Items where Author is "Steele, J"

Murphy, J, Hodson-Tole, E ORCID:, Vigotsky, AD, Potvin, JR, Fisher, JP and Steele, J
Surface electromyographic frequency characteristics of the quadriceps differ between continuous high- and low-torque isometric knee extension to momentary failure.
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 72.
ISSN 1050-6411
Perrin, C, Smith, D ORCID: and Steele, J
Estimates of stress between the hamstring muscles.
MLTJ : Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 10 (3).
pp. 436-441.
ISSN 2240-4554
Steele, J, Bruce-Low, S, Smith, D, Jessop, D and Osborne, N (2020) Isolated Lumbar Extension Resistance Training Improves Strength, Pain, and Disability, but Not Spinal Height or Shrinkage (“Creep”) in Participants with Chronic Low Back Pain. Cartilage, 11 (2). pp. 160-168. ISSN 1947-6035
Steele, J, Fisher, J, Perrin, C, Conway, R, Bruce-Low, S and Smith, D ORCID:
Does change in isolated lumbar extensor muscle function correlate with good clinical outcome? A secondary analysis of data on change in isolated lumbar extension strength, pain, and disability in chronic low back pain.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 41 (11).
pp. 1287-1295.
ISSN 0963-8288
Steele, J, Fisher, J, Bruce-Low, S, Smith, D, Osborne, N and Newell, D (2017) Variability in Strength, Pain, and Disability Changes in Response to an Isolated Lumbar Extension Resistance Training Intervention in Participants with Chronic Low Back Pain. Healthcare, 5 (4). ISSN 2227-9032
Fisher, J, Steele, J and Smith, D ORCID:
High- and Low-Load Resistance Training: Interpretation and Practical Application of Current Research Findings.
Sports Medicine, 47.
pp. 393-400.
ISSN 0112-1642
Steele, J, Bruce-Low, S, Smith, D, Jessop, D and Osborne, N (2015) Determining the reliability of a custom built seated stadiometry set-up for measuring spinal height in participants with chronic low back pain. Applied Ergonomics, 53 Pt.
Smith, D, Steele, J, Bruce-Low, S, Osborne, N and Thorkeldsen, A (2015) Can Specific Loading through Exercise Impart Healing or Regeneration of the Intervertebral Discs? The Spine Journal, 15.
Fisher, JP, Carlson, L, Steele, J and Smith, D (2015) Reply to "Discussion of 'The effects of pre-exhaustion, exercise order, and rest intervals in a full-body resistance training intervention' - Pre-exhaustion exercise and neuromuscular adaptations: an inefficient method?". Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 40.
Steele, J, Bruce-Low, S, Smith, D, Jessop, D and Osborne, N (2014) Lumbar kinematic variability during gait in chronic low back pain and associations with pain, disability and isolated lumbar extension strength. CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS, 29. ISSN 0268-0033