Manchester Metropolitan University's Research Repository

    Innovative social investment (INNOSI): strengthening communities in Europe

    Ozan, Jessica, O’Leary, Chris, Baines, Susan, Bailey, GM, Koronaiou, Alexandra, Alexias, George, Vayias, George, Koronaiou, Alexandra, Alexias, Giorgos, Sakellariou, Alexandros, Orlandini, Matteo, Prandini, Riccardo, Csoba, Judit, Sipos, Florian and Sorsa, Kaisa (2018) Innovative social investment (INNOSI): strengthening communities in Europe. [Collection]


    The idea of Social Investment as a new paradigm in welfare has become influential in public policy globally, especially in Europe. The phrase “Social Investment” implies that spending on welfare is a long-term investment to improve prospects for economic and social participation. In contrast to more redistributive forms of welfare, Social Investment measures and instruments are intended to strengthen people’s skills and capacities over the life course. The European Commission launched a major endeavour to rebalance economic and social progress with the Social Investment Package (SIP) in 2013. Most EU countries have adopted some elements of Social Investment although uptake is far from uniform. For advocates, Social Investment enhances human capital and stops disadvantage from compounding across generations. Critics counter that it is less pro-poor than more traditional social policy. These debates often remain on rather an abstract meta level and make limited reference to local, micro level policy and practice. Innovative social investment: strengthening communities in Europe (INNOSI) was funded under Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges to document and evaluate innovative, strategic implementation of Social Investment across Europe. INNOSI fills two significant gaps in the Social Investment literature: the paucity of empirical research at the sub-national level, and lack of connection with Social Innovation. Full reports from the project including deliverables and shorter briefing reports can be viewed at http://innosi.eu/ DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23634/MMUDR.2017.00000072

    Publisher: Manchester Metropolitan University
    URI: https://e-space.mmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/620202

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