Items where Author is "Webb, L"

Webb, L, Wright, Sam and Galvani, Sarah (2017) End of life care for people with alcohol and other drug problems: scoping review of existing database evidence. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED.
Webb, L (2017) Global perspectives on co-production. In: International Conference 2017: Global Perspectives on Research Co-production with Communities: Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies, 14 September 2017 - 15 September 2017, Birmingham University. (Unpublished)
Yarwood, G, Webb, L, Hammond, N and Gray, PM (2017) Evaluation report of families experiences of Partners of Prisoners (POPs) prison-based visitor centre services. UNSPECIFIED. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Webb, L, Clough, J, O’Reilly, D, Wilmott, D and Witham, G (2017) The utility and impact of information communication technology (ICT) for pre-registration nurse education: A narrative synthesis systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 48. pp. 160-171. ISSN 0260-6917
Webb, L (2014) Researching Recovery. In: Substance Use: Applying research to practice, 07 April 2014, Manchester.
Webb, L (2012) Counting girls out of suicide risk assessment. In: 14th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB), 03 September 2012 - 06 September 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Holt, M and Webb, L (2011) Engagement motivation and changing behaviour. In: Nursing: Communication Skills in Practice. Oxford University Press, pp. 277-299. ISBN 9780199582723
Webb, L, Ryan, Tony and Meier, Petra (2008) Care pathways to in‐patient alcohol detoxification and their effects on predictors of treatment completion. Journal of substance use, 13 (4). pp. 255-267. ISSN 1475-9942
Webb, L, Cheeta, Survjit, Schifano, Fabrizio, Oyefeso, Adenekan and Hamid-Ghodse, A. (2004) Antidepressant related deaths and antidepressant prescriptions in England and Wales (1998-2000). The British journal of psychiatry, 184 (1). pp. 41-47. ISSN 0007-1250
Webb, L, Oyefeso, Adenekan, Schifano, Fabrizio, Cheeta, Survjit, Pollard, Mike and Hamid-Ghodse, A. (2003) Cause and manner of death in drug-related fatality: an analysis of drug-related deaths recorded by coroners in England and Wales in 2000. Drug and alcohol dependence, 72 (1). pp. 67-74. ISSN 0376-8716
Webb, L, Schifano, Fabrizio, Oyefeso, Adenekan, Pollard, Mike, Corkery, John and Ghodse, A. Hamid (2003) Review of deaths related to taking ecstasy, England and Wales, 1997-2000. BMJ, 326 (7380). pp. 80-81. ISSN 1468-5833
Webb, L (2002) Deliberate self-harm in adolescence: a systematic review of psychological and psychosocial factors. Journal of advanced nursing, 38 (3). pp. 235-244. ISSN 1365-2648