Items where Division is "Faculties > Arts and Humanities" and Year is 2007

Allen, Christopher (2007) Housing market renewal and social class. Routledge. ISBN 9780415415613
Apeagyei, Phoebe, Otieno, Rose and Tyler, David J. (2007) Ethical practice and methodological considerations in researching body cathexis for fashion products. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11 (3). 332 – 348. ISSN 1361-2026
Armitage, Rachel and Smithson, Hannah (2007) Alley-gating revisited: the sustainability of resident's satisfaction? Internet Journal of Criminology. ISSN 2045-6743
Armitage, Simon R. (2007) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Faber and Faber. ISBN 0571223275
Arun, Shoba, Heeks, Richard and Morgan, Sharon (2007) ICT initiatives, women and work. In: Urban women in contemporary India. Sage. ISBN 9780761935209
Baratta, Alex (2007) Good grammar, shame about the style! Working Paper. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Baratta, Alex (2007) The visual classroom. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Bellaby, Paul, Goldring, John E. and MacKian, Sara (2007) Health literacy and the framing of health messages in the gay community. Economic & Social Research Council.
Blackaby, David, Drinkwater, Stephen, Leslie, Derek and Murphy, Philip D. (2007) Ethnic differences in labour market transitions: an exploration using the British household panel survey. Applied economics letters, 6 (7). pp. 463-466. ISSN 1350-4851
Blake, Linnie (2007) 'Everyone will suffer’ – national identity and the spirit of subaltern vengeance in Nakata Hideo’s Ringu and Gore Verbinski’s The Ring. In: Monstrous adaptations. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719076039
Byrne, Eleanor A. (2007) Unpacking Homi Bhabha's library: the postcolonial archive. In: Deconstruction reading politics. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230536-95-1
Cammack, Paul (2007) Class politics, competitiveness, and the developmental state. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Cammack, Paul (2007) Competitiveness and Convergence: the Open Method of co-ordination in Latin America. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Cammack, Paul (2007) Competitiveness, social justice, and the Third Way. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Cammack, Paul (2007) RIP IPE. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Corkill, David and Almeida, José Carlos (2007) Commemoration and propaganda in Salazar's Portugal: the Portuguese World Exhibition of 1940. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Coupe, Laurence (2007) Beat sound, beat vision: the beat spirit and popular song. Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719071127
Crudge, Sarah E. and Johnson, Frances C. (2007) Using the repertory grid and laddering technique to determine the user's evaluative model of search engines. Journal of Documentation, 63 (2). pp. 259-280. ISSN 0022-0418
Deakin, Jo, Smithson, Hannah, Spencer, Jon and Medina, Juanjo (2007) Taxing on the streets: understanding the methods and process of street robbery. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 9 (1). 52 - 67. ISSN 1743-4629
Dearden, Stephen J.H. (2007) The reform agenda of the EU's development policy. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Delbridge, Rachel and Fisher, Shelagh (2007) The use of soft systems methodology (SSM) in the management of library and information services: a review. Library Management, 28 (6-7). pp. 306-322. ISSN 0143-5124
Di Ciolla, Nicoletta (2007) Crime and the female subject: matricide, filicide and the law of the father in contemporary Italian literature. the case of Laura Grimaldi and Barbara Garlaschelli. In: Women's writing in Western Europe: gender, generation and legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781847181657
Di Ciolla, Nicoletta (2007) Perfecting females / pursuing truths: texts, subtexts and postmodern genre-crossing in Salvatori's noir, Sublime anima di donna. In: Trends in contemporary Italian narrative 1980-2007. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781847182760
Di Ciolla, Nicoletta (2007) Roma in Noir - the Eternal City as dystopia. Or perfect imperfection. Romance studies, 25 (4). pp. 297-307. ISSN 1745-8153
Flint, John and Smithson, Hannah (2007) New governance of youth disorder: a study of local initiatives in Manchester and Glasgow. In: Securing an urban renaissance : crime, community, and British urban policy. Policy Press. ISBN 9781861348159
Goldring, JE (2007) There is more to health than HIV: social capital and health in the gay community. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Salford.
Goldring, JE, Bellaby, P and Maciam, S (2007) Health literacy & the Framing of Health Messages in the gay Community: final report to ESRC. UNSPECIFIED. ERSC.
Goldring, John E. (2007) Gay men as reflexive health citizens. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Goldring, John E. (2007) Gay men as reflexive health citizens: moving beyond health literacy. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Goldring, John E. (2007) Health literacy & the framing of health messages in the gay community. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Goldring, John E. (2007) A brave new world: the renaissance of the gay community. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Griffiths, Jillian R., Johnson, Frances C. and Hartley, Richard J. (2007) User satisfaction as a measure of system performance. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 39 (3). pp. 142-152. ISSN 1741-6477
Hodge, Joanna (2007) Derrida on time. Routledge. ISBN 9780415597203
Hodge, Joanna (2007) Poietic epistemology: reading Husserl through Adorno and Heidegger. In: Adorno and Heidegger: philosophical questions. Stanford University Press. ISBN 080475635X
Hollomotz, Andrea (2007) Sozialisierung zur Wehrlosigkeit - Ursachen für Sexualgewalt gegen Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Jacobs, Susie, Owen, Julia, Sergeant, Paula and Schostak, John F. (2007) Ethnicity and gender in degree attainment: an extensive survey of views and activities in English HEIs. Higher Education Academy.
