Items where Division is "Faculties > Science and Engineering" and Year is 2002

Alway, Stephen E., Degens, Hans, Krishnamurthy, Gururaj and Smith, Cheryl A. (2002) Potential role for Id myogenic repressors in apoptosis and attenuation of hypertrophy in muscles of aged rats. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 283 (1). C66-C76. ISSN 0363-6143
Alway, Stephen E., Degens, Hans, Lowe, Dawn A. and Krishnamurthy, Gururaj (2002) Increased myogenic repressor Id mRNA and protein levels in hindlimb muscles of aged rats. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 282 (2). R411-R422. ISSN 0363-6119
Bayati, Hamid, Iwnicki, Simon D. and Stow, Julian M. (2002) Opportunities for improving interfaces between railway engineering analysis tools. In: Railway Engineering Conference, 3-4 July 2002, London, UK.
Bhargava, Rama, Agarwal, R. S., Kumar, Lokendra and Takhar, Harmindar S. (2002) Numerical solution for the mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a continuously moving plate. International journal of heat and technology, 20 (2). pp. 23-30. ISSN 0392-8764
Chamkha, Ali J., Takhar, Harmindar S. and Bég, O. Anwar (2002) Numerical modelling of Darcy - Brinkman - Forchheimer magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection flow in a porous medium with transpiration and viscous heating. International journal of fluid mechanics research, 29 (1). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1064-2277
Cheng, J and Masser, I (2002) Cellular automata based temporal process understanding of urban growth. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2493. pp. 325-337. ISSN 0302-9743
Degens, Hans, Anderson, Rebecca K. and Alway, Stephen E. (2002) Capillarization in skeletal muscle of rats with cardiac hypertrophy. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 34 (2). pp. 258-66. ISSN 0195-9131
Delaney, Catherine (2002) Sedimentology of a glaciofluvial landsystem, Lough Ree area, Central Ireland: implications for ice margin characteristics during Devensian deglaciation. Sedimentary Geology, 149 (1-3). pp. 111-126. ISSN 0037-0738
Dempsey, Michael J. (2002) Improvements in and relating to fluid bed expansion and fluidization [UK Patent Application no. 0223472.2]. Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
Dougill, Andrew J. and Thomas, Andrew D. (2002) Nebkha dunes in the Molopo Basin, South Africa and Botswana: formation controls and their validity as indicators of soil degradation. Journal of Arid Environments, 50 (3). pp. 413-428. ISSN 0140-1963
Evans, Jerry and Iwnicki, Simon D. (2002) Vehicle dynamics and the wheel/rail interface. In: Wheels on Rails - an update: understanding and managing the wheel/rail interface: Seminar of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 23rd April 2002, London, United Kingdom.
Fanti, Marianna, Birkett, Paul R., Zerbetto, Francesco, Galaup, Jean-Pierre, Rice, James H., Wachter, Norbert K. and Taylor, Roger (2002) C70Ph8 and C70Ph10: a computational and solid solution spectroscopic study. The journal of chemical physics, 116 (7). pp. 7621-7626. ISSN 0021-9606
Garland, R. J., Al-Shanti, Nasser, West, N. A., Hancock, J. P., Goulden, N. J., Steward, C. G. and Rowbottom, A. W. (2002) Human CD8+ CTL recognition and in vitro lysis of herpes simplex virus-infected cells by a non-MHC restricted mechanism. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 55 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 0301-6323
Holmes, Paul S. and Collins, David J. (2002) The problem of motor imagery: a functional equivalence solution. In: Solutions in sports psychology. Thomson Learning. ISBN 186152773X
Jaiswal, Jay, Blair, Stephen, Stevens, Andy, Kay, Tom, Iwnicki, Simon D. and Bezin, Yann (2002) A systems approach to evaluating rail life. In: Railway Engineering Conference, 3-4 July 2002, London, UK.
