continuum. ISBN 082649465X
Cammack, Paul (2009) Why are some people better off than others? In: Global politics: a new introduction. Routledge. ISBN 9780415431316
Colley, Helen (2009) Time in learning transitions through the lifecourse: a feminist perspective. In: Transitions and learning through the lifecourse. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-48174-8
Coulbeck, Joy (2009) Teaching assistants. In: School management and multi-professional partnerships. Continuum. ISBN 082649465X
Delaney, CA, Hambrey, MJ, Christoffersen, P, Glasser, NF and Hubbard, B (2009) Seasonal controls on deposition of Late Devensian glaciolacustrine sediments, Central ireland: Implications for the construction of a varve chronology for the British-Irish ice sheet. In: Glacial sedimentary processes and products. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781444304442
Di Ciolla, Nicoletta (2009) Bourgeois portraits inside-outside: family groups in the narrative fiction of Gianni Farinetti. In: Italy and the bourgeoisie: the re-thinking of a class. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. ISBN 0838642020
Dickinson, Rachel (2009) Ruskinian moral authority and theatre's ideal woman. In: Ruskin, the theatre and Victorian visual culture. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 58-73. ISBN 9780230200593 (hardcover); 9780230236790 (ebook)
Djahel, S, Naït-Abdesselam, F and Khokhar, A (2009) A cross layer framework to mitigate a joint MAC and routing attack in multihop wireless networks. In: Local Computer Networks, LCN 2009. IEEE 34th Conference on 20-23 October. 2009. IEEE, pp. 730-737. ISBN 9781424444885
Duerden, Rachel S. (2009) Transfigurations: changing sensibilities in two choreographies to Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht. In: Duerden, R. S. Transfigurations: changing sensibilities in two choreographies to Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht. In Tanz im Musiktheater - Tanz als Musiktheater. Bericht eines internationalen Symposions über Beziehungen von Tanz und Musik im Theater. Thurna. Konigshausen & Neumann. ISBN 978-3-8260-4083-2
Edensor, Timothy J. (2009) Introduction: rethinking creativity: critiquing the creative class thesis. In: Spaces of Vernacular Creativity: Rethinking the Cultural Economy. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-48095-6
Edensor, Timothy J. (2009) National spatialities. In: Edensor, T.J. National spatialities. In R. Kitchen and N. Thrift The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, vol 7. Oxford: Elsevier, 2009, pp. 242-247. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-044911-1
Edensor, Timothy J. (2009) Tourism and performance. In: The SAGE Handbook of Tourism Studies. Sage. ISBN 9781412923972
Edensor, Timothy J. and Millington, Steve (2009) Christmas light displays and the creative production of economies of generosity. In: Spaces of vernacular creativity. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-48095-6
Edensor, Timothy J. and Millington, Steve (2009) Going to the match: the transformation of the match-day routine in English premier league football. In: Stadium worlds: football, space and the built environment. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-54904-2
Edmonds, Bruce (2009) Three challenges for the survival of memetics. In: Philosophy after Darwin: classic and contemporary readings. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9781400831296
Edwards, Phil (2009) Putting the responsible majority back in charge: New Labour’s punitive politics of respect. In: Edwards, P. Putting the responsible majority back in charge: New Labour’s punitive politics of respect. In P. Scott, C. Baker & E. Graham (eds.) Remoralizing Britain? Political, ethical and theological perspectives on New Labour, London: Continuum, 2009. Continuum. ISBN 9780826424655
Flewitt, Rosie ORCID:
Reading Transformations.
Children's Literature: Approaches and Territories.
Red Globe Press.
ISBN 9780230227132
Garoufallou, Emmanouel, Siatri, Rania and Hartley, Richard J. (2009) Users and digital libraries: an insightful story. In: Evaluation of Digital Libraries: an Insight of Useful Applications and Methods. Chandos Publishing. ISBN 9781843344841
Garratt, Dean and Piper, Heather (2009) Inclusive education: where are the gypsies and travellers? In: Exploring key issues in education. Continuum. ISBN 9781847060846
Grimm, Robert and Milestone, Katie (2009) Manchester, Huddersfield: place, culture and urban change. In: Comeback cities: transformation strategies for former industrial cities. NAI Publishers. ISBN 978-90-5662-707-2
Hall, Nigel and Sing, Sue (2009) Developing an understanding of punctuation. In: The Sage handbook of writing development. Sage Publications. ISBN 9781412948463
Hall, Nigel and Sing, Sue (2009) Listening to children think about punctuation. In: Why writing matters: issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027218070
Hartley, Richard J. (2009) Folksonomies to ontologies: the changing nature of controlled vocabularies. In: Access, delivery, performance: the future of libraries without walls: a festschrift to celebrate the work of Professor Peter Brophy. Facet. ISBN 1856046478
Herrero, Carmen (2009) Diálogo intercultural en el cine británico. In: Herrero, C. Diálogo intercultural en el cine británico. In El diálogo intercultural, García Martínez, A. ed. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2009. Universidad de Murcia.
