Number of items: 52.
Zou, Y
Zohner, CM
Averill, C
Ma, H
Merder, J
Berdugo, M
Bialic-Murphy, L,
Mo, L
Brun, P
Zimmermann, NE
Liang, J
de-Miguel, S
Nabuurs, GJ
Reich, PB
Niinements, U,
Dahlgren, J,
Kändler, G,
Ratcliffe, S,
Ruiz-Benito, P,
de Zavala, MA
Crowther, TW
Abegg, M,
Adou Yao, YC,
Alberti, G,
Almeyda Zambrano, AM,
Alvarado, BV,
Alvarez-Dávila, E,
Alvarez-Loayza, P,
Alves, LF,
Ammer, C,
Antón-Fernández, C,
Araujo-Murakami, A,
Arroyo, L,
Avitabile, V,
Aymard, GA,
Baker, TR,
Bałazy, R,
Banki, O,
Barroso, JG,
Bastian, ML,
Bastin, JF,
Birigazzi, L,
Birnbaum, P,
Bitariho, R,
Boeckx, P,
Bongers, F,
Bouriaud, O,
Brancalion, PHS,
Brandl, S,
Brearley, FQ,
Brienen, R,
Broadbent, EN,
Bruelheide, H,
Bussotti, F,
Gatti, RC,
César, RG,
Cesljar, G,
Chazdon, R,
Chen, HYH,
Chisholm, C,
Cho, H,
Cienciala, E,
Clark, C,
Clark, D,
Colletta, GD,
Coomes, DA,
Valverde, FC,
Corral-Rivas, JJ,
Crim, PM,
Cumming, JR,
Dayanandan, S,
de Gasper, AL,
Decuyper, M,
Derroire, G,
DeVries, B,
Djordjevic, I,
Dolezal, J,
Dourdain, A,
Obiang, NLE,
Enquist, BJ,
Eyre, TJ,
Fandohan, AB,
Fayle, TM,
Feldpausch, TR,
Ferreira, LV,
Finér, L,
Fischer, M,
Fletcher, C,
Fridman, J,
Frizzera, L,
Gamarra, JGP,
Gianelle, D,
Glick, HB,
Harris, DJ,
Hector, A,
Hemp, A,
Hengeveld, G,
Hérault, B,
Herbohn, JL and
Herold, M
Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types.
Nature Communications, 15 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Brearley, FQ
Metal hyperaccumulation in the Indonesian flora.
Ecological Research, 39 (6).
pp. 957-965.
ISSN 0912-3814
Brearley, FQ
Song, H,
Tripathi, BM,
Dong, K,
Zin, NM,
Abdul Rachman, AR,
Ickes, K,
Adams, JM and
Luskin, MS
Wild pigs influence tropical forest soil microbial communities in a forest-agriculture mosaic landscape.
Forest Ecology and Management, 572.
ISSN 0378-1127
Mansur, M
ORCID: and Brearley, FQ
Ecological Observations On Nepenthes Weda On The Island Of Halmahera, Indonesia.
Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 81.
ISSN 0960-4286
Trethowan, LA
Brambach, F
Cámara-Leret, R,
Laumonier, Y,
Sheil, D,
Ferry Slik, JW
Webb, CO,
Murdjoko, A,
Bastian, ML,
Kartawinata, K,
Mansor, A,
Mansur, M,
Mirmanto, E,
Nurtjahya, E,
Permana, A,
Rozak, AH
Wilkie, P,
Rahmad, Z,
Arifiani, D,
Putu Gede, I,
Puglisi, C,
Asmarayani, R,
Benu, NMH,
Bramley, GLC,
Dharma, W,
Heatubun, CD,
Hidayat, A,
Kuswandi, R,
Mathews, S,
Rustiami, H,
Santika, Y,
Santoso, W,
Setiawan, E,
Triono, T,
Wambrauw, K,
Wanma, JF,
Hery Yanto, A,
Siregar, M,
Sadili, A,
Dewi Atikah, T,
Kintamani, E,
Tjoa, A,
Culmsee, H,
Girmansyah, D,
Gunawan, H,
Pitopang, R,
Utteridge, TMA,
Morley, R,
Schrader, J and
Brearley, FQ
From earthquakes to island area: multi-scale effects upon local diversity.
Ecography, 2024 (5).
ISSN 0906-7590
Hidalgo-Triana, N
Picornell, A
Reyes, S
Circella, G
Ribeiro, H
Bates, AE
Rojo, J
et al.
Hidalgo-Triana, N,
Picornell, A,
Reyes, S,
Circella, G,
Ribeiro, H,
Bates, AE,
Rojo, J,
Pearman, PB,
Vivancos, JMA,
Nautiyal, S,
Brearley, FQ
Pereña, J,
Ferragud, M,
Monroy-Colín, A,
Maya-Manzano, JM,
Ouachinou, JMAS,
Salvo-Tierra, AE,
Antunes, C,
Trigo-Pérez, M,
Navarro, T,
Jaramillo, P,
Oteros, J,
Charalampopoulos, A,
Kalantzi, OI,
Freitas, H,
Ščevková, J,
Zanolla, M,
Marrano, A,
Comino, O,
Roldán, JJ,
Alcántara, AF and
Damialis, A
Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for environmental policy.
