Items where Division is "" and Year is 2006

Airey, Paul, Verran, Joanna and McMahon, Adam W. (2006) Monitoring substratum hygiene using an everyday complex organic soil: the human fingerprint. Food and bioproducts processing, 84 (4). pp. 359-365. ISSN 0960-3085
Allmer, Patricia (2006) Framing the real: frames and the processes of framing in René Magritte’s Œuvre. In: , Framing borders in literature and other media. Rodopi. ISBN 9042017899
Ashford, Derek, Bennett, Simon and Davids, Keith (2006) Observational modeling effects for movement dynamics and movement outcome measures across differing task constraints: a meta-analysis. Journal of motor behavior, 38 (3). pp. 185-205. ISSN 0022-2895
Ashford, Derek, Bennett, Simon, Rioja, N. and Coull, J. (2006) Integration of intermittent visual samples over time and between the eyes. Journal of motor behavior, 38 (6). pp. 439-450. ISSN 0022-2895
Ashworth, Catherine J., Schmidt, Ruth A., Pioch, Elke and Hallsworth, Alan (2006) “Web-weaving”: an approach to sustainable e-retail and online advantage in lingerie fashion marketing. International journal of retail & distribution management, 34 (6). pp. 497-511. ISSN 0959-0552
Ashworth, Catherine J., Schmidt, Ruth A., Pioch, Elke and Hallsworth, Alan (2006) An approach to sustainable ‘fashion’ e-retail: a five-stage evolutionary strategy for ‘Clicks-and-Mortar’ and ‘Pure-Play’ enterprises. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 13 (4). pp. 289-299. ISSN 1873-1384
Bakewell, Cathy and Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne (2006) Male versus female consumer decision making styles. Journal of business research, 59 (12). pp. 1297-1300. ISSN 014-82963
Bakewell, Cathy, Mitchell, Vincent-Wayne and Rothwell, Morgan (2006) UK Generation Y male fashion consciousness. Journal of fashion marketing and management, 10 (2). pp. 169-180. ISSN 1361-2026
Banham, Gary (2006) Corporeal substances and physical monads in Kant and Leibniz. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Banham, Gary (2006) Freedom and transcendental idealism. British journal for the history of philosophy, 14 (4). 787 - 797. ISSN 1469-3526
Banham, Gary (2006) Kant and Leibniz on living force. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Banham, Gary (2006) Kant's transcendental imagination. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403916896
Banham, Gary (2006) Kant’s refutations of idealism. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Banham, Gary (2006) Practical schematism, teleology and the unity of the metaphysics of morals. In: Kant: making reason intuitive. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230506893
Barari, Mahua, Lucey, Brian M. and Voronkova, Svitlana (2006) Re-assessing co-movements among G7 equity markets: evidence from iShares. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Bartlett, Caroline (2006) A thread, a line, a fabric. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Beake, B. D., Vishnyakov, Vladimir, Valizadeh, Reza and Colligon, John (2006) Influence of mechanical properties on the nanoscratch behaviour of hard nanocomposite TiN/Si. Journal of physics D, 39 (7). 1392-1397.. ISSN 1361-6463
Bennis, Edward (2006) European themes: Contemporary gardens. European Garden Heritage Network (EGHN).
Bennis, Edward (2006) European themes: Gardens of famous people and events. European Garden Heritage Network (EGHN).
Bennis, Edward (2006) European themes: Historic gardens. European Garden Heritage Network (EGHN).
Bennis, Edward (2006) European themes: Productive gardens. European Garden Heritage Network (EGHN).
