Items where Division is "Faculties > Arts and Humanities" and Year is 2009

Allen, Christopher (2009) The fallacy of “housing studies”: philosophical problems of knowledge and understanding in housing research. theory and society, 26 (1). pp. 53-79. ISSN 1403-6096
Allen, Christopher and Crookes, Lee (2009) Fables of the reconstruction: a phenomenology of 'place shaping' in the North of England. Town Planning Review, 80 (4-5). pp. 455-480. ISSN 0041-0020
Armitage, Simon R. (2009) Gig: the life and times of a rock-star fantasist. Penguin. ISBN 9780141021249
Armitage, Simon R. and Dee, Tim (2009) The poetry of birds. Penguin. ISBN 9780670916412
Arun, Shoba (2009) 'Caring' professionals: global migration and gendered cultural economy. In: Work and life in the global economy: a gendered analysis of service work. Palgrave. ISBN 9780230580848
Baron, A, Rayson, P and Archer, DE (2009) Automatic Standardization of Spelling for Historical Text Mining. In: Digital Humanities 2009, 22 June 2009 - 25 June 2009, University of Maryland, USA.
Binnie, J and Klesse, C ORCID:
Researching transnational solidarities around LGBTQ politics in Poland: brief reflections.
In: The Anglo-Polish Perspectives on Sexual Politics workshop, 03 July 2009 - 03 July 2009, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Biswell, Andrew M. (2009) The age of anxiety. In: English anxieties. Photoworks. ISBN 978-1-872-771-72-4
Blake, L ORCID:
"You guys and your cute little categories": Torchwood, the space-time rift and Cardiff's postmodern, postcolonial and (avowedly) pansexual gothic.
The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies (7).
pp. 16-22.
ISSN 2009-0374
Bunting, Kirsty (2009) Dreams of futurity in 'Votes for Men' and ‘The Dark Cottage’. In: Mary Cholmondeley reconsidered. Pickering & Chatto. ISBN 9781851966561
Bunting, Kirsty (2009) The very stage and theatre of our dramatic happiness: scenes from Michael Field’s Rottingdean. The Michaelian (1).
Carpenter, Ginette (2009) Review of Justine Picardie's Daphne. Women: A Cultural Review, 20 (1). pp. 89-96. ISSN 1470-1367
Challis, B (2009) Technology, accessibility and creativity in popular music education. Popular Music, 28. ISSN 0261-1430
Coupe, Laurence (2009) Genesis and the nature of myth. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 11 (1). pp. 9-22. ISSN 1468-8417
Crome, Keith ORCID:
The nihilistic affirmation of life: biopower and biopolitics in The Will to Knowledge.
Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy (6).
pp. 46-61.
ISSN 1834-3287
Crome, Keith J., Farrar, Ruth and O'Connor, Patrick (2009) What is autonomous learning? Discourse: learning and teaching in philosophical and religious studies, 9 (1). 111 – 126. ISSN 2040-3674
Daly, Selena (2009) From symbolism to futurism: poupées électriques and elettricita. Rivista di Studi Italiani, 27 (1). pp. 46-59. ISSN 1916-5412
Day, Dave (2009) Walter Brickett: a respectable professor. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Deeney, John F. (2009) Censoring the uncensored: the case of ‘Children in Uniform’. New Theatre Quarterly, 16 (3). 219- 226. ISSN 1474-0613
Di Ciolla, Nicoletta (2009) Bourgeois portraits inside-outside: family groups in the narrative fiction of Gianni Farinetti. In: Italy and the bourgeoisie: the re-thinking of a class. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. ISBN 0838642020
Dickinson, Rachel (2009) John Ruskin's correspondence with Joan Severn: sense and nonsense letters. Legenda. ISBN 9781905981908
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) Mrs Scrooge. Picador. ISBN 9780330515115
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) New and collected poems for children. Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571219681
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) New selected poems, 1984-2004. Picador. ISBN 9780330433945
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) To the moon: an anthology of lunar poems. Picador. ISBN 9780330461313
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) The princess' blankets. Templar Books. ISBN 9781840112016
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) The tear thief. Barefoot Books. ISBN 9781846863943
Duffy, Carol A. (2009) The twelve poems of Christmas. Candlestick Press. ISBN 9780955894480
Duffy, Carol A. and Stewart, Joel (2009) Moon zoo. Macmillan. ISBN 9780230748057
Duffy, Carol A. and Stewart, Joel (2009) Underwater farmyard. Macmillan. ISBN 9780230748064
Easton, Catherine (2009) An examination of clicker technology use in legal education. Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT) (3). ISSN 1361-4169
Edwards, Phil (2009) Ending violent careers: stories from Milan and Moss Side. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Edwards, Phil (2009) More work! Less pay: rebellion and repression in Italy, 1972–77. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719078736
Edwards, Phil (2009) Putting the responsible majority back in charge: New Labour’s punitive politics of respect. In: Edwards, P. Putting the responsible majority back in charge: New Labour’s punitive politics of respect. In P. Scott, C. Baker & E. Graham (eds.) Remoralizing Britain? Political, ethical and theological perspectives on New Labour, London: Continuum, 2009. Continuum. ISBN 9780826424655
Edwards, Phil (2009) ‘Veniamo da Lontano e Andiamo Lontano’: the Italian Left and the problem of transition. Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 (2). pp. 211-32.