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 99.
ISSN 0195-9255
Tedersoo, L
Mikryukov, V,
Zizka, A,
Bahram, M,
Hagh-Doust, N,
Anslan, S,
Prylutskyi, O,
Delgado-Baquerizo, M,
Maestre, FT,
Pärn, J,
Öpik, M,
Moora, M,
Zobel, M,
Espenberg, M,
Mander, Ü,
Khalid, AN,
Corrales, A,
Agan, A,
Vasco-Palacios, AM,
Saitta, A,
Rinaldi, AC,
Verbeken, A,
Sulistyo, BP,
Tamgnoue, B,
Furneaux, B,
Ritter, CD,
Nyamukondiwa, C,
Sharp, C,
Marín, C,
Gohar, D,
Klavina, D,
Sharmah, D,
Dai, DQ,
Nouhra, E,
Biersma, EM,
Rähn, E,
Cameron, E,
De Crop, E,
Otsing, E,
Davydov, EA,
Albornoz, F,
Brearley, FQ,
Buegger, F,
Zahn, G,
Bonito, G,
Hiiesalu, I,
Barrio, IC,
Heilmann-Clausen, J,
Ankuda, J,
Kupagme, JY,
Maciá-Vicente, JG,
Fovo, JD,
Geml, J,
Alatalo, JM,
Alvarez-Manjarrez, J,
Põldmaa, K,
Runnel, K,
Adamson, K,
Bråthen, KA,
Pritsch, K,
Tchan, KI,
Armolaitis, K,
Hyde, KD,
Newsham, K,
Panksep, K,
Lateef, AA,
Tiirmann, L,
Hansson, L,
Lamit, LJ,
Saba, M,
Tuomi, M,
Gryzenhout, M,
Bauters, M,
Piepenbring, M,
Wijayawardene, N,
Yorou, NS,
Kurina, O,
Mortimer, PE,
Meidl, P,
Kohout, P,
Nilsson, RH,
Puusepp, R,
Drenkhan, R,
Garibay-Orijel, R,
Godoy, R,
Alkahtani, S,
Rahimlou, S,
Dudov, SV,
Põlme, S,
Ghosh, S,
Mundra, S,
Ahmed, T,
Netherway, T,
Henkel, TW,
Roslin, T,
Nteziryayo, V,
Fedosov, VE,
Onipchenko, V,
Yasanthika, WAE and
Lim, YW
Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi.
Global Change Biology, 28 (22).
pp. 6696-6710.
ISSN 1354-1013
Sadili, A, Hidayat, A, Jakalalana, S, Kurniawan, A, Sahroni, D, Solikin and Brearley, FQ
Forest composition and structure after 200 years of succession following the eruption of Mount Tambora (Indonesia).
Ecoscience, 29 (3).
pp. 191-198.
ISSN 1195-6860
Ollerton, J
Trunschke, J
Havens, K
Landaverde-González, P
Keller, A
Gilpin, AM
Rech, AR
et al.
Ollerton, J, Trunschke, J, Havens, K, Landaverde-González, P, Keller, A, Gilpin, AM, Rech, AR, Baronio, GJ, Phillips, BJ, Mackin, C, Stanley, DA, Treanore, E, Baker, E, Rotheray, EL, Erickson, E, Fornoff, F, Brearley, FQ, Ballantyne, G, Iossa, G, Stone, GN, Bartomeus, I, Stockan, JA, Leguizamón, J, Prendergast, K, Rowley, L, Giovanetti, M, de Oliveira Bueno, R, Wesselingh, RA, Mallinger, R, Edmondson, S, Howard, SR, Leonhardt, SD, Rojas-Nossa, SV, Brett, M, Joaqui, T, Antoniazzi, R, Burton, VJ, Feng, HH, Tian, ZX, Xu, Q, Zhang, C, Shi, CL, Huang, SQ, Cole, LJ, Bendifallah, L, Ellis, EE, Hegland, SJ, Díaz, SS, Lander, T, Mayr, AV, Katzer, S, Dawson, R, Eeraerts, M, Armbruster, WS, Walton, B, Adjlane, N, Falk, S, Mata, L, Geiger, AG, Carvell, C, Wallace, C, Ratto, F, Barberis, M, Kahane, F, Connop, S, Stip, A, Sigrist, MR, Vereecken, NJ, Klein, AM, Baldock, KCR and Arnold, SEJ
Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020.
Journal of Pollination Ecology, 31.
pp. 87-96.
ISSN 1920-7603
Paul, ALD, Isnard, S
ORCID:, Brearley, FQ, Echevarria, G, Baker, AJM, Erskine, PD
ORCID: and Ent, AVD
Stocks and biogeochemical cycling of soil-derived nutrients in an ultramafic rain forest in New Caledonia.
Forest Ecology and Management, 509.