Bennis, Edward (2006) Regionalni razvoj: Provezanost parkova i vrtova (Regional Development: Connectivity of Parks and Gardens). DANS. Društvo arhitekata Novog Sada (Magazine for Architecture and Urbanism DaNS), 53. pp. 56-59. ISSN 0351-9775
Birch, Anna (2006) Staging and citing gendered meanings: a practice-based study of representational strategies in live and mediated performance. In: Der postfeministische diskurs. Konigshausen and Neumann. ISBN 3826032306
Blottner, Dieter, Salanova, Michele, Püttmann, Britta, Schiffl, Gudrun, Felsenberg, Dieter, Björn, Buehring and Rittweger, Jörn (2006) Human skeletal muscle structure and function preserved by vibration muscle exercise following 55 days of bed rest. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97 (3). pp. 261-271. ISSN 1439-6327
Booth, Helen and Craven, Jenny (2006) Putting awareness into practice: practical steps for conducting usability tests. Library review, 55 (3). pp. 179-194. ISSN 0024-2535
Bowd, Ryan and Bowd, Les (2006) Assessing a financial value for a corporate entity's reputation; a proposed formula. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Braithwaite, Roger J., Raper, Sarah C. B. and Chutko, Krys (2006) Accumulation at the equilibrium-line altitude of glaciers inferred from a degree-day model and tested against field observations. Annals of glaciology, 43 (1). pp. 329-334. ISSN 1727-5644
Brophy, Peter (2006) Projects into services: the UK experience. Ariadne (46). ISSN 1361-3200
Brophy, Peter (2006) The eLibrary and learning. In: Brophy P. The eLibrary and learning. In Weiss, J, ed, International handbook on virtual learning environments. Springer, 2006, pp. 895-913. Springer.
Brown, Tony, Atkinson, Dennis and England, Janice (2006) Regulatory Discourses in Education: A Lacanian Perspective. Peter Lang UK, Bern, Switzerland. ISBN 3039105272
Bull, Mike (2006) 'Balance': the development of a social enterprise business performance analysis tool. In: 3rd Annual Social Enterprise Research Conference, 22-23 June 2003, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bull, Mike and Crompton, Helen (2006) Project report. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Burton, Mark, Chapman, Melanie, Hunt, V. and Reeves, D. (2006) Implementation of goal attainment scaling in community intellectual disability services. Journal of policy and practice in intellectual disabilities, 3 (2). pp. 119-128. ISSN 17411130
Burton, Mark and Kagan, Carolyn (2006) Decoding valuing people. Disability & society, 21 (4). pp. 299-313. ISSN 0968-7599
Butcher, Mary (2006) Field notes compared: scientific and artistic practice. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Calder, Nigel, Brown, Tony, Hanley, Una and Darby, Susan (2006) Forming conjectures within a spreadsheet environment. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 18 (3). pp. 100-116. ISSN 1033-2170
Callanan, Owen, Gregg, David, Nisbet, Andy and Peardon, Mike (2006) High performance scientific computing using FPGAs with IEEE floating point and logarithmic arithmetic for lattice QCD. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Cardinale, Marco and Rittweger, Jörn (2006) Vibration exercise makes your muscles and bones stronger: fact or fiction? Menopause International, 12 (1). pp. 12-18. ISSN 1740-4568
Cassell, Catherine, Buehring, Anna, Symon, Gillian and Johnson, Phil (2006) Editorial: Qualitative methods in management research: an introduction to the themed issue. Management decision, 44 (2). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0025-1747
Christou, George and Simpson, Seamus (2006) The internet and public–private governance in the European Union. Journal of public policy, 26 (1). pp. 43-61. ISSN 0143-814X
Colley, Helen (2006) Learning to labour with feeling: class, gender and emotion in childcare education and training. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 7 (1). pp. 15-29. ISSN 1463-9491
Corkill, David (2006) The double centenary commemorations of 1940 in the context of Anglo-Portuguese relations. In: The Portuguese discoveries in the English-speaking world, 1880-1972. Edições Colibri. ISBN 9727726356
Craven, Jenny (2006) Beyond the guidelines: assessment of the usability and accessibiity of distributed services from the users' perspective. In: Libraries Without Walls 6, 16-20 September 2005, Lesvos, Greece.
Craven, Jenny (2006) Web accessibility: a review of research and initiatives. In: World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council, 20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea.
