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    Number of items: 158.


    Banham, Gary (2003) Art and symbol in Nietzsche’s aesthetics. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

    Banham, Gary (2003) Kant's practical philosophy: from critique to doctrine. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 1403989877

    Barnes, Amanda (2003) A baseline assessment of young peoples health needs in Old Trafford and Gorse Hill: a report on research January - July 2003. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Batsleer, Janet R. (2003) Practices of friendship: youth work and feminist activism in Manchester. In: Batsleer, J. R. Practices of friendship: youth work and feminist activism in Manchester. In T. Jeffs and R. Gilchrist. Architects of change: studies in the history of youth and community work. Leicester: Youth Work Press, 2003, pp. 71-85. Youth Work Press. ISBN 086155292X

    Batsleer, Rosemary E., Chantler, Khatidja and Burman, Erica (2003) South Asian women: exploring systematic service inequalities around attempted suicide and self harm. European journal of social work, 6 (1). pp. 33-48. ISSN 1468-2664

    Beltman, Marijke J., Sargeant, Anthony J., Ball, Derek, Maganaris, Constantinos N. and Haan, Arnold de (2003) Effect of antagonist muscle fatigue on knee extension torque. Pfluegers Archiv: European journal of physiology, 446 (6). pp. 735-41. ISSN 0031-6768

    Bennis, Edward (2003) The modernist garden and populist culture in the UK. In: European Council for Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS) Conference, 22-26 October 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.

    Berry, Anthony J. (2003) Covenant, constitution and contract: control and accountability in the cat's cradle (part 1 of 2). UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Biddulph, Jon, Murray, Val, Hatton, Peter and Pilling, Lynn (2003) Boat trip: nothing but flowers 2003. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

    Black, Laura, Corbin, Brian, Warburton, Terry and Campbell, Anne (2003) The contribution of 'world view' to pupils' attitudes on enterprise, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Bober, Magdalena and Livingstone, Sonia (2003) UK children go online: listening to young people’s experiences. The London School of Economics and Political Science.

    Bradley, Fay and Boles, Kevin (2003) Female entrepreneurs from ethnic backgrounds: an exploration of motivations and barriers. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Bradshaw, Michael (2003) Thomas Lovell Beddoes, death's jest-book: the 1829 text. Carcanet Press. ISBN 1857545990

    Brophy, Peter (2003) Synchronised object retrieval: the enhancement of information retrieval performance in multimedia environments using synchronisation protocols. Information Research, 8 (4). p. 161. ISSN 1368-1613

    Brown, T (2003) Towards a hermeneutical understanding of mathematics and mathematical learning. In: Constructing Mathematical Knowledge: Epistemology and Mathematics Education. Routledge, pp. 152-161. ISBN 0203454200

    Bull, C (2003) Strategic issues in customer relationship management (CRM) implementation. Business Process Management Journal, 9 (5). pp. 592-602. ISSN 1463-7154

    Bull, CM (2003) Politics in Packaged Software Implementation. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 16 June 2003 - 21 June 2003, Naples, Italy.

    Burman, Erica (2003) Narratives of 'experience' and pedagogical practices. Narrative inquiry, 13 (2). pp. 269-286. ISSN 1387-6740

    Butters, Geoff (2003) What features in a Portal? Ariadne (35). ISSN 1361-3200


    Cain, Mike, Lewis, Gina and Osivwemu, Kimberley (2003) Audit and evaluation: a service user perspective on the effect of NVQ training. Summary report - March 2003. UNSPECIFIED. RIHSC: Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Cammack, Paul (2003) The governance of global capitalism: a new materialist perspective. Historical materialism, 11 (2). pp. 37-59. ISSN 1569-206X

    Campbell, William H., Ridge, Susan C. and Martin, David (2003) Can an experience of conscious identification affect a counsellor's ability to sense and communicate unconditional positive regard? Theoretical and practice-based concerns. British journal of guidance and counselling, 31 (3). pp. 275-288. ISSN 1469-3534

    Campbell, William H., Schorr, Angela and Schenk, Michael (2003) Communication research and media science in Europe: challenges and perspectives. Mouton De Gruyter. ISBN 311017216X

