Items where Author is "Di Feliciantonio, Cesare"

Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID: and De Craene, Valerie
Almost 30 years later, silence is still here with us: introduction of the themed issue.
Gender, Place and Culture, 31 (4).
pp. 413-423.
ISSN 0966-369X
Boussalem, Alessandro and Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID:
‘Like a piece of meat in a pack of wolves’: gay/bisexual men and sexual racialization.
Gender, Place and Culture, 31 (4).
pp. 505-522.
ISSN 0966-369X
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID: and Brown, Gavin
Chemsex at home: homonormative aspirations and the blurring of the private/public space divide.
Geoforum, 147.
ISSN 0016-7185
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID:
Here, there, everywhere: the relational geographies of chemsex.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48 (4).
pp. 703-717.
ISSN 0020-2754
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID:, Ferrante, Nina, Giubilaro, Chiara and Pecorelli, Valeria
Produzione Accademica, Linguaggi e Posizionamenti: Riflessioni a Partire da Decolonialità e Privilegio di Rachele Borghi.
Acme: an international e-journal for critical geographies, 22 (1).
pp. 860-877.
ISSN 1492-9732
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID:
Chemsex among gay men living with HIV aged over 45 in England and Italy: sociality and pleasure in times of undetectability.
HIV, Sex and Sexuality in Later Life.
Policy Press, pp. 67-83.
ISBN 9781447361978 (hardback); 9781447361985 (ebook)
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID:
Gay men living with HIV in England and Italy in times of undetectability: a life course perspective.
Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places: a changing world.
Springer, pp. 235-246.
ISBN 9783031037917 (hardcover); 9783031037924 (ebook)
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare and Dagkouly-Kyriakoglou, Myrto (2022) The housing pathways of lesbian and gay youth and intergenerational family relations: A Southern European perspective. Housing Studies, 37 (3). pp. 414-434. ISSN 0267-3037
Di Feliciantonio, Cesare ORCID:
Migration as an active strategy to escape the ‘second closet’ for HIV-positive gay men in Barcelona and Rome.
Social and Cultural Geography, 21 (9).
pp. 1177-1196.
ISSN 1464-9365