Crispin, Alan, Clay, Paul, Bayes, Tom and Reedman, David (2006) Agent-based training simulator for leather cutting. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 30 (9-10). pp. 995-999. ISSN 0268-3768
Crow, David (2006) Left to right: the cultural shift from words to pictures. AVA Publishing SA. ISBN 2940373361
Day, Dave (2006) Sport psychology: another cuckoo in the coaching nest. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Dempsey, Michael J., Porto, Inaee, Mustafa, M., Rowan, Arlene K., Brown, Angela and Head, Ian M. (2006) The expanded bed biofilter: combined nitrification, solids destruction, and removal of bacteria. Water Science and Technology, 54 (8). pp. 37-46. ISSN 0273-1223
Derbyshire, Emma, Davies, Jill, Costarelli, Vassiliki and Dettmar, Peter (2006) Diet, physical inactivity and the prevalence of constipation throughout and after pregnancy. Maternal and child nutrition, 2 (3). pp. 127-134. ISSN 1740-8709
Derbyshire, Emma, Davies, Jill, Costarelli, Vassiliki and Dettmar, Peter (2006) Prepregnancy body mass index and dietary intake in the first trimester of pregnancy. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, 19 (4). pp. 267-273. ISSN 1365-277X
Dixon, Steven (2006) Beyond the seas: a practice-led research project, investigating the ways in which cultural and geographical dislocation influences craft practice and the creation of material culture. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Donnelly, Katy, Jones, Rosie, Matthews, David and Peters, Karen (2006) Blended learning in action : the InfoSkills programme at Manchester Metropolitan University's Library Service. New review of academic librarianship, 12 (1). pp. 47-57. ISSN 1361-4533
Donnelly, S. E., Birtcher, R. C., Vishnyakov, V., Edmondson, P. D. and Carter, G. (2006) Anomalous annealing behavior of isolated amorphous zones in silicon. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 242 (1-2). pp. 595-597. ISSN 1872-9584
Durand, Carine A. (2006) The Pasifika Styles exhibition: an example of exhange between anthropological and artistic practices. In: Migratory Practices: exchanges between anthropology, art, craft and design, 5th September 2006 - 6th September 2006, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)
Däpp, Christoph, Gassmann, Max, Hoppeler, Hans and Flüeck, Martin (2006) Hypoxia-induced gene activity in disused oxidative muscle. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 588 (6). pp. 171-188. ISSN 0065-2598
Edwards-Jones, Valerie (2006) Antimicrobial and barrier effects of silver against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Wound Care, 15 (7). pp. 285-290. ISSN 0969-0700
El-Said, Hamed and Harrigan, Jane (2006) Globalisation, international finance and political islam in the Arab world. Middle East journal, 60 (3). pp. 444-466. ISSN 0026-3141
El-Said, Hamed, Harrigan, Jane and Wang, Chengang (2006) The IMF and the World Bank in Jordan: a case of over optimism and elusive growth. The review of international organizations, 1 (3). pp. 263-292. ISSN 1559-744X
El-Said, Hamed, Harrigan, Jane and Wang, Chengang (2006) The economic and political determinants of IMF and world bank lending in the Middle East and North Africa. World development, 34 (2). pp. 247-270. ISSN 0305-750X
Fagiolo, Giorgio, Moneta, Alessio and Windrum, Paul (2006) Confronting agent-based models with data: methodological issues and open problems. In: Advances in artificial economics. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-37247-9
Fisher, Allen (2006) Singularity stereo. Barque Press. ISBN 1903488567
Fraser, N, Rodrigues, M and Fraser, J (2006) EU Block Exemption and the International Supply Chain Implications for a Group of Key Automotive Manufacturers. In: 33rd AIB-UK Conference, 07 April 2006 - 08 April 2006, Manchester, UK.
French, Ann (2006) July 2006 version. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
French, Ann (2006) September 2006 version. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
French, Ann (2006) Speech skills in young adolescents: are they still developing, and how do they affect academic progress? [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
French, Sheila and Saxon, Diane (2006) Females on technology courses in UK Colleges. In: The encyclopedia of gender and information technology. Idea Group. ISBN 1591408156
Gandy, A. S., Donnelly, Steve E., Beaufort, M.-F., Vishnyakov, Vladimir and Barbot, J.-F. (2006) The effect of ion-beam specimen preparation techniques on vacancy-type defects in silicon. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 242 (1-2). pp. 610-613. ISSN 1872-9584
Gartside, Steven and Gathercole, Sam (2006) Concrete thoughts: modern architecture and contemporary art. Whitworth Art Gallery. ISBN 978-0903261593
Gioftsidou, Asimenia, Malliou, Paraskevi, Pafis, G., Beneka, Anastasia, Godolias, George and Maganaris, Constantinos N. (2006) The effects of soccer training and timing of balance training on balance ability. European journal of applied physiology, 96 (6). pp. 659-64. ISSN 1439-6319
Goodley, Dan A., Hoy, Jeremy and Cautrels, Dries (2006) Our lives: our experiences in a self-advocacy group. In: Testimonies of life. Continuum.