    Carroll, Alan (2003) A methodology for research: the National Freight Corporation 1962-1982 (work in progress). UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Chiquet, Matthias and Flüeck, Martin (2003) Ectopic expression of tenascin-C. Journal of cell science, 116 (19). pp. 3851-3853. ISSN 0269-3518

    Chiquet, Matthias, Renedo, Ana Sarasa, Huber, François and Flüeck, Martin (2003) How do fibroblasts translate mechanical signals into changes in extracellular matrix production? Matrix Biology, 22 (1). pp. 73-80. ISSN 1569-1802

    Coles, Sue and Rowley, Jennifer (2003) Access 2002: an advanced course for students. Lexden Publishing Limited. ISBN 1844450031

    Cooke, Lez (2003) British television drama: a history. British Film Institute. ISBN 0851708854

    Craven, Jenny (2003) Access to electronic resources by visually impaired people. Information Research, 8 (4). ISSN 1368-1613

    Craven, Jenny (2003) Accessibility and usability of websites. Library and Information Update, May 03. ISSN 1476-7171

    Craven, Jenny and Brophy, Peter (2003) NoVA project final report. UNSPECIFIED. CERLIM: The Centre for Research in Library and Information Management.


    Dearden, Stephen J.H. (2003) Bolivia: a case study of the European Union's country strategy process. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

    Duerden, Rachel S. (2003) The choreography of Antony Tudor: focus on four ballets. Fairleigh Dickenson University Press. ISBN 0-838639-48-8

    Díaz Merlano, Juan Manuel, Barrios Suárez, Lina Maria and Gómez-López, Diana Isabel (2003) Las praderas de pastos marinos en Colombia estructura y distribución de un ecosistema estratégico. INVEMAR, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras “José Benito Vives De Andréis. ISBN 9589730159

    di Prampero, Pietro E. and Narici, Marco V. (2003) Muscles in microgravity: from fibres to human motion. Journal of Biomechanics, 36 (3). pp. 403-412. ISSN 1873-2380


    Eaves, Simon J. and Hughes, Mike D. (2003) Patterns of play of international rugby union teams before and after the introduction of professional status. International journal of performance analysis in sport, 3 (2). pp. 103-111. ISSN 1474-8185

    Edwards-Jones, Valerie and Greenwood, John E. (2003) What’s new in burn microbiology?: James Laing Memorial Prize Essay 2000. Burns, 29 (1). pp. 15-24. ISSN 0305-4179


    Fairhurst, Eileen (2003) New identities of ageing: perspectives on age, gender and life after work. In: Gender and ageing: changing roles and relationships. Open University Press/McGraw Hill. ISBN 0335213197

    Flueck, Martin Schmitt, Beat Décombaz, Jacques Kreis, Roland Boesch, Chris Wittwer, Matthias Graber, Franziska et al.
    Flueck, Martin, Schmitt, Beat, Décombaz, Jacques, Kreis, Roland, Boesch, Chris, Wittwer, Matthias, Graber, Franziska, Vogt, Michael, Howald, Hans and Hoppeler, Hans
    (2003) Transcriptional adaptations of lipid metabolism in tibialis anterior muscle of endurance-trained athletes. Physiological genomics, 15 (2). 148-157.. ISSN 1094-8341

    Flüeck, Martin and Gustafsson, Thomas (2003) VEGF protein in human ischemic skeletal muscle. The American journal of pathology, 163 (6). pp. 2637-2638. ISSN 1525-2191

    Flüeck, Martin, Kitzmann, Magali, Däpp, Christoph, Chiquet, Matthias, Booth, Frank W. and Fernandez, Anne (2003) Transient induction of cyclin A in loaded chicken skeletal muscle. Journal of applied physiology, 95 (4). pp. 1664-1671. ISSN 1522-1601

    Forsyth, Rachel (2003) Supporting e-learning: an overview of the needs of users. New review of academic librarianship, 9 (1). pp. 131-140. ISSN 1361-4533

    Foulstone, Emily, Savage, Paul B., Crown, Anna L., Holly, Jeff and Stewart, Claire E. (2003) Role of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) in the differentiation of primary human adult skeletal myoblasts. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 195 (1). pp. 70-79. ISSN 1097-4652

