Items where Division is "" and Year is 2012

Abouhnik, Abdelnasser Abouzid (2012) An Investigation into Vibration Based Techniques for Wind Turbine Blades Condition Monitoring. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Adu-Boakye, Stella (2012) Development of a conceptual framework relating to ready-to-wear clothing for Ghanaian women for manufacturing strategies. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Ahmed, Laura Jane (2012) Virtual microscopy for the assessment of competency and training for malaria diagnosis. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Ainslie, Mary Jane (2012) Contemporary Thai horror film: a monstrous hybrid. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Al-Ali, Omar Alkharji (2012) Tanlock based loop with improved performance. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Allsop, Catherine Amy (2012) An evaluation of base layer compression garments for sportswear. Masters by Research thesis (MSc), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Andrew, Rebecca Claire (2012) The leisure identities of rural youth: tradition, change and sense of place in Lakeland, 1930 – early 1950s. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Ashnibha, Rmdan Abdussalm (2012) An investigation into current and vibration signatures of three phase induction motors. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Atiah, Ali Saied Milad (2012) The use of late time response for stand off onbody concealed weapon detection. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Barron, Ian (2012) The potential and challenges of critical realist ethnography. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 36 (2). pp. 117-130. ISSN 1743-7288
Bates, Joanne (2012) Politics of Open Government Data: A Neo-Gramscian Analysis of the United Kingdom's Open Government Data Initiative. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Batsleer, Janet (2012) Dangerous spaces, dangerous memories, dangerous emotions: informal education and heteronormativity – a Manchester UK Youth Work vignette. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 33 (3). 345-360.. ISSN 1469-3739
Beetham, Helen, Powell, SJ, Griffiths, S and Calire, Eustance (2012) Enhancing learning by transforming curriculum approval and review. In: 17th Annual SEDA Conference, 15 November 2012 - 16 November 2012, Birmingham, UK.
Bell, Barbara (2012) Levelling the playing field? Post-Euro 2005 development of women's football in the north-west of England. Sport in Society, 15 (3). pp. 349-368. ISSN 1743-0437
Betar, Nagat Ali (2012) Computer use as a social activity : a study involving Libyan women living away from their home country. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Blain, Martin (2012) Composition-as-research: Connecting Flights II for clarinet quartet - a research dissemination methodology for composers. In: 1st International Meeting for Chamber Music, 16th January 2012 - 18th January 2012, University of Évora, Portugal.
Blain, Martin (2012) Issues in instrumental design: the ontological problem (opportunity?) of ‘liveness’ for a laptop ensemble. In: 1st Symposium on Laptop Ensembles and Orchestras, 15th April 2012 - 17th April 2012, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Brennan, Margaret Anne (2012) Modulating the glycaemic response of ready to eat extruded snack products utilising dietary fibre and fibre rich waste stream materials. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Bright, N. Geoffrey (2012) ‘It’s not a factory!’ Performative educational provision for marginalised and excluded youth in a former UK coal-mining community. In: Performativity in UK education: ethnographic cases of its effects,agency and reconstructions. E&E Publishing. ISBN 9780956900715
Bright, N. Geoffrey (2012) A Practice of Concrete Utopia? Informal Youth Support and the Possibility of 'Redemptive Remembering' in a UK Coal-Mining Area. Power and education, 4 (3). pp. 315-326. ISSN 1757-7438
Bright, N. Geoffrey (2012) ‘Sticking together!’ Policy activism from within a UK coal-mining community. Journal of educational administration and history, 44 (3). pp. 221-236. ISSN 1478-7431
Bright, N. Geoffrey, Manchester, Helen and Allendyke, Sylvie (formerly Dyke, Sarah) (2012) Space, place, and social justice in education: growing a bigger entanglement: Editors' Introduction. Qualitative inquiry, 19 (10). pp. 747-755. ISSN 1077-8004
Brown, Tony (2012) Subjectivity and cultural adjustment in mathematics education: a response to Wolff-Michael Roth. Educational studies in mathematics, 80 (3). pp. 475-490. ISSN 1573-0816
Brown, Tony and Walshaw, Margaret (2012) Mathematics education and contemporary theory: guest editorial. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80 (1-2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1573-0816