Graham, Rachel C. and Hughes, R. A. (2006) Clinimetric properties of a walking scale in peripheral neuropathy. Journal of neurology neurosurgery and psychiatry, 77 (8). pp. 977-979. ISSN 0022-3050
Graham, Rachel C. and Hughes, R. A. (2006) A modified peripheral neuropathy scale: the overall neuropathy limitations scale. neurosurgery and psychiatry, 77 (8). pp. 973-976. ISSN 0022-3050
Grönberg, Henrietta, Kaparakis, George and Sen, Robin (2006) Binucleate Rhizoctonia (Ceratorhiza spp.) as non-mycorrhizal endophytes alter Pinus sylvestris L. seedling root architecture and affect growth of rooted cuttings. Scandinavian journal of forest research, 21 (6). pp. 450-457. ISSN 1400-4089
Harrison, Mary (2006) Setting up an SFX Open URL Resolver service at Manchester Metropolitan University. In: MIMAS Open Forum, 28 June 2006, Manchester, UK.
Hartley, Richard J. and Booth, Helen (2006) Users and union catalogues. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 38 (1). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0961-0006
Haworth, Avril (2006) The literacy maze: walking through or stepping round? Language and education, 20 (2). pp. 95-109. ISSN 0950-0782
He, Junjie, Crolla, D. A., Levesley, Martin and Manning, Warren (2006) Coordination of active steering, driveline, and braking for integrated vehicle dynamics control. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, 220 (10). pp. 1401-1420. ISSN 2041-2991
Hines, Tony (2006) The nature of the clothing and textile industries: structure, context and processes. In: The fashion handbook. Routeldge. ISBN 0415255805
Hynes, Deirdre, Tiainen, Tarja, Koivunen, Emma-Reetta and Paakki, Minna- Kristiina (2006) Articulating ICT use narratives in everyday life. In: Hynes, D. Tiainen, T. Koivunen, E-R. and Paakki, M-R. Articulating ICT use narratives in everyday life. In E. Trauth, ed. Encyclopedia of gender and information technology, Ideas Publishing Group, 2006. Ideas Publishing Group. ISBN 1591408156
Johnson, Ewan S. (2006) Origin myths and the construction of medieval identities: Norman chronicles 1000-1100. In: Texts and identities in the early middle ages. Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Johnson, Samantha T. (2006) Confronting the east. "Darkest Russia", British opinion and Tsarism's "jewish question", 1890-1914. East European jewish affairs, 36 (2). pp. 199-211. ISSN 1350-1674
Jones, David A., Ruiter, Cornelius J. de and Haan, Arnold de (2006) Change in contractile properties of human muscle in relationship to the loss of power and slowing of relaxation seen with fatigue. Journal of Physiology, 576 (3). pp. 913-922. ISSN 0022-3751
Jones, Helen and Powell, Jason L. (2006) Old age, vulnerability and sexual violence: implications for knowledge and practice. International nursing review, 53 (3). pp. 211-216. ISSN 0020-8132
Jones, Oswald (2006) Developing absorptive capacity in mature organizations : the change agent’s role. Management learning, 37 (3). pp. 355-376. ISSN 1350-5076
Jones, Oswald and Macpherson, Allan (2006) Inter-organizational learning and strategic renewal in SMEs: extending the 4I Framework. Long range planning, 39 (2). pp. 155-175. ISSN 0024-6301
Jones, Oswald, Sharifi, Sudi and Conway, Steve (2006) Accounting for 'Organization': round-up the usual suspects. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 17 (2-3). pp. 283-304. ISSN 1045-2354
Jones, Rosie, Matthews, David and Peters, Karen (2006) InfoSkills: training for independent learning. Learning and Teaching in Action, 6 (1). ISSN 1477-1241
Jones, Rosie, Peters, Karen and Shields, Emily (2006) Providing for the next generation: adopting interactive whiteboards in information literacy training. In: Information Literacy: Recognising the Need, 17th May 2006, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom.
