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Carlin, Matthew ORCID:
Augusto Del Noce: Toward an Education of Limits.
Educational Theory, 71 (5).
pp. 631-650.
ISSN 0013-2004
Carlin, Matthew ORCID:
Gnosticism, progressivism and the (im)possibility of the ethical academy.
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53 (5).
pp. 436-447.
ISSN 0013-1857
Carlin, MA (2018) Celestin Freinet's Printing Press: Lessons of a Bourgeois Educator. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51 (6). pp. 628-639. ISSN 0013-1857
Carlin, MA (2014) El Fetiche Etnografico de Michael Taussig. EntreDiversidades: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (2). pp. 13-44. ISSN 2007-7602
Carlin, MA and Federici, S (2014) The Exploitation of Women, Social Reproduction, and the Struggle against Global Capital. Theory and Event, 17 (3). ISSN 1092-311X
Carlin, MA (2010) In the Blink of an Eye: The Augenblick of Sudden Change and Transformative Learning in Lukács and Benjamin. Culture, Theory and Critique, 51 (3). pp. 239-256. ISSN 1473-5784
Book Section
Carlin, Matthew ORCID:
Celestin Freinet: The Printing Press and Student Work.
Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation.
ISBN 978-981-13-2262-4
Carlin, MA (2017) Deleuze and Guattari: politics and education. In: Encyclopedia of educational philosophy and theory. Springer, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9812875875
Carlin, MA and Wallin, J (2014) Preface: For a People-Yet-to-Come: Deleuze, Guattari, Politics and Education. In: Deleuze and Guattari, Politics and Education: For a People-Yet-to-Come. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781441166166
Carlin, MA (2014) Amputating the State: Autonomy and La Universidad de La Tierra. In: Deleuze & Guattari: Politics and Education: For a People-Yet-To-Come. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781441166166