ccc ccc Title: A validated model for the dispersion of exhaust emissions from aircraft in their take-off roll ccc Authors: A. Graham1, M. Bennett*2, S. Christie2 and D.W. Raper2 ccc ccc * To whom correspondence should be addressed: ccc ccc Affliation 1: Norwegian Centre of Offshore Wind Energy, Postboks 6031, N-5892 Bergen, Norway ccc Affiliation 2 Centre for Aviation, Transport and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester M1 5GD, UK ccc ccc Copyright. Manchester Metropolitan University 2018. ccc ccc ccc The following is a FORTRAN subroutine which codes the mathematical model described in the above paper ccc Specimen output files can be found in: TOdispResScenA.txt; and TOdispResScenB.txt. ccc ccc ccc ccc The source code is F77 including the use of mathematical intrinsic functions such as hyperbolic, which most code libraries should support. ccc It is fully commented so as to be reasonably easily adaptable by future users. ccc ccc real*8 fricv,wdir,invMO,F0max,MTOM,wingar,dum print *,'friction velocity (m s-1) ?' read *,fricv print *,'wind dir rel to aircraft hding (+- 180 degs) ?' read *,wdir print *,'inverse Monin Obukhov length (m-1) ?' read *,invMO print *,'boundary-layer height (m) ?' read *,dum iblht = idint(dum) if ( then print *,'value too low: prog ends' stop endif print *,'top static thrust from pooled engines (kN) ?' read *,dum F0max = 1000*dum print *,'maximum takeoff mass (tonnes) ?' read *,dum MTOM = 1000*dum print *,'basic wing planform area (m2) ?' read *,wingar call getTOd(fricv,wdir,invMO,iblht,F0max,MTOM,wingar) end ************************************************************************ subroutine getTOd(fricv,wdir,invMO,iblht,F0max,MTOM,wingar) real*8 zero,sig,sig1,dtor,sixth,quart,third,twothd,quarpi,one, + cthrhf parameter (zero=0,sig=1e-9,sig1=1e-3,quart=.25,one=1, + sixth=one/6,third=2*sixth,twothd=2*third,cthrhf=1.5) real*8 kmF,kmM,rollco,gacc,corot,CLmax,rho,therc1,therc2,therc3, + therc4,tau,xres,coke,cokF,corat,therc5,therc6,therc7, + therc8 parameter (kmF=.85,kmM=.90,rollco=.025,gacc=9.8,corot=1.2, + CLmax=2.25,rho=1.25,therc1=11.5,therc2=59,therc3=75, + therc4=5,tau=80,xres=.5,coke=.3,cokF=.7,therc5=34, + therc6=third,therc7=1.5,therc8=1.4) ccc kmF .. fraction of max thrust characterisrtically ccc used during takeoff ccc kmM .. fraction of max takeoff weight ccc characteristically holding for departing ccc aircraft ccc rollco .. coefficient of friction of aircraft tyres on ccc runway ccc gacc .. free acceleration due to gravity (m s-2) ccc corot .. airspeed of aircraft when upward rotation of ccc aircraft is begun, expressed as a factor of ccc stall speed ccc CLmax .. maximum attainable lift coefficient of aircraft ccc at takeoff flap setting ccc rho .. density of ambient air at ground level (kg m-3) ccc therc1 .. log_e (z_ref / z_r) / k_vK, where z_ref is ccc reference height of 5 m, z_r is representative ccc ambient roughness length of 5 cm and k_vK is ccc von Karman's constant, 0.4 ccc therc2 .. alpha_s * z_ref / k_vK (m), where alpha_s is ccc 4.7 (in stable ambient stratification, shear at ccc height z_ref, as normalised on ccc fricv / (k_vK * z_ref), is equal to ccc 1 + alpha_s * z_ref / L_M, L_M being Monin- ccc Obukhov length) ccc therc3 .. alpha_c * z_ref (m), where alpha_c is 15 ccc (in ambient convection, shear at height z_ref, ccc as normalised on fricv / (k_vK * zref), is equal ccc to 1 / (1 - alpha_c * z_ref / L_M) ** [1 / 4]) ccc therc4 .. 