Jones, Rosie, Peters, Karen and Shields, Emily (2006) Submission to the Publicity and Public Relations Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. Unpublished.
Jones, Susan G. (2006) Structure and agency in deafness discourse: binaries of power. Deaf worlds, 22 (2). pp. 51-73. ISSN 1362-3125
Jones, Susan G. (2006) A journey of seven steps - social work students as critical thinkers. Specialusis ugdymas, 1 (14). pp. 48-59. ISSN 1392-5369
Jury, F., Al-Mahrous, M., Apostolou, M., Sandiford, S., Fox, Andrew J., Ollier, William E. and Upton, M. (2006) Rapid cost-effective subtyping of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by denaturing HPLC. Journal of medical microbiology, 55 (8). pp. 1053-1060. ISSN 1473-5644
Kagan, Carolyn (2006) Making a difference: participation and well-being. New Start Publishing.
Kagan, Carolyn, Sixsmith, Judith, Kilroy, Amanda, Siddiquee, Asiya, Bol, Simone, Raschini, Simona and Lawthom, Rebecca (2006) Participation, well being and creativity: community psychology meets participatory arts. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Kaparakis, George and Sen, Robin (2006) Binucleate Rhizoctonia (Ceratorhiza spp.) induce adventitious root formation in hypocotyl cuttings of Pinus sylvestris L. Scandinavian journal of forest research, 21 (6). pp. 444-449. ISSN 1400-4089
Kendall, Margaret, Glass, Bob and Place, Emma (2006) Engaging students in information literacy through the Internet Detective. In: 3rd Annual Learning Development in Higher Education Network Symposium: Excellence in learning development, 4th April 2006, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)
Kirk, Neville (2006) "Australians for Australia": the right, the Labor Party and contested loyalties to nation and empire in Australia, 1917 to the early 1930s. Labour History, 91 (1). pp. 95-111. ISSN 0023-6942
Lee-Treweek, Geraldine (2006) Working with emotions in complementary medicine: the case of aromatherapy practitioners. International journal of work organisation and emotion, 1 (4). pp. 336-351. ISSN 1740-8946
Lewis, Suzan and Smithson, Janet (2006) Final report for the EU framework 5 study ‘Gender, parenthood and the changing European workplace’. UNSPECIFIED. IOD Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Lievesley, Geraldine A. (2006) Cuba, the USA and Guantánamo Bay: the collision between national sovereignty and imperial ambition. Contemporary politics, 12 (1). pp. 3-24. ISSN 1469-3631
Lievesley, Geraldine A. (2006) Identity, gender and citizenship: women in Latin and Central America and in Cuba. In: In the hands of women: paradigms of citizenship. Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719069106
Livingstone, Sonia and Bober, Magdalena (2006) Regulating the internet at home: contrasting the perspectives of children and parents. In: Digital generations: children, young people, and new media. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lucas, Raymond (2006) Alternative forms of theory: drawing as understanding. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Lucas, Rosemary E. and Curtis, Susan (2006) Human resource management. In: Human resource management in an international context. CIPD. ISBN 9781843981091
Lund, Brian (2006) Understanding housing policy. Policy Press. ISBN 1861346182
MacLure, Maggie (2006) Entertaining doubts: on frivolity as resistance. In: , Discourse, resistence and identity formation. Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858563862
MacLure, Maggie (2006) The bone in the throat: some uncertain thoughts on baroque method. International journal of qualitative studies in education, 19 (6). pp. 729-745. ISSN 1366-5898
Maganaris, Constantinos N., Baltzopoulos, Vasilios and Sargeant, Anthony J. (2006) Human calf muscle responses during repeated isometric plantarflexions. Journal of biomechanics, 39 (7). pp. 1249-55. ISSN 0021-9290
Maganaris, Constantinos N., Baltzopoulos, Vasilios and Tsaopoulos, Dimitrios E. (2006) Muscle fibre length-to-moment arm ratios in the human lower limb determined in vivo. Journal of biomechanics, 39 (9). pp. 1663-1668. ISSN 0021-9290
Magrs, Paul (2006) Exchange. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 1416916636
Markland, Margaret (2006) Institutional repositories in the UK: What can the Google user find there? Journal of library and information science, 38 (4). pp. 221-228. ISSN 0961-0006
Markland, Margaret (2006) Online information environments in the UK Further Education sector. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 12 (1). pp. 31-46. ISSN 1361-4533