ISSN 0378-1127
Dwivedi, D
Santos, ALD
Barnard, MA
Crimmins, TM
Malhotra, A,
Rod, KA,
Aho, KS
Bell, SM
Bomfim, B
Brearley, FQ,
Cadillo-Quiroz, H
Chen, J
Gough, CM
Graham, EB
Hakkenberg, CR
Haygood, L
Koren, G
Lilleskov, EA
Meredith, LK
Naeher, S
Nickerson, ZL
Pourret, O
Song, HS
Stahl, M
Taş, N
Vargas, R
ORCID: and
Weintraub-Leff, S
Biogeosciences Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science.
Earth and Space Science, 9 (3).
ISSN 2333-5084
Murdjoko, A, Brearley, FQ, Ungirwalu, A, Djitmau, DA and Benu, NMH
Secondary Succession after Slash-and-Burn Cultivation in Papuan Lowland Forest, Indonesia.
Forests, 13 (3).
p. 434.
Gatti, RC
Reich, PB
Gamarra, JGP
Crowther, T
Hui, C
Morera, A
Bastin, JF
et al.
Gatti, RC,
Reich, PB,
Gamarra, JGP,
Crowther, T,
Hui, C,
Morera, A,
Bastin, JF,
de-Miguel, S,
Nabuurs, GJ,
Svenning, JC,
Serra-Diaz, JM,
Merow, C,
Enquist, B,
Kamenetsky, M,
Lee, J,
Zhu, J,
Fang, J,
Jacobs, DF,
Pijanowski, B,
Banerjee, A,
Giaquinto, RA,
Alberti, G,
Zambrano, AMA,
Alvarez-Davila, E,
Araujo-Murakami, A,
Avitabile, V,
Aymard, GA,
Balazy, R,
Baraloto, C,
Barroso, JG,
Bastian, ML,
Birnbaum, P,
Bitariho, R,
Bogaert, J,
Bongers, F,
Bouriaud, O,
Brancalion, PHS,
Brearley, FQ
Broadbent, EN,
Bussotti, F,
da Silva, WC,
César, RG,
Češljar, G,
Moscoso, VC,
Chen, HYH,
Cienciala, E,
Clark, CJ,
Coomes, DA,
Dayanandan, S,
Decuyper, M,
Dee, LE,
Del Aguila Pasquel, J,
Derroire, G,
Djuikouo, MNK,
van Do, T,
Dolezal, J,
Đorđevic, I,
Engel, J,
Fayle, TM,
Feldpausch, TR,
Fridman, JK,
Harris, DJ,
Hemp, A,
Hengeveld, G,
Herault, B,
Herold, M,
Ibanez, T,
Jagodzinski, AM,
Jaroszewicz, B,
Jeffery, KJ,
Johannsen, VK,
Jucker, T,
Kangur, A,
Karminov, VN,
Kartawinata, K,
Kennard, DK,
Kepfer-Rojas, S,
Keppel, G,
Khan, ML,
Khare, PK,
Kileen, TJ,
Kim, HS,
Korjus, H,
Kumar, A,
Kumar, A,
Laarmann, D,
Labrière, N,
Lang, M,
Lewis, SL,
Lukina, N,
Maitner, BS,
Malhi, Y,
Marshall, AR,
Martynenko, OV,
Monteagudo Mendoza, AL,
Ontikov, PV,
Ortiz-Malavasi, E,
Pallqui Camacho, NC,
Paquette, A and
Park, M
The number of tree species on Earth.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (6).
ISSN 0027-8424
Cusack, DF
Addo-Danso, SD
Agee, EA
Andersen, KM
Arnaud, M
Batterman, SA
Brearley, FQ
et al.
Cusack, DF, Addo-Danso, SD, Agee, EA, Andersen, KM, Arnaud, M, Batterman, SA, Brearley, FQ, Ciochina, MI, Cordeiro, AL, Dallstream, C, Diaz-Toribio, MH, Dietterich, LH, Fisher, JB, Fleischer, K, Fortunel, C, Fuchslueger, L, Guerrero-Ramírez, NR, Kotowska, MM, Lugli, LF, Marín, C, McCulloch, LA, Maeght, JL, Metcalfe, D, Norby, RJ, Oliveira, RS, Powers, JS, Reichert, T, Smith, SW, Smith-Martin, CM, Soper, FM, Toro, L, Umaña, MN, Valverde-Barrantes, O, Weemstra, M, Werden, LK, Wong, M, Wright, CL, Wright, SJ and Yaffar, D
Tradeoffs and Synergies in Tropical Forest Root Traits and Dynamics for Nutrient and Water Acquisition: Field and Modeling Advances.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4.
Mansur, M, Brearley, FQ, Esseen, PJ, Rode-Margono, EJ and Tarigan, MRM
Ecology of Nepenthes clipeata on Gunung Kelam, Indonesian Borneo.
Plant Ecology and Diversity, 14 (3-4).
pp. 195-204.
ISSN 1755-0874
Leal Filho, W
Matandirotya, NR
Lütz, JM
Alemu, EA
Brearley, FQ
Baidoo, AA
Kateka, A
et al.
Leal Filho, W, Matandirotya, NR, Lütz, JM, Alemu, EA, Brearley, FQ, Baidoo, AA, Kateka, A, Ogendi, GM, Adane, GB, Emiru, N and Mbih, RA
Impacts of climate change to African indigenous communities and examples of adaptation responses.
