Items where Author is "Sharp, C"

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Number of items: 3.
Tedersoo, L
ORCID:, Mikryukov, V, Zizka, A, Bahram, M, Hagh-Doust, N, Anslan, S, Prylutskyi, O, Delgado-Baquerizo, M, Maestre, FT, Pärn, J, Öpik, M, Moora, M, Zobel, M, Espenberg, M, Mander, Ü, Khalid, AN, Corrales, A, Agan, A, Vasco-Palacios, AM, Saitta, A, Rinaldi, AC, Verbeken, A, Sulistyo, BP, Tamgnoue, B, Furneaux, B, Ritter, CD, Nyamukondiwa, C, Sharp, C, Marín, C, Gohar, D, Klavina, D, Sharmah, D, Dai, DQ, Nouhra, E, Biersma, EM, Rähn, E, Cameron, E, De Crop, E, Otsing, E, Davydov, EA, Albornoz, F, Brearley, FQ, Buegger, F, Zahn, G, Bonito, G, Hiiesalu, I, Barrio, IC, Heilmann-Clausen, J, Ankuda, J, Kupagme, JY, Maciá-Vicente, JG, Fovo, JD, Geml, J, Alatalo, JM, Alvarez-Manjarrez, J, Põldmaa, K, Runnel, K, Adamson, K, Bråthen, KA, Pritsch, K, Tchan, KI, Armolaitis, K, Hyde, KD, Newsham, K, Panksep, K, Lateef, AA, Tiirmann, L, Hansson, L, Lamit, LJ, Saba, M, Tuomi, M, Gryzenhout, M, Bauters, M, Piepenbring, M, Wijayawardene, N, Yorou, NS, Kurina, O, Mortimer, PE, Meidl, P, Kohout, P, Nilsson, RH, Puusepp, R, Drenkhan, R, Garibay-Orijel, R, Godoy, R, Alkahtani, S, Rahimlou, S, Dudov, SV, Põlme, S, Ghosh, S, Mundra, S, Ahmed, T, Netherway, T, Henkel, TW, Roslin, T, Nteziryayo, V, Fedosov, VE, Onipchenko, V, Yasanthika, WAE and Lim, YW
Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi.
Global Change Biology, 28 (22).
pp. 6696-6710.
ISSN 1354-1013
Bresnen, MJ, Sharp, C, Dixon, W, Sanders, C, Austin, L, McCarthy, J and Howard, S (2018) Implementing Disruptive Technological Change in UK Healthcare: Exploring the Development of a Smart Phone App for Remote Patient Monitoring as a Boundary Object. In: 34th EGOS Colloquium, 05 July 2018 - 07 July 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
Tedersoo, L, Bahram, M, Polme, S, Koljalg, U, Yorou, NS, Wijesundera, R, Villarreal Ruiz, L, Vasco-Palacios, AM, Pham, QT, Suija, A, Smith, ME, Sharp, C, Saluveer, E, Saitta, A, Rosas, M, Riit, T, Ratkowsky, D, Pritsch, K, Poldmaa, K, Piepenbring, M, Phosri, C, Peterson, M, Parts, K, Paertel, K, Otsing, E, Nouhra, E, Njouonkou, AL, Nilsson, RH, Morgado, LN, Mayor, J, May, TW, Majuakim, L, Lodge, DJ, Lee, SS, Larsson, K-H, Kohout, P, Hosaka, K, Hiiesalu, I, Henkel, TW, Harend, H, Guo, L-D, Greslebin, A, Grelet, G, Geml, J, Gates, G, Dunstan, W, Dunk, C, Drenkhan, R, Dearnaley, J, De Kesel, A, Tan, D, Chen, X, Buegger, F, Brearley, FQ, Bonito, G, Anslan, S, Abell, S and Abarenkov, K
Global diversity and geography of soil fungi.
Science, 346.
ISSN 0036-8075