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Herrero, Maria Del Carmen ORCID:, Romero-Rodríguez, Luis M and García-Peñalvo, Francisco José
Academic networks and personal branding in the open education movement.
Advances in Interdisciplinary Research: Pioneering Innovations and Sustainable Practices with Open Science.
(In Press)
Herrero, Maria Del Carmen ORCID:
Práctica de transmediación aplicadas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas (Transmedia practices in language teaching and learning).
Innovación metodológica en educación superior: enseñanza de lenguas y traducción (Methodological innovation in higher education).
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia.
ISBN 9788411836630 (paperback); 9788411836647 (ebook)
Herrero, Maria Del Carmen ORCID: and Vanderschelden, Isabelle
Transmediation: pedagogical applications to film adaptation in modern foreign language education.
Inclusion, Diversity and Innovation in Translation Education.
Literature and Translation
UCL Press, London, pp. 121-156.
ISBN 9781800087149 (hbk); 9781800087132 (pbk); 9781800087125 (pdf)
Herrero, Maria Del Carmen ORCID:
Enhancing series/serials literacy and multilingual competences: Jane the Virgin in the EFL classroom.
Popular Series in English Language Education.
Narr Francke Attempto Verla.
ISBN 9783381107018
(In Press)
Herrero, Maria Del Carmen ORCID:
Redes de memoria (femenina) contra el olvido y otras formas de resistencia en Hoy y no mañana (Josefina Morandé 2018) y Me duele la memoria (Iara Heredia Lozar y Bastien Genoux 2018).
A Contracorriente, 21 (2).
pp. 85-104.
ISSN 1548-7083
Nicholson, Dawn ORCID: and Herrero, Maria Del Carmen
Creating Momentum Around Transformative Active Learning.
Active Learning SIG Blog.
Herrero, Carmen ORCID: and Spence, Paul
Introduction: reflections on post-pandemic pedagogical trends in language education.
Modern Languages Open, 2023 (1).
ISSN 2052-5397
Herrero, Carmen ORCID: and Vaderschelden, Isabelle
Training language teachers to use short films in the language classroom: innovations and challenges.
Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice.
Peter Lang, Berlin, pp. 121-140.
ISBN 9783631853917 (hardcover); 9783631901380 (ebook)
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
Applications of transmedia practices and open educational resources in higher education.
Visual Literacy and Digital Communication: the role of media in new educational practices.
Interlingua, 312
Comares, pp. 43-60.
ISBN 9788413694245
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
La educación transmedia como estrategia innovadora para integrar lengua y cultura en la enseñanza de ELE.
Doblele. Revista de lengua y literatura, 7.
pp. 50-66.
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
La interrelación entre colonialidad y decolonialidad en "Palmeras en la nieve" (2015).
Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanos, 46 (1).
pp. 127-146.
ISSN 0384-8167
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
Visual Explorations of a New Life: Language, Identity and Landscape in El futuro perfecto and Ingen Ko På Isen.
Figures of the Migrant The Roles of Literature and the Arts in Representing Migration.
ISBN 1032008806
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:, Valverde, Karina, Costal, Tomás and Sánchez-Requena, Alicia
The "Film and Creative Engagement Project": Audiovisual Accessibility and Telecollaboration.
Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA) (24).
pp. 89-104.
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
The Beyond Babel Multilingual Film Festival.
Journal of Film and Video, 72 (1-2).
ISSN 0742-4671
Suarez, Marta F and Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
Globalisation and Coloniality of Power in También la lluvia / Even the Rain (2010): Exploring Resistance and Indigenous Empowerment.
Ottawa Hispanic Studies, 28.
pp. 133-154.
ISSN 2561-8180
Herrero, Carmen (2019) Afterword: Present and Future Directions for Video, Film and Audiovisual Media in Language Teaching. In: Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom: Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781788924481
Herrero, Carmen and Vanderschelden, Isabelle (2019) Introduction. In: Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom: Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781788924481
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
Escritura digital: estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en entornos digitales.
Lectoescritura digital.
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa, pp. 123-132.
ISBN 978-84-369-5908-6
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
From New Literacies to Transmedia Literacies: The New Approaches to Transmedia and Language Pedagogy Project.
Innovative language teaching and learning at university: a look at new trends., pp. 19-26.
ISBN 9782490057351
Herrero, C (2018) Medios audiovisuales. In: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2. Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks . Routledge. ISBN 9781138182905
Herrero, Carmen ORCID:
Book Review: Up Against the Wall: Re-imagining the U.S.–Mexico Border.
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 9 (2).
pp. 289-291.
ISSN 2040-4344
Herrero, C, Sanchez-Requena, A and Escobar, M (2018) Una propuesta triple: análisis fílmico, traducción audiovisual y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. inTRAlinea : Online Translation Journal, 19. ISSN 1827-000X
Herrero, Carmen and Escobar, M (2018) A Pedagogical Model for Integrating Film Education and Audio Description in Foreign Language Acquisition. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 4 (1). pp. 30-54. ISSN 2352-1805
Herrero, C (2016) The film in language teaching association (FILTA): A multilingual community of practice. ELT Journal, 70 (2). pp. 190-199. ISSN 0951-0893
Herrero, C (2014) Hybrid Models: Auteurism and Genre in Contemporary Spanish Crime Thrillers. In: (Re)viewing Creative, Critical and Commercial Practices in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. Intellect, London, pp. 351-364. ISBN 9781783204069