Herrero, Carmen (2009) Metaficción y arquetipo héroico en la narrativa de Juan Manuel de Prada. In: Tradition and Modernity: Cervantes's Presence in Spanish Contemporary Literature. Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN 978-3-03911-526-6
Herrero, Carmen (2009) Reflections of female scorn: un cos al bosc (1996, Joaquim Jordà) and el alquimista impaciente (2002, Patricia Ferreira). In: Herrero, C. Reflections of female scorn: un cos al bosc (1996, Joaquim Jordà) and el alquimista impaciente (2002, Patricia Ferreira). In Policiers et Criminels: Un Genre Populaire Européen sur Grand et Petit Écrans, R. Moine, B. Rollet & G. Sellier, eds. L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-08192-5
Hick, P and Thomas, G (2009) Editors' Introduction. In: Inclusion and Diversity in Education: Volume 1: Inclusive Education as Social Justice. Sage Publications. ISBN 9781412947091
Hick, Peter and Wrigley, Terry (2009) Promoting equality: pedagogy and policy. In: Equality in the secondary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum. Continuum. ISBN 9781847061010
Hodge, Joanna (2009) Topography of the border: Derrida rewriting transcendental aesthetics. In: The catastrophic imperative: subjectivity, time and memory in contemporary thought. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230552852
Holloway, Julian (2009) Dialogism (after Bakhtin). In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier. ISBN 9780080449111
Hoon, Steve R., Sherratt, S. L., North, L. J., Cassidy, N. J. and Haycock, P.W (2009) A ferromagnetic resonance probe. In: Concrete solutions. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-415-55082-6
Hope, Andrew (2009) Seductions of risk, social control and resistance to school surveillance. In: Schools under surveillance: cultures of control in public education. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-4679-7
Horner, Avril and Zlosnik, Sue (2009) Keeping it in the family: incest and the female gothic plot in du Maurier and Murdoch. In: The female gothic: new directions. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230222717
Howitt, Richard and Hillman, Mick (2009) Environmental justice and the commons. In: The SAGE handbook of social geographies, London: SAGE, 2009, pp. SAGE. ISBN 9781412935593
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) Parties, partisanship and US foreign policy: the growing divide. In: New directions in US foreign policy. Routledge. ISBN 9780415777490
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) Reforming the national security apparatus. In: Assessing the Gearge W. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748627400
Hutchinson, Anthony Philip A. and Loughlin, Michael (2009) Why teach philosophy? In: Hutchinson, P. and Loughlin, M. Why teach philosophy? London: Continuum, 2009. Continuum Books. ISBN 9781847062437
Hynes, Deirdre and Richardson, Helen J. (2009) What use is domestication theory to information systems research? In: The handbook of research on contemporary theoretical models in information systems. Ideas Publishing Group. ISBN 1605666599
Jackson, Richard, Murphy, Eamon and Poynting, Scott (2009) Terrorism, the state and the study of political terror - introduction. In: Contemporary state terrorism: theory and practice. Routledge. ISBN 9780415498012
Jacobs, Susie (2009) Land reforms, land titling and gender dilemmas in Africa: an exploration of issues. In: Power, gender and social change in Africa. Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 9781443805827
Jones, Christopher (2009) Cultural identity in Swiss German detective fiction. In: Investigating identities: questions of identity in contemporary international crime fiction. Rodopi. ISBN 9042025298
Kench, Paul, Perry, Christopher T. and Spencer, Thomas (2009) Coral reefs. In: , Geomorphology and global environmental change. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521878128
Klesse, Christian (2009) Paradoxes in gender relations: [Post] feminism and bisexual polyamory. In: Understanding non-monogamies. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-80055-6
Kuznetsova, Olga and Kuznetsov, Andrei (2009) Corporate governance in russia: concept and reality. In: Accounting reform in transition and developing economies. Springer US. ISBN 978-0-387-25708-2
Light, Duncan, Young, Craig and Czepczynski, Mariousz (2009) Heritage tourism in East and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. In: Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Developing World. Routledge. ISBN 9780415776226
MacKian, Sara and Goldring, John E. (2009) 'What's he looking at me for?' Implications of age and generation for gay men's health promotion. In: LGBT issues: looking beyond the categories. Dunedin Academic Press. ISBN 9781906716059
Mackaness, William A. and Chaudhry, Omair Z. (2009) Generalization. In: International encyclopedia of human geography, Oxford: Elsevier, 2009, pp. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-044910-4
