Manchester Metropolitan University's Research Repository

    The effect of chewing urea-containing gum on plaque acidogenic and alkaligenic parameters.

    Smith, Charlotte A., Higham, Susan M., Smith, Philip W. and Verran, Joanna (2004) The effect of chewing urea-containing gum on plaque acidogenic and alkaligenic parameters. Caries research, 38 (2). pp. 124-9. ISSN 0008-6568

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    The aim of this double-blind crossover study was to determine the effect of chewing urea-containing gum on selected microbiological plaque properties. Eleven subjects chewed either urea-containing or urea-free placebo gum 3 times daily, each for 4 weeks, with at least a 4-week separation between regimes. After each chewing regime, plaque was sampled from all available surfaces, and inoculated into media indicative of acid or base production. In addition, interdental pH measurements were taken using touch Beetrode electrodes following sucrose and sorbitol mouthrinses, and sucrose mouthrinses followed by urea rinse, urea gum, or placebo gum. No significant differences in plaque acidogenic and alkaligenic properties were found between the urea and placebo gum regimes. Urea rinsing, urea gum and placebo gum all reduced the depth and duration of the pH fall following a sucrose mouthrinse. They also enhanced a rise in pH above the resting pH, but although urea gum produced a larger increase than placebo gum, the difference was not significant.

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