Nature Communications, 12 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Ovung, EY, Tripathi, SK and Brearley, FQ
Changes in soil exchangeable nutrients across different land uses in steep slopes of Mizoram, north-east India.
Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13 (3).
pp. 929-936.
ISSN 0974-9411
Lageard, JGA, Sultana, D and Brearley, FQ
Veteran trees in an historic landscape: The Bidnija olive grove, Malta.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 38.
p. 103094.
ISSN 2352-409X
Brearley, FQ
Nutrient and metal concentrations in nepenthes macfarlanei hemsl. (nepenthaceae) from a malaysian montane forest.
Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 13 (2).
ISSN 2067-3205
Sellan, G, Brearley, FQ, Nilus, R, Titin, J and Majalap-Lee, N
Differences in soil properties among contrasting soil types in Northern Borneo.
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 33 (2).
pp. 191-202.
ISSN 0128-1283
Trethowan, LA, Blonder, B, Kintamani, E, Girmansyah, D, Utteridge, TMA and Brearley, FQ
Metal‐rich soils increase tropical tree stoichiometric distinctiveness.
Plant and Soil: international journal on plant-soil relationships, 461 (1-2).
pp. 579-589.
ISSN 0032-079X
Turner, IM, Brearley, FQ, Trethowan, LA and Utteridge, TMA
A survey of aluminium accumulation in eumachia (rubiaceae).
Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 78.
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 0960-4286
Singha, D, Brearley, FQ and Tripathi, SK
Fine root and soil nitrogen dynamics during stand development following shifting agriculture in Northeast India.
Forests, 11 (12).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1999-4907
Trethowan, LA, Eiserhardt, WL, Girmansyah, D, Kintamani, E, Utteridge, TMA and Brearley, FQ
Floristics of forests across low nutrient soils in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Biotropica, 52 (6).
pp. 1309-1318.
ISSN 0006-3606
Pearce, TR
Antonelli, A
Brearley, FQ
Couch, C
Campostrini Forzza, R
Gonçalves, SC
Magassouba, S
et al.
Pearce, TR, Antonelli, A, Brearley, FQ, Couch, C, Campostrini Forzza, R, Gonçalves, SC, Magassouba, S, Morim, MP, Mueller, GM, Nic Lughadha, E, Obreza, M, Sharrock, S, Simmonds, MSJ, Tambam, BB, Utteridge, TMA and Breman, E
International collaboration between collections-based institutes for halting biodiversity loss and unlocking the useful properties of plants and fungi.
Plants People Planet, 2 (5).
pp. 515-534.
Brearley, FQ
Sequence data describing the fungal community in a tropical quartzite soil.
Data in Brief, 29.
Rheubottom, SI
Barrio, IC
Kozlov, MV
Alatalo, JM
Andersson, T
Asmus, AL
Baubin, C
et al.
Rheubottom, SI, Barrio, IC, Kozlov, MV, Alatalo, JM, Andersson, T, Asmus, AL, Baubin, C, Brearley, FQ, Egelkraut, DD, Ehrich, D, Gauthier, G, Jónsdóttir, IS, Konieczka, S, Lévesque, E, Olofsson, J, Prevéy, JS, Slevan-Tremblay, G, Sokolov, A, Sokolova, N, Sokovnina, S, Speed, JDM, Suominen, O, Zverev, V and Hik, DS
Hiding in the background: community-level patterns in invertebrate herbivory across the tundra biome.
Polar Biology, 42 (10).
pp. 1881-1897.
ISSN 0722-4060
Brearley, FQ
Adinugroho, WC
Cámara-Leret, R
Krisnawati, H
Ledo, A
Qie, L
Smith, TEL
et al.
Brearley, FQ,
Adinugroho, WC,
Cámara-Leret, R,
Krisnawati, H,
Ledo, A,
Qie, L,
Smith, TEL,
Aini, F,
Garnier, F,
Lestari, NS,
Mansur, M,
Murdjoko, A,
Oktarita, S,
Soraya, E,
Tata, HL,
Tiryana, T,
Trethowan, LA,
Wheeler, CE,
Abdullah, M,
Buckley, BJW,
Cantarello, E,
Dunggio, I,
Gunawan, H,
Heatubun, CD,
Arini, DID,
Komar, TE,
Kuswandi, R,
Mutaqien, Z,
Pangala, SR,
Puspanti, A,
Qirom, MA,
Rozak, AH,
Sadili, A,
Samsoedin, I,
Sulistyawati, E,
Sundari, S,
Tampubolon, AP and
Webb, CO
Opportunities and challenges for an Indonesian forest monitoring network.
Annals of Forest Science, 76 (2).
ISSN 1286-4560
Sellan, G, Thompson, J, Majalap, N and Brearley, FQ
Soil characteristics influence species composition and forest structure differentially among tree size classes in a Bornean heath forest.
Plant and Soil, 438 (1-2).
pp. 173-185.
ISSN 0032-079X
Bastin, JF
Rutishauser, E
Kellner, JR
Saatchi, S
Pélissier, R
Hérault, B
Slik, F
et al.
Bastin, JF,
Rutishauser, E,
Kellner, JR,
Saatchi, S,
Pélissier, R,
Hérault, B,
Slik, F,
Bogaert, J,
De Cannière, C,
Marshall, AR,
Poulsen, J,
Alvarez-Loyayza, P,
Andrade, A,
Angbonga-Basia, A,
Araujo-Murakami, A,
Arroyo, L,
Ayyappan, N,
de Azevedo, CP,
Banki, O,
Barbier, N,
Barroso, JG,
Beeckman, H,
Bitariho, R,
Boeckx, P,
Boehning-Gaese, K,
Brandão, H,
Brearley, FQ,
Breuer Ndoundou Hockemba, M,
Brienen, R,
Camargo, JLC,
Campos-Arceiz, A,
Cassart, B,
Chave, J,
Chazdon, R,
Chuyong, G,
Clark, DB,
Clark, CJ,
Condit, R,
Honorio Coronado, EN,
Davidar, P,
de Haulleville, T,
Descroix, L,
Doucet, JL,
Dourdain, A,
Droissart, V,
Duncan, T,
Silva Espejo, J,
Espinosa, S,
Farwig, N,
Fayolle, A,
Feldpausch, TR,
Ferraz, A,
Fletcher, C,
Gajapersad, K,
Gillet, JF,
Amaral, ILD,
Gonmadje, C,
Grogan, J,
Harris, D,
Herzog, SK,
Homeier, J,
Hubau, W,
Hubbell, SP,
Hufkens, K,
Hurtado, J,
Kamdem, NG,
Kearsley, E,
Kenfack, D,
Kessler, M,
Labrière, N,
Laumonier, Y,
Laurance, S,
Laurance, WF,
Lewis, SL,
Libalah, MB,
Ligot, G,
Lloyd, J,
Lovejoy, TE,
Malhi, Y,
Marimon, BS,
Marimon Junior, BH,
Martin, EH and
Matius, P
Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees.
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27 (11).
pp. 1366-1383.
ISSN 1466-822X
Sullivan, MJP
Lewis, SL
Hubau, W
Qie, L
Baker, TR
Banin, LF
Chave, J
et al.
Sullivan, MJP,
Lewis, SL,
Hubau, W,
Qie, L,
Baker, TR,
Banin, LF,
Chave, J,
Cuni-Sanchez, A,
Feldpausch, TR,
Lopez-Gonzalez, G,
Arets, E,
Ashton, P,
Bastin, JF,
Berry, NJ,
Bogaert, J,
Boot, R,
Brearley, FQ,
Brienen, R,
Burslem, DFRP,
de Canniere, C,
Chudomelová, M,
Dančák, M,
Ewango, C,
Hédl, R,
Lloyd, J,
Makana, JR,
Malhi, Y,
Marimon, BS,
Junior, BHM,
Metali, F,
Moore, S,
Nagy, L,
Vargas, PN,
Pendry, CA,
Ramírez-Angulo, H,
Reitsma, J,
Rutishauser, E,
Salim, KA,
Sonké, B,
Sukri, RS,
Sunderland, T,
Svátek, M,
Umunay, PM,
Martinez, RV,
Vernimmen, RRE,
Torre, EV,
Vleminckx, J,
Vos, V and
Phillips, OL
Field methods for sampling tree height for tropical forest biomass estimation.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (5).
pp. 1179-1189.
ISSN 2041-210X
Brearley, FQ
Geo-ecological studies on two ultramafic sites in western Ireland.
Ecological Research, 33 (3).
pp. 581-591.
ISSN 0912-3814
Slik, JWF
Franklin, J
Arroyo-Rodríguez, V
Field, R
Aguilar, S
Aguirre, N
Ahumada, J
et al.
Slik, JWF,
Franklin, J,
Arroyo-Rodríguez, V,
Field, R,
Aguilar, S,
Aguirre, N,
Ahumada, J,
Aiba, SI,
Alves, LF,
Anitha, K,
Avella, A,
Mora, F,
Aymard, GAC,
Báez, S,
Balvanera, P,
Bastian, ML,
Bastin, JF,
Bellingham, PJ,
Van Den Berg, E,
Da Conceição Bispo, P,
Boeckx, P,
Boehning-Gaese, K,
Bongers, F,
Boyle, B,
Brambach, F,
Brearley, FQ,
Brown, S,
Chai, SL,
Chazdon, RL,
Chen, S,
Chhang, P,
Chuyong, G,
Ewango, C,
Coronado, IM,
Cristóbal-Azkarate, J,
Culmsee, H,
Damas, K,
Dattaraja, HS,
Davidar, P,
DeWalt, SJ,
DIn, H,
Drake, DR,
Duque, A,
Durigan, G,
Eichhorn, K,
Eler, ES,
Enoki, T,
Ensslin, A,
Fandohan, AB,
Farwig, N,
Feeley, KJ,
Fischer, M,
Forshed, O,
Garcia, QS,
Garkoti, SC,
Gillespie, TW,
Gillet, JF,
Gonmadje, C,
Granzow-De La Cerda, I,
Griffith, DM,
Grogan, J,
Hakeem, KR,
Harris, DJ,
Harrison, RD,
Hector, A,
Hemp, A,
Homeier, J,
Hussain, MS,
Ibarra-Manríquez, G,
Hanum, IF,
Imai, N,
Jansen, PA,
Joly, CA,
Joseph, S,
Kartawinata, K,
Kearsley, E,
Kelly, DL,
Kessler, M,
Killeen, TJ,
Kooyman, RM,
Laumonier, Y,
Laurance, SG,
Laurance, WF,
Lawes, MJ,
Letcher, SG,
Lindsell, J,
Lovett, J,
Lozada, J,
Lu, X,
Lykke, AM,
Bin Mahmud, K and
Mahayani, NPD
Phylogenetic classification of the world's tropical forests.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 115 (8).
pp. 1837-1842.
ISSN 0027-8424
Ramirez, KS
Knight, CG
de Hollander, M
Brearley, FQ
Constantinides, B
Cotton, A
Creer, S
et al.
Ramirez, KS,
Knight, CG,
de Hollander, M,
Brearley, FQ,
Constantinides, B,
Cotton, A,
Creer, S,
Crowther, TW,
Davison, J,
Delgado-Baquerizo, M,
Dorrepaal, E,
Elliott, DR,
Fox, G,
Griffiths, RI,
Hale, C,
Hartman, K,
Houlden, A,
Jones, DL,
Krab, EJ,
Maestre, FT,
McGuire, KL,
Monteux, S,
Orr, CH,
van der Putten, WH,
Roberts, IS,
Robinson, DA,
Rocca, JD,
Rowntree, J,
Schlaeppi, K,
Shepherd, M,
Singh, BK,
Straathof, AL,
Bhatnagar, JM,
Thion, C,
van der Heijden, MGA and
de Vries, FT
Detecting macroecological patterns in bacterial communities across independent studies of global soils.
Nature Microbiology, 3 (2).
pp. 189-196.
ISSN 2058-5276
Qie, L
Lewis, SL
Sullivan, MJP
Lopez-Gonzalez, G
Pickavance, GC
Sunderland, T
Ashton, P
et al.
Qie, L,
Lewis, SL,
Sullivan, MJP,
Lopez-Gonzalez, G,
Pickavance, GC,
Sunderland, T,
Ashton, P,
Hubau, W,
Abu Salim, K,
Aiba, SI,
Banin, LF,
Berry, N,
Brearley, FQ,
Burslem, DFRP,
Dančák, M,
Davies, SJ,
Fredriksson, G,
Hamer, KC,
Hédl, R,
Kho, LK,
Kitayama, K,
Krisnawati, H,
Lhota, S,
Malhi, Y,
Maycock, C,
Metali, F,
Mirmanto, E,
Nagy, L,
Nilus, R,
Ong, R,
Pendry, CA,
Poulsen, AD,
Primack, RB,
Rutishauser, E,
Samsoedin, I,
Saragih, B,
Sist, P,
Ferry Slik, JW,
Sukri, RS,
Svátek, M,
Tan, S,
Tjoa, A,
van Nieuwstadt, M,
Vernimmen, RRE,
Yassir, I,
Kidd, PS,
Fitriadi, M,
Ideris, NKH,
Serudin, RM,
Abdullah Lim, LS,
Saparudin, MS and
Phillips, OL
Author Correction: Long-term carbon sink in Borneo's forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edges.
Nature Communications, 9.
ISSN 2041-1723
Qie, L
Lewis, SL
Sullivan, MJP
Lopez-Gonzalez, G
Pickavance, GC
Sunderland, T
Ashton, P
et al.
Qie, L,
Lewis, SL,
Sullivan, MJP,
Lopez-Gonzalez, G,
Pickavance, GC,
Sunderland, T,
Ashton, P,
Hubau, W,
Abu Salim, K,
Aiba, SI,
Banin, LF,
Berry, N,
Brearley, FQ,
Burslem, DFRP,
Dančák, M,
Davies, SJ,
Fredriksson, G,
Hamer, KC,
Hédl, R,
Kho, LK,
Kitayama, K,
Krisnawati, H,
Lhota, S,
Malhi, Y,
Maycock, C,
Metali, F,
Mirmanto, E,
Nagy, L,
Nilus, R,
Ong, R,
Pendry, CA,
Poulsen, AD,
Primack, RB,
Rutishauser, E,
Samsoedin, I,
Saragih, B,
Sist, P,
Slik, JWF,
Sukri, RS,
Svátek, M,
Tan, S,
Tjoa, A,
Van Nieuwstadt, M,
Vernimmen, RRE,
Yassir, I,
Kidd, PS,
Fitriadi, M,
Ideris, NKH,
Serudin, RM,
Abdullah Lim, LS,
Saparudin, MS and
Phillips, OL
Long-term carbon sink in Borneo's forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects.
Nature Communications, 8 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Wood, SA
Gilbert, JA
Leff, JW
Fierer, N
D'Angelo, H
Bateman, C
Gedallovich, SM
et al.
Wood, SA,
Gilbert, JA,
Leff, JW,
Fierer, N,
D'Angelo, H,
Bateman, C,
Gedallovich, SM,
Gillikin, CM,
Gradoville, MR,
Mansor, P,
Massmann, A,
Yang, N,
Turner, BL,
Brearley, FQ and
McGuire, KL
Consequences of tropical forest conversion to oil palm on soil bacterial community and network structure.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 112.
pp. 258-268.
