Manchester Metropolitan University's Research Repository

    Delivering the library to its users: from the BIBDEL Project to the virtual academic library of the North-West

    Wynne, Peter M., Butters, Geoff and Brophy, Peter (1997) Delivering the library to its users: from the BIBDEL Project to the virtual academic library of the North-West. Interlending and document supply, 25 (4). pp. 166-174. ISSN 0264-1615

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    Describes the networking solutions used in the experimental extension of academic library services from the University of Central Lancashire to an agricultural college some 100km distant, under the EC-funded BIBDEL Project. Includes a detailed description of the functionality of each service. Summarizes the experimental findings of the research, in terms of cost, staff training needs, user training needs and liaison with external third parties. Considers the University of Central Lancashire’s retention and expansion of the extended service, on an operational footing, after the close of the experiment. Contrasts the functionalities of the operational services with those of the experiment.

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