    French, Sheila (2003) Gender equity and the use of information and communication technologies in the knowledge economy: examining discourses in computing and information technology. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)


    Garratt, Dean and Piper, Heather (2003) Citizenship education and the monarchy: examining the contradictions. British journal of educational studies, 51 (2). pp. 128-148. ISSN 0007-1005

    Gerrits, Karin H., Hopman, Maria T.E., Offringa, Carla, Engelen, Baziel G.M. van, Sargeant, Anthony J., Jones, David A. and Haan, Arnold de (2003) Variability in fibre properties in paralysed human quadriceps muscles and effects of training. Pfluegers Archiv: European journal of physiology, 445 (6). pp. 734-40. ISSN 0031-6768 (Unpublished)

    Gianni, Biolo, Heer, M., Narici, Marco V. and Strollo, Felice (2003) Microgravity as a model of ageing. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 6 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 1473-6519

    Gilroy, David Peter (2003) Education policy and the initial education of teachers. In: Handbook of educational leadership and management. Pearson Longman. ISBN 0273656686

    Goodley, Dan A. (2003) Against a politics of victimisation: culture and self-advocates with learning difficulties. In: Disability, culture and identity. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0130894400

    Goodley, Dan A., Sutherland, Kath, Armstrong, Derrick and Laurie, Linda (2003) Self-advocacy, 'learning difficulties' and the social model of disability. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 41 (3). pp. 149-160. ISSN 0895-8017


    Hackney, Ray A., Ranchhod, Ashok and Hackney, Marilyn (2003) Marketing strategies through customer attention: beyond technology-enabled customer relationship management. In: 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2007, 9th August 2007 - 12th August 2007, Keystone, Colorado, USA.

    Hancock, David and Holt, Robin (2003) Tame, messy and wicked problems in risk management. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Hartley, Richard J. (2003) Electronic information resources. In: International Encyclopedia of Information and Library Science. Routledge. ISBN 0415259010

    Hartley, Richard J. and Virkus, Sirje (2003) Approaches to quality assurance and accreditation of LIS programmes: experiences from Estonia and United Kingdom. Education for Information, 21 (1). pp. 31-48. ISSN 0167-8329

    Haworth, John and Bryce, Jo (2003) Psychological well-being in a sample of male and female office workers. Journal of applied social psychology, 33 (3). pp. 565-585. ISSN 1559-1816

    Holmes, Valerie A., Wallace, Julie M. W., Gilmore, William S., McFaul, Peter and Alexander, H. Denis (2003) Plasma levels of the immunomodulatory cytokine interleukin-10 during normal human pregnancy: a longitudinal study. Cytokine, 21 (6). pp. 265-269. ISSN 1096-0023

    Hoppeler, Hans and Flueck, Martin (2003) Plasticity of skeletal muscle mitochondria: structure and function. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 35 (1). pp. 95-104. ISSN 1530-0315

    Hoppeler, Hans, Vogt, Michael, Weibel, Ewald R. and Flüeck, Martin (2003) Response of skeletal muscle mitochondria to hypoxia. Experimental Physiology, 88 (1). pp. 109-119. ISSN 1469-445X

    Hughes, Howard L. (2003) Cultural tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: the views of induced Image formation agents. Tourism Management, 2 (2). pp. 173-183. ISSN 0261-5177

    Hughes, Howard L. (2003) European capital of culture and its significance for tourism and culture: The case of Krakow 2000. International journal of arts management, 5 (3). pp. 12-23. ISSN 1480-8986


    Ilieva, Janet, Harrison, Barry and Healey, Nigel M. (2003) The changing role of central banks in market economies. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Iyer, Dinakar Belaguli, Narasimhaswamy Flüeck, Martin Rowan, Brian G. Wei, Lei Weigel, Nancy L. Booth, Frank W. et al.
    Iyer, Dinakar, Belaguli, Narasimhaswamy, Flüeck, Martin, Rowan, Brian G., Wei, Lei, Weigel, Nancy L., Booth, Frank W., Epstein, Henry F., Schwartz, Robert J. and Balasubramanyam, Ashok
    (2003) Novel phosphorylation target in the serum response factor MADS box regulates α-actin transcription. Biochemistry, 42 (24). pp. 7477-7486. ISSN 1943-295X


    Jayawarna, Dilani, Wilson, Alison and Homan, Gillian (2003) The management development needs in manufacturing SMEs: an empirical assessment. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Jones, Oswald (2003) The persistence of autocratic management in small firms: TCS and organisational change. International journal of entrepreneurial behaviour and research, 9 (6). pp. 245-267. ISSN 1355-2554

    Jones, Oswald and Holt, Robin (2003) New Business Ventures (NBVs) as activity systems. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.