Mayhew, Jenny (2009) Godly beds of pain: pain in English protestant manuals (ca. 1550-1650). In: The sense of suffering: constructions of physical pain in early modern culture. Brill. ISBN 9789004172470
McLaughlin, KP (2009) Catalina Clara Ramírez de Guzmán y Vicente Díaz de Montoya: Un curioso intercambio literario. In: Silva de Estudios en Homenaje a Mariano Fernández Daza, IX Marqués de la Encomienda. Centro Universitario Santa Ana, Almendralejo, pp. 269-280. ISBN 8479300957
Ormrod, JM (2009) Representing 'Authentic' Surfer Identities in 'Pure' Surf Films. In: On The Edge: Representing Adventure Sports. Leisure Studies Association, Eastbourne, pp. 17-42. ISBN 1905369158
Ormrod, JM and Wheaton, B (2009) Introduction: On the edge: leisure, consumption and the representation of adventure sports. In: On the Edge: Leisure, Consumption and the Representation of Adventure Sports. Leisure Studies Association, Eastbourne. ISBN 1905369158
Pal, John W. (2009) The retail game: case study. In: Pal. J.W. The retail game: case study. In N. Whitton. Learning with digital games: a practical guide to engaging students in higher education. London: Routledge, 2009. Routeldge. ISBN 0415997755
Pearce, Cathie (2009) Passionate places and fragmented spaces. In: Researching violence, democracy and the rights of people. Routledge. ISBN 9780203863602
Piper, Heather and Piper, John (2009) Reflections on educational research and transformations in South Africa. In: Educational research and transformation in South Africa. Science Africa. ISBN 9781875050017
Poynting, Scott (2009) Scouring the shire. In: Lines in the sand: the Cronulla riots, multiculturalism and national belonging. University of Sydney, Institute of Criminology. ISBN 9780975196786
Poynting, Scott (2009) “We are all in Guantanamo”: state terror and the case of Mamdouh Habib. In: Contemporary state terrorism: theory and practice. Routledge. ISBN 9780415498012
Poynting, Scott, Tabar, Paul and Noble, Greg (2009) Looking for respect: Lebanese immigrant young men in Australia. In: Migrant men: critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience. Routledge. ISBN 9780415994859
Poynting, Scott and White, Rob (2009) Youth work: challenging the soft cop syndrome. In: Concepts and methods of youth work. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies. ISBN 9781875236619
Rounce, Adam (2009) Toil and envy: unsuccessful responses to Johnson’s Lives of the Poets. In: Samuel Johnson after 300 years. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521888219
Royle, Nicholas (2009) Last drink bird head. In: Last drink bird head. Wyrm Publishing. ISBN 9781890464127
Royle, Nicholas (2009) Unfollow. In: Royle, N. Unfollow. In the British Fantasy Society yearbook 2009. Stoke-on-Trent: British Fantasy Society, 2009. British Fantasy Society.
Royle, Nicholas (2009) The goldfinch. In: British invasion. Cemetery Dance Publications. ISBN 9781587671753
Royle, Nicholas (2009) The reunion. In: Poe: 18 new tales inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Solaris Books. ISBN 9781844166527
Saunders, Lesley and Somekh, Bridget (2009) Action research and educational change: teachers as innovators. In: The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research. Sage Publications Ltd.. ISBN 9781412947084
Schostak, Jill and Schostak, John F. (2009) Values, violence and rights. In: Researching violence, democracy and the rights of people. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-47877-9
Schostak, Jill and Schostak, John F. (2009) Writing for emancipatory research. In: Researching violence, democracy and the rights of people. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-47877-9
Scott-Jones, Julie (2009) Fundamentalism and global security. In: Globalization and security: an encyclopedia. Praeger Publishing. ISBN 9780275996925
Sears, John (2009) The dimension of the present moment: George Szirtes' Bridge Passages and the Hungarian experience of 1989. In: When the world turned upside-down: cultural representation of post-1989 Eastern Europe. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781443805520
Selwyn, Neil and Facer, Keri (2009) Beyond digital divide: towards an agenda for change. In: Handbook of research on overcoming digital divides: constructing an equitable and competitive information society. IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-60566-699-0
Smith, Dave, Hale, Bruce D. and Rhea, Deborah (2009) Big, buff and dependent: exercise dependence, muscle dysmorphia and anabolic steroid use in bodybuilders. In: Smith, D., Hale, B., Rhea, D. Big, buff and dependent: exercise dependence, muscle dysmorphia and anabolic steroid use in bodybuilders. In L. J. Katlin. Men and addictions: new research. New York: Nova Science, 2009. Nova Science. ISBN 9781606920985
Somekh, Bridget (2009) Agency through action research: constructing active identities from theoretical models and metaphors. In: The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research. Sage Publications Ltd.. ISBN 9781412947084