Burman, E. and Aono, A. (2012) Editorial introduction: Japanese feminist psychologies. Feminism & psychology, 21 (4). pp. 496-502. ISSN 1461-7161
Burman, Erica (2012) Between identification and subjectification: affective technologies of expertise and temporality in the contemporary cultural representation of gendered childhoods. Culture & Society, 20 (2). pp. 295-315. ISSN 1747-5104
Burman, Erica (2012) Deconstructing neoliberal childhood: towards a feminist antipsychological approach. Childhood, 19 (4). pp. 423-438. ISSN 1461-7013
Button, Charlotte (2012) Development of a haemoglobinopathy genetic diagnostic service for the North West of England. Masters by Research thesis (MPhil), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Byram, Michael and Parmenter, Lynne (2012) The Common European Framework of Reference: the globalisation of language education policy. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781847697301
Cain, Bradley (2012) Conservation genetics of enclosed black rhinoceros populations in Kenya. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Carpenter, Tegan Laura (2012) Uneasy bedfellows: amateurism and coaching traditions in twentieth century british sport. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Chadderton, Charlotte and Colley, Helen (2012) School-to-work transition services: marginalising ‘disposable’ youth in a state of exception? Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 33 (3). pp. 329-343. ISSN 0159-6306
Clennon, OD, Boehm, C and Hamilton, H (2012) Young Musicians for Heritage Project: Final Evaluation Report. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan UniversityManchester.
Csepely-Knorr, Luca (2012) Connections between the United Kingdom and Hungary in the field of urban design with a particular emphasis on the work of Thomas H. Mawson and Béla Rerrich. Masters by Research thesis (MPhil), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Dimchev, Georgi Aleksandrov (2012) Cellular regulators of myoblast migration and myogenesis. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Dreamer, David (2012) An imprint of Godzilla: Deleuze, the action-image and universal history. In: Deleuze and film. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748641208
Echegoyen Nava, G. M. (2012) Mi corazoncito se quería quedar: everyday transnationalism among undocumented Mexican migrants in the USA and their kin in Mexico. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Eilers, Wouter (2012) Sensory pathways of muscle phenotypic plasticity: calcium signalling through CaMKII. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Facer, Keri (2012) After the moral panic? Reframing the debate about child safety online. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 33 (3). pp. 397-413. ISSN 1469-3739
Facer, Keri, Fielding, Michael, Goodson, Ivor F. and Schostak, John F. (2012) Democracy, education and research: the conditions of social change. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-60513-7
Facer, Keri, Holmes, Rachel and Lee, Nick (2012) Editorial: Childhood futures: better childhoods? Global studies of childhood, 2 (3). pp. 170-175. ISSN 2043-6106
Facer, Keri and Manchester, Helen (2012) Mapping learning lives: final report. Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Farrar, Ruth (2012) Loneliness, storytelling and community in performance: the climate of the House Un-American Activities Committee’s America in selected plays by Eugene O’Neill, J.P. Donleavy and Frank D. Gilroy. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Fernández, JD, Lobo, D, Martn, GM, Doursat, R and Vico, FJ (2012) Emergent Diversity in an Open-Ended Evolving Virtual Community. Artificial Life, 18 (2). pp. 199-222. ISSN 1064-5462
Fitzpatrick, T ORCID:
Evaluating legislation: An alternative approach for evaluating EU Internal Market and Services law.
Evaluation, 18 (4).
pp. 477-499.
ISSN 1356-3890
Foster, Graham John (2012) The Gathering of a Force: David Foster Wallace’s Millennial Fictions and the Literature of Replenishment. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Gallimore, K and Bell, B (2012) Embrace the Games. Analysis, Report and Recommendations Relating to the Organisational Aspects of the Olympic Games Legacy in Cheshire. UNSPECIFIED. MMU Cheshire Sport.
Garratt, Dean and Piper, Heather (2012) Citizenship education and philosophical enquiry: Putting thinking back into practice. citizenship and social justice, 7 (1). 71-84.. ISSN 1746-1987
Gaspard, Jean-Luc, Schostak, Jill and Schostak, John F. (2012) Suffering and the work of emancipation through education. Power and education, 4 (3). 289-302..
