Items where Author is "Parker, Joan"

Heywood, David, Parker, Joan and Rowlands, Mark (2013) Exploring the visuospatial challenge of learning about day and night and the sun's path. Science Education, 97 (5). pp. 772-796. ISSN 0036-8326
Parker, Joan and Heywood, David (2013) Exploring how engaging with reflection on learning generates pedagogical insight in science teacher education. Science education, 97 (3). 410-441.. ISSN 0036-8326
Parker, Joan, Heywood, Dave and Jolley, Nina (2012) Developing pre-service primary teachers’ perceptions of cross-curricular teaching through reflection on learning. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice, 18 (6). pp. 693-716. ISSN 1470-1278
Heywood, David, Parker, Joan and Jolley, Nina (2012) Pre-service teachers’ shifting perceptions of cross-curricular practice: The impact of school experience in mediating professional insight. International Journal of Educational Research, 55. pp. 89-99. ISSN 0883-0355
Parker, Joan (2006) Exploring the impact of varying degrees of cognitive conflict in the generation of both subject and pedagogical knowledge as primary trainee teachers learn about shadow formation. International journal of science education, 28 (13). pp. 1545-1577. ISSN 1464-5289
Parker, Joan (2004) The synthesis of subject and pedagogy for effective learning and teaching in primary science education. British educational research journal, 30 (6). pp. 819-839. ISSN 1469-3518
Heywood, David S. and Parker, Joan (2001) Describing the cognitive landscape in learning and teaching about forces. International journal of science education, 23 (11). pp. 1177-1199. ISSN 0950-0693
Heywood, David S. and Parker, Joan (2009) The pedagogy of physical science. Springer. ISBN 9781402052712