Items where Author is "Poynting, Scott"

Poynting, Scott and Whyte, David (2012) Counter-terrorism and state political violence: the 'war on terror' as terror. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-60720-9
Morgan, George and Poynting, Scott (2012) Global Islamophobia: Muslims and moral panic in the West. Ashgate. ISBN 978-1-4094-3119-0
Poynting, Scott (2011) Anti-cosmopolitanism and “ethnic cleansing” at Cronulla. In: Ocean to outback: cosmopolitanism in contemporary Australia. University of Western Australia Publications. ISBN 9781921401565
Kalantzis, Mary, Cope, Bill, Noble, Greg and Poynting, Scott (2011) Cultures of schooling : pedagogies for cultural difference and social access. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-50439-3
Tabar, Paul, Noble, Greg and Poynting, Scott (2010) On being Lebanese in Australia: identity, racism and the ethnic field. Lebanese American University. ISBN 9953461120
Poynting, Scott (2010) Render unto Caesar. Criminal Justice Matters, 82 (1). pp. 14-15. ISSN 0962-7251
Noble, Greg and Poynting, Scott (2010) White lines: the intercultural politics of everyday movement in social spaces. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 31 (5). pp. 489-505. ISSN 0725-6868
Poynting, Scott (2009) Islamophobia and hate crime. Praeger. ISBN 9780275995751
Poynting, Scott, Tabar, Paul and Noble, Greg (2009) Looking for respect: Lebanese immigrant young men in Australia. In: Migrant men: critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience. Routledge. ISBN 9780415994859
Poynting, Scott (2009) Scouring the shire. In: Lines in the sand: the Cronulla riots, multiculturalism and national belonging. University of Sydney, Institute of Criminology. ISBN 9780975196786
Jackson, Richard, Murphy, Eamon and Poynting, Scott (2009) Terrorism, the state and the study of political terror - introduction. In: Contemporary state terrorism: theory and practice. Routledge. ISBN 9780415498012
Poynting, Scott (2009) “We are all in Guantanamo”: state terror and the case of Mamdouh Habib. In: Contemporary state terrorism: theory and practice. Routledge. ISBN 9780415498012
Poynting, Scott and White, Rob (2009) Youth work: challenging the soft cop syndrome. In: Concepts and methods of youth work. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies. ISBN 9781875236619
Poynting, Scott (2009) The 'lost' girls: muslim young women in Australia. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 30 (4). pp. 373-386. ISSN 1469-9540
Poynting, Scott and Mason, Victoria (2008) The new integrationism, the state and Islamophobia: retreat from multiculturalism in Australia. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 36 (4). pp. 230-246. ISSN 1756-0616
Tabar, Paul, Poynting, Scott, Noble, Greg and Collins, J. (2008) The Lebanese community in Sydney: a socioeconomic and cultural reading. Idafat, 2. ISSN 2306-7128
Poynting, Scott (2008) The attack on “political correctness”: Islamophobia and the erosion of multiculturalism in Australia under the Howard regime. Social Alternatives, 27 (1). ISSN 0155-0306
Poynting, Scott (2008) Ethnic minority immigrants, crime and the state. In: The critical criminoogy companion. Hawkins Press. ISBN 9781876067236
Noble, Greg and Poynting, Scott (2008) Neither relaxed nor comfortable: the affective regulation of migrant belonging in Australia. In: Fear: critical geopolitics and eceryday life. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754649663
Poynting, Scott and Mason, Victoria (2008) Tolerance, freedom, justice and peace? Britain, Australia and anti-muslim racism since September 11th 2001? In: Ethnicity and crime: a reader. Open University Press. ISBN 9780335223787
Poynting, Scott and Perry, Barbara (2007) Climates of hate: media and state inspired victimisation of muslims in Canada and Australia since 9/11. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19 (2). pp. 151-171. ISSN 1034-5329
Poynting, Scott and Mason, Victoria (2007) The resistible rise of Islamophobia: anti-Muslim racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001. Journal of sociology, 43 (1). pp. 61-86. ISSN 0004-8690
Donaldson, Mike and Poynting, Scott (2007) Ruling class men: money, sex, power. Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-03911-137-4
Poynting, Scott and Donaldson, Mike (2005) Snakes and leaders: hegemonic masculinity in ruling-class boys’ boarding schools. Men and masculinities, 7 (4). pp. 325-346. ISSN 1097-184X
Poynting, Scott, Noble, Greg, Tabar, Paul and Collins, Jock (2004) Bin Laden in the suburbs: criminalising the Arab other. Sydney Insitute of Criminology. ISBN 0-9751967-0-7