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Postlethwaite, Susan, Thiel, Kat ORCID:, Atkinson, Douglas
ORCID:, McCall, Caitlin and Tupikovskaja-Omovie, Zofija
Advancing Automation and Robotics for Sustainable Manufacturing: Strategic Pathways for the UK Fashion and Textiles Industry.
Project Report.
UK Fashion and Textile Association (UKFT).
Tupikovskaja-Omovie, Zofija ORCID:, Tyler, David J, Chandrasekara, Sam
ORCID: and Hayes, Steve
Segmenting the UK Mobile Fashion Consumer.
In: 2014 International Conference on Mobile Business, 04 June 2014 - 05 June 2014, London, England.
Tupikovskaja-Omovie, Z, Tyler, D, Chandrasekara, S and Hayes, S (2014) The role of mobile technologies on seamless shopping experience in apparel m-retail: A case study of Topshop. In: The 7th MMU Postgraduate Research Conference 2014 ‘Making an Impact with Research’, 04 November 2014, Manchester, UK.