Items where Author is "Mozafari, M"

Leal Filho, W, Beynaghi, A, Al-Amin, AQ, Jabbour, CJC, Esteban, M and Mozafari, M (2018) Low-carbon transition through a duty to divest: Back to the future, ahead to the past. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 94. pp. 183-186. ISSN 1364-0321
Beynaghi, A, Trencher, G, Moztarzadeh, F, Mozafari, M, Maknoon, R and Leal Filho, W (2015) Future sustainability scenarios for universities: moving beyond the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112. ISSN 0959-6526
Beynaghi, A, Moztarzadeh, F, Maknoon, R, Waas, T, Mozafari, M, Huge, J and Leal Filho, W (2014) Towards an orientation of higher education in the post Rio+20 process: How is the game changing? Futures, 63. ISSN 0016-3287