Egan, Michelle, Nugent, Neill and Paterson, William E. (2009) Research agendas in EU studies: stalking the elephant. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230555259
Evans, M, Cooper, R, Williams, A, Hodgson, L, Sun, Q and Hall, NA (2009) Design 2020: The Future of the UK Design Industry – An investigation into the threats and opportunities for the UK design industry over the next 10 to 15 years. UNSPECIFIED. Lancaster University & University of Salford.
Fenemore, Mark (2009) The recent historiography of sexuality in twentieth-century Germany. The historical journal, 52 (3). pp. 763-779. ISSN 0018-246X
Fox, Chris, Smyth, Graham and Williams, P. (2009) Findings from an interim evaluation of Peer Panels – a form of restorative justice. Cahiers Politiestudies, 2 (11). pp. 159-172. ISSN 1784-5300
Frondigoun, Liz and Jones, Helen (2009) Innovative teaching: international connections in the e-classroom. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Goldring, John E. (2009) Working on the margins of the gay community: how a self-help support group for gay married men promotes empowerment and growth. An ethnographic study. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Gregory, Ian N and Cooper, David (2009) Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: a literary GIS of two Lake District tours. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 3 (1-2). pp. 61-84. ISSN 1753-8548
Grimm, Robert and Milestone, Katie (2009) Manchester, Huddersfield: place, culture and urban change. In: Comeback cities: transformation strategies for former industrial cities. NAI Publishers. ISBN 978-90-5662-707-2
Grimshaw, Anna and Ravetz, Amanda (2009) Rethinking observational cinema. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 15 (3). pp. 538-556. ISSN 1467-9655
Haase, Ullrich (2009) Nietzsche and Heidegger: questions on death and the future of life. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Hanley, Keith and Dickinson, Rachel (2009) Introduction: nineteenth-century cultural travel. Prose Studies, 31 (2). pp. 89-92. ISSN 1743-9426
Hardill, Irene and Baines, Susan (2009) Active citizenship in later life: older volunteers in a deprived community in England. The professional geographer, 61 (1). pp. 36-45. ISSN 0033-0124
Hardill, Irene and Baines, Susan (2009) Personal reflections on Knowledge Transfer and changing UK research priorities. Twenty-first century society, 4 (1). pp. 83-96. ISSN 1745-0144
Heeks, Richard and Arun, Shoba (2009) Social outsourcing as a development tool: the impact of outsourcing IT services to women's social enterprises in Kerala. Journal of International Development, 22 (4). 441 - 454. ISSN 1099-1328
Herrero, Carmen (2009) Diálogo intercultural en el cine británico. In: Herrero, C. Diálogo intercultural en el cine británico. In El diálogo intercultural, García Martínez, A. ed. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2009. Universidad de Murcia.
