Browse by Author

Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Diversidade relacional e olhares mediáticos: Uma década de representações jornalísticas de não-monogamias consensuais em Portugal.
Revista Communitas, 5 (12).
ISSN 2526-5970
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Interview with Meg-John Barker.
Sexualities, 24 (8).
pp. 1081-1099.
ISSN 1363-4607
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:, Pascoal, Patricia M and Maiochi, Francisco Hertel
Correction to: Defining Polyamory: A Thematic Analysis of Lay People's Definitions.
Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal, 50 (6).
p. 2775.
ISSN 0004-0002
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:, Pascoal, Patrícia M and Maiochi, Francisco Hertel
Defining Polyamory : a thematic analysis of lay people’s definitions.
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50 (4).
pp. 1239-1252.
ISSN 0004-0002
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:, Rosa, Ana and da Silva, Marisa Torres
(De)Politicizing polyamory : social media comments on media representations of consensual non-monogamies.
Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal, 50 (4).
pp. 1325-1340.
ISSN 0004-0002
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID: and Paasonen, Susanna
The value of print, the value of porn.
Porn Studies, 8 (1).
pp. 92-106.
ISSN 2326-8743
Cardoso, D ORCID:, Pascoal, PM and Rosa, PJ
Facing polyamorous lives: translation and validation of the attitudes towards polyamory scale in a Portuguese sample.
Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 35 (1).
pp. 115-130.
ISSN 1468-1994
Cardoso, D ORCID:
The Political Is Personal: The Importance of Affective Narratives in the Rise of Poly-activism.
Sociological Research Online, 24 (4).
pp. 691-708.
Rosa, Jorge Martins and Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
A Construção da Identidade dos Novos Partidos em Páginas Oficiais do Facebook (Building New Party Identity on Official Facebook Pages).
International Journal of Digital Media and Interaction, 2 (3).
pp. 71-87.
ISSN 2184-3120
Rosa, Jorge Martins, Omena, Janna Joceli and Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Watchdogs in the Social Network: A Polarized Perception?
Observatorio (OBS*), 12.
pp. 98-117.
ISSN 1646-5954
Luz, Filipe Costa and Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Nota Introdutória.
Revista Lusófona de Educação, 40.
pp. 147-149.
ISSN 1645-7250
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Notas sobre a Criança transviada: considerações queerfeministas sobre infâncias.
Periódicus : revista de Estudos Indisciplinares em Gêneros e Sexualidades, 1 (9).
pp. 214-233.
ISSN 2358-0844
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Bodies and BDSM: Redefining Sex Through Kinky Erotics.
Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15 (7).
pp. 931-932.
ISSN 1743-6095
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Book Review: Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: An Ethnography of Academia.
Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 2 (1).
ISSN 2542-4920
En-Griffiths, David, Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:, En, Boka, Barker, Meg-John, Muscarina, Sina and Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria
Editorial: Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies.
Graduate Journal of Social Science, 14.
pp. 4-7.
ISSN 1572-3763
Cardoso, D ORCID:
Gazing upon the (disgusted) gaze: the abnormal regulation of ‘normal’ sexuality.
Porn Studies, 4 (4).
pp. 468-472.
ISSN 2326-8743
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Amores plurais situados - Para uma meta-narrativa socio-histórica do poliamor.
Tempo da Ciência, 25.
pp. 12-29.
ISSN 1414-3089
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID: and Ponte, Cristina
Género, Sexualidade e Ativismo Online: Um olhar interseccional para o papel da participação cívica na internet por jovens portugueses.
Ex aequo, 35.
pp. 49-64.
ISSN 0874-5560
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
My Spivak is bigger than yours: (Mis-)representations of polyamory in the Portuguese LGBT movement and mononormative rhetorics.
Digital Journal on Lesbian Issues, 6.
pp. 45-64.
ISSN 1647-3868
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:, Martins, Inês Rôlo and Coelho, Salomé
Debating Polyamory as Research: an Auto-Ethnographic Account of a Round-Table on Polyamory and Lesbianism.
LES Online, 5 (1).
pp. 20-34.
ISSN 1647-3868
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Reflex(ã)o nas sombras.
Revista (in)visível, 1.
pp. 124-129.
ISSN 2182-4363
Ponte, Cristina and Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Notícias desalinhadas de crianças em linha. Como a imprensa configura riscos e oportunidades da Internet.
Comunicação e Sociedade, 13.
pp. 119-133.
ISSN 1645-2089
Book Section
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID: and Scarcelli, Cosimo Marco
Breaking the silence: Young people, sex information and the internet in Italy and Portugal.
Gender and Sexuality in the European Media Exploring Different Contexts Though Conceptualisations of Age.
ISBN 0367407345
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Pornography as Education.
The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication.
ISBN 9781119429104
Cardoso, Carla Rodrigues and Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Women’s Lifestyle Magazines.
The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication.
ISBN 1119429102
Ponte, Cristina and Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Em casa e no quarto: modelos de uso da internet por crianças e jovens (9-16 anos).
Nascidos Digitais: Novas Linguagens, Lazer e Dependências.
Coisas de Ler, pp. 253-267.
ISBN 978-989-8659-09-5
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Consensual Non-monogamies in the UK press: The Years 2010-2014 - An Analysis of News Coverage.
Research Report.
Manchester Metropolitan University.
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Dez anos de não-monogamias consensuais nos media em Portugal: Uma análise da cobertura jornalística.
Research Report.
Manchester Metropolitan University.
Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:
Ten years of consensual non-monogamies in the media in Portugal: An analysis of news coverage.
Research Report.
Manchester Metropolitan University.
Conference or Workshop Item
Ponte, Cristina, Cardoso, Daniel ORCID: and Ferreira, Eduarda
“Que situações na internet incomodam pessoas da tua idade?” As respostas de crianças e jovens portugueses.
In: V Congresso Literacia, Media e Cidadania, 03 May 2019 - 04 May 2019, Aveiro, Portugal.
Sousa, Carla, Cardoso, Daniel ORCID:, Costa, Conceição and Tyner, Kathleen
Making Games, Making Literacy: A Case-Study in Formal Educational Contexts.
In: 12th European Conference on Games-based Learning, 04 October 2018 - 05 October 2018, Sophia Antipolis, France.