Manchester Metropolitan University's Research Repository

    Thermally Triggered Hydrogel Injection Into Bovine Intervertebral Disc Tissue Explants Induces Differentiation Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Restores Mechanical Function

    Thorpe, AA, Dougill, GM, Vickers, L, Reeves, N, Cooper, G, Sammon, C and Le Maitre, CL (2017) Thermally Triggered Hydrogel Injection Into Bovine Intervertebral Disc Tissue Explants Induces Differentiation Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Restores Mechanical Function. Acta Biomaterialia, 54. pp. 212-226. ISSN 1742-7061


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    We previously reported a synthetic Laponite® crosslinked pNIPAM-co-DMAc (L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc) hydrogel which promotes differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to nucleus pulposus (NP) cells without additional growth factors. The clinical success of this hydrogel is dependent on: integration with surrounding tissue; the capacity to restore mechanical function; as well as supporting the viability and differentiation of delivered MSCs. Bovine NP tissue explants were injected with media (control), human MSCs (hMSCs) alone, acellular L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc hydrogel or hMSCs incorporated within the L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc hydrogel and maintained at 5% O2 for 6 weeks. Viability of native NP cells and delivered MSCs was maintained. Furthermore hMSCs delivered via the L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc hydrogel differentiated and produced NP matrix components: aggrecan, collagen type II and chondroitin sulphate, with integration of the hydrogel with native NP tissue. In addition L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc hydrogel injected into collagenase digested bovine discs filled micro and macro fissures, were maintained within the disc during loading and restored IVD stiffness. The mechanical support of the L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc hydrogel, to restore disc height, could provide immediate symptomatic pain relief, whilst the delivery of MSCs over time regenerates the NP extracellular matrix; thus the L-pNIPAM-co-DMAc hydrogel could provide a combined cellular and mechanical repair approach.

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