Herrero, Carmen (2009) Metaficción y arquetipo héroico en la narrativa de Juan Manuel de Prada. In: Tradition and Modernity: Cervantes's Presence in Spanish Contemporary Literature. Peter Lang Publishing. ISBN 978-3-03911-526-6
Herrero, Carmen (2009) Reflections of female scorn: un cos al bosc (1996, Joaquim Jordà) and el alquimista impaciente (2002, Patricia Ferreira). In: Herrero, C. Reflections of female scorn: un cos al bosc (1996, Joaquim Jordà) and el alquimista impaciente (2002, Patricia Ferreira). In Policiers et Criminels: Un Genre Populaire Européen sur Grand et Petit Écrans, R. Moine, B. Rollet & G. Sellier, eds. L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-08192-5
Herrero, Carmen and Valbuena, Ana (2009) Nuevos alfabetismos en la clase de ELE a través del cine (New literacies in the ELE class through the cinema). In: II Educational Conference of the Instituto Cervantes, 03 July 2009 - 03 July 2009, Manchester.
Heywood, Laura and Smyth, Graham (2009) Peer panels: an innovative approach to restorative justice? Safer Communities, 8 (3). pp. 39-47. ISSN 1757-8043
Hodge, Joanna (2009) Topography of the border: Derrida rewriting transcendental aesthetics. In: The catastrophic imperative: subjectivity, time and memory in contemporary thought. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230552852
Hollomotz, Andrea (2009) Beyond ‘vulnerability’: an ecological model approach to conceptualizing risk of sexual violence against people with learning difficulties. British journal of social work, 39 (1). pp. 99-112. ISSN 1468-263X
Hollomotz, Andrea (2009) 'May we please have sex tonight?'– people with learning difficulties pursuing privacy in residential group settings. British journal of learning disabilities, 37 (2). pp. 91-97. ISSN 1468-3156
Hollomotz, Andrea (2009) Selbstbestimmung, Privatsphäre und Sexualität in Wohneinrichtungen für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in England. Behinderte Menschen (2/3). ISSN 1561-2791
Hurlock, Kathryn (2009) The Welsh wife of Malcolm, Earl of Fife (d.1266): an alternative suggestion. The Scottish historical review, 88 (2). pp. 352-355. ISSN 0036-9241
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) Is the Bush Revolution over? International Politics, 46 (2-3). pp. 157-176. ISSN 1740-3898
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) Parties, partisanship and US foreign policy: the growing divide. In: New directions in US foreign policy. Routledge. ISBN 9780415777490
Hurst, Steven A. (2009) Reforming the national security apparatus. In: Assessing the Gearge W. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748627400
Hynes, Deirdre and Richardson, Helen J. (2009) What use is domestication theory to information systems research? In: The handbook of research on contemporary theoretical models in information systems. Ideas Publishing Group. ISBN 1605666599
Jacobs, Susie (2009) Gender and agrarian reforms. Routledge. ISBN 9780415376488
Jacobs, Susie (2009) Gender and land reforms: comparative perspectives. Geography compass, 3 (5). pp. 1675-1687. ISSN 1749-8198
Jacobs, Susie (2009) Land reforms, land titling and gender dilemmas in Africa: an exploration of issues. In: Power, gender and social change in Africa. Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 9781443805827
James, David (2009) A critical analysis of the portrayal of ‘race’ in It Ain't Half Hot Mum. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 6 (3). pp. 370-386. ISSN 1755-1714
Jones, Christopher (2009) Cultural identity in Swiss German detective fiction. In: Investigating identities: questions of identity in contemporary international crime fiction. Rodopi. ISBN 9042025298
Klesse, Christian (2009) Autoethnografie als Methode kritischer Sexualforschung. Zeitschrift fuer Sexualforschung, 22 (4). pp. 353-358. ISSN 1438-9460
Klesse, Christian (2009) Paradoxes in gender relations: [Post] feminism and bisexual polyamory. In: Understanding non-monogamies. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-80055-6
Kuma-Kpobee, Mercy Afi (2009) Determination of a sizing system for mass customisation of Ghanaian women's traditional dress: and a conceptual framework for small and medium scale enterprises. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Manchester Metropolitan University.
Latham, Melanie J. (2009) Plastic fantastic: cosmetic empowerment, aesthetics and autonomy. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Lie, Mabel, Baines, Susan and Wheelock, Jane (2009) Citizenship, volunteering and active ageing. Social policy and administration, 43 (7). pp. 702-718. ISSN 0144-5596
Lievesley, Geraldine A. and Ludlam, Steve (2009) Reclaiming Latin America: experiments in radical social democracy. Zed Books. ISBN 9781848131828
MacKian, Sara and Goldring, John E. (2009) 'What's he looking at me for?' Implications of age and generation for gay men's health promotion. In: LGBT issues: looking beyond the categories. Dunedin Academic Press. ISBN 9781906716059
Mackenzie, N and Linden, J (2009) Curating Knowledge - a discursive platform that aims to highlight the links between research activity and contemporary arts practices, and takes into account the different relationships the public can have with them. Axis Art Centre.
