Manchester Metropolitan University's Research Repository

    The partnership approach – an assessment of the present and future

    Houghton, John (2012) The partnership approach – an assessment of the present and future. Safer Communities, 11 (2). pp. 105-110. ISSN 1757-8043

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    Purpose – This paper aims to offer an assessment of the partnership approach to reducing crime and disorder after 30 years of experience. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an overview of developments in the partnership approach, identifying shifts in the conceptual and operational frameworks over time, as difficulties emerged. The extent to which the partnership approach has been successful is discussed and the prospects for the future role of the partnership working are assessed. Findings – Despite continued problems in relation to information sharing and the identification of clear structures of leadership within partnerships, the overall balance sheet is a positive one. It is suggested that the development of “neighbourhood management” provides the partnership approach with a mechanism that will allow the partnership approach to play a key role in the future reduction of crime and disorder in a period of constrained public sector finance. Originality/value – The paper provides a rationale for the partnership approach remaining at the centre of the Ministry of Justice's programme for “Transforming Justice”.

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