Marple-Horvat, Dilwyn E., Miles, Omur B. and Cerminara, Nadia L. (2006) Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellum of the cat encode visual events and target motion during visually guided reaching. The journal of physiology, 571 (3). pp. 619-637. ISSN 1469-7793
Martin, Emma (2006) Developing a 21st century art collection in a global context. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Mather, Janet (2006) English regional policy. In: The Labour governments 1964-1970. Routledge. ISBN 0714656194
Matthews, Christine, Catherwood, Mark A., Morris, T. C., Kettle, Paul J., Drake, Mary B., Gilmore, William S. and Alexander, H. Denis (2006) Serum TK levels in CLL identify Binet stage A patients within biologically defined prognostic subgroups most likely to undergo disease progression. European Journal Of Haematology, 77 (4). pp. 309-317. ISSN 1600-0609
Matthews, David, Shields, Emily, Jones, Rosie and Peters, Karen (2006) Got the knowledge? Focusing on the student: Manchester Metropolitan University’s (MMU) Library Welcome Campaign. SCONUL Focus (38). pp. 36-41. ISSN 1745-5782
McCulloch, Fiona (2006) 'A strange race of beings': undermining innocence in "The princess and the goblin". Scottish Studies Review, 7 (1). pp. 53-67. ISSN 1475-7737
McDonald, Frank, Tüselmann, Heinz, Voronkova, Svitlana and Allen, Matthew (2006) The development of foreign-owned subsidiaries and the supply of European markets. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
McEwan, Islay M., Herrington, Lee and Thom, Jeanette M. (2006) Quantification of patella position by ultrasound scanning and its criterion validity. Ultrasound in medicine and biology, 32 (12). pp. 1833-1836. ISSN 0301-5629
Meng, Qinggang, Li, Baihua and Holstein, Horst (2006) Recognition of human periodic movements from unstructured information using a motion-based frequency domain approach. Image and vision computing, 24 (8). pp. 795-809. ISSN 1872-8138
Miller, Gavin (2006) Aesthetic depersonalization in Louise Welsh's The Cutting Room. Journal of narrative theory, 36 (1). pp. 72-89. ISSN 1548-9248
Morrell, Anne (2006) The practice of stitch by movement. Sarabhai Foundation.
Mulder, Edwin R., Stegeman, Dick F., Gerrits, Karin H., Paalman, M. and Rittweger, Jörn (2006) Strength, size and activation of knee extensors followed during 8 weeks of horizontal bed rest and the influence of a countermeasure. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97 (6). pp. 706-715. ISSN 1439-6327
Mündel, Toby, Hooper, Paula L., Bunn, Sabrina J. and Jones, David A. (2006) The effects of face cooling on the prolactin response and subjective comfort during moderate passive heating in humans. Experimental physiology, 91 (6). pp. 1007-1014. ISSN 0958-0670
Mündel, Toby and Jones, David A. (2006) Effect of transdermal nicotine administration on exercise endurance in men. Experimental physiology, 91 (4). pp. 705-713. ISSN 0958-0670
Mündel, Toby, King, Jenny, Collacott, Esther and Jones, David A. (2006) Drink temperature influences fluid intake and endurance capacity in men during exercise in a hot, dry environment. Experimental Physiology, 91 (5). pp. 925-933. ISSN 0958-0670
Narici, Marco V. and Maganaris, Constantinos N. (2006) Adaptability of elderly human muscles and tendons to increased loading. Journal of anatomy, 208 (4). pp. 433-443. ISSN 0021-8782
Nelson, Robin (2006) Practice-as-research and the problem of knowledge. Performance research, 11 (4). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1469-9990
Oakes, Helen (2006) The role of accounting discourse in the learning and skills council and further education colleges: a multi-perspective approach. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Oates, Rosamund (2006) Catholicism, conformity and the community in the Elizabethan diocese of Durham. Northern history, 43 (1). pp. 53-76. ISSN 1745-8706
Oldfield, Paul (2006) Citizenship and community in southern Italy c. 1100–c. 1220. Papers of the British School at Rome, 74. pp. 323-338. ISSN 0068-2462
Parker, Joan (2006) Exploring the impact of varying degrees of cognitive conflict in the generation of both subject and pedagogical knowledge as primary trainee teachers learn about shadow formation. International journal of science education, 28 (13). pp. 1545-1577. ISSN 1464-5289
Pearson, Matthew and Somekh, Bridget (2006) Learning transformation with technology: a question of socio-cultural contexts? International journal of qualitative studies in education, 19 (4). pp. 519-539. ISSN 1366-5898
Place, Emma and Kendall, Margaret (2006) Return of the Internet Detective. In: Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), 27th-29th March 2006, Leeds, UK.