Somekh, Bridget and Lewin, Cathy (2009) Transforming students' learning: how digital technologies could be used to change the social practices of schools. In: Learning in the network society and the digitized school. Nova Science. ISBN 16074117275
Somers-Hall, Henry (2009) Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty: aesthetics of difference. In: Somers-Hall, H. Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty: aesthetics of difference. In C. V. Boundas, Gilles Deleuze: the intensive reduction. London: Continuum, 2009. Continuum Books. ISBN 9781847065179
Somers-Hall, Henry (2009) Transcendental illusion and antinomy in Kant and Deleuze. In: Thinking between Deleuze and Kant: a trange encounter. Continuum Books. ISBN 9781847065940
Stronach, Ian and Piper, Heather (2009) The touching example of Summerhill School. In: Alternative education for the 21st century: philosophies, approaches, visions. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0230602762
Torrance, Harry (2009) Pursuing the wrong indicators? The development and impact of test-based accountability. In: The SAGE international handbook of educational evaluation. SAGE. ISBN 9781412940689
Vassilakaki, Evgenia, Johnson, Frances C., Hartley, Richard J. and Randall, David (2009) A study of users’ image seeking behaviour in FlickLing. In: Vassilakaki, E., Johnson, F. C., Hartley, R. J. amd Randall. D. A study of users’ image seeking behaviour in FlickLing. In Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access. 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 20. Springer. ISBN 3642044468
Whitton, Nicola (2009) Learning and teaching with computer games in higher education. In: Games-Based Learning Advancements for Multi-Sensory Human Computer Interfaces: Techniques and Effective Practices. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9781605663609 (Unpublished)
Wilkinson, Julie (2009) Playwrights, agencies and dramaturgy. In: Wilkinson, J. Playwrights, agencies and dramaturgy. In Writ large: new writing on the English stage 2003–2009. London: Arts Council England, 2009. Arts Council England.
Williams, Alun G. and Wackerhage, Henning (2009) Genetic testing of athletes. In: Genetics and Sports. Medicine and Sport Science (54). S. Karger AG, pp. 176-186. ISBN 9783805590273 (print); 9783805590280 (ebook)
Wyse, Dominic, McCreery, Elaine and Torrance, Harry ORCID:
The trajectory and impact of national reform: curriculum and assessment in english primary schools.
The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780203121672
Birrell, Duncan, Dobreva, Milena, Dunsire, Gordon, Griffiths, Jillian R., Hartley, Richard J. and Menzies, Kathleen (2009) DiSCmap: Digitisation of Special Collections: mapping, assessment, prioritisation. UNSPECIFIED. Centre for Digital Library Research (CDLR), University of Strathclyde.
Cammack, Paul (2009) All power to global capital! Discussion Paper. Papers in the politics of global competitiiveness.
Duffy, Deirdre ORCID:, Roberts, Simon, Unell, Judith, Stafford, Bruce and Ross, Julia
Literature Review on the Impact of Family Breakdown on Children: A report to the European Commission.
Research Report.
European Commission.
Duffy, Deirdre ORCID: and Stafford, Bruce
Review of evidence on the impact of economic downturn on disadvantaged groups.
Working Paper.
Department of Work and Pensions.
Evans, M, Cooper, R, Williams, A, Hodgson, L, Sun, Q and Hall, NA (2009) Design 2020: The Future of the UK Design Industry – An investigation into the threats and opportunities for the UK design industry over the next 10 to 15 years. UNSPECIFIED. Lancaster University & University of Salford.
Kagan, Carolyn and Duggan, Karen (2009) Breaking down barriers: universities and communities working together. UNSPECIFIED. RIHSC: Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Kelly, Aiden, Morris, Huw and Harvey, Charles (2009) Modelling the outcome of the UK business and management studies RAE 2008 with reference to the ABS Journal Quality Guide. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Lewis, Suzan, Smithson, Janet, Brannen, Julia, Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Kugelberg, Clarissa, Nilsen, Ann and O'Conner, Pat (2009) Futures on hold: young Europeans talk about combining work and family. UNSPECIFIED. IOD Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Parkinson, Clive and Garner, Charlotte (2009) Fully engaged and culturally connected: Derbyshire County Primary Care Trust and Derbyshire community health services; the arts, health and well-being. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Seynnes, Olivier Roger, Maffiuletti, Nicola A., Horstman, Astrid M. and Narici, Marco V. (2009) Increased H-reflex excitability is not accompanied by changes in neural drive following 24 days of unilateral lower limb suspension. UNSPECIFIED. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
Wong, Kevin and Hartworth, Christopher (2009) Integrated Offender Management and Third Sector Engagement: Case studies of four pioneer sites. UNSPECIFIED. Nacro.