2 / k_vK ccc tau .. F0 / B_F (s), where B_F is buoyant force ccc imparted to exhaust pool in unit release time ccc xres .. resolution of grid in direction of release over ccc which exhaust ages are solved for during ground ccc run, prior to upward rotation of aircraft (m) ccc coke .. rate of change (as total derivative) of square ccc root of cross-sectional area of exhausts, as ccc normalised on their excess speed in direction ccc of release ccc cokF .. factor by which excess momentum of exhausts in ccc in direction of release is reduced as result of ccc drag losses at ground ccc therc5 .. value in stable ambient stratification of k_rho, ccc equal to fractional rate of change with height ccc of potential density at height, L_M, as ccc normalised on -(fricv / L_M) ** 2 / gacc (a ccc thermal layer is identified between ground and ccc height L_M in which density gradient is treated ccc as constant, and assigned a value as in reality ccc holding at height L_M) ccc therc6 .. in stable ambient stratification, potential- ccc density gradient in upper thermal layer holding ccc between heights L_M and iblht (where L_M', + iTfir,' to continue) ?' read *,iTlas if ( then iTold = iTfir ccc when some of ground run prior to rotation ccc remains to be processed 120 if ( then ccc set start grid time to be processed mTolgs = iTfir*ngsps + 1 ccc set end grid time to be processed mTgs = min(iTrot,iTlas)*ngsps ccc step through grid times do 500 iTgs=mTolgs,mTgs ccc update cX cX = (mxnew - mx)*xresnd - delXnd if ( .or. + then print *,'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif ccc update furthest grid location in direction ccc of release from source to have been ccc processed mx = mxnew m = mx + 1 ccc initialise youngest appropriate gridded age iolagt = 1 Tnd = Tnd + Tresnd ccc update MBnd and dMBTnd in case of ccc exhausts released before last grid time ccc processed, according to exhaust ccc characteristics at each grid location, ccc ix, at last grid time do 140 ix=1,m ccc calc oldest appropriate gridded age if ( then n = idint(agend(ix)/Tresnd) else n = iTgs - 1 endif if ( then print *,'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif do 130 i=iolagt,n j = iTgs - i if ( .or. then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif if ( then dum = znd(ix) else dum = Zhnd endif ccc obtain mean height exhausts have ccc risen buoyantly to, as ccc nondimensionalised on Monin-Obukhov ccc length dum = dum*zsndMO ccc when centroid in lower ambient ccc thermal layer if (dabs(dum) then del = karho ccc when centroid in upper ambient ccc thermal layer (in stable ccc stratification) else if ( then del = karhou else del = zero endif dum1 = del*Tresnd ccc when stable ambient ccc stratification is absent if ( then if ( then dum = Tresnd else dum = dsinh(dum1)/del endif dum1 = dcosh(dum1) k = 1 else if ( then dum = Tresnd else dum = dsin(dum1)/del endif dum1 = dcos(dum1) k = -1 endif del1 = dum*dMBTnd(j) + dum1*MBnd(j) dMBTnd(j) = dum1*dMBTnd(j) + + k*(del**2)*dum*MBnd(j) MBnd(j) = del1 130 continue ccc update iolagt as necessary if ( iolagt = n + 1 140 continue dum = karho*Tresnd ccc update MBnd and dMBTnd in case of ccc exhausts released at last grid time ccc processed if ( then MBnd(iTgs) = Tresnd else if ( then MBnd(iTgs) = dsinh(dum)/karho else MBnd(iTgs) = dsin(dum)/karho endif if ( then dMBTnd(iTgs) = dcosh(dum) else dMBTnd(iTgs) = dcos(dum) endif ccc initialise value of mx to be inherited at ccc next grid time mxnew = mx + 1 ccc initialise grid location to be processed ix = 0 xnd = zero ccc step through grid locations, from ccc nearest to furthest from source in ccc direction of release 200 ix = ix + 1 xnd = xnd + xresnd ccc when first processing a grid location ccc at which exhausts were not present ccc at last grid time processed if ( then i = 0 ccc set iteration invariants c1 = mx*xresnd - (Tnd**2)/2 c2 = Tnd - agend(mx) c3 = cX/Tresnd - Tnd ccc set initial estimate of delXnd for ccc improvement by Newton's method delXnd = Tnd*Tresnd - cX ccc step through Newton's method ccc iterations 250 i = i + 1 dum = c1 + delXnd dum1 = c2/delXnd del1 = delXnd/Tresnd + c3 ccc calc function whose root with ccc respect to dimensionless ccc location of exhaust-plume head ccc is to be obtained del = corat*(dum**2)*del1 - dum1 ccc calc derivative of this function ccc with respect to dimensionless ccc location of exhaust-plume head del1 = + corat*dum*(dum/Tresnd + + 2*del1) + dum1/delXnd if ( