Attiture Nigerian physiotherapists physical activity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ID,Discussing the benefits of a physically active lifestyle with patients is a part of a physiotherapist’s role [Row 1],Discussing how patients can increase their physical activity levels is a part of a physiotherapist’s role,Physiotherapists should promote physical activity in every contact they have with their patient,Physiotherapists should be physically active to act as a role model for their patients,I feel confident in giving general advice to patients on living a physically active lifestyle,I feel confident in suggesting specific physical activity programs for my patients,Are you aware of any of the physical activity guidelines?,"If yes, which guidelines are you aware of?",Do you use any of these guidelines?,"If yes, which guidelines do you use? ",Do you feel that developing physical activity guidelines specifically for Nigeria would help with the promotion of physical activity in Nigeria?,"If yes / no, why?",What do you feel should be the key recommendations when promoting physical activity? (please select all that apply),"If you have selected Other, please specify:",I recommend physical activity if a patient’s health condition demands it,I recommend physical activity even to a healthy person to keep an active lifestyle,I initiate conversations about physical activity with all my patients,I assess my patient’s physical activity status irrespective of their health needs,What do you feel are the potential barriers amongst people in Nigeria to being more physically active? (please select all that apply),"If you have selected Other, please specify:",What do you think can be done to overcome these potential barriers to help promote physical activity?,Are you:,What is your age in years ,What is your highest physiotherapy qualification ,How many years work experience as a physiotherapist do you have (range):,As part of your undergraduate physiotherapy course did you learn about promoting physical activity for health (please tick one):,In what region of Nigeria do you currently work ,In which setting is your physiotherapy work experience (please tick all that apply),What is the main area of physiotherapy you currently work in (please tick one),"Finally, what resources do you use to promote physical activity? (please tick all that apply)","If you have selected Other, please specify:" 1,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO guidelines,Yes,WHO guidelines,Yes,Because it will be designed to suit d activities of an average Nigerian,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Increase the awareness of the health benefits of physical activity among Nigerians,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 2,Agree,Undecided,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Undecided,Neutral,No,,No,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Mass englightment,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;University;Home visit,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 3,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,I cant remember ,No,,Yes,"Developing guideline that fit our environment, culture and socioeconomic status will improve compliance ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;Other",Ignorance of the benefits ,Developing guidelines that takes care of our peculiarity and public enlightening ,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 4,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,ACSM,Yes,"Physical activity may ne be influenced by cultural practices, religion anf and economic indices (SES).",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"A bottom-top concept of planning, development, and execution of physical activity programs. ",Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,No,North West,University,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 5,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,ACSM,Maybe,Development of a guideline does not necessarily guarantee promotion of physical activity ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Other,Knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and combating the barriers in specific setting are keys to its promotion ,Always,Sometimes,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Each barrier should be studied closely and addressed squarely because some of the barriers are regional or specific to certain categories in the country,Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;University,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 6,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Guidelines should be specific to environments in which they will be used,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Infracstructure development,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,No,South West,Private clinic,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 7,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"Awareness campaigns, creating time for the exercise ",Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 8,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for America,Yes,Same as above,Yes,It would take into account the peculiatities of the nation ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other",Only fat people need to exercise ,Health Education and promotion ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 9,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness programme about importance of physical activities in Nigeria,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 10,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,American Heart Association Quidelines,Yes,AHA Guidelines,Yes,We need a quidelines that will consider our peculiarities. Unsafe environment and busy life or work schedule.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Design a protocol for in-house exercise at convinent times.,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 11,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,No,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on need for physical activities,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 12,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Maybe,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Public health Campaigns and advocacy on benefits and importance of physical activity,Male,31-40,PhD,16-20,Yes,South West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 13,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Agree,Yes,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on need to remain active,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 14,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American heart association physical activity guideline,Yes,Exercises for atleast 30 minutes 3 times a week,Yes,To improve Nogerians physical and mental health ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Advocacy programs ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 15,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE GUIDLINES ,Yes,ACSM GUIDELINES ,Yes,"It will clinicians and physiotherapist to recommend physical activity to Nigerians suiting our environment, culture and social systems.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"Develope cultural specific guidleines, sentitize the societies about the importance of physical activity and the impact of being not active.",Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Leaflets (hard copies), 16,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO & some National guidelines,Yes,As related to the client,Yes,Because of peculiarity of our culture and our environment.,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Development of an homegrown PA guideline.,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North Central,Sport Medicine Centre,Sports,Other,Prescription of appropriate PA programmes. 17,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,"Time up and go test, 2meter walk test, locomotor capability index",Yes,Time up and go,Yes,To adapt to our environmental requirements,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Culturally and environmentally adaptable exercises,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 18,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Not sure,No,Non,Yes,It will help us to use it more,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,Non,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,Non,Having n creating time at work places,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Maybe,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 19,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,More awareness campaign from Physiotherapist to patients/clients ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 20,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Guidelines will be a foundation for best practices,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create more awareness and show evidence of the benefits of physical activities,Female,41-50,PhD,>20,No,South South,Government Hospital,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 21,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine physical activity recommendation and the WHO physical activity recommendation,Maybe,,No,There is no need for that.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Make facilities easily available,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 22,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Yes,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Walkways and sporting centres should be made more accessible ,Female,41-50,PhD,>20,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Leaflets (hard copies), 23,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,Yes,It will take into consideration the peculiar challenges and barriers to physical activity of Nigerians,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Constantly educate people on the benefits of Physical activity and being creative in structuring physical activity programme (which will take I to consideration the peculiarities of our environment),Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Private clinic,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 24,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Agree,Yes,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on need to remain active,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 25,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness and advocacy on physical activity especially in infusing it into IADLs and ADLs,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Sports medicine centre,Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 26,Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,US PA Guideline,No,,Yes,leads to client improvement,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,ease of accessibility and afforability to the gym and the providers,Male,51-60,PhD,>20,No,North West,Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 27,Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,it will guide the therapist ,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,counselling and advocacy ,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate;Masters’ Graduate;PhD;DPT,Nov-15,Yes,North West,University,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 28,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education/ awareness,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 29,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine's ,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine ,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends,,Enlightenment programmes by exercise specialists,Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,Yes,North West,University,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 30,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Disagree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,150mins of moderate PA per week,Yes,Same as above,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education/awareness,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Online resources, 31,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,The geohrahpical location and ussual routines of the people.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Creating awareness on the benefits of physical activity,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 32,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,It will serve as a tool for Exercise prescription ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Physical activity campaigns and program,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 33,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American physical therapy association physical activity guidelines ,Yes,APTA physical activity guidelines ,Yes,Because most patients i come in contact show in them lack of physical inactivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Other,Leaflets (hard copies), 34,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,Maybe,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,More awareness shoud be incorporated ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 35,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"WHO guidelines on diet exercise and physical activity, physical guidelines for americans",Yes,WHO,Yes,It will codify types and benefits to Nigerians,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Reorientation and proper advocacy and outreach,Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 36,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,30 minutes exercise daily.,Yes,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Awareness and Physical Education ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,Online resources, 37,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education to understand the importance of exercise and benefits.,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 38,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Warm up and warm down,Yes,Appropriate for clients,No,Because physical activity is universal accross the globe,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Sensitization on the significance of PAs and simpler ways to achieving it ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South West,Military organization,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 39,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Target heart rate,Yes,Target heart rate,Yes,It will help to reduce mortality rate,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness on the importance of physical activity,Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 40,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,American college of sports medicine guidelines ( ACSM),Yes,ACSM,Yes,Some differences may exist between adopted guidelines and developed guidelines,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Continues awareness,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 41,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Mac queen,Yes,10 repetitive maximum guide line.,Maybe,is not necessary because it should be dependent on the physical therapy judgement on what the client can do .,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Addressing the issues earlier mentioned above.,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Other,Online resources, 42,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,The FITT principles,Yes,The FITT principles,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Through mass awareness and campaigns regarding the benefits of physical activities via mass media and other social media outlets. on the part of government favorable environment for physical activities should be provided. In addition, workshops on physical activities should be organized for workers in there working places",Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Maybe,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 43,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,General exercise prescription,Maybe,,Yes,Because each group of patients should have their specific physical activity programme. ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,By educating our people on the real importance of physical activity and exercise. ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 44,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"Recommendations, intensity, warm up cool down etc",Yes,All,Yes,It’s important in order to acheive maximum benefits from the exercises and to monitor patients progress and other individuals,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"Raising awarenesss of importance of exercise to both patients and healthy individuals, orientation on self discipline of and also health easting habits should be included",Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 45,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,The American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity ,Maybe,The one mentioned above ,Yes,It will be very helpful when prescribing exercise to various patients ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"More awareness on the benefits of exercise, even light exercises that can be done indoors ",Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,No,South West,Domiciliary Physiotherapy (PP) ,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Geriatrics,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 46,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO Guideline and American College of Sports Medicine. ,Yes,WHO and ACSM,Yes,Because of Socio-cultural perculiarity of Nigeria. ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,"Physical activities like deep breathing and meditation has been found to be beneficial to health as well, it is good they be considered too. ",Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other",a patient once told me engaging in physical exercise will damage his kidneys because his two brothers died of kidney failure ,Patient education. Awareness creation. ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 47,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,WHO recommended guidelines on physical activity,Yes,WHO recommended guidelines on physical activity ,Yes,The culture and environmental intricacies will be fathom into the Nigerian guidelines hence increase acceptability consequently increases compliance,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Creating a Nigerian guideline for physical activity incorporating everyday activity an average Nigerian can perform ,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,I had worked with the State Government hospital for about 7years,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Other,"I engage mostly with conversation then other times, I make use of online resources" 48,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It will be fit for purpose by incorporating the guidelines within the Nigerian socio-economic context and concept ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Advocate and create or improve on public awareness ,Female,51-60,Bachelors’ Graduate,>20,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Other,Other,"Instructions, teachings, practical demonstrations and follow up " 49,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,For harmony.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Enlightenment, patient education",Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Maybe,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 50,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,W.H.O. recommended 150 minutes+ of vigorous physical activity weekly for Cardiovascular benefit,Yes,The above stated.,Yes,"Our region is not as defined in nutrition as compared to the Western countries, and combined with the prominence of heart dxs especially among the black race, it would be highly beneficial to create something that is closer to home.",Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Programmes (especially via Media centres) continously reminding people about the need to commence the lifestyle changes rather than wait for a debilitating condition to act as a cataylst,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Geriatrics,Online resources, 51,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;Other",,Awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 52,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,It will improve level of fitness,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Institute as a daily or routine also jingles on air on importance of life style modifications and physical activities.,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Private clinic,Sports,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 53,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Maybe,,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 54,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine guideline,Yes,"Exercise should consists of warm up, main exercise session and cooldown and should be performed within a client's heartrate target zone.",Yes,"This will help in removing barriers such as language, culture as well as religion.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,A lot should be done on aspects of health promotion ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 55,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"PAQ, canadian & American physical activity",Yes,Canadian PAG / PAQ,Yes,It will put inro consideration barriers with nationals being physically inactive,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"More sensitization & awareness to the public on the need to be physixally active, explain to them that one doesnt necessarily need facilities or income to be active",Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Apps,And also verbal explanation 56,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,PARQ,Yes,PARQ,Yes,It will improve confidence to the patients/client By avoiding the risk of exercise exercise associated risk and complications and provide a safety guide for the exercise ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Motivation and awareness and development of a safety guidelines for the exercise ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 57,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American college of Sports Medicine,Yes,150mins/week physical activity,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,creating public awareness and Physiotherapists should incopperate the discussion of Physical activity with all the patients they attended to.,Male,31-40,PhD;DPT,Nov-15,No,North West,Private clinic,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 58,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Cardiovascular health and level of physical activity ,Yes,CVS health and physical activity level,Yes,Prescr8of physical activity will be regulated,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Create adequate awareness ,Female,51-60,PhD,>20,No,South West,Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Women’s health;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 59,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Being open-minded and creation of more awareness about the importance of physical activity to one's health ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 60,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity intensity,Yes,Aerobic and muscle strenthening,Yes,Because most of us live a sedentary lifestyle and there introducing it to the Nigerian population will be positive,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Giving awareness is all work place and religious gathering,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,Other,I converse with them and also recommend apps to those with smart phones 61,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"Guidelines for physical activity (UK, US, Australia) and for some disease conditions ( Obesity, pregnancy, stroke and Cancer)",Yes,Physical activity guidelines UK and sometimes a combination with others (not specific though),Yes,"It will help take care of traditional, cultural, socioeconomic and environment infrastructural difference of barriers between low-income countries (Nigeria inclusive) and high-income countries (like UK, US etc). ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"Sensitization and awareness creation on the importance of PA to patients and general population, availability of local PA guidelines that is written in local Nigerian languages. Additionally, there should be legislation from national and state assemblies that will discourage sedentary lifestyle by restricting the movements of automobiles in city metropolitan areas, the legislation should capture bicycle allowances to workers and high incentives on the milage covered. ",Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 62,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It will take in to consideration our social/cultural values,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,,Awareness of it's importance to health,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 63,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,30minutes walking atleast three (3) times a week for an adult,Yes,Atleast 30minutes walking three (3) times a week for an adult,Yes,It might increase the level of health status of many nigerians and hence help in reducing hospitalization thereby reducing cost Of living,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Other,Developing a Standard physical activity program and also to engage private sectors and civil society groups about the importance of physical activity on productivity and reducing cost of living ,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Continues sensitisation about the importance of physical activity In a manner and language that people understand better ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Sports medicine center,Sports,Other,Conversation and online resources 64,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,30minutes walking atleast three (3) times a week for an adult,Yes,Atleast 30minutes walking three (3) times a week for an adult,Yes,It might increase the level of health status of many nigerians and hence help in reducing hospitalization thereby reducing cost Of living,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Other,Developing a Standard physical activity program and also to engage private sectors and civil society groups about the importance of physical activity on productivity and reducing cost of living ,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Continues sensitisation about the importance of physical activity In a manner and language that people understand better ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Sports medicine center,Sports,Other,Conversation and online resources 65,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American college of sport medicine,Yes,Warm up before starting any exercise and cool down before stopping an exercise.... Exercise for at least 30minutes for four times in a week,Yes,By making them aware of its benefit and risks associated with non compliance with exercise guidelines,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Promote awareness, educating, government should recommend for its staff, organising sport events,",Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 66,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO,Maybe,,Yes,Because of our culture and traditions ,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness and engagement ,Female,31-40,PhD,06-Oct,Yes,North East,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 67,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Agree,Neutral,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Public awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 68,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"ACSM, WHO and NHS",Yes,"ACSM, WHO and NHS",Yes,"The guidelines will be specific bearing in mind our cultural background, government policies and environment.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Creating a awareness on the importance of physical activity.,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Women’s health,Online resources, 69,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,Rehabilitation of self management after COVID19 related illnesses.,Maybe,Brunnstrome motor recovery stages induced guidelines,Yes,Due to cross cultural adaptation,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Physical health promotion by all health institutions,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 70,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,"This is because when such a move is made, it may facilitate many of both the clients and the patients to readily adopt the guidelines easily and can promote compliance as well especially by the literate among them",Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Promote awareness among the illitrate about its benefits even to healthy people and motivate those people who are aware of its benefit to be consistent about it. ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Online resources, 71,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,It will be better for the clients when following a guideline ,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness about importance of physical activity ,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 72,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It will take into account the differences in local context that exists between Nigeria and other developed countries,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Public enlightenment on the importance and benefits of physical activity on health status,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 73,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"Aerobic exercises, sitting less walking more. Muscle, joint and bone strengthening exercises. A",Yes,"Aerobic, moderate exercises, muscle and bone strengthening exercises",Yes,"Children, adult and old people need specific exercises to improve their lifestyles so that they can be physically active in order to prevent sedentary life related diseases",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness to the public the health benefits of physical activities in preventing diseases and increasing longevity.,Male,51-60,Bachelors’ Graduate,>20,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics,Leaflets (hard copies), 74,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,Red flag ,Maybe,Red flag for specific conditions ,Yes,Yes because it will serve as evidence base for the clinician to practice. ,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness/ health talk through social media andd network ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 75,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,All,Yes,150 minutes to 300minutes of moderate intensity per week,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Extensive sensitization,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Sports,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 76,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,"A specific guideline would take into account the local factors that are specific to Nigerian and would be more effective than adopting a general scheme that might not even be practical locally, so a specific guideline will be more practical ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"More awareness and government support in providing facilities that will promote physical activities examples like affordable public walkways for exercise, government subsidized gyms and activity centre's, government sponsored public awareness ",Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 77,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Regular health promotion campaign by physiotherapists,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 78,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,Maybe,,Yes,"Because to avoid reverse of fitness gain, after exercise stop.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness about the benefit of exercise and the role of physiotherapist,Male,21-30,Student physiotherapist,0-5,Yes,North East,University,Other,Online resources, 79,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,No,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Improve security, adequate awareness at all level most especially the community level ",Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 80,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,World Health Organization physical activity guidelines.,Yes,World Health Organization physical activity guideline,Yes,"Specific guideline for Nigeria be developed because of varying climate, Quality of life, life span, and life style.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Advocate for physical activity at all levels of education and healthcare delivery.,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Online resources, 81,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM guidelines for physical activity.,Yes,ACSM guidelines.,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Health Promotion.,Male,41-50,PhD,>20,Yes,South East,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 82,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,The geohrahpical location and ussual routines of the people.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Creating awareness on the benefits of physical activity,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 83,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,The American college of sports medicine (acsm) guidelines,Yes,The acsm,Yes,Because the barriers to participating in physical activity are different in various regions,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"More awareness on the benefits of physical activity, community involvement and community training centers, introducing physiotherapy in primary health care centers.",Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 84,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,Warm up and cool down ,Yes,Warm up ,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs,,Awareness ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,Online resources, 85,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education/ awareness,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 86,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for Americans! Physical activity guidelines for Adolescents ,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for Americans ,Yes,"There are cultural, environmental difference and economical differences ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Campaign for the benefit of physical activity as free medicine towards total wellbeing ,Male,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,>20,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 87,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,PAR Q,Yes,,Yes,To promote and the general well being of the Nigerian population,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Creating awareness programs on the importance of physical activity,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Other,Other,Media campaign 88,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO guideline,Yes,WHO guideline,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,Regular/periodic asessments by a professional physiotherapist,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Full engagement of physiotherapists in institutional and public health talk and awareness programs,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Sports,Leaflets (hard copies), 89,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM guidelines,Yes,ACSM,Yes,"Due to some sociocultural, socioeconomic, environmental, literacy or educational factors etc",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,"Walking as an exercise, domestic activities such as gardening etc",Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Public enlightement campaigns and enaction of government policies on PA,Male,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;Home visit,Women’s health;Sports,Online resources,Therapeutic Exercises books 90,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO physical activity guidelines ,Maybe,,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Heighten awareness on the importance of physical activity ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 91,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO physical activity guidelines ,Maybe,,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Heighten awareness on the importance of physical activity ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 92,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,Uniformity purpose,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Individuals needs to be intrinsically motivated,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 93,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM guidelines ,Yes,ACSM,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness of the important of PA,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 94,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,American college of sport medicine and swedish national institute of public health,Yes,American college of sport medicine,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness on its importance not only for health promotion but also for maintenance,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 95,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,1. WHO guidelines 2. Physical activity recommendations for different patients,Yes,1. WHO,Yes,Average Nigerians are physically active. A guidelines is needed to encouraged more people from different folks and guide everyone that want to engage in physical activity.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,Physical activity during worķ hours to accommodate those with busy lifestyle,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other",Healthcare professionals do not often advocate physical activity for clients,Professionals in healthcare should include physical activity recommendations for all clients,Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Maybe,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,Online resources, 96,Strongly Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,PAR-Q,Yes,PAR-Q,Yes,Yes because Nigerian will feel at home using home made guidelines that may have considered biosociocultural aspect of thier life,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Enlightment and orientation,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 97,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,Ensuring that the vitals sign of your patient is stable.,Yes,Stable blood pressure and glucose levels.,Yes,For good outcome measure.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,A lot of motivation and enlightenment,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,Maybe,North Central,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Leaflets (hard copies), 98,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,"Due to our cultural and religious differences, developing specific guidelines for physical activity will suit our community more appropriately.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Public lectures, Tv ads etc",Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Apps, 99,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,No,,Yes, Because a proper guideline will protect patients from trauma during exercises.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Creating policies that can assist organization to provide exercise equipments at work place you,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 100,Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Undecided,Neutral,Yes,American College of Sport Medicine,Maybe,,Maybe,To contain the information that are relevant to Nigerian.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics,Online resources, 101,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Regular health promotion campaign by physiotherapists,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 102,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,FITT,Yes,,Yes,,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,To promote people awareness about exercise,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 103,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,ACSM,Yes,Cultural/environmental considerations,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Advocacy and proactive,Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,No,North East,Government Hospital;University;Home visit,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 104,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,The American college of sport medicine,Yes,ACSM,Yes,For the proper fit in,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other",They believed physical activity is for the obese and sports ,Awareness ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 105,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guideline for adolesence,Yes,Physical activity guideline for adolesence,Yes,Developing guidelines for physical activity in nigeria will help in making the activity more specific for nigerians because the guidelines developed in othercountries might not be applicable to nigerians.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Public enlightenment campaigns by physiotherapist to sensitize people about the benefit of physical activity,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 106,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,,Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 107,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Neutral,Yes,"ACSM, AHA",Yes,ACSM,Yes,"It will break language barrier, racial difference and provide common activities practiced",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More of general public Awareness and qualitative physiotherapy training,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 108,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,GOPA ,Yes,,Yes,It will help in reducing the incidences of non communicable chronic diseases.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Develop a positive attitude,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South West,Private clinic;Home visit;Non - Govermental Organization (NGO),Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 109,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Disagree,Yes,WHO,Yes,,No,There is an exist world guide line,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Increase awareness about it significance,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,University,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 110,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"UK CMO Guidelines, WHO Guidelines",Yes,UK CMO Guidelines,Yes,Because it will be specifically tailored for Nigeria ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Sensitization ,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Maybe,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 111,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,FITT Principle,Yes,FITT Principle,Yes,The community need will be addressed and it will improve participation,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Educate people on the importance of PA. Infrastructure development by government to encourage access to individual,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,South South,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 112,Strongly Agree,Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for Americans ,Yes,Strengthening exercises ,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Physical activity sensitization for the public ,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 113,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,No,,Maybe,,Yes,"Environment, location and race might determine the level of physical activity",Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Create more awareness about the importance of physical activity,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 114,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Encourage prescription of physical activity by physiotherapist,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Traditional /cultural beliefs,,Awareness ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,University,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 115,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics,Other,Demostration of exercises 116,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness and availability of equipments,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 117,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Create more avenue for awareness of its importance ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 118,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,No,,No,,Yes,Life style variation,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,1. Lifestyle modification 2. Physiotherapy sensitisation on the importance of PA,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Private clinic;Home visit;Non - Govermental Organization (NGO),Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 119,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create awareness; improving security ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 120,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Improving the security and creating awareness ,Female,61-70,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Maybe,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics,Online resources, 121,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,provision of safe recreation Centre at every ward unit,Male,51-60,PhD,>20,Yes,South West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 122,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create awareness; improving security ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 123,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,Yes,Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,Yes,Increased patient confidence,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;Other",Awareness and education of exercise benefits,Publicizing exercise benefits and guidelines,Male,31-40,DPT,Nov-15,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources,Tick all that applies is not functional above 124,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create awareness; improving security ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 125,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,AHA guidelines ,Yes,AHA Guidelines ,Yes,To promote patient's confidence and well being. ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;None of the above is required if a person is healthy,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 126,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,We will have a more standard approach ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Create more awareness on the importance of physical activities in Rotherham to decrease more cases of obesity heart failure etc,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 127,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,For low back pain,Maybe,Pain visual scale,Yes,Increase the accuracy of treatment,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awearness,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,Leaflets (hard copies), 128,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for American,No,For American,Yes,To promote physical activity,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,,Be dedicated,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 129,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,International Physical Activity Questionaire,Yes,IPAQ,Yes,Environment specific guidelines,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,Involving in 75mins/week of rigorous PA that strengthen the muscles,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Awareness program, adequate socioeconomic support",Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,Other,Demonstrating the PA 130,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,International Physical Activity Questionaire,Yes,IPAQ,Yes,Environment specific guidelines,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,Involving in 75mins/week of rigorous PA that strengthen the muscles,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Awareness program, adequate socioeconomic support",Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,Other,Demonstrating the PA 131,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Maybe,If there is no guide then assessment can't be carried out,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Health education to ware out ignorance,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,North West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 132,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,"All healthy adults aged 18–65 yr should participate in moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on five days per week, or vigorous intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of 20 min on three days per week.",Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Continuous Education ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,South West,Home visit,Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 133,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Undecided,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,,Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness and Sensitization ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Other,Online resources, 134,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness should be created in the public,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,Online resources, 135,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It provides a unified language for practice,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Proper Education and awareness campaigns,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 136,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,"It will be effective, safe, and standard.",Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Education on the benefits of Physical Activity.,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 137,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,America Sports Medicine,No,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education,Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital;University;Home visit,Other,Online resources, 138,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,"It would be something that the average person would relate with in this environment. Culturally and environmentally friendly, and would take into cognisance our work/ leisure peculiarities. ",Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Improved social economic and security factors for the average Nigerian will help a lot. Secondly, more or better road networks, recreational parks etc can help. Improved awareness too. ",Female,41-50,PhD,>20,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 139,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,The American physical activity guide,Yes,That of time and intensity ,Yes,It would take into consideration our societal and cultural norms,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Being disciplined ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 140,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,"WHO, AHA guidelines, Australian guidelines",Yes,"WHO, AHA",Yes,Guidelines tailored for Nigerians and her environment,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Public Awareness,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Leaflets (hard copies), 141,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,Borg's,Maybe,,Yes,interventions will be based on standard Operating Procedures,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Increase awareness on the benefits of physical activities,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary;Other,Apps, 142,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,To serve as a guide and this will in turn encourage the clients/patients to participate more,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Never,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,,Advocacy,Female,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Other,Online resources, 143,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,WHO physical activity guidelines,Yes,"WHO PA guidelines on aerobics or muscle strengthening exercise, with respect to the patients needs",Yes,Yes because it would reduce sedentary and promote healthy living,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Create more awareness,Male,31-40,PhD,06-Oct,Yes,South South,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit;Non - Govermental Organization (NGO),Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 144,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,More emphasis on the important of physical activity ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Sports,Online resources, 145,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,YMCA,Yes,YMCA,Yes,It will serve as a means encouragement,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,Lack of motivation and support from family and friends,,Proper awareness ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports;Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 146,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,"WHO, NICE, CDC, AHA",Yes,WHO,Yes,Because most people already think they are doing enough physical activity due to the economic situation in Nigeria which is different from other countries.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Educate the public to be active in their preferred places of comfort like in the house or at work or church,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,No,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Cardio-pulmonary;Other,Apps,"Conversations, online resources" 147,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,No,,No,,Yes,It will enhance clinical outcomes,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Health education on the importance of physical activity,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 148,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,WHO guideline,Yes,WHO guideline,Yes,Because it will be design to suit the activities of an average nigerian,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Increasing awareness about the health benefits of physical activity,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 149,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Disagree,No,,Maybe,,Yes,For improved engagement in physical activity. ,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Creating more enlightenment. ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics;Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 150,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,"Yes, because what is obtainable in our own environment, is different from other parts of the world. And guidelines that are specifically tailored for us would yield better adherence & results",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness & education should be done to both young and old. The Physical education done in primary & secondary schools should have more in depth teachings that'd translate to a lifestyle of physical activity in the long run. Gyms shouldn't be only seen as a place for body builders and it shouldn't be less expensive so that it'd encourage the masses.,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 151,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Low intensity to high intensity ,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"More awareness, secured environment, public facilities that will promote physical activity ",Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,No,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 152,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,"A physical activity guideline specific to Nigeria would take into cognizance, the specific cultural, economic and social peculiarities of the Nigerian situation",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Education, publicity, enlightenment, trainings etc",Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South East,Government Hospital,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 153,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"Cardiac Rehab, pre and post partum, ",Maybe,,Yes,Allow more compkiance taking into consideration envirnmental factors.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Give functional ways to do exercises and incorporate i to daily activity ,Female,51-60,DPT,>20,Yes,South East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Women’s health,Apps, 154,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,No,,No,,Yes,,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,,I don't know ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 155,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Maybe,Because people can choose to be inactive or active regardless of guideline,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Promote physical activity awareness,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Apps, 156,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,It will help in boosting the confidence of the Physiotherapist,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Proper awareness and Education ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 157,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American heart association,Maybe,American college of sport medicine,Yes,So that it will suite our local community,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Advocacy,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 158,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,WHO physical activity guidelines ,Yes,American College of sport medicine ,Yes,"As physical activity experts, we stand at a better point recommending physical activity for clients, and guiding them ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Emphasising the need for physical activity and equally pointing out the demerits of lack of Physical activity ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,Online resources, 159,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,ACSM,No,Human physiology is the same so no need for a different one,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,General public awareness and government interest and support ,Female,41-50,PhD,Nov-15,No,South East,University,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 160,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,F.I.T.S. principle,Yes,FITS,Yes,Bcos I strongly believe that each country should have their own tailored guidelines to suit their way of life,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Establishing rules that will mandate a compulsory allocation of time for physical activity during our working hours ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,South East,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,Online resources, 161,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO physical Activity guidelines dor different age grades,Yes,WHO Physical Activity Guidelines for different age grades,Yes,Because in the long run will help improve quality of life and increase general life expectancy ,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Increase awareness about the benefit of physical activity to the general populace,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 162,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Neutral,No,,No,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"I) Security challenges should be improved upon, ii) Public enlightenment programs promoting