Wright, SJ, Gray, P ORCID:, Watts, E, McAteer, L, Hazel, N, Liddle, M and Haines, K
Evaluation of the Early Parenting Intervention Programme for drug-misusing parents.
Project Report.
Swansea University.
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Babenyshev, Sergey and Rybakov, Vladimir V. (2009) Describing evolutions of multi-agent systems. In: 13th International Conference, KES 2009, 28th September 2009 - 30th September 2009, Santiago, Chile.
Babenyshev, Sergey and Rybakov, Vladimir V. (2009) Temporal logic for modeling discovery and logical uncertainty. In: 13th International Conference, KES 2009, 28th September 2009 - 30th September 2009, Santiago, Chile.
Baron, A, Rayson, P and Archer, DE (2009) Automatic Standardization of Spelling for Historical Text Mining. In: Digital Humanities 2009, 22 June 2009 - 25 June 2009, University of Maryland, USA.
Bates, Jane and Lewis, Sue E. (2009) Autobiographical writing: a personal journey through education. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Baxter, J and Pheasey, CGM (2009) Effects of protein inclusion in carbohydrate drinks when consumed 50 minutes prior to a cycle to exhaustion. In: BASES Student Conference, 01 April 2009, Hull, UK. (Unpublished)
Binnie, J and Klesse, C ORCID:
Researching transnational solidarities around LGBTQ politics in Poland: brief reflections.
In: The Anglo-Polish Perspectives on Sexual Politics workshop, 03 July 2009 - 03 July 2009, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Bird, Peter, Stubbs, Mark A. and Whitton, Nicola (2009) Text in the city – competing “translations” in a Metropolitan University. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Birrell, Duncan, Dobreva, Milena, Dunsire, Gordon, Griffiths, Jillian R., Hartley, Richard J. and Menzies, Kathleen (2009) The DiSCmap project: overview and first results. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Boehm, C (2009) 2084 - Brave creative world: Creativity in the computer music curriculum. In: International Computer Music Conference.
Bull, Christopher M. (2009) A review of ethical theory in the ‘upper echelons’ of information systems research. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Clarke, Gregory, Mishra, Anurag, Kelly, Peter and Bradley, James (2009) Cathode current density distributions in high power impulse and direct current magnetron sputtering modes. In: Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE2008), 15th September 2008 - 19th September 2008, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Crockett, Keeley, Bandar, Zuhair A. and O'Shea, James (2009) Fuzzification of discrete attributes from financial data in fuzzy classification trees. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 20th August 2009 - 24th August 2009, Jeju, South Korea.
Day, Dave (2009) Walter Brickett: a respectable professor. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Degens, Hans, Morse, Christopher I. and Hopman, Maria T.E. (2009) Heterogeneity of capillary spacing in the hypertrophied plantaris muscle from young-adult and old rats. In: Annual meeting of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT), 2007, Uppsala, Sweden.
Duerden, Rachel S. (2009) Fantastic geographies: dancing Dido across continents, centuries and genders: from Ancient Rome, through Enlightenment London to Modern America. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Edmonds, BM (2009) The Nature of Noise. In: Second International Workshop, EPOS 2006, 05 October 2006 - 06 October 2006, Brescia, Italy.
Edwards, Phil (2009) Ending violent careers: stories from Milan and Moss Side. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Fenoglio, Rick and Taylor, Bill (2009) Give us back our game: the anatomy of a youth sports movement. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Frondigoun, Liz and Jones, Helen (2009) Innovative teaching: international connections in the e-classroom. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Gargica, A. and Taylor, Bill (2009) Long-term athlete development: a case of national governing body policy/practice slippage. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Gasir, Fathi, Bandar, Zuhair A. and Crockett, Keeley (2009) Elgasir: an algorithm for creating fuzzy regression trees. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 20th August 2009 - 24th August 2009, Jeju, South Korea.