Goni-Moreno, A and Amos, M (2012) A reconfigurable NAND/NOR genetic logic gate. BMC Systems Biology, 6. ISSN 1752-0509
Gould, N and Chaudhry, O (2012) Generation and Validation of Workflows for On-demand Mapping. In: GEOProcessing 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services.
Hall, Nigel and Guo, Z. (2012) Child language and cultural brokering. In: Hall, N. and Guo, Z. Child language and cultural brokering. In A. Ivars & J. Mayor, eds. In Interpreting Brian Harris: recent developments in translatology, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012. Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-0589-1
Harding, Peter (2012) Mutual information for the detection of crush conditions. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Heywood, David, Parker, Joan and Jolley, Nina (2012) Pre-service teachers’ shifting perceptions of cross-curricular practice: The impact of school experience in mediating professional insight. International Journal of Educational Research, 55. pp. 89-99. ISSN 0883-0355
Jones, Liz, Holmes, Rachel and MacLure, Maggie (2012) Disturbing cultures of incarceration : resilience, the struggle for normality and the imprisoned family. In: Comparative early childhood education services: international perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230119765
Jones, Neil (2012) An internet questionnaire study into predictors of gay men’s social physique anxiety. Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)
Kinninmonth, Malcolm Allan (2012) Nano-layered inorganic-organic hybrid materials for the controlled delivery of antimicrobials to protect against healthcare associated infections. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Kulczyk-Malecka, Justyna (2012) Diffusion studies in toughenable low-E coatings. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Lancaster, Lesley (2012) Multimodal literacy. In: Lancaster, L. Multimodal literacy. In C. Chapelle, ed. The encyclopedia of applied lingusitics. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.. ISBN 9781405198431
Langford-Smith, AWW (2012) Lentiviral Vector Mediated Haematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy For Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Manchester.
Lee, Casey Jane (2012) Mechanical power in well trained swimmers with a physical impairment. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Loporto, Michela (2012) Transcranial magnetic stimulation and action observation: exploring methodological issues. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Loughlin, M (2012) Book review: Animals and Social Work – A Moral Introduction. Ethics and Social Welfare, 6 (4). pp. 421-423. ISSN 1749-6535
MacRae, Christina (2012) Encounters with a life(less) baby doll: rethinking relations of agency through a collectively lived moment. Contemporary issues in early childhood, 13 (2). pp. 120-131. ISSN 1463-9491
Macrory, Gee, Chrétien, Lucette and Luis Ortega-Martín, José (2012) Technologically enhanced language learning in primary schools in England, France and Spain: developing linguistic competence in a technologically enhanced classroom environment. Education 3-13, 40 (4). pp. 433-444. ISSN 1475-7575
McCabe, Christopher (2012) Smoothed particle hydrodynamics on graphics processing units. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
McLoughlin, I, Maniatopoulos, G, Wilson, R ORCID: and Martin, M
Inside a digital experiment: co-producing telecare services for older people.
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 24 (2).
pp. 3-26.
ISSN 0905-0167
Micallef, Anne-Marie (2012) A participatory action research in a community psychology exploration of identity narratives of young Somali and Yemeni Muslim males living in Liverpool. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Mills, China (2012) Globalising disorders: encounters with psychiatry in India. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Mills, China (2012) Live and let die: global mental health and critical disability studies. In: Distress or disability? Proceedings of a symposium held at Lancaster University, 15-16 November 2011, pp. Centre for Disability Research, Lancaster University. ISBN 978-1-86220-293-1
Morgan, George and Poynting, Scott (2012) Global Islamophobia: Muslims and moral panic in the West. Ashgate. ISBN 978-1-4094-3119-0
Osborough, Conor D (2012) Biomechanical characteristics of highly-trained single-arm amputee front crawl swimmers. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Parker, Joan, Heywood, Dave and Jolley, Nina (2012) Developing pre-service primary teachers’ perceptions of cross-curricular teaching through reflection on learning. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice, 18 (6). pp. 693-716. ISSN 1470-1278
Patterson-Kane, Emily G. and Piper, Heather (2012) Animal abuse and cruelty. In: The Oxford handbook of evolutionary perspectives on violence, homicide and war. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199738403
Piasecka, Michelle (2012) Sewing shadows: investigating performance research in the primary school curriculum. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Piper, Heather, Taylor, Bill and Garratt, Dean (2012) Sports coaching in risk society: No touch! No trust! Sport, Education and Society, 17 (3). pp. 331-345. ISSN 1357-3322
Powell, SJ and MacNeill, Sheila (2012) CETIS Analytics Series: Institutional Readiness for Analytics. Research Report. CETIS.
