Items where Division is "Faculties > MMU Cheshire (Legacy)" and Year is 2003

Allsopp, Richard D. (2003) Collect-If. Frakcija (30-31). pp. 52-63. ISSN 1331-0100
Almarwaey, Omar Ali, Jones, Andrew M. and Tolfrey, Keith (2003) Physiological correlates with endurance running performance in trained adolescents. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 35 (3). pp. 480-487. ISSN 0195-9131
Birtles, Deirdre B., Rayson, Mark P., Casey, Anna, Jones, David A. and Newham, Di J. (2003) Venous obstruction in healthy limbs: a model for chronic compartment syndrome? Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 35 (10). pp. 1638-44. ISSN 0195-9131
Birtles, Deirdre B., Rayson, Mark P., Jones, David A., Padhiar, Nat, Casey, Anna and Newham, Di J. (2003) Effect of eccentric exercise on patients with chronic exertional compartment syndrome. European journal of applied physiology, 88 (6). pp. 565-71. ISSN 1439-6319
Bridge, Matthew W., Weller, Andrew S., Rayson, Mark P. and Jones, David A. (2003) Ambient temperature and the pituitary hormone responses to exercise in humans. Experimental physiology, 88 (5). pp. 627-35. ISSN 0958-0670
Bridge, Matthew W., Weller, Andrew S., Rayson, Mark P. and Jones, David A. (2003) Responses to exercise in the heat related to measures of hypothalamic serotonergic and dopaminergic function. European journal of appied physiology, 89 (5). pp. 451-9. ISSN 1439-6319
Carter, James M., Jeukendrup, Asker E., Mündel, Toby and Jones, David A. (2003) Carbohydrate supplementation improves moderate and high-intensity exercise in the heat. Pfluegers Archiv: European journal of physiology, 446 (2). pp. 211-9. ISSN 0031-6768 (Unpublished)
Curtis, Susan (2003) Lies, damned lies and organisational politics. Industrial and commercial training, 35 (7). pp. 293-297. ISSN 0019-7858
Curtis, Susan (2003) The response of academics students’ term-time working. Management Research News, 26 (10/11). pp. 70-77. ISSN 0140-9174
Jones, Andrew M., Koppo, Katrien and Burnley, Mark (2003) Effects of prior exercise on metabolic and gas exchange responses to exercise. Sports Medicine, 33 (13). pp. 949-971. ISSN 0112-1642
Jones, Andrew M., Wilkerson, Daryl P., Burnley, Mark and Koppo, Katrien (2003) Prior heavy exercise enhances performance during subsequent perimaximal exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 (12). pp. 2085-2092. ISSN 0195-9131
Jones, Andrew M., Wilkerson, Daryl P., Koppo, Katrien, Wilmshurst, Sally and Campbell, Iain T. (2003) Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase by L-NAME speeds phase II pulmonary O2 kinetics in the transition to moderate-intensity exercise in man. Journal of physiology, 552 (1). pp. 265-272. ISSN 0022-3751
Lark, Sally D., Buckley, John G., Bennett, Simon, Jones, David A. and Sargeant, Anthony J. (2003) Joint torques and dynamic joint stiffness in elderly and young men during stepping down. Clinical Biomechanics, 18 (9). pp. 848-855. ISSN 0268-0033
Moss, Andrew D., Fowler, Neil E. and Tolfrey, Vicky L. (2003) A telemetry-based velocometer to measure wheelchair velocity. Journal of Biomechanics, 36 (2). pp. 253-257. ISSN 0021-9290
Owen, A. Sion (2003) Measuring large UK accounting firm profit margins, mergers and concentration: a political economy of the accounting firm. auditing & accountability journal, 16 (2). pp. 275-297. ISSN 0951-3574
Pratten, John D. (2003) Professional wrestling: a multi-million pound soap opera of sports entertainment. Management research news, 26 (5). pp. 32-41. ISSN 0140-9174
Pratten, John D. (2003) Responding to demand: new types of public houses in the UK. Journal of food products marketing, 9 (2). pp. 39-52. ISSN 1045-4446
Pratten, John D. (2003) Smoking policies in UK pubs: a business opportunity? International journal of contemporary hospitality managemen, 15 (2). pp. 120-125. ISSN 0959-6119
Pratten, John D. (2003) Training in the independent sector of the licensed trade: the need for management development. Development and Learning in Organizations: an international journal, 17 (3). pp. 10-11. ISSN 1477-7282
Pratten, John D. (2003) What is the ideal public house licensee? British food journal, 105 (10). pp. 732-741. ISSN 0007-070X
Pratten, John D. (2003) What makes a great chef? British food journal, 105 (7). pp. 454-459. ISSN 0007-070X
Pratten, John D. (2003) The changing nature of the British pub. British Food Journal, 105 (4/5). pp. 252-262. ISSN 0007-070X
Pratten, John D. (2003) The importance of waiting staff in restaurant service. British food journal, 105 (11). pp. 823-834. ISSN 0007-070X
Pratten, John D. (2003) The training and retention of chefs. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 15 (4). pp. 237-242. ISSN 0959-6119
Pratten, John D. (2003) The training of managers in the UK licensed trade: changing career structures to meet new customer requirements. Development and Learning in Organizations : an international journal, 17 (1). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1477-7282
Pratten, John D. and Curtis, Susan (2003) A comparison of training provision in large and small organizations: the case of public houses. Journal of European industrial training, 27 (9). pp. 454-460. ISSN 0309-0590
Pratten, John D. and Lovatt, Christopher J. (2003) Sex discrimination in the licensed trade: a study of the differing attitudes to legal matters. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 15 (7). pp. 379-385. ISSN 0959-6119
Pratten, John D. and Lovatt, Christopher J. (2003) A need for training: the chasm of knowledge and application of employment regulation within the small business sector. Development and learning in organizations :an international journal, 17 (5). pp. 4-6. ISSN 1477-7282
Pratten, John D. and O'Leary, Barbara (2003) Reaching for the stars: the journey from trainee to head chef. International Journal of Applied Human Resource Management, 4 (1). pp. 150-167. ISSN 1742-2604
Pratten, John D. and Schoffield, Susan C. (2003) Marketing in the independent sector of the UK licensed trade. International journal of contemporary hospitality management, 15 (5). pp. 263-267. ISSN 0959-6119
Pratten, John D. and Towers, Neil (2003) Food allergies: a problem for the catering industry. British Food Journal, 105 (4). pp. 279-287. ISSN 0007-070X
Rodacki, Cíntia de Lourd Nahhas, Fowler, Neil E., Rodacki, André L. F. and Birch, Karen M. (2003) Stature loss and recovery in pregnant women with and without low back pain. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 84 (4). pp. 507-512. ISSN 0003-9993
Scaglioni, Gil, Maffiuletti, Nicola A., Narici, Marco V. and Pensini, Manuela (2003) Effect of ageing on the electrical and mechanical properties of human soleus motor units activated by the H reflex and M wave. The journal of physiology, 548 (2). 649-661.. ISSN 0022-3751
Smith, Dave and Stewart, Sally (2003) Sexual aggression and sports participation. Journal of sport behavior, 26 (4). pp. 384-395. ISSN 0162-7341
Towers, Neil and Pratten, John D. (2003) Managing special dietary needs for food allergies in the hospitality industry; a survey based on the Coeliac disorder. International journal of hospitality management, 22 (4). pp. 341-351. ISSN 0278-4319
Towers, Neil and Pratten, John D. (2003) Stock control and supplier relationships at the local pub in a market town: a case study investigation into effective demand management. British food journal, 105 (9). pp. 591-601. ISSN 0007-070X