Items where Author is "Hackett, AC"

Caton, Lucy and Hackett, AC (2019) Head mounted, chest mounted, tripod or roaming? Ontological possibilities for doing visual research with children and GoPro cameras. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Playing and Learning with Technology in Early Childhood. Routledge International Handbooks of Education . Routledge. ISBN 9781138308169
Hackett, AC, Procter, L and Kummerfeld, R (2018) Exploring Abstract, Physical, Social and Embodied Space: developing an approach for analysing museum spaces for young children. Children's Geographies, 16 (5). pp. 489-502. ISSN 1473-3285
Hackett, AC, MacRae, C, McCall, K, Penfold, L, Wallis, N, Bates, E and Cooke, L (2018) Coda: posthumous conversations. A reading group to discuss the work of Dr Elee Kirk. Children's Geographies, 16 (5). pp. 571-577. ISSN 1473-3285
Hackett, AC (2018) Barn, sted, tid, bevegelse: på sporet av litteratur om romlig teori og dens relevans for små barn (Children, place, time, movement: tracing the literature on spatial theories and their relevance for young children). In: Barn skaper sted – sted skaper barn (Children create place – place creates children). Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 9788245022162
Hackett, AC (2017) Parents as Researchers: Collaborative Ethnography with Parents. Qualitative Research, 17 (5). pp. 481-497. ISSN 1741-3109
Hackett, AC and Somerville, M (2017) Posthuman literacies: young children moving in time, place and more-than-human worlds. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 17 (3). pp. 374-391. ISSN 1468-7984
Hackett, AC, Pahl, K and Pool, S (2017) In amongst the glitter and the squashed blueberries: Crafting a collaborative lens for children’s literacy pedagogy in a community setting. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12 (1). pp. 58-73. ISSN 1554-480X