Johnston, Stephen, Low, Robert J. and Neal, Maureen P. (2002) Computer simulation of polar bent-core molecules. Physical Review E, 66 (6). 061702. ISSN 2470-0053
Kelly, Peter, Bradley, J. W., Backer, H., Aranda-Gonzalvo, Y. and Arnell, R. D. (2002) The distribution of ion energies at the substrate in an asymmetric bi-polar pulsed DC magnetron discharge. Plasma sources science and technology, 11 (2). pp. 165-174. ISSN 1361-6595
Lambrick, David B., Blažina, Z. and Hoon, Steve R. (2002) On magnetic properties of DyNi5−xAlx (x=0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3) intermetallics. Journal of materials science letters, 21 (10). pp. 807-809. ISSN 0261-8028
Lees, Graham C., Rothon, R., Liauw, Chris and Schofield, Wayne C. E. (2002) Magnesium hydroxide filled EVA: The effects of filler surface modification on the strength of filler/matrix adhesion and the consequences for composite structure and properties. The journal of adhesion, 78 (7). pp. 603-628. ISSN 1545-5823
Liang, Bo, Payne, Bradley S., Ball, Andrew D. and Iwnicki, Simon D. (2002) Simulation and fault detection of three-phase induction motors. Mathematics and computers in simulation, 61 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0378-4754
Liauw, Chris, Allen, Norman S., Edge, Michele, Ortega, Amaya, Stratton, John and McIntyre, Robert B. (2002) Behaviour of nanoparticle (ultrafine) titanium dioxide pigments and stabilisers on the photooxidative stability of water based acrylic and isocyanate based acrylic coatings. Polymer degradation and stability, 78 (3). pp. 467-478. ISSN 0141-3910
Loram, Ian D. and Lakie, Martin (2002) Direct measurement of human ankle stiffness during quiet standing: the intrinsic mechanical stiffness is insufficient for stability. The journal of physiology, 545 (3). pp. 1041-1053. ISSN 1469-7793
Manning, Warren, Crolla, D. A., Brown, M. D. and Selby, M. A. (2002) IVMC:INtelligent vehicle motion control. SAE international journal of passenger cars - electronic and electrical systems, 111 (7). 408-416.. ISSN 0096-736X
Mei, TX, Li, H, Goodall, RM and Wickens, AH (2002) Dynamics And Control Assessment Of Rail Vehicles Using Permanent Magnet Wheel Motors. Vehicle System Dynamics, 37 (sup1). pp. 326-337. ISSN 0042-3114
Narici, Marco V., Maganaris, Constantinos N. and Reeves, Neil D. (2002) Muscle and tendon adaptations to ageing and spaceflight. Journal of gravitational physiology, 9 (1). pp. 137-138. ISSN 1077-9248
Naroua, Harouna, Takhar, Harmindar S. and Ram, P. C. (2002) Finite element analysis of hydromagnetic free convective flow in a rotating heat generating fluid with Hall and ionslip currents. plasma and space research, 11 (4). pp. 271-275. ISSN 1083-4729
Nicholson, DT (2002) Quantification and description of rock breakdown for experimental weathering studies. In: Stone Weathering and Atmospheric Pollution NETwork (SWAPNET) 2001, 07 May 2001 - 11 May 2001, Czech Republic.
O'Brien, KM (2002) Seifert's algorithm, Châtelet bases and the Alexander ideals of classical knots. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Durham University.