physical activity, III) Engaging opinion leaders such as religious and traditional leaders on need to encourage their followers on the benefits of engaging in physical activity, iv) The government should provide an exercise friendly environment by providing necessary facilities.",Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 163,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,Because it will be tailored to fit our cultural practices & beliefs ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Increase health promotions on physical activities via the media. Creating a physical activity software that is easily accessible to all clients be it healthy or ill,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 164,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It will guide Physiotherapists in prescribing the correct physical activities to the patients ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Nigerians should be educated properly on the need for physical activities ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 165,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"APTA, WCPT",Maybe,WCPT,Yes,Because it will go a long in guiding upcoming Physiotherapyists and also maximise the benefit for patients/clients,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other,Ignorance in the benefit of physical activity and race to make ends meet. ,Adequate enlightenment of the public on the benefit of physical activity and that it can be done with minimal cost ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 166,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for Americans! Physical activity guidelines for Adolescents ,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for Americans ,Yes,"There are cultural, environmental difference and economical differences ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Campaign for the benefit of physical activity as free medicine towards total wellbeing ,Male,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,>20,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 167,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,To avoid slumping ,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on behavioral issues and guidelines that are accessible ,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate;Masters’ Graduate;MPH,Nov-15,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 168,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Having the guidelines will enable achieve the desired effect aimed at.,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Enlighting the public on the benefits and importance of physical activity along with improvising the equipment used which are too expensive for all to afford,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 169,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Undecided,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,We can adapt to our own environment. This makes it easier to use,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,Step counting,Always,always,Always,Always,"Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Beef up security and create more awareness publicly,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,No,South West,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Other,"A combination of leaflet, and a written outlined individualised programme" 170,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,Prescription of exercise will be systematic and homogeneous.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle","concerned about physical activity, availability of exercise facilities ","Public enlightenment, Govt initiatives among the grassroots,availability of exercise facility ",Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Apps, 171,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,Walking 30-45mins 5-7 days a week,Yes,,Yes,By developing a physical activity guideline for nigeria the obstacles will be identified and due measures taken. We cant adopt a foriegn guideline because we have few or no recreational parks in our neighborhoods. Our sidewalks have been dominated by kiosks and traders. Some areas have no gyms. Our houses are cramped up. Downtown in the ghettos gutters are everywhere. Our traffic lights are a mess putting lives of someone taking a walk in jeopardy. ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Mass sensitization, advocacy for provision of necessary infrastructure and healthcare professionals encouraging patients",Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 172,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Creating awareness on important physical activity ,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 173,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM PA Guidelines ,Yes,ACSM PA guideline ,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,No,South East,Government Hospital,Other,Other,"Verbal instructions, apps, leaflets, online resources " 174,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"WHO Guidelines; CDC Guidelines, NHS Guidelines",Yes,WHO Guidelines,No,"Because the existing guidelines, especially the WHO Guidelines, are applicable to the Nigerian context. Some of the PAs may be alien to the Nigerian setting, but they're others like dancing, gardening, domestic chores, walking or jogging that can be conveniently incorporated into our daily-live activities..",Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"To carry out advocacy campaign in various communities, especially where there vulnerable individuals to sedentary lifestyle.",Male,31-40,PhD,16-20,No,South East,University,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 175,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM guideline,Yes,ACSM guideline,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,1. Awareness on impact of PA in prevention and management of co-morbidities should be intesified. 2 physiotherapy should be encooperated in primary health care 3.employment and establisment of physiotherapy department that can safely accomodate physical fitness screening and promotion..,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Leaflets (hard copies), 176,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness and government enforcement,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Leaflets (hard copies), 177,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"American Guideline for Cardovasculer fitness guideline, Mackenzie back protocol, e.t.c",Yes,"Cardiovasculer fitness guideline,",Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,More Awareness especially to All policy makers including especially distict heads of wards and their entourage and media campaign.(imagine how corona was made known to people)...,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,Leaflets (hard copies), 178,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,Maybe,,Yes,It will gradually encourage exercising as a tradition in our day to day activities,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,More awareness ,Female,31-40,On Masters ,06-Oct,No,South South,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 179,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Creating awareness ,Male,41-50,PhD,>20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 180,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,This will help tailor down the programme considering our peculiar conditions.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Help reduce the potential barriers.,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 181,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"Fitt, rpe",Yes,Fitt,Yes,because of their diet and lifestyle ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness campaign ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 182,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness of the benefits of PA,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 183,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness of the benefits of PA,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 184,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,AHA guidelines,Yes,AHA,Yes,Contextual issues are necessary in guidelines development ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education,Female,51-60,PhD,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation",Health awareness talks 185,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM guideline,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"More awareness on benefits of regular exercise, promoting physical activity-friendly environment, educating patients on safe easy and effective exercises",Male,41-50,PhD,Nov-15,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 186,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO guideline,Yes,WHO guideline,No,Nigerians are not different from other people of the world,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness and health promotion programs at different settings and communities,Male,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,>20,No,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 187,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,No,,No,,Yes,Tailored made guidelines for PA in Nigeria will into consideration our peculiar characteristics and ensure adaptability to the guidelines,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Maybe,South West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 188,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American Heart Recommendations and WHO for PA,Yes,Both recommendations mostly considering time and components ,Yes,"Considering the environmental, health status and more. Nigeria is unique compared to American hence a guide specific for Nigerian will be good ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,Nil ,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",Nil,Education ,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,South East,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources,Nil 189,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,Canadian physical activity guide line,No,,Yes,"Nigeria as a west africa country, which is also known as a developing country will surely posses his own characteristics which may be peculiar to Nigerians only or people in west african countries , also considering the climatic condition in the africa. I think it will really benefit Nigerians by developing a specific physical activity guide line that will suit their nature ",Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Always engaje people in public awareness about importance and benefit of physical activities ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Online resources, 190,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,Acsm,Yes,To conform with our cultures ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Educate people on the importance of physical activity,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 191,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,Acsm,Yes,To conform with our cultures ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Educate people on the importance of physical activity,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 192,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,World health organization guidelines for physical activity,Yes,WHO guidelines,Yes,"It will make the recommendations tailor made to suit the peculiar situation of the typical average Nigerian viz-a-viz security, job, terrain, etc",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"More information on the relevance and possible again of physical activity should be made available to the populace. Therapists can also help design specific physical activity schedules for individuals to suit their work schedules, busy lifestyles and whatever other special needs the individual may have",Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,University,Other,Online resources, 193,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO Physical Activity Guideline,Maybe,,Yes,Guidelines peculiar to Africans will be more relatable and useful for Africans. ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Proper Education on the effect of physical activity ,Female,31-40,PhD,06-Oct,Yes,South West,University,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 194,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,To get optimum results in patient management.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More enlightenment about the importance of engaging in physical activities.,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 195,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It will guide for positive result,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,,Awareness,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate;PGD,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 196,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,To promote evidance based practice among physiotherapist,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"To create awareness on benefits of physical activity especially through media, public or social gathering.",Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 197,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO,Maybe,,Yes,It will improve the patient quality of life,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Creating public awareness to educate people on the benefit of being physically active and independence,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 198,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Education,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 199,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,Physical activities guidelines for American,Yes,American guidelines,Yes,Nigerians situation is different from America hence developing Nigerian guideline will consider peculiar nature of Nigerians,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education,Male,41-50,PhD,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 200,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline for physical activity,Yes,WHO guidelines ,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 201,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,For standardization of physiotherapy practice and for effective and evidence based approaches ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Promote awareness On PA and how it promotes overall health ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University;Home visit;Sports,Geriatrics;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 202,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,do no harm ,Yes,I always make sure my patients are doing the right exercises they need that moment.,Yes,it will help to make us fit ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,to educate the people,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 203,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,To promote the overall wellness of Nigerians and prevent conditions associated with sedentary lifestyle ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Never,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Involving government and policy makers in promotion of physical activity coupled with professional motivation from HCPs,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 204,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Maybe,,No,,No,"Individual differ, so also activity will differ",Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Individuals can go for facilities cliseby and must not be strict program of some days of the week,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 205,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,FITT Principle of physical activity,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,More awareness and sensitization campaign ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 206,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Neutral,Maybe,,No,,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Making PA a priority,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Maybe,South West,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 207,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,For standardization of physiotherapy practice and for effective and evidence based approaches ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Promote awareness On PA and how it promotes overall health ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University;Home visit;Sports,Geriatrics;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 208,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,Cycling and brisk walking,Yes,Brisk walking and cycling,Yes,Because whatever PA would be adapted to our Nigerian culture and suit the Nigerian life style,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Organisation should make it important that all their staff engage in PA at least one day in a week,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Private clinic;University;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 209,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,FITT principle,Yes,FITT principle,Yes,That will improve uniformity in care of patients,Other,Undertaking minimal to maximal physical activity level.,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Educate people on importance of physical activity.,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University;Home visit;Non - Govermental Organization (NGO),Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 210,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Undecided,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Pre exercise screening,Yes,Check Blood pressure before exercise ,No,"Developing the guidelines will not motivate them, they need to be educated",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Publication and education to enlighten them,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 211,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,"Stretch, exercise and rest",Maybe,"Stretch, exercise and rest",Yes,Yes. A guildline will help nigerians to do the right exercises and at the right proportion ddue to environmental factors,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Keep themm informed on the benefits of exercise,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 212,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American physical activity guidelines,Yes,Moderate intensity physical activity 150-300 minutes per week,Yes,Help to reduce cardiovascular diseases ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness to public the benefits of physical activities,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University,Other,Leaflets (hard copies), 213,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,Physical Activity Guideline for America,No,,Yes,It will help in prescribing physical activity specific for Nigerians,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Other,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"To develop a guideline specific for Nigeria and address environmental issues, this has to do governments to design a better roads that will give access for physical activity",Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,Yes,North West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 214,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,Yes. For standardization and policy making,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Policy formulation.,Male,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,South West,State Hospitals Management Board,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 215,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO prescribed guidelines for INTENSE and MODERATE Physical Activities ,Yes,WHO prescribed guidelines for INTENSE and MODERATE ,Yes,It would specifically tailored to our needs ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Enlightenment ,Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 216,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Maybe,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 217,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,IPAC,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Proper and adequate education,Female,51-60,PhD,>20,Yes,South West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 218,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American college of sport medicine guidelines ,Yes,American college of sport medicine guidelines ,Yes,It would recommend exercises that would be practicable in the local context of Nigeria,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Promoting awareness and developing exercise recommendations requiring minimal state of the art equipments,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 219,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,None,No,None,Yes,Because it will help to provide direction for prescribing adequate and specific exercise regimes for both patient/client and the therapist,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Awareness programs scheduled at different levels on social media, air stations, among family and friends, to our patients, colleagues at diff work places, organization of seminars at work places etc",Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 220,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It will help in exercise prescription to patients,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Public awareness,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 221,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,"American heart association recommendation for physical activity for adults and kids, New canadian physical activity guideline.",Yes,American heart association recommendation for physical activity in adults and kids,Yes,"Because of the variation in race, type/nature of food, socioeconomic status ",Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Continous verbal encouragement and motivation by both family members and physiotherapist, tackling security issues, having active and functional social services in Nigeria ",Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Women’s health,Leaflets (hard copies), 222,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,Because devoloping physical activity guideline specifically for Nigerians will help the physiotherapists in promoting the health of his patients ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Promote awareness of the importance of physical activity in promoting the healthy of an individual ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 223,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Increased awareness and sensitization on the benefits of physical activity,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 224,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends,,Awareness ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 225,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,According to The department of health and social services America for substantial health benefits one should exercise for 2hrs 30min to 5hrs moderate intensity aerobic exercise to 1hr 15min to 2hrs 30min High intensity aerobic physical exercise per week,Yes,Everyone needs to be active in order to help prevent and maintain health issues ,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Paediatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 226,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,AHA Guidelines for Physical Acrivity,Yes,AHA and Canadian,Yes,It will be environmentally friendly,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,Factor in the nature of client's daily physical activity into his/her physical exercise programme,Always,always,Always,Always,"Security issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,1.Intensive awareness and enlightenment 2.Leading by examples especially health workers and policy makers 3. Providing conducive environment 4. Making it prerequisite to access some benefits,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 227,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,"It will improve effectiveness of our interventions, reduce incidence of non communicable diseases and boost QoL",Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Advocacy and making it part of Critical Physiotherapy Interventions ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Maybe,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Geriatrics;Cardio-pulmonary;Other,Online resources, 228,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Neutral,Maybe,,No,,Yes,We will centralized the guide line towards one goal,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Awareness from the expert and other health workers,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 229,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,PARQ,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Never,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Making awareness of the importance of physical Activities in overall health,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 230,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,"Yes, because we would then have a template to work with which is uniform and measurable ",Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Create awareness , point out ways to be active without necessarily registering at a gym. ",Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,16-20,No,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 231,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for American 2nd edition,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for American 2nd edition,Yes,Regular physical activity over a month and year over a long period will provide health benefits and reduce risk of chronic disease d,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness campaign,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Women’s health,Online resources, 232,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"For young, Adults and older adults should endeavor to do at least 4-5 hrs moderate to high intensity exercises, spread across in a week. Avoid sedentary lifestyle by sitting less.",Yes,Moderate to high intensity exercises.,Yes,It will certainly improve the wellbeing of the people and also improve the awareness of physiotherapy profession in Nigeria especially the southern part of the country.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Improve awareness, motivation ,improve security, equip physiotherapy units especially government owned hospitals, government policies ",Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 233,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,It will guide us which will make our practice easier.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Creating more awareness by health practitioners making them understand is that it's the cheapest medicine in managing and preventing diseases.,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 234,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"Creating a guideline for Nigerians, counselling, advocacy, creating conducive environment ",Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,Online resources, 235,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,It would help if it captures differences based on our socio-religious and cultural differences which differs from that in other parts of the world.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Emphasize on awareness and making the physical activity programmes affordable in our gyms and hospitals ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Online resources,Social media 236,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,It will help moderate our life styles and also add health to life.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other",Don't want to be body shamed. ,1.Educate people on the importance. 