Powell, Anna (2006) Adapting Gothic: from print to screen. In: Teaching the Gothic. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-4930-1
Purcell, Christina, Lewis, Suzan, Smithson, Janet and Caton, Sue (2006) Good practice report for the EU framework 5 study ‘Gender, parenthood and the changing European workplace’. UNSPECIFIED. IOD Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Raper, Sarah C. B. and Braithwaite, Roger J. (2006) Low sea level rise projections from mountain glaciers and icecaps under global warming. Nature, 439 (7074). pp. 311-313. ISSN 1061-4036
Rees, Patricia L. and Štarchoň, Peter (2006) Osobitosti priameho marketingu a jeho rozvoj na Slovensku. Marketing inspirations, 1 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 1336-796X
Rittweger, Joern, Gerrits, Karin H., Altenburg, Teatske M., Reeves, Neil D., Maganaris, Constantinos N. and de Haan, Arnold (2006) Bone adaptation to altered loading after spinal cord injury: a study of bone and muscle strength. The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 6 (3). pp. 269-276. ISSN 1108-7161
Rittweger, Jörn (2006) Can exercise prevent osteoporosis? The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 6 (2). pp. 162-166.
Rittweger, Jörn (2006) What is new in neuro-musculoskeletal interactions? Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 6 (2). pp. 191-194.
Roberts, Lorna, Basit, Tehmina N., McNamara, Olwen, Carrington, Bruce, Maguire, Meg and Woodrow, Derek (2006) Did they jump or were they pushed? Reasons why minority ethnic trainees withdraw from initial teacher training courses. British educational research journal, 32 (3). pp. 387-410. ISSN 1469-3518
Rowley, Jennifer (2006) Libraries and environmental management. Library Management, 27 (4/5). pp. 269-279. ISSN 1758-7921
Rowley, Jennifer and Spiezia, Marco (2006) Spiezia Organics: an SME marketing case study. Marketing Review, 6 (3). pp. 253-264. ISSN 1469-347X
Rybakov, Vladimir V. (2006) Intransitive linear temporal logic based on integer numbers, decidability, admissible logical consecutions. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Rybakov, Vladimir V. (2006) Linear temporal logic with until and before on integer numbers, deciding algorithms. In: First International Symposium on Computer Science in Russia (CSR 2006), 8th June 2006 - 12th June 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Saini, Amarjit and Stewart, Claire E. (2006) Adult stem cells: the therapeutic potential of skeletal muscle. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 1 (2). pp. 157-171. ISSN 1574-888X
Savage, Jonathan (2006) Is musical performance worth saving? The importance of musical performance in teaching and learning. In: Learning to teach music in the secondary school: a companion to school experience. RoutledgeLondon.
Scanlan, John (2006) Spazzatura: le cose e le idée che scartiamo. Donzelli. ISBN 8860360420
Schofield, Clare and Crompton, Helen (2006) How to engage SMEs in the procurement opportunities of the supply chains in the three sectors in South Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University.
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