Poynting, Scott and Whyte, David (2012) Counter-terrorism and state political violence: the 'war on terror' as terror. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-60720-9
Roberts, Lorna and Schostak, John (2012) Obama and the ‘Arab Spring’: desire, hope and the manufacture of disappointment. Implications for a transformative pedagogy. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 33 (3). 377-396.. ISSN 1469-3739
Round, DJG and Roper, S (2012) Exploring consumer brand name equity: Gaining insight through the investigation of response to name change. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (7/8). pp. 938-951. ISSN 0309-0566
Savage, J ORCID:
Moving beyond subject boundaries: four case studies of cross-curricular pedagogy in secondary schools.
International Journal of Educational Research, 55.
pp. 79-88.
ISSN 0883-0355
Savage, J ORCID:
Tom's story: developing music education with technology.
Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 4 (2-3).
pp. 217-226.
ISSN 1752-7066
Savage, Jonathan (2012) Driving Forward Technology’s Imprint on Music Education. In: The Oxford handbook of music education: v 2. Oxford University PressOxford.
Savage, Jonathan (2012) Those who can – play; those who can't – use music tech? How can teachers knock down the walls between music and music technology? In: Debates in music teaching. Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-0-415-59761-6
Schostak, John (2012) Introduction to special issue: dangerous spaces: threatening sites for social justice. Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 33 (3). pp. 327-328. ISSN 1469-3739
Schostak, John F. (2012) Maladjusted schooling: deviance, social control and individuality in secondary schooling. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-75294-7
Schostak, John F. and Goodson, Ivor F. (2012) What's wrong with democracy at the moment, and why it matters for research and education. Power and Education, 4 (3). pp. 257-276. ISSN 1757-7438
Scott-Jones, Julie (2012) Understanding religion and society: identity, meaning and knowledge. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-62067-3
Shember-Critchley, Eleanor (2012) Ethnic minority radio: interactions and identity. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Smith, Jennifer Anne (2012) Inside out: an inquiry into an engagement with The Artworks: an independent art school in Halifax “the journey of an artist/educator/researcher in the making…”. Masters by Research thesis (MA), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Smith, Sarah Elizabeth (2012) Concealed Explosives Detection using Swept Millimetre Waves. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Smith, Susan Elizabeth (2012) The need for leadership: the impact of health action plans for people with learning disabilities living in England. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Smorenburg, Ana Renée Pascale (2012) Mirror (a)symmetry? Visuo-proprioceptive interactions in individuals with spastic hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Sutton, AM (2012) But Is It Real? A Review of Research on Enneagram. Enneagram Journal, 5.
Taylor, Greig (2012) The dynamics of labour relations at the port of Liverpool, 1967-1989. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Tetley, Josephine ORCID:
Optimizing healthy ageing in disadvantaged communities: insights into older people’s use of health and social care services.
Nursing Reports, 2 (1).
p. 11.
ISSN 2039-439X
Titiloye, O and Crispin, A (2012) Parameter tuning patterns for random graph coloring with quantum annealing. PLoS One, 7 (11). ISSN 1932-6203
Toseeb, U, Keeble, DRT, Bryant, EJ and Barton, JJS (2012) The Significance of Hair for Face Recognition. PLoS ONE, 7.
Walker, Martha (2012) An exploration of new media training and its impact on women’s careers in an emerging sector. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Walshaw, M and Brown, T (2012) Affective productions of mathematical experience. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80 (1-2). pp. 185-199. ISSN 0013-1954
Whitton, Nicola and Moseley, Alex (2012) Using games to enhance learning and teaching: a beginner's guide. Routledge. ISBN 9780203123775
Wright, David J. (2012) Movement-related cortical potential markers of motor skill learning. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Wright, GH, Chew, C and Hines, A (2012) The Relevance and Efficacy of Marketing in Public and Non-Profit Service Management. Public Management Review, 14 (4). pp. 433-450. ISSN 1471-9037