    Kagan, Carolyn, Boyd, Alan, Geerling, Ted, Gregory, Wendy J., Midgley, Gerald, Murray, Peter and Walsh, Mike (2003) Participative learning for evaluation: a systems approach to the development of evaluation capability for community projects. In: Kagan C., Boyd A., Geerling T., Gregory W.J., Midgley G., Murray P and Walsh M. Participative learning for evaluation: a systems approach to the development of evaluation capability for community projects. In A. Erasmus and P. du Toit. Proceedings ALAPRM/. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 1868545172 (Unpublished)

    Kagan, Carolyn and Tindall, Carol (2003) Feminist approaches in counselling psychology. In: Handbook of counselling psychology 2nd edition. Sage. ISBN 9780761972068

    Kendall, Margaret and Booth, Helen (2003) Developing generic online tutorials as a strategy for extending the use of WebCT. In: 4th annual conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences, 26th-28th August 2003, Galway, Ireland.

    Khojasteh, V. Javid, Rogan, Michael T., Edwards-Jones, Valerie and Foster, Howard A. (2003) Detection of antibodies to Staphylococcus aureus Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 using a competitive agglutination inhibition assay. Letters in applied microbiology, 36 (6). pp. 372-376. ISSN 0266-8254

    Kidd, Alan J. (2003) Poor laws; poor relief. In: The Oxford encyclopaedia of economic history, 4 vols. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195195078

    King, Martin S. (2003) Promoting public health: media constructions and social Images of health in a post-modern society. In: Public Health and Society. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0333971736

    Kirk, Neville (2003) Comrades and cousins: globalization, workers and labour movements in Britain, the USA and Australia from the 1880's to 1914. Merlin Press. ISBN 0-850365-15-5

    Koch, Louise and Kendall, Margaret (2003) Older teenagers' attitudes to a further education college library's fiction collection. New review of children's literature and librarianship, 9 (1). pp. 21-40. ISSN 1361-4541

    Kumar, Shant, Li, Chenggang, Gardy, R. and Seon, B. (2003) Both high intratumoral microvessel density determined using CD105 antibody and elevated plasma levels of CD105 in colorectal cancer patients correlate with poor prognosis. British journal of cancer, 88 (9). pp. 1424-1431. ISSN 0306-9443


    Li, Chenggang Guo, Baoqiang Ding, Shigang Ruis, Carlos Langa, Carmen Kumar, Patricia Bernabeu, Carmelo et al.
    Li, Chenggang, Guo, Baoqiang, Ding, Shigang, Ruis, Carlos, Langa, Carmen, Kumar, Patricia, Bernabeu, Carmelo and Kumar, Shant
    (2003) TNFα down-regulates CD105 expression in vascular endothelial cells: a comparative study with TGFß1. Anticancer Research, 23 (2B). pp. 1189-1196. ISSN 0250-7005

    Li, Chenggang, Issa, Razao, Kumar, Patricia, Hampson, Ian N., Lopez-Novoa, Jose M., Bernabeu, Carmelo and Kumar, Shant (2003) CD105 prevents apoptosis in hypoxic endothelial cells. Journal of Cell Science, 116 (13). pp. 2677-2685. ISSN 0021-9533

    Liggins, Emma (2003) Prostitution and social purity in the 1880s and 1890s. Critical Survey, 15 (3). pp. 39-55. ISSN 0011-1570

    Louafi, F., Stewart, Claire E., Perks, C. M., Thomas, M. G. and Holly, Jeff (2003) Role of the IGF-II receptor in mediating acute, non-genomic effects of retinoids and IGF-II on keratinocyte cell death. Experimental Dermatology, 12 (4). pp. 426-434. ISSN 1600-0625