Goldring, John E. (2009) Working on the margins of the gay community: how a self-help support group for gay married men promotes empowerment and growth. An ethnographic study. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Haase, Ullrich (2009) Nietzsche and Heidegger: questions on death and the future of life. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Hartshorn, Alexander and Eaves, Simon J. (2009) Performance profiling of elite modern association football referees. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Hayes, L and Pheasey, CGM (2009) The effect on hydration of consuming hypotonic, isotonic and water beverages during an 18-hole round of golf. In: BASES Student Conference, 01 April 2009, Hull, UK. (Unpublished)
Hekkala, Riitta, Urquhart, Cathy and Heiskanen, Ari (2009) Growing into the project culture: organisational learning and knowledge work in an inter-organisational IS project. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Hekkala, Riitta, Urquhart, Cathy and Ivari, Netta (2009) "Who is in charge and whose rules are followed?": power in an intra-organisational IS project. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Herrero, Carmen and Valbuena, Ana (2009) Nuevos alfabetismos en la clase de ELE a través del cine (New literacies in the ELE class through the cinema). In: II Educational Conference of the Instituto Cervantes, 03 July 2009 - 03 July 2009, Manchester.
Homan, Gillian and Ogilvie, Chrissy (2009) Everybody wins? Using the workplace as an arena for learning. In: 10th International Conference on Human Resource Development: Research and Practice across Europe, 10th June 2009 - 12th June 2009, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. (Unpublished)
Hope, Andrew (2009) Student resistance to the surveillance curriculum. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Hynes, Deirdre and Koivunen, Emma-Reetta (2009) Sun, sand and sweaters: a visual analysis of the touristic representations of Shetland. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Hynes, Deirdre, Vuojärvi, Hanna and Isomäki, Hannakaisa (2009) Domestication of a laptop on a wireless campus. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Kinn, Moshe ORCID:
An exploration of the technical and economic feasibility of a low powered DC voltage mains power supply in the domestic arena.
In: Green Building Power Forum, 1 June 2009 - 3 June 2009, Anaheim, California.
Kinn, Moshe ORCID: and Mutale, Joseph
Direct Current Voltage for Domestic Use: why change the way electricity has been consumed for over 120 years from Alternating Current (AC) to Direct Current (DC)?
In: Electrical Energy and Power Systems (EEPS) Group 2009, 1 August 2009, The University of Manchester, UK.
Latham, Melanie J. (2009) Plastic fantastic: cosmetic empowerment, aesthetics and autonomy. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Latif, Muhammad (2009) Simulation in bus manufacture. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Massey, J ORCID:
City of bits: young people, cyberspace and the city.
In: Youth, Media and Communication Seminar, 09 September 2009 - 09 September 2009, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
Massey, J ORCID: and Meyer, A
Dangerous liaisons: child sex offending and underage sex in the media and the law.
In: International Crime, Media and Popular Culture Studies Conference, 05 October 2009 - 07 October 2009, Indiana State University, USA.
McEwan, Islay M. and Taylor, Bill (2009) Fields of disappointment: disempowerment and professional [re]positioning in elite sports medicine. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
McEwan, Islay M. and Taylor, Bill (2009) Professional knowledge and shifting emplotments: a Bourdieusian analysis of practitioner discourse in elite sports medicine. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
McPhee, Jamie S., Degens, Hans, Jones, David A., Baar, Keith and Williams, Alun G. (2009) Individual variability in skeletal muscle metabolic response to endurance training in humans. In: Scientific Meeting of The Physiological Society, 2009, King's College London, UK.
Millwood, Richard, Powell, SJ and Tindal, Ian (2009) Undergraduate Student As Action-Researcher: Work-focused Learning. In: Vocational Awards Council Annual Conference (UVAC) Annual Conference, 2008., November 2008, York, Uk.
Mishra, Anurag, Clarke, Gregory, Kelly, Peter and Bradley, James (2009) High temporal resolution ion energy distribution functions in HiPIMS discharges. In: Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE2008), 15th September 2008 - 19th September 2008, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Moseley, Alex, Whitton, Nicola, Culver, Juliette and Piatt, Katie (2009) Motivation in alternate reality gaming environments and implications for education. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Norling, Emma (2009) On evaluating agents for serious games. In: AGS 2009, The First International Workshop on Agents for Games and Simulations, 11th May 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