Reeves, Neil D., Maganaris, Constantinos N., Ferretti, Gianluigi and Narici, Marco V. (2002) Influence of simulated microgravity on human skeletal muscle architecture and function. Journal of gravitational physiology, 9 (1). pp. 153-4. ISSN 1077-9248
Rego, Chris A., Beake, B. D., Goodes, S. R., Smith, J. F., Madani, R, Cherry, R. I. and Wagner, T. (2002) Investigating the fracture resistance and adhesion of DLC films with micro-impact testing. Diamond and related materials, 11 (8). pp. 1606-1609. ISSN 0925-9635
Slaouti, Arezki, Takhar, Harmindar S. and Nath, Girishwar (2002) Spin-up and spin-down of a viscous fluid over a heated disk rotating in a vertical plane in the presence of a magnetic field and a buoyancy force. Acta Mechanica, 156 (1-2). pp. 109-129. ISSN 0001-5970
Slevin, Mark, Kumar, Shant and Gaffney, John (2002) Angiogenic oligosaccharides of hyaluronan induce multiple signaling pathways affecting vascular endothelial cell mitogenic and wound healing responses. Journal of biological chemistry, 277 (43). pp. 41046-41059. ISSN 0021-9258
Smith, Dave, Driver, Simon, Lafferty, Moira, Burrell, Clare and Devonport, Tracey (2002) Social desirability bias and the direction modified competitive state anxiety inventory-2. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 95 (3). pp. 945-952. ISSN 0031-5125
Solymosi, Miklos, Low, Robert J., Grayson, Martin and Neal, Maureen P. (2002) A generalized scaling of a chiral index for molecules. The journal of chemical physics, 116 (22). pp. 9875-9881. ISSN 0021-9606
Soundalgekar, V. M., Vighnesam, N. V. and Takhar, Harmindar S. (2002) Effects of suction and injection on MHD heat transfer in stagnation point flow with variable body temperature. plasma and space research, 11 (4). pp. 309-348. ISSN 1083-4729
Takhar, Harmindar S., Chamkha, Ali J. and Nath, Girishwar (2002) MHD flow over a moving plate in a rotating fluid with magnetic field, Hall currents and free stream velocity. International journal of engineering science, 40 (13). pp. 1511-1527. ISSN 0020-7225
Takhar, Harmindar S., Chamkha, Ali J. and Nath, Girishwar (2002) Natural convection on a vertical cylinder embedded in a thermally stratified high-porosity medium. International journal of thermal sciences, 41 (1). pp. 83-93. ISSN 1290-0729
Takhar, Harmindar S., Singh, Ashok K. and Nath, Girishwar (2002) Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer on a rotating disk in an ambient fluid. International journal of thermal sciences, 41 (2). pp. 147-155. ISSN 1290-0729
Thomas, Andrew D., Dougill, Andrew J., Berry, Kate and Byrne, Jenny A. (2002) Soil crusts in the Molopo Basin, southern Africa. North West Geography, 2 (1). pp. 10-19. ISSN 1476-1580
Verran, Joanna (2002) When is a biofilm not a biofilm - and does it really matter? [Conference or Workshop Item]
Williams, Alun G., Ismail, Naim A., Sharma, Anita and Jones, David A. (2002) Effects of resistance exercise volume and nutritional supplementation on anabolic and catabolic hormones. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 86 (4). pp. 315-321. ISSN 1439-6319
Williams, Alun G., Rayson, Mark P. and Jones, David A. (2002) Resistance training and the enhancement of the gains in material-handling ability and physical fitness of British Army recruits during basic training. Ergonomics, 45 (4). pp. 267-79. ISSN 0014-0139
Zhou, Jian G. and Causon, Derek M. (2002) Numerical solutions of the shallow water equations with discontinuous bed topography. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 38 (8). 769-788.. ISSN 0271-2091
Zubko, Mikhajlo K. and Day, Anil (2002) Differential regulation of genes transcribed by nucleus-encoded plastid RNA polymerase, and DNA amplification, within ribosome-deficient plastids in stable phenocopies of cereal albino mutants. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 267 (1). pp. 27-37. ISSN 1617-4623
Zubko, Mikhajlo K., Zubko, Elena I. and Gleba, Yuri Yu (2002) Self-fertile cybrids nicotiana tabacum (+hyoscyamus aureus) with a nucleo-plastome incompatibility. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 105 (6). pp. 822-828. ISSN 1432-2242