Marsh, Kevin, Fox, Chris and Hedderman, Carol (2009) Do you get what you pay for? Assessing the use of prison from an economic perspective. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 48 (2). pp. 144-157. ISSN 1468-2311
Marsh, Kevin, Fox, Chris and Sarmah, Rashmi (2009) Is custody an effective sentencing option for the UK? Evidence from a meta-analysis of existing studies. Probation Journal, 56 (2). pp. 129-151. ISSN 1741-3079
Massey, J ORCID:
City of bits: young people, cyberspace and the city.
In: Youth, Media and Communication Seminar, 09 September 2009 - 09 September 2009, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
Massey, J ORCID: and Meyer, A
Dangerous liaisons: child sex offending and underage sex in the media and the law.
In: International Crime, Media and Popular Culture Studies Conference, 05 October 2009 - 07 October 2009, Indiana State University, USA.
McLaughlin, KP (2009) Catalina Clara Ramírez de Guzmán y Vicente Díaz de Montoya: Un curioso intercambio literario. In: Silva de Estudios en Homenaje a Mariano Fernández Daza, IX Marqués de la Encomienda. Centro Universitario Santa Ana, Almendralejo, pp. 269-280. ISBN 8479300957
Nugent, Neill (2009) The United Kingdom, the European Union, and the Lisbon Treaty: that will do nicely! Revista de Estudos Europeus, 2 (4). pp. 49-58. ISSN 1646-5210
Oldfield, Samantha-Jayne and Day, Dave (2009) Manchester pedestrianism 1840-1880: a collective biography of ‘sporting publicans’. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)
Ormrod, JM (2009) Representing 'Authentic' Surfer Identities in 'Pure' Surf Films. In: On The Edge: Representing Adventure Sports. Leisure Studies Association, Eastbourne, pp. 17-42. ISBN 1905369158
Ormrod, JM and Wheaton, B (2009) Introduction: On the edge: leisure, consumption and the representation of adventure sports. In: On the Edge: Leisure, Consumption and the Representation of Adventure Sports. Leisure Studies Association, Eastbourne. ISBN 1905369158
Parkinson, Clive (2009) Invest to Save: Arts in Health - Reflections on a 3 year period of research and development in the North West of England. Australasian Journal of Arts and Health (1). pp. 40-60.
Partridge, HC, Tompson, L and Shepherd, N (2009) Hot Routes: Developing a New Technique for the Spatial Analysis of Crime. Crime Mapping: A Journal of Research and Practice, 1. ISSN 1942-0927
Puig, Idoya (2009) Tradition and modernity : Cervantes's presence in Spanish comtemporary literature. Peter Lang. ISBN 303911526X
Ralphs, Robert, Medina, Juanjo and Aldridge, Judith (2009) Who needs enemies with friends like these? The importance of place for young people living in known gang areas. Journal of Youth Studies, 12 (5). 483 - 500. ISSN 1469-9680
Roberts, Ken and Pollock, Gary (2009) New class divisions in the new market economies: evidence from the careers of young adults in post-Soviet Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Journal of youth studies, 12 (5). 579 - 596. ISSN 1469-9680
Roberts, Ken, Pollock, Gary, Rustamova, Sabina, Mammadova, Zhala and Tholen, Jochen (2009) Young adults' family and housing life-stage transitions during post-communist transition in the South Caucasus. Journal of youth studies, 12 (2). 151 - 166. ISSN 1469-9680
Roberts, Ken, Pollock, Gary, Tholen, Jochen and Tarkhnishvili, Levan (2009) Youth leisure careers during post-communist transitions in the South Caucasus. Leisure studies, 28 (3). 261 - 277. ISSN 1466-4496
Roberts, Michael Symmons (2009) Quickening. [Composition]
Royle, Nicholas (2009) Creative writing. The Manchester Review (2). ISSN 1758-6488
Royle, Nicholas (2009) Last drink bird head. In: Last drink bird head. Wyrm Publishing. ISBN 9781890464127
Royle, Nicholas (2009) Unfollow. In: Royle, N. Unfollow. In the British Fantasy Society yearbook 2009. Stoke-on-Trent: British Fantasy Society, 2009. British Fantasy Society.