2. Self confidence is really important.,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Women’s health,Online resources, 237,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,It may help to reduce the level of many health conditions,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,"30 mins of mild aerobic activity like brisk walking,3 times per week",Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Awareness on the importance of physical activity,its benefits and health risks associated with lack of physical activity.",Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 238,Strongly Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness and physical therapist should be at every level of our health care system and gymnasiums,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,No,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 239,Strongly Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness and physical therapist should be at every level of our health care system and gymnasiums,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,No,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 240,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"ACSM guidelines for aerobics ,stretching and strengthening for physically active and non active individuals as well as patient with cardiorespirotory and orthopaedic pre and post operative conditions ",Yes,post operative guidelines of orthopaedic condition like knee and hip arthroplasty..cardiopulmonary exercises prescriptions after grades exercises testing. ,Yes,"increase in non communicable diseases in community HTN, DM .Stroke, etc",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 241,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Clinical therapy guidelines manual,Yes,Physical activities and therapy exercise ,Yes,Because the guidelines will be specific and peculiar for use in Nigeria,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness ,Female,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 242,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,No,,No,,Yes,We have perculiar sociocultural disposition and climate,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Adequate enlightenment,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 243,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for diabetic patients,Yes,As above,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 244,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for diabetic patients,Yes,As above,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 245,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for America,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for America,Yes,It will promote physical activity in Nigeria ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Enguage and promote physical activity in Nigeria ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 246,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,"I feel guideline for Nigeria willl surely put into consideration our peculiarities in environment,weather ,culture and others",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"People should be sensitized on the need, physiotherapist should serve as role models, physiotherapist should intiate programs in work places that will promote increase in physical activity this should also be extended to schools especially in primary and s secondary schools, physiotherapist should collaborate with relavant government agencies to push for laws that will help promote physical activity levels in work place ",Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 247,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American PA guidlines 2008,Yes,"Eg adult guidelines""Adult should move more and sit less through out the day. Some PA is better than none. Adult who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to- vigorous PA gain some health benefits."" Etc",Yes,Because can help people with ailing health problems to have specific PA in order to prevent further devastating problems. Eg heart problem pt,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,"Awareness and motivation from government, family and friends",Male,41-50,DPT,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 248,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,According to The department of health and social services America for substantial health benefits one should exercise for 2hrs 30min to 5hrs moderate intensity aerobic exercise to 1hr 15min to 2hrs 30min High intensity aerobic physical exercise per week,Yes,Everyone needs to be active in order to help prevent and maintain health issues ,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Paediatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 249,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,2008 physical activity guidelines for Americans,Maybe,,Yes,Because it will help to improve physical activity relative to Nigerians and their way of life.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness and provision of facilities that will attract people towards physical activities,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 250,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Developing Physical activities specifically to Nigeria will be of great use due to the case we are having that differs from other countries,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Media awareness ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Other,Apps, 251,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,"Moderate intensity aerobic activities/ moderate intensity exercise recommended for aged categories, Vigorous intensity aerobic activities/ Vigorous intensity exercise recommended for adults and mix of Moderate and vigorous intensity physical activities",Yes,Moderate Intensity to all age group initially which later for the adult group I graduate them from moderate to Vigorous intensity activities,Yes,Yes because it'll be better for peoples health and it'll prevent blind settings of exercise that might bring negative result at the end of the tunnel,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness on how physical activity is important in promoting health and living healthy and in preventing diseases associated to exercise-free life style,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Other,Other,Available gadgets in the hospital settings 252,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,No,,Yes,The perculiarity of our environment and level of education of our clients can be factored into it,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Promoting awareness and providing enabling environment,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Maybe,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 253,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,Yes,Because most Nigerians are physically active compared to other countries,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Reduce working time and provide adequate facility for it,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South East,Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 254,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,At least it will create more awareness and need to do exercise ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"Educate the masses, create more awareness, some motivations can as well help, improve standards of living of individuals, etc",Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 255,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,We are different. So we should have ours,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Enlightenment ,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 256,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,We are different. So we should have ours,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Enlightenment ,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 257,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,To enhance evidence based practice,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Using the available resources to start up ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South South,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 258,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education and enlightenment ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,Leaflets (hard copies), 259,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO ,Yes,Disease specific ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues,,Education ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,South East,Government Hospital,Women’s health,Online resources, 260,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Yes,WHO ,Yes,Educational ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Provide exercise facility ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Online resources, 261,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,None,Yes,Cultural specific ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Enlightenment ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,No,South West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,Online resources, 262,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,,Yes,Cultural reasons ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Facilities improvement ,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,16-20,No,South East,University,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 263,Strongly Agree,Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,No,,No,,No,Because it's already difficult to adhere to the existing guideline,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Awareness,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 264,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Yes,,Yes,Educational purposes ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,Lack of understanding its benefits ,Enlightenment ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South East,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 265,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO guidelines,No,,No,Because Nigerians can be very difficult,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create awareness,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 266,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Yes,WHO ,Yes,Culture ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Enlightenment ,Female,51-60,Masters’ Graduate,>20,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 267,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Undecided,Neutral,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Enhance economic status ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South East,Government Hospital,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 268,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Yes,WHO ,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education and enlightenment ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,>20,No,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 269,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Social support ,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,South South,Private clinic,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 270,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Yes,WHO ,Yes,Culture ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Enlightenment ,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 271,Strongly Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,No,,No,,Yes,,Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Awareness of the importance of physical activity to the body,Female,31-40,PhD,0-5,No,South South,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 272,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education ,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Maybe,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 273,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,Maybe,WHO ,Yes,Easy accesibility,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 274,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends,,Education ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South East,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 275,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,Yes,,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education ,Female,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,No,South South,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 276,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Yes,WHO ,No,,Yes,Simplicity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Enlightenment ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 277,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Education ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,South East,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 278,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,,Yes,Fits the people,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends,,Education ,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Private clinic,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 279,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education and enlightenment ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,No,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 280,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,,Yes,It would allow constant usability ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford),,Improve standard of living ,Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,Nov-15,No,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 281,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education and improve facilities ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,No,South East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 282,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,South South,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics,Online resources, 283,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO ,No,,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues,,Enlightenment ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,South South,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 284,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Yes,WHO ,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education ,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,No,South East,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 285,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,Cultural sensitivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Education ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Maybe,South South,Private clinic,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 286,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,2 and a half hours of moderate Physical activity in a week for adults,Yes,2 and a half hours of PA weekly,Yes,Nigerians will relate more to it,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 287,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,2 and a half hours of moderate Physical activity in a week for adults,Yes,2 and a half hours of PA weekly,Yes,Nigerians will relate more to it,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 288,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Neutral,No,,No,,Yes,Because the guidelines will help the physiotherapist in suggesting the type of physical activity to recommend for their patients,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness program,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,No,North West,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 289,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Undecided,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,People like me await rules to be followed. So if i get a guideline to help me.. The better,Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;Other","The thing where people say they ""love"" their body irrespective of how they look.. what they dont know is that it depends.. Eating wrongly and living a sedentary life style kills.. noyhing to love about that",No idea really,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 290,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,No,,No,,Yes,It will help Nigerians to be aware of benefits of physical activity therefore they will try to improve their physical activity. ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness on physical activity by physiotherapist ,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,Online resources, 291,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"Physical activity for health, WHO.",Yes,"Physical activity for health, WHO.",Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods;Other,At least a day of vigorous a activity per week.,Always,always,Sometimes,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,1. Improve public awareness. 