Items where Author is "Scullion, Lisa"

Jones, Katy ORCID:, Wright, Sharon and Scullion, Lisa
The impact of welfare conditionality on experiences of job quality.
Work, Employment and Society, 38 (6).
pp. 1658-1679.
ISSN 0950-0170
Martin, Philip ORCID:, Scullion, Lisa, Young, David, Pardoe, Joe, Hynes, Celia and Jones, Katy
How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System.
Armed Forces and Society.
ISSN 0095-327X
Jones, Katy ORCID:, Scullion, Lisa, Hynes, Celia and Martin, Philip
Accessing and sustaining work after Service: the role of active labour market policies (ALMP) and implications for HRM.
International Journal of Human Resource Management.
ISSN 0958-5192
Scullion, Lisa, Jones, Katy ORCID:, Dwyer, Peter, Hynes, Celia and Martin, Philip
Military veterans and welfare reform: bridging two policy worlds through qualitative longitudinal research.
Social Policy and Society, 20 (4).
pp. 670-683.
ISSN 1474-7464
Dwyer, Peter, Scullion, Lisa, Jones, Katherine ORCID:, McNeill, Jenny and Stewart, Alasdair
Work, welfare and wellbeing? The impacts of welfare conditionality on people with mental health impairments in the UK.
Social Policy and Administration, 54 (2).
pp. 311-326.
ISSN 0144-5596
Dwyer, Peter James, Scullion, Lisa, Jones, Katy ORCID: and Stewart, Alasdair
The Impact of Conditionality on the Welfare Rights of EU Migrants in the UK.
Policy & Politics, 47 (1).
pp. 133-150.
ISSN 0305-5736