ISSN 0038-0717
Tashakor, M, Hochwimmer, B and Brearley, FQ
Geochemical assessment of metal transfer from rock and soil to water in serpentine areas of Sabah (Malaysia).
Environmental Earth Sciences, 76 (7).
pp. 281-293.
ISSN 1866-6280
Brearley, FQ,
Saner, P,
Uchida, A,
Burslem, DFRP,
Hector, A,
Nilus, R,
Scholes, JD and
Egli, S
Testing the importance of a common ectomycorrhizal network for dipterocarp seedling growth and survival in tropical forests of Borneo.
Plant Ecology & Diversity, 9 (5-6).
pp. 563-576.
ISSN 1755-0874
Brearley, FQ, Banin, LF and Saner, P
The ecology of the Asian dipterocarps.
Plant Ecology and Diversity, 9 (5-6).
pp. 429-436.
ISSN 1755-0874
Martin, P, Jung, M, Brearley, FQ, Ribbons, RR, Lines, ER and Jacob, AL
Can we set a global threshold age to define mature forests?
PeerJ, 4.
Flores-Rentería, D, Curiel Yuste, J, Rincón, A, Brearley, FQ, García-Gil, JC and Valladares, F
Habitat Fragmentation can Modulate Drought Effects on the Plant-soil-microbial System in Mediterranean Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) Forests.
Microbial Ecology, 69 (4).
pp. 798-812.
ISSN 0095-3628
McGuire, KL
D Angelo, H
Brearley, FQ
Gedallovich, SM
Babar, N
Yang, N
Gillikin, CM
et al.
McGuire, KL, D Angelo, H, Brearley, FQ, Gedallovich, SM, Babar, N, Yang, N, Gillikin, CM, Gradoville, R, Bateman, C, Turner, BL, Mansor, P, Leff, JW and Fierer, N
Responses of Soil Fungi to Logging and Oil Palm Agriculture in Southeast Asian Tropical Forests.
Microbial Ecology, 69.
ISSN 0095-3628
Hudson, LN
Newbold, T
Contu, S
Hill, SLL
Lysenko, I
De Palma, A
Phillips, HRP
et al.
Hudson, LN, Newbold, T, Contu, S, Hill, SLL, Lysenko, I, De Palma, A, Phillips, HRP, Senior, RA, Bennett, DJ, Booth, H, Choimes, A, Correia, DLP, Day, J, Echeverria-Londono, S, Garon, M, Harrison, MLK, Ingram, DJ, Jung, M, Kemp, V, Kirkpatrick, L, Martin, CD, Pan, Y, White, HJ, Aben, J, Abrahamczyk, S, Adum, GB, Aguilar-Barquero, V, Aizen, MA, Ancrenaz, M, Arbelaez-Cortes, E, Armbrecht, I, Azhar, B, Azpiroz, AB, Baeten, L, Baldi, A, Banks, JE, Barlow, J, Batary, P, Bates, AJ, Bayne, EM, Beja, P, Berg, A, Berry, NJ, Bicknell, JE, Bihn, JH, Boehning-Gaese, K, Boekhout, T, Boutin, C, Bouyer, J, Brearley, FQ, Brito, I, Brunet, J, Buczkowski, G, Buscardo, E, Cabra-Garcia, J, Calvino-Cancela, M, Cameron, SA, Cancello, EM, Carrijo, TF, Carvalho, AL, Castro, H, Castro-Luna, AA, Cerda, R, Cerezo, A, Chauvat, M, Clarke, FM, Cleary, DFR, Connop, SP, D'Aniello, B, da Silva, PG, Darvill, B, Dauber, J, Dejean, A, Diekoetter, T, Dominguez-Haydar, Y, Dormann, CF, Dumont, B, Dures, SG, Dynesius, M, Edenius, L, Elek, Z, Entling, MH, Farwig, N, Fayle, TM, Felicioli, A, Felton, AM, Ficetola, GF, Filgueiras, BKC, Fonte, SJ, Fraser, LH, Fukuda, D, Furlani, D, Ganzhorn, JU, Garden, JG, Gheler-Costa, C, Giordani, P, Giordano, S, Gottschalk, MS, Goulson, D, Gove, AD, Grogan, J, Hanley, ME, Hanson, T, Hashim, NR, Hawes, JE, Hebert, C, Helden, AJ, Henden, J-A, Hernandez, L, Herzog, F, Higuera-Diaz, D, Hilje, B, Horgan, FG, Horvath, R, Hylander, K, Isaacs-Cubides, P, Ishitani, M, Jacobs, CT, Jaramillo, VJ, Jauker, B, Jonsell, M, Jung, TS, Kapoor, V, Kati, V, Katovai, E, Kessler, M, Knop, E, Kolb, A, Koroesi, A, Lachat, T, Lantschner, V, Le Feon, V, LeBuhn, G, Legare, J-P, Letcher, SG, Littlewood, NA, Lopez-Quintero, CA, Louhaichi, M, Loevei, GL, Lucas-Borja, ME, Luja, VH, Maeto, K, Magura, T, Mallari, NA, Marin-Spiotta, E, Marshall, EJP, Martinez, E, Mayfield, MM, Mikusinski, G, Milder, JC, Miller, JR, Morales, CL, Muchane, MN, Muchane, M, Naidoo, R, Nakamura, A, Naoe, S, Nates-Parra, G, Navarrete