Johnson, Frances C. (2007) User interactions with results summaries (position paper). [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Jones, Helen (2007) Distinctive dialogues: the international e-communication exchange. Learning and teaching in action, 6 (2). pp. 9-11. ISSN 1477-1241
Jones, Helen and Berrington, E. (2007) 21 years of RASA: a history of the Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre in Merseyside. RASA.
Jones, Helen, Johnson, Kathy and Kunselman, Julie (2007) Just talking? Adding an international dimension to criminal justice teaching. New Jersey criminal justice educator, 40 (1). pp. 7-9.
Lie, Mabel and Baines, Susan (2007) Making sense of organizational change: voices of older volunteers. Voluntas: international journal of voluntary and nonprofit organizations, 18 (3). pp. 225-240. ISSN 0957-8765
Martin, David, O'Neill, Jacki, Randall, David and Rouncefield, Mark (2007) How can I help you? Call Centres, classification work and coordination. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): the journal of collaborative computing, 16 (3). pp. 231-264. ISSN 0925-9724
Massey, Joanne (2007) Young people and the ‘right’ to the city. International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, 7 (3). pp. 241-252. ISSN 1447-9583
Meyer, Anneke (2007) The child at risk: paedophiles, media responses and public opinion. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719073441
Meyer, Anneke (2007) The moral rhetoric of childhood. Childhood, 14 (1). pp. 85-104. ISSN 1461-7013
Moore, Samantha ORCID:
The Beloved Ones.
Ormrod, J (2007) Surf Rhetoric in American and British Surfing Magazines Between 1965 and 1976. Sport in History, 27 (1). pp. 88-109. ISSN 1746-0263
Peter, Beate (2007) How can we tell the dancer from the DJ? Althusser and Jung on participant roles in a nightclub setting. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Phillips, Gervase (2007) Scapegoat arm: twentieth-century cavalry in Anglophone historiography. The journal of military history, 71 (1). pp. 37-74. ISSN 1543-7795
Pollock, Gary (2007) Holistic trajectories: a study of combined employment, housing and family careers by using multiple-sequence analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (1). 167 - 183. ISSN 1467-985X
Pratten, John D. and O'Leary, Barbara (2007) Addressing the causes of chef shortages in the UK. Journal of European industrial training, 31 (1). pp. 68-78. ISSN 0309-0590
Rayson, P, Archer, DE, Baron, A, Culpeper, J and Smith, N (2007) Tagging the Bard: Evaluating the accuracy of a modern POS tagger on Early Modern English corpora. In: Corpus Linguistics Conference 2007 (CL2007), 27 July 2007 - 30 July 2007, University of Birmingham, UK.
Rogers, Peter (2007) Young people’s participation in the renaissance of public space - a case study in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. youth and environments, 16 (2). pp. 105-130. ISSN 1546-2250
Schoene, Berthold (2007) The Edinburgh companion to contemporary Scottish literature. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0748623957
Scott-Jones, Julie and Raisborough, Jayne (2007) Risks, identities and the everyday. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754648611
Smithson, Hannah and Armitage, Rachel (2007) What role for street crime wardens? policy and research, 6 (2). pp. 22-30. ISSN 1757-8043
Smyth, Edmund J. (2007) Noir cityscapes: an introduction. Romance Studies, 25 (2). 83 -84. ISSN 1745-8153
Somers-Hall, Henry (2007) Analytic and transcendental empiricism – Russell, Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze. Philosophy Today, 51 (4). pp. 393-400. ISSN 0031-8256
Somers-Hall, Henry (2007) Peter Hallward's Deleuze and the philosophy of creation. Pli - Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 18.
Sykas, Philip A ORCID:
Abundant images and scant text: reading textile pattern books.
Textiles and Text: re-establishing the links between archival and object-based research.
Archetype, pp. 23-28.
ISBN 9781904982265
Vanderschelden, Isabelle (2007) Digital painting: colour treatment in the cinema of Jean Pierre Jeunet. In: Questions of colour in cinema: from paintbrush to pixel. Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-03911-353-8
Vanderschelden, Isabelle and Waldron, Darren (2007) France at the flicks: issues in contemporary french cinema. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781847183019
Vint, John (2007) Harriet Martineau and industrial strife: from theory into fiction into melodrama. Working Paper. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Wake, Paul (2007) Conrad's Marlow : narrative and death in 'Youth', Heart of darkness, Lord Jim and Chance. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719074905
Waughray, Annapurna (2007) Caste: invisible discrimination? New law journal, 157 (7263). pp. 348-349. ISSN 0306-6479
Wehbe-Herrera, Aishih (2007) Negociando espacios e identidades de género en el siglo XXI. Entrevista a Ana Castillo. Ventana Abierta: revista latina de literatura, arte y cultura, 23. pp. 56-65. ISSN 1099-2987
Wehbe-Herrera, Aishih (2007) Smashed to pieces: portraits of the self(ves) in the mixquiahula letters. In: Masculinities, Femininities and the Power of the Hybrid in US Narratives: Essays on Gender Borders. Universitätsverlag Winter. ISBN 978-3-8253-5250-9
Wilson, R, Baines, S ORCID:, Cornford, J and Martin, M
'Trying to do a jigsaw without the picture on the box': understanding the challenges of care integration in the context of single assessment for older people in England.
International Journal of Integrated Care, 7 (2).
ISSN 1568-4156
Ziada, Hazem ORCID:
Kinesthetic foundations of spatial concepts and configurations.
In: The Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium - Istanbul 2007, 12 June 2007 - 15 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.