    Lucas, Rosemary E. and Langlois, Michele (2003) Anticipating and adjusting to the introduction of the National Minimum Wage in the hospitality and clothing industries. Policy Studies, 24 (1). pp. 33-50. ISSN 1470-1006


    MacLure, Maggie (2003) Discourse in educational and social research. Open University Press. ISBN 978-0-335201-90-7

    Mackenzie, Alison and Makin, Louise (2003) Beyond student instruction: information skills for staff. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 9 (1). pp. 113-130. ISSN 1361-4533

    Macpherson, Allan, Elliott, Meg, Harris, Irene and Homan, Gillian (2003) Reflections on e-learning: pedagogy and practice in the corporate sector. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Macpherson, Allan, Jones, Oswald, Zhang, Michael and Wilson, Alison (2003) Re-conceptualising learning spaces: developing capabilities in a high-tech small firm. Journal of workplace learning, 15 (6). pp. 259-270. ISSN 1366-5626

    Maganaris, Constantinos N. (2003) Force-length characteristics of the in vivo human gastrocnemius muscle. Clinical anatomy, 16 (3). pp. 215-23. ISSN 0897-3806

    Maganaris, Constantinos N. (2003) Tendon conditioning: artefact or property? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 270 (Sup. 1). S39-S42. ISSN 0962-8452

    Mahmoudabadi, A. Zarei, Boote, Valerie, Verran, Joanna, Johnson, Elizabeth and Drucker, David B. (2003) Phospholipid molecular species distributions of Candida isolates from the UK and Iran. Journal of applied microbiology, 95 (4). pp. 883-9. ISSN 1364-5072

    Makin, Louise (2003) The Big Blue project: a survey on current practice in information skills training in higher education. In: Information literacy in Europe: a first insight into the state of the art of Information Literacy in the European Union. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

    Markland, Margaret (2003) Embedding online information resources in VLEs: some implications for lecturers and librarians of the move towards delivering teaching in the online environment. Information Research, 8 (4). ISSN 1368-1613

    Markland, Margaret (2003) Online information resources in Virtual Learing Environments. Assignation, 20 (2). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1747-9258

    Markland, Margaret (2003) Online learning environments - a new challenge for lecturers and librarians. In: Internet Librarian, 2003, Monterey, California.

    Markland, Margaret (2003) Technology and people: some challenges when integrating digital library systems into online learning environments. New review of information and library research, 9 (1). pp. 85-96. ISSN 1361-455X

    Markland, Margaret and Brophy, Peter (2003) Deliverable D1. UNSPECIFIED. CERLIM (Centre for Research in Library and Information Management).

    Markland, Margaret and Brophy, Peter (2003) Deliverable D5. UNSPECIFIED. CERLIM (Centre for Research in Library and Information Management).

    Markland, Margaret and Brophy, Peter (2003) MARTINI final evaluation report. UNSPECIFIED. CERLIM (Centre for Research in Library and Information Management).

    Markland, Margaret, Brophy, Peter and Jones, Christopher R. (2003) Deliverable D2. UNSPECIFIED. CERLIM (Centre for Research in Library and Information Management).

    Marris, Veronica (2003) ‘A bit of humanity’: service users’ views of assertive outreach in Manchester. Report of an evaluation of the N’Gage Project. UNSPECIFIED. RIHSC: Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Marsden, Janet E. (2003) Educational preparation for ENP roles. Emergency nurse, 10 (10). pp. 26-31. ISSN 1354-5752

    Marsden, Janet E., Dolon, Brian and Holt, Lynda (2003) Nurse practitioner practice and deployment: electronic mail Delphi study. Journal of advanced nursing, 43 (6). pp. 595-605. ISSN 1365-2648

    Marsden, Janet E. and Mackway-Jones, Kevin (2003) Ascorbate for alkali burns to the eye. Emergency medicine journal, 20 (5). pp. 463-470. ISSN 1472-0213

    Matou, Sabine, Chabut, Delphine, Fischer, Anne-Marie, Colliec-Jouault, Sylvia, Laurendeau, Ingrid, Le Bonniec, Bernard and Helley, Dominique (2003) Low molecular weight fucoidan and heparin enhance the basic fibroblast growth factor-induced tube formation of endothelial cells through heparan sulfate-dependent alpha6 overexpression. Molecular pharmacology, 64 (3). pp. 696-702. ISSN 0026-895X

    McCulloch, Fiona (2003) 'Playing double': performing childhood in "Treasure Island". Scottish Studies Review, 4 (2). pp. 66-81. ISSN 1475-7737

    McLaughlin, Kenneth (2003) Identities: should we survive or surpass them? counselling and psychotherapy, 3 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1471-7646

    Mitsios, Nicholas, Gaffney, John, Krupinski, Jerzy, Kumar, Patricia, Kumar, Shant and Slevin, Mark (2003) Changes in gene regulation and associated protein expression after acute ischaemic stroke in man. In: 17th national meeting of the British Neuroscience Association, 13-16 April 2003, Harrogate, UK.


    Narici, Marco V., Kayser, Bengt, Barattini, Paolo and Cerretelli, Paolo (2003) Effects of 17-day spaceflight on electrically evoked torque and cross-sectional area of the human triceps surae. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 90 (3-4). pp. 275-282. ISSN 1439-6327


    O'Connor, Jacqueline M., Bonham, Maxine P., Turley, E., McKeown, A., McKelvey-Martin, V. J., Gilmore, William S. and Strain, J. J. (2003) Copper supplementation has no effect on markers of DNA damage and liver function in healthy adults (FOODCUE project). Annals of nutrition & metabolism, 47 (5). pp. 201-206. ISSN 0250-6807


    Pandza, K, Horsburgh, S, Gorton, K and Polajnar, A (2003) A real options approach to managing resources and capabilities. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23 (9). pp. 1010-1032. ISSN 0144-3577

    Pandza, Krsto, Horsburgh, Stuart, Gorton, Kevin and Polajnar, Andrej (2003) Working paper. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Parker, Ian (2003) Psychoanalytic narratives: writing the self into contemporary cultural phenomena. Narrative inquiry, 13 (2). pp. 301-315. ISSN 1387-6740

    Piper, Heather, Johnson, Mike, Myers, Steve and Pritchard, Joan (2003) Children and young people harming animals: intervention through PSHE? Research papers in education, 18 (2). pp. 197-213. ISSN 0267-1522

    Piper, Heather and Smith, Hannah (2003) Touch in educational and child care settings: dilemmas and responses. British educational research journal, 29 (6). pp. 879-894. ISSN 1469-3518


    Ramprogus, Vince, Clarke, Charlotte L. and Gibb, Catherine E. (2003) Clinical learning environments: an evaluation of an innovative role to support preregistration nursing placements. Learning in health and social care, 2 (2). pp. 105-115. ISSN 1473-6853

    Read, F. H. and Bowring, Nicholas (2003) Accurate Monte Carlo calculation of Boersch energy and angle spreading. Review of scientific instruments, 74 (4). 2280-2287.. ISSN 0034-6748

    Rees, Patricia L. and Gardner, Hanne (2003) Best value, partnerships and relationship marketing in local government. International journal of nonprofit and voluntary sector marketing, 8 (2). 143-152.. ISSN 1465-4520

    Rees, Patricia L. and Harper, Malcolm (2003) Marketing communications in local governance. Local governance, 29 (1). pp. 78-81. ISSN 1464-0899

    Rittweger, Jörn and Felsenberg, Dieter (2003) Patterns of bone loss in bed-ridden healthy young male subjects: results from the long term bed rest study in Toulouse. The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 3 (4). pp. 290-291. ISSN 1108-7161

    Rittweger, Jörn, Mutschelknauss, Marcus and Felsenberg, Dieter (2003) Acute changes in neuromuscular excitability after exhaustive whole body vibration exercise as compared to exhaustion by squatting exercise. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 23 (2). pp. 81-86. ISSN 1475-0961

    Rittweger, Jörn and Rauch, Frank (2003) What is new in neuro-musculoskeletal interactions? The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 3 (1). pp. 101-104. ISSN 1108-7161

    Robertson, D. J., Taylor, Kevin G. and Hoon, Steve R. (2003) Geochemical and mineral magnetic characterisation of urban sediment particulates, Manchester, UK. Applied geochemistry, 18 (2). pp. 269-282. ISSN 0883-2927

