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Calvey, D ORCID:
Sensory ethnography: a creative turn.
Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 10 (3).
pp. 346-357.
ISSN 2046-6749
Calvey, David (2021) Being on both sides: Covert ethnography and partisanship with bouncers in the night-time economy. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 10 (1). pp. 50-64. ISSN 2046-6749
Laverick, W, Joyce, P, Calvey, D and Cain, L (2019) The menopause and the female police workforce. British Journal of Community Justice, 15 (2). pp. 59-81. ISSN 1475-0279
Calvey, David (2019) The everyday world of bouncers: a rehabilitated role for covert ethnography. Qualitative Research, 19 (3). pp. 247-262. ISSN 1468-7941
Calvey, David ORCID:
Covert Research.
SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
Research Ethics
Calvey, D (2018) Covert: The Fear and Fascination of a Methodological Pariah. In: The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics. SAGE Publications Limited. ISBN 9781473970977
Calvey, David (2017) Covert Research The Art, Politics and Ethics of Undercover Fieldwork. Sage Publications Limited. ISBN 1849203830