Items where Author is "Jones, Helen"

Frondigoun, Liz and Jones, Helen (2011) Learning together: designing effective e-classrooms. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 9 (3). pp. 248-259. ISSN 1471-8197
Jones, Helen and Wilcox, Paula (2011) Through the lens of gender: domestic abuse of older women in England and Japan. International Perspectives in Victimology, 5 (2). pp. 55-62. ISSN 2156-6194
Lowe, Pam and Jones, Helen (2010) Editorial: Teaching and Learning Sensitive Topics. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 2 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1756-848X
Jones, Helen (2008) Competent communicators: explaining an international communication exchange. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1756-848X
Cook, Kate and Jones, Helen (2008) Into a hostile silence. The Source (May). p. 18.
Jones, Helen (2008) Sociology of cyberspace: assessing Generation Y. Learning and teaching in action, 7 (3). pp. 35-39. ISSN 1477-1241
Jones, Helen and Frondigoun, Liz (2008) The gender agenda hub. Learning and Teaching in Action, 7 (3). ISSN 1477-1241
Jones, Helen, Johnson, Kathy and Kunselman, Julie (2007) Just talking? Adding an international dimension to criminal justice teaching. New Jersey criminal justice educator, 40 (1). pp. 7-9.
Jones, Helen (2007) Distinctive dialogues: the international e-communication exchange. Learning and teaching in action, 6 (2). pp. 9-11. ISSN 1477-1241
Jones, Helen and Powell, Jason L. (2006) Old age, vulnerability and sexual violence: implications for knowledge and practice. International nursing review, 53 (3). pp. 211-216. ISSN 0020-8132
Jones, Helen (2006) Working together: local and global imperatives for women in Mongolia. Asia Europe Journal, 4 (3). pp. 417-430. ISSN 1610-2932
Jones, Helen (2006) Some useful sources. Social Policy and Society, 5 (1). pp. 161-165. ISSN 1474-7464
Jones, Helen and Wachala, Kas (2006) Watching over the rights of women. Social Policy and Society, 5 (1). pp. 127-136. ISSN 1474-7464
Jones, Helen, Kunselman, Julie, Johnson, Kathy and Wowk, Maria (2005) Communicating across the Atlantic: US and British students discuss criminal justice issues. Issues in Information Systems, 6 (1). pp. 163-169. ISSN 1529-7314
Book Section
Jones, Helen (2011) On sociological perspectives. In: Handbook on sexual violence. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-67071-5
Jones, Helen (2010) Ethics, politics and representation: being really there and really aware. In: Ethnography in social science practice. Routledge. ISBN 9780415543491
Jones, Helen (2010) Teen dating violence prevention. In: Encylopedia of victimology and crime prevention. SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781412960472
Jones, Helen (2008) Rape kit. In: Forensic science. Salem Press. ISBN 9781587654237
Jones, Helen (2006) Visibility and consent: the sexual abuse of elderly women. In: Foucault and Aging. Nova Science. ISBN 9781594546020
Conference or Workshop Item
Frondigoun, Liz and Jones, Helen (2009) Innovative teaching: international connections in the e-classroom. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Jones, Helen and Cook, Kate (2008) Rape crisis: responding to sexual violence. Russell House Publishing. ISBN 9781905541270
Jones, Helen and Berrington, E. (2007) 21 years of RASA: a history of the Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre in Merseyside. RASA.
Jones, Helen and Cook, Kate (2007) Surviving victimhood: the impact of feminist campaigns. Willan.
Jones, Helen (2008) Book review: Jan van Dijk - The Network Society. Manchester Metropolitan University.