    Rowley, Jennifer (2003) Action research: an approach to student work based learning. Education and Training, 45 (3). pp. 13-138. ISSN 1017-5962

    Rowley, Jennifer (2003) The power-added manager: strategic leaders for the new millennium. Industrial and Commercial Training, 35 (3). pp. 109-111. ISSN 1758-5767


    Sargeant, Anthony J., Sakkas, Giorgos K., Mercer, Thomas H., Ball, Derek, Koufaki, Pelagia, Karatzaferi, Christina and Naish, Patrick F. (2003) Changes in muscle morphology in dialysis patients after 6 months of aerobic exercise training. Nephrology dialysis transplantation, 18 (9). pp. 1854-1861. ISSN 1460-2385

    Scanlan, J (2003) Words and worlds: Dada and the destruction of logos, Zurich 1916. Tout-Fait: The Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal, 2 (5). ISSN 1530-0323

    Scanlan, John (2003) Combustion: an essay on the value of gambling. In: Scanlan, J. Combustion: an essay on the value of gambling. In G. Reith, ed. Gambling: Who wins? Who loses? Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-59102-073-5

    Scanlan, John (2003) Duchamp’s wager: disguise, the play of surface, and disorder. History of the Human Sciences, 16 (3). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1461-720X (Unpublished)

    Scapens, Robert W. and Jazayeri, Mostafa (2003) ERP systems and management accounting change: opportunities or impacts? A research note. European accounting review, 12 (1). pp. 201-233. ISSN 0963-8180

    Sears, John (2003) "In his own image": genre, memory and doubling in Schwarzenegger's films. Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, 22 (3). pp. 104-114. ISSN 0277-9897

    Sears, John (2003) Pranksters in revolt: situationism in the Academy. Art history, 26 (5). 768-773.. ISSN 0141-6790

    Simpson, Seamus and Wilkinson, Rorden (2003) First-mover preferences, structural power and path dependancy : the World Trade Organisation and e-commerce. [Conference or Workshop Item]

    Simpson, Seamus and Wilkinson, Rorden (2003) Governing e-commerce : prospects and problems. [Conference or Workshop Item]

    Stubbs, Mark A. and Martin, Ian (2003) Blended learning: one small step. Learning and Teaching in Action, 2 (3). ISSN 1477-1241


    Taylor, Bill (2003) The West. In: English white water: the British Canoe Union guidebook. Pesda Press. ISBN 9780953195671

    Taylor, Bill and Drew, Ian B. (2003) Hydrology for the paddler. In: English white water: the British Canoe Union guidebook. Pesda Press. ISBN 9780953195671

    Taylor, David W. and Walley, Elizabeth E. (2003) The green entrepreneur: visionary, maverick or opportunist? Working Paper. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Taylor, W. Andrew and Wright, Gillian H. (2003) The impact of senior managers’ commitment on the success of TQM programmes: an empirical study. International journal of manpower, 24 (5). pp. 535-550. ISSN 0143-7720

    Tuselmann, Heinz, Dimitratos, Pavlos and McDonald, Frank (2003) European integration, regional sub-systems and MNE responsiveness. In: The changing global context of international business. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780333994443

    Tuselmann, Heinz, Krause, Jurgen, McDonald, Frank and Schmenglar, Hans (2003) Cautious international entrepreneurs: the case of the Mittelstand. Journal of international entrepreneurship, 1 (4). pp. 363-381. ISSN 1570-7385

    Tweedale, Geoffrey (2003) Archives of the pharmaceutical industry: their scale and scope. In: The pharmaceutical industry: a guide to historical research. Ashgate. ISBN 0754633527

    Tweedale, Geoffrey (2003) Corporate crime: a business historian's perspective. In: Unmasking the crimes of the powerful: scrutinizing states and corporations. Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN 0820456918

    Tweedale, Geoffrey and Bowden, Sue (2003) Mondays without dread: the trade union response to byssinosis in the Lancashire cotton industry in the twentieth century. Social history of medicine, 16 (1). pp. 79-95. ISSN 1477-4666

    Tyldesley, Michael G. (2003) No heavenly delusion? A comparative study of three communal movements. Liverpool University Press. ISBN 0853236089


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