2. Online campaigns 3.,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Fmy&sd ,Sports,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 292,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Neutral,Maybe,American college of sport ,No,,Yes,Considering the hetrogenous nature of Nigerian culture,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,always,Sometimes,Never,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,"Public awareness, Government input and providing a qualified and dedicate professional for the task",Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;University,Cardio-pulmonary,Online resources, 293,Agree,Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO guidelines,Yes,WHO guidelines,Yes,Because it will be designed to suit d activities of an average Nigerian,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Increase the awareness of the health benefits of physical activity among Nigerians,Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 294,Agree,Undecided,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Undecided,Neutral,No,,No,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Mass englightment,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;University;Home visit,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 295,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,I cant remember ,No,,Yes,"Developing guideline that fit our environment, culture and socioeconomic status will improve compliance ",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;Other",Ignorance of the benefits ,Developing guidelines that takes care of our peculiarity and public enlightening ,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 296,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,ACSM,Yes,"Physical activity may ne be influenced by cultural practices, religion anf and economic indices (SES).",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"A bottom-top concept of planning, development, and execution of physical activity programs. ",Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,No,North West,University,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 297,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,ACSM,Maybe,Development of a guideline does not necessarily guarantee promotion of physical activity ,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Other,Knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and combating the barriers in specific setting are keys to its promotion ,Always,Sometimes,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Each barrier should be studied closely and addressed squarely because some of the barriers are regional or specific to certain categories in the country,Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital;University,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 298,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Guidelines should be specific to environments in which they will be used,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Infracstructure development,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,No,South West,Private clinic,Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 299,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,"Awareness campaigns, creating time for the exercise ",Female,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 300,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Yes,Physical activity guidelines for America,Yes,Same as above,Yes,It would take into account the peculiatities of the nation ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle;Other",Only fat people need to exercise ,Health Education and promotion ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 301,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness programme about importance of physical activities in Nigeria,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 302,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,American Heart Association Quidelines,Yes,AHA Guidelines,Yes,We need a quidelines that will consider our peculiarities. Unsafe environment and busy life or work schedule.,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Design a protocol for in-house exercise at convinent times.,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 303,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,No,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on need for physical activities,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 304,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Maybe,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Public health Campaigns and advocacy on benefits and importance of physical activity,Male,31-40,PhD,16-20,Yes,South West,University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 305,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Agree,Yes,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on need to remain active,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 306,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American heart association physical activity guideline,Yes,Exercises for atleast 30 minutes 3 times a week,Yes,To improve Nogerians physical and mental health ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Advocacy programs ,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 307,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE GUIDLINES ,Yes,ACSM GUIDELINES ,Yes,"It will clinicians and physiotherapist to recommend physical activity to Nigerians suiting our environment, culture and social systems.",Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,"Develope cultural specific guidleines, sentitize the societies about the importance of physical activity and the impact of being not active.",Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Leaflets (hard copies), 308,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,WHO & some National guidelines,Yes,As related to the client,Yes,Because of peculiarity of our culture and our environment.,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Development of an homegrown PA guideline.,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North Central,Sport Medicine Centre,Sports,Other,Prescription of appropriate PA programmes. 309,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,"Time up and go test, 2meter walk test, locomotor capability index",Yes,Time up and go,Yes,To adapt to our environmental requirements,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Culturally and environmentally adaptable exercises,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Private clinic;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 310,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,Not sure,No,Non,Yes,It will help us to use it more,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week,Non,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities,Non,Having n creating time at work places,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Maybe,North Central,Government Hospital,Other,Direct people to other services eg. Community groups, 311,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,More awareness campaign from Physiotherapist to patients/clients ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports;Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 312,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,Guidelines will be a foundation for best practices,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Create more awareness and show evidence of the benefits of physical activities,Female,41-50,PhD,>20,No,South South,Government Hospital,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 313,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine physical activity recommendation and the WHO physical activity recommendation,Maybe,,No,There is no need for that.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Make facilities easily available,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,South South,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 314,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Maybe,,Yes,,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Walkways and sporting centres should be made more accessible ,Female,41-50,PhD,>20,Yes,North West,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Leaflets (hard copies), 315,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Yes,WHO,Yes,WHO,Yes,It will take into consideration the peculiar challenges and barriers to physical activity of Nigerians,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Constantly educate people on the benefits of Physical activity and being creative in structuring physical activity programme (which will take I to consideration the peculiarities of our environment),Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,South West,Private clinic,Other,"Nothing, just a conversation", 316,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Undecided,Agree,Agree,Yes,,No,,Yes,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none,,Always,always,Sometimes,Never,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Education on need to remain active,Female,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,North West,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 317,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness and advocacy on physical activity especially in infusing it into IADLs and ADLs,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Sports medicine centre,Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 318,Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,US PA Guideline,No,,Yes,leads to client improvement,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,ease of accessibility and afforability to the gym and the providers,Male,51-60,PhD,>20,No,North West,Government Hospital;University,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources, 319,Agree,Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,it will guide the therapist ,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,counselling and advocacy ,Female,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate;Masters’ Graduate;PhD;DPT,Nov-15,Yes,North West,University,Women’s health,"Nothing, just a conversation", 320,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,ACSM,Yes,,Yes,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education/ awareness,Male,21-30,Masters’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 321,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly agree,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine's ,Yes,American College of Sports Medicine ,Maybe,,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Security issues;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends,,Enlightenment programmes by exercise specialists,Male,41-50,PhD,16-20,Yes,North West,University,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 322,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Disagree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,150mins of moderate PA per week,Yes,Same as above,Maybe,,Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Education/awareness,Male,31-40,Masters’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,Online resources, 323,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Undecided,Stronly Agree,Agree,Agree,Maybe,,Maybe,,Yes,The geohrahpical location and ussual routines of the people.,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,Creating awareness on the benefits of physical activity,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Cardio-pulmonary,"Nothing, just a conversation", 324,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Agree,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,No,,No,,Yes,It will serve as a tool for Exercise prescription ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Traditional /cultural beliefs;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”",,Physical activity campaigns and program,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 325,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,American physical therapy association physical activity guidelines ,Yes,APTA physical activity guidelines ,Yes,Because most patients i come in contact show in them lack of physical inactivity ,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness,Male,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital,Other,Leaflets (hard copies), 326,Strongly Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,No,,Maybe,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,Traditional /cultural beliefs;Religious issues;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle,,More awareness shoud be incorporated ,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,0-5,Yes,North East,Government Hospital,Paediatrics,"Nothing, just a conversation", 327,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,"WHO guidelines on diet exercise and physical activity, physical guidelines for americans",Yes,WHO,Yes,It will codify types and benefits to Nigerians,Undertaking muscle strengthening on at least 2 days per week;Undertaking balance and flexibility exercises on at least 2 days per week;Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Reorientation and proper advocacy and outreach,Male,41-50,Bachelors’ Graduate,16-20,Yes,South East,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,"Nothing, just a conversation", 328,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,30 minutes exercise daily.,Yes,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate,,Always,always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Socio-economic status (cannot afford);Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate,,Awareness and Physical Education ,Male,31-40,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,No,North Central,Government Hospital,Orthopaedics / manual therapy;Paediatrics;Geriatrics;Women’s health;Cardio-pulmonary;Sports,Online resources, 329,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Maybe,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Sometimes,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Security issues;Lack of motivation and support from family and friends;Environmental reasons: required facilities are too far or ones that are available are not suitable/inadequate;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,More awareness and advocacy on physical activity especially in infusing it into IADLs and ADLs,Female,21-30,Bachelors’ Graduate,06-Oct,Yes,North Central,Sports medicine centre,Sports,"Nothing, just a conversation", 330,Strongly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly,Stronly Agree,Strongly Agree,Strongly disagree,Yes,,Yes,,Yes,,Aiming towards achieving 150mins/week of physical activity that increases the person’s heart rate;Any physical activity as it is better than none;Minimising the amount of sitting for long periods,,Always,always,Always,Always,"Lack of time due to long working hours or additional responsibilities;Personal preference: “I am fine, I do not need to exercise”;People in Nigeria are not aware of the importance of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle",,Awareness programme about importance of physical activities in Nigeria,Male,41-50,Masters’ Graduate,Nov-15,Yes,North East,Private clinic;Government Hospital;Home visit,Orthopaedics / manual therapy,Online resources,