Royle, Nicholas (2009) Writers' rooms. Ambit, 198. ISSN 0002-6972
Royle, Nicholas (2009) The goldfinch. In: British invasion. Cemetery Dance Publications. ISBN 9781587671753
Royle, Nicholas (2009) The reunion. In: Poe: 18 new tales inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Solaris Books. ISBN 9781844166527
Sasamoto, Ryoko (2009) Dyslexia and pragmatics. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Sasamoto, Ryoko (2009) What is formality – is it semantic or pragmatic? – A relevance theoretic re-analysis of reformulation markers tsumari and sunawachi. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Schoene, Berthold (2009) The cosmopolitan novel. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748640034
Scott-Jones, Julie (2009) Fundamentalism and global security. In: Globalization and security: an encyclopedia. Praeger Publishing. ISBN 9780275996925
Scraton, Phil and Chadwick, Kathryn (2009) The theoretical and political priorities of critical criminology. Willan. ISBN 978-1-84392-402-9
Sirven, Hélène and Screech, Matthew E. J. (2009) De la vulgarité en littérature : divagations sur un thème. L'Inventaire. ISBN 9782910490973
Somers-Hall, Henry (2009) Transcendental illusion and antinomy in Kant and Deleuze. In: Thinking between Deleuze and Kant: a trange encounter. Continuum Books. ISBN 9781847065940
Strickland, Lloyd (2009) Leibniz on eternal punishment. British journal for the history of philosophy, 17 (2). pp. 307-331. ISSN 1469-3526
Strickland, Lloyd (2009) Leibniz, the “flower of substance,” and the resurrection of the same body. The philosophical forum, 40 (3). pp. 391-410. ISSN 1467-9191
Strickland, Lloyd (2009) The philosophy of Sophie, Electress of Hanover. Hypatia, 24 (2). 186–204. ISSN 0887-5367
Sykas, Philip A. (2009) Fustians in Englishmen's dress: from cloth to emblem. Costume, 43 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0590-8876
Vanderschelden, Isabelle (2009) The ‘Cinéma du milieu’ is falling down: new challenges for auteur and independent French cinema in the 2000s. Studies in French Cinema, 9 (3). pp. 243-257. ISSN 1758-9517
Vanderschelden, Isabelle (2009) Luc Besson’s ambition: EuropaCorp as a European major for the 21st century. Studies in European Cinema, 5 (2). pp. 91-104. ISSN 2040-0594
Vassilakaki, Evgenia, Johnson, Frances C., Hartley, Richard J. and Randall, David (2009) A study of users’ image seeking behaviour in FlickLing. In: Vassilakaki, E., Johnson, F. C., Hartley, R. J. amd Randall. D. A study of users’ image seeking behaviour in FlickLing. In Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access. 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 20. Springer. ISBN 3642044468
Wake, Paul (2009) Plotting as subversion: narrative and the gunpowder plot. Journal of narrative theory, 38 (3). pp. 295-316. ISSN 1549-0815
Wake, Paul (2009) Waiting in the Hundred Acre Wood: childhood, narrative and time in A. A. Milne's Works for Children. The lion and the unicorn, 33 (1). pp. 26-43. ISSN 0147-2593
Wilkinson, Julie (2009) Playwrights, agencies and dramaturgy. In: Wilkinson, J. Playwrights, agencies and dramaturgy. In Writ large: new writing on the English stage 2003–2009. London: Arts Council England, 2009. Arts Council England.
Wong, Kevin and Hartworth, Christopher (2009) Integrated Offender Management and Third Sector Engagement: Case studies of four pioneer sites. UNSPECIFIED. Nacro.
Wright, SJ, Gray, P ORCID:, Watts, E, McAteer, L, Hazel, N, Liddle, M and Haines, K
Evaluation of the Early Parenting Intervention Programme for drug-misusing parents.
Project Report.
Swansea University.
Yap, Matthew and Ineson, Elizabeth M. (2009) HIV-infected employees in the Asian hospitality industry. Journal of service management, 20 (5). pp. 503-520. ISSN 1757-5818