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Filet, Jérémy (2023) Scholarship and Travel Writing in the Age of the Enlightenment: the Case of British Travelers at the Académie de Lorraine (1697-1736). Viatica (10).
Filet, Jérémy (2021) Book review: Language and the Grand Tour: Linguistic Experiences of Travelling in Early Modern Europe. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 44 (3). pp. 327-329. ISSN 1754-0194
Filet, Jérémy (2021) Book review: Lessons of Travel in Eighteenth‐Century France: From Grand Tour to School Trips. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 44 (3). pp. 326-327. ISSN 1754-0194
Filet, Jérémy (2021) The Networks of Francis Taaffe, 3rd Earl of Carlingford and Irish Jacobite Émigrés in the Duchy of Lorraine*. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 36 (1). pp. 27-47. ISSN 0790-7915
Deleant, Laura, Dincher, Marie, Filet, Jeremy, Gocel-Chalte, David, Olry de Rancourt, Alexis and Macaire, Dominique (2020) Discovering transculturality at international conferences: early-career researchers’ experience of mobility. Etudes en Didactiques des Langues, 35. ISSN 2258-1510