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Lindebaum, D and Langer, S ORCID:
On the psycho-emotional deficitisation of workers in the age of cognitive enhancement.
Organization, 31 (4).
pp. 703-719.
ISSN 1350-5084
Bunn, Geoff ORCID: and Langer, Susanne
Book review: The sublime object of education: Lacan and education policy: the other side of education.
Pedagogy Culture and Society, 31 (4).
pp. 883-885.
ISSN 1468-1366
Smith, K and Langer, S ORCID:
The Impact of Parental Bereavement on Young People: A Thematic Analysis of Using Online Web Forums as a Method of Coping.
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 87 (3).
pp. 921-940.
ISSN 0030-2228
Williams, Kate ORCID:, Hartley, Samantha, Langer, Susanne
ORCID:, Manandhar-Richardson, Mizla, Sinha, Melissa and Taylor, Peter
A systematic review and meta-ethnographic synthesis of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for people with major depression.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: an international journal of theory and practice, 29 (5).
pp. 1494-1514.
ISSN 1063-3995
Hopton, K and Langer, S ORCID:
“Kick the XX out of your life”: An analysis of the manosphere’s discursive constructions of gender on Twitter.
Feminism and Psychology, 32 (1).
pp. 3-22.
ISSN 0959-3535
Peel-Wainwright, KM, Hartley, S, Boland, A, Rocca, E, Langer, S ORCID: and Taylor, PJ
The interpersonal processes of non-suicidal self-injury: a systematic review and meta-synthesis.
Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice, 94 (4).
pp. 1059-1082.
ISSN 1476-0835
Langer, Susanne, Bunn, Geoffrey and Fellows, Nina (2018) Towards a Psychosocial Pedagogy: The 'student journey', intersubjectivity, and the development of agency. Learning and Teaching in Action, 13 (1). ISSN 1477-1241
Hunter, C, Chew-Graham, CA, Langer, S, Drinkwater, J, Stenhoff, A, Guthrie, EA and Salmon, P (2015) 'I wouldn't push that further because I don't want to lose her': A multiperspective qualitative study of behaviour change for long-term conditions in primary care. Health Expectations, 18 (6). pp. 1995-2010. ISSN 1369-6513