Gutierrez, DA, Neuschulz, EL, Noreika, N, Norfolk, O, Noriega, JA, Noeske, NM, O'Dea, N, Oduro, W, Ofori-Boateng, C, Oke, CO, Osgathorpe, LM, Paritsis, J, Parra-H, A, Pelegrin, N, Peres, CA, Persson, AS, Petanidou, T, Phalan, B, Philips, TK, Poveda, K, Power, EF, Presley, SJ, Proenca, V, Quaranta, M, Quintero, C, Redpath-Downing, NA, Reid, JL, Reis, YT, Ribeiro, DB, Richardson, BA, Richardson, MJ, Robles, CA, Roembke, J, Romero-Duque, LP, Rosselli, L, Rossiter, SJ, Roulston, TH, Rousseau, L, Sadler, JP, Safian, S, Saldana-Vazquez, RA, Samnegard, U, Schueepp, C, Schweiger, O, Sedlock, JL, Shahabuddin, G, Sheil, D, Silva, FAB, Slade, EM, Smith-Pardo, AH, Sodhi, NS, Somarriba, EJ, Sosa, RA, Stout, JC, Struebig, MJ, Sung, Y-H, Threlfall, CG, Tonietto, R, Tothmeresz, B, Tscharntke, T, Turner, EC, Tylianakis, JM, Vanbergen, AJ, Vassilev, K, Verboven, HAF, Vergara, CH, Vergara, PM, Verhulst, J, Walker, TR, Wang, Y, Watling, JI, Wells, K, Williams, CD, Willig, MR, Woinarski, JCZ, Wolf, JHD, Woodcock, BA, Yu, DW, Zaitsev, AS, Collen, B, Ewers, RM, Mace, GM, Purves, DW, Scharlemann, JPW and Purvis, A
The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts.
ISSN 2045-7758
Tedersoo, L
Bahram, M
Polme, S
Koljalg, U
Yorou, NS
Wijesundera, R
Villarreal Ruiz, L
et al.
Tedersoo, L, Bahram, M, Polme, S, Koljalg, U, Yorou, NS, Wijesundera, R, Villarreal Ruiz, L, Vasco-Palacios, AM, Pham, QT, Suija, A, Smith, ME, Sharp, C, Saluveer, E, Saitta, A, Rosas, M, Riit, T, Ratkowsky, D, Pritsch, K, Poldmaa, K, Piepenbring, M, Phosri, C, Peterson, M, Parts, K, Paertel, K, Otsing, E, Nouhra, E, Njouonkou, AL, Nilsson, RH, Morgado, LN, Mayor, J, May, TW, Majuakim, L, Lodge, DJ, Lee, SS, Larsson, K-H, Kohout, P, Hosaka, K, Hiiesalu, I, Henkel, TW, Harend, H, Guo, L-D, Greslebin, A, Grelet, G, Geml, J, Gates, G, Dunstan, W, Dunk, C, Drenkhan, R, Dearnaley, J, De Kesel, A, Tan, D, Chen, X, Buegger, F, Brearley, FQ, Bonito, G, Anslan, S, Abell, S and Abarenkov, K
Global diversity and geography of soil fungi.
Science, 346.
ISSN 0036-8075
Brearley, FQ
Nitrogen stable isotopes indicate differences in nitrogen cycling between two contrasting Jamaican montane forests.
Plant And Soil, 367.
ISSN 0032-079X
Brearley, FQ and Rod Cullen, W
Providing students with formative audio feedback.
Bioscience Education, 20 (1).
pp. 22-36.
Brearley, FQ
Ectomycorrhizal Associations of the Dipterocarpaceae.
Biotropica, 44 (5).
pp. 637-648.
ISSN 0006-3606
Aime, MC and Brearley, FQ
Tropical fungal diversity: Closing the gap between species estimates and species discovery.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 21 (9).
pp. 2177-2180.
ISSN 0960-3115
Brearley, FQ, Fine, PVA and Perreijn, K
Does nitrogen availability have greater control over the formation of tropical heath forests than water stress? A hypothesis based on nitrogen isotope ratios.
Acta Amazonica, 41 (4).
pp. 589-592.
ISSN 0044-5967
Brearley, FQ
Below-ground secondary succession in tropical forests of Borneo.
Journal of Tropical Ecology, 27 (4).
pp. 413-420.
ISSN 0266-4674
Wich, SA
Vogel, ER
Larsen, MD
Fredriksson, G
Leighton, M
Yeager, CP
Brearley, FQ
et al.
Wich, SA, Vogel, ER, Larsen, MD, Fredriksson, G, Leighton, M, Yeager, CP, Brearley, FQ, van Schaik, CP and Marshall, AJ
Forest Fruit Production Is Higher on Sumatra Than on Borneo.
ISSN 1932-6203
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