Browse by Datasets

Drainville, Raymond (2018) Alan Kurdi Iconographic Datasheet. [Dataset] (Unpublished)
Graham, A, Bennett, MA, Christie, SM and Raper, DW (2018) A validated model for the dispersion of exhaust emissions from aircraft in their take-off roll. [Dataset] (In Press)
Sparkes, Robert Bryon and Maher, Melissa (2018) Fitted Raman spectra from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. [Dataset]
Sparkes, Robert Bryon and Maher, Melissa (2018) Fitting parameters of Raman spectra from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. [Dataset]
Ozan, Jessica, O’Leary, Chris, Baines, Susan and Bailey, GM (2018) INNOSI Project - Troubled families in Greater Manchester - UK. [Dataset]
Duffy, Deirdre and Pierson, Claire (2018) Liverpool-Ireland Abortion Corridor: History, Activism and Medical Practice. [Dataset]
Sims, David, Onambélé-Pearson, Gladys, Burden, Adrian, Payton, Carl J. and Morse, Christopher I. (2018) Morphological and mechanical properties of the human patella tendon in adult males with Achondroplasia - Supplementary Material. [Dataset]
Ryan, Declan (2018) Plos One IPAQ v GeneActiv Data. [Dataset]
Sparkes, Robert Bryon (2018) Raman fitting script used in manuscript "Carbonaceous material export from Siberian permafrost tracked across the Arctic Shelf using Raman spectroscopy". [Dataset]
Sparkes, Robert Bryon, Maher, Meslissa and Blewett, Jerome (2018) Raw data for paper title "Carbonaceous material export from Siberian permafrost tracked across the Arctic Shelf using Raman spectroscopy". [Dataset]
Parr, Johnny, Vine, Sammy, Wilson, Mark, Harrison, Neil and Wood, Greg (2018) Visual attention, EEG alpha power and T7-Fz coherence are implicated in prosthetic hand control and can be optimised through gaze training. [Dataset]