Oldfield, Samantha-Jayne and Day, Dave (2009) Manchester pedestrianism 1840-1880: a collective biography of ‘sporting publicans’. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Oldfield, Samantha-Jayne and Day, Dave (2009) Serving the masses: sporting entrepreneurs in nineteenth century Manchester. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Osborough, Conor D. (2009) Supporting the coach with science: the Irish experience – invited address. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Osborough, Conor D. and Henderson, S. (2009) Effect of relay changeover position on skating speed for elite short track speed skaters. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Osborough, Conor D., Payton, Carl J. and Daly, Daniel J. (2009) Inter-arm coordination of competitive unilateral arm amputee front crawl swimmers. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Osborough, Conor D., Payton, Carl J. and Daly, Daniel J. (2009) Stroke parameters and arm coordination in competitive unilateral arm amputee front crawl swimmers. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Samaranayake, Meththa and Ainscough, John (2009) Graph drawing alogorithms based module placement. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Samaranayake, Meththa, Ji, Helen and Ainscough, John (2009) Development of a force directed module placement tool. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Samaranayake, Meththa, Ji, Helen and Ainscough, John (2009) A force directed macro cell placement tool. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Sasamoto, Ryoko (2009) Dyslexia and pragmatics. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Sasamoto, Ryoko (2009) What is formality – is it semantic or pragmatic? – A relevance theoretic re-analysis of reformulation markers tsumari and sunawachi. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Seynnes, Olivier Roger, Erskine, Robert M., Maganaris, Constantinos N. and Narici, Marco V. (2009) Training-induced changes in structural and mechanical properties of the patellar tendon are related to muscle hypertrophy but not to strength gains. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Sims, D and Pheasey, CGM (2009) The use of facemask or mouthpience-nose clip fixtures for the assessment of VO2 max: an examination of limits of agreement. In: BASES Student Conference 2009, 01 April 2009, Hull, UK. (Unpublished)
Taylor, Bill, Piper, Heather and Garratt, Dean (2009) Hands off: coaching, presumed guilt and the politics of touch. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Vasileiou, Magdalini (2009) An overview of the e-book market place: publishers and aggregators. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
West, Glen T., Kelly, Peter, Barker, Paul, Mishra, Anurag and Bradley, James (2009) Measurements of deposition rate and substrate heating in a HiPIMS discharge. In: Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE2008), 15th September 2008 - 19th September 2008, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Allmer, Patricia (2009) Angels of anarchy: women artists and surrealism. Prestel. ISBN 978-3791343655
Allmer, Patricia (2009) René Magritte: beyond painting. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0719079283
Armitage, Simon R. (2009) Gig: the life and times of a rock-star fantasist. Penguin. ISBN 9780141021249
Armitage, Simon R. and Dee, Tim (2009) The poetry of birds. Penguin. ISBN 9780670916412
Bates, Jane and Lewis, Sue E. (2009) The study of education: an introduction. Continuum. ISBN 978-0826499769
Bell, Barbara (2009) Sport studies. Learning Matters. ISBN 9781844451869
Black, Laura, Mendick, Heather and Solomon, Yvette (2009) Mathematical relationships in education: identities and participation. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-99684-6
Brittain, David (2009) The jet age compendium: Paolozzi at Ambit. Four Corners Books. ISBN 0954502582
Dickinson, Rachel (2009) John Ruskin's correspondence with Joan Severn: sense and nonsense letters. Legenda. ISBN 9781905981908
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) Mrs Scrooge. Picador. ISBN 9780330515115
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) New and collected poems for children. Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571219681
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) New selected poems, 1984-2004. Picador. ISBN 9780330433945
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) To the moon: an anthology of lunar poems. Picador. ISBN 9780330461313
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) The princess' blankets. Templar Books. ISBN 9781840112016
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) The tear thief. Barefoot Books. ISBN 9781846863943
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) The twelve poems of Christmas. Candlestick Press. ISBN 9780955894480
Duffy, Carol A. and Stewart, Joel (2009) Moon zoo. Macmillan. ISBN 9780230748057
Duffy, Carol A. and Stewart, Joel (2009) Underwater farmyard. Macmillan. ISBN 9780230748064
Edensor, Timothy J., Leslie, Deborah, Millington, Steve and Rantisi, Norma (2009) Spaces of vernacular creativity: rethinking the cultural economy. Routledge. ISBN 9780415480956
Edwards, Phil (2009) More work! Less pay: rebellion and repression in Italy, 1972–77. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719078736
Egan, Michelle, Nugent, Neill and Paterson, William E. (2009) Research agendas in EU studies: stalking the elephant. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230555259
Harrigan, Jane and El-Said, Hamed (2009) Aid and power in the Arab world: World Bank and IMF policy-based lending in the Middle East and North Africa. Palgrave. ISBN 0230211968
Harrigan, Jane and El-Said, Hamed (2009) Economic liberalisation, social capital and Islamic welfare provision. Palgrave. ISBN 0230202195
Heywood, David S. and Parker, Joan (2009) The pedagogy of physical science. Springer. ISBN 9781402052712
Hoodless, Pat, McCreery, Elaine, Bowen, Paul and Bermingham, Sue (2009) Teaching humanities in primary schools. Learning Matters. ISBN 978-1844452118
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) The United States and Iraq since 1979: hegemony, oil and war. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748627677
Jackson, Alecia Y. and Mazzei, Lisa A. (2009) Voice in qualitative inquiry: challenging conventional, interpretive, and critical conceptions in qualitative research. Routledge. ISBN 0415442214
Jacobs, Susie (2009) Gender and agrarian reforms. Routledge. ISBN 9780415376488
Judge, Brenda, Jones, Patrick and McCreery, Elaine (2009) Critical thinking skills for education students. Learning Matters. ISBN 978-1844452705
Lievesley, Geraldine A. and Ludlam, Steve (2009) Reclaiming Latin America: experiments in radical social democracy. Zed Books. ISBN 9781848131828
Magrs, Paul (2009) Conjugal rites. Headline. ISBN 9780755346431
Magrs, Paul (2009) Hell's belles. Headline. ISBN 9780755346448
Magrs, Paul (2009) Twelve stories. Salt Publishing. ISBN 9781844717200
Moorcroft, Raymond and Caton, Geoffrey (2009) School management and multi-professional partnerships. Continuum. ISBN 082649465X
Noffke, Susan and Somekh, Bridget (2009) The SAGE handbook of educational action research. SAGE. ISBN 9781412947084
Oldfield, Paul (2009) City and community in Norman Italy. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521898041
Parker, Ian (2009) Psychoanalytic mythologies. Anthem Press. ISBN 9780857289964
Piper, Heather, Piper, John and Mahlomaholo, Sechaba (2009) Educational research and transformation in South Africa. Science Africa. ISBN 9781875050017
Poynting, Scott (2009) Islamophobia and hate crime. Praeger. ISBN 9780275995751
Puig, Idoya (2009) Tradition and modernity : Cervantes's presence in Spanish comtemporary literature. Peter Lang. ISBN 303911526X
Satterthwaite, Jerome, Piper, Heather and Sikes, Pat (2009) Power in the academy. Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858564470
Schoene, Berthold (2009) The cosmopolitan novel. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748640034
Schostak, John F. and Schostak, Jill (2009) Researching violence, democracy and the rights of people. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-47878-6
Scraton, Phil and Chadwick, Kathryn (2009) The theoretical and political priorities of critical criminology. Willan. ISBN 978-1-84392-402-9
Sikes, Pat and Piper, Heather (2009) Researching sex and lies in the classroom: allegations of sexual misconduct in schools. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-48118-2
Sirven, Hélène and Screech, Matthew E. J. (2009) De la vulgarité en littérature : divagations sur un thème. L'Inventaire. ISBN 9782910490973
Spangler, Jonathan (2009) The society of princes: the Lorraine-Guise and the conservation of power and wealth in seventeenth-century France. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 0754658600
Stronach, Ian (2009) Globalizing education, educating the local: how method made us mad. Routledge. ISBN 0415431115
Whitton, Nicola (2009) Learning with digital games: a practical guide to engaging students in higher education. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-99774-4
Akhidime, Iduma Devine (2009) Aspects of Expanded Bed Nitrification Including Treatment of Oil Refinery Wastewaters. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Ashurst, Gail (2009) In the footsteps of 'The Wicker Man': personal mythopoesis and the processes of cult film fandom. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Day, Frederick George (2009) Thomas Hodgskin and economic progress; a radical reconstruction of his endogenous growth theory. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Kuma-Kpobee, Mercy Afi (2009) Determination of a sizing system for mass customisation of Ghanaian women's traditional dress: and a conceptual framework for small and medium scale enterprises. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Lingard, Paul (2009) Capacitance Based Virtual Instrument Mass Flow Measuring System. Masters by Research thesis (MSc), Manchester Metropolitan University.
McCarthy, Jillian W. (2009) The effects of e-learning on nurse identity construction. Doctoral thesis (EdD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
McVittie, Frederick E. (2009) The role of conceptual metaphor within knowledge paradigms. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Roberts, Michael Symmons (2009) Quickening. [Composition]
Petralia, Peter Salvatore (2009) Virtuoso (working title). [Video]
Banham, Gary (2009) Kant’s transcendental philosophy of nature. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Butters, Geoff, Craven, Jenny and Johnson, Frances C. (2009) Usability study of the Copac service: findings and recommendations of an independent usability study undertaken by CERLIM at Manchester Metropolitan University. Centre for Research in Library and Information Management, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Butters, Geoff, Griffiths, Jillian R. and Craven, Jenny (2009) M-Learning Project Report. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Facer, Keri (2009) Educational, social and technological futures: a report from the Beyond Current Horizons Programme. Futurelab.
Frankham, Jo (2009) Partnership research: a review of approaches and challenges in conducting research in partnership with service users. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.
Mackenzie, N and Linden, J (2009) Curating Knowledge - a discursive platform that aims to highlight the links between research activity and contemporary arts practices, and takes into account the different relationships the public can have with them. Axis Art Centre.
Taylor, Bill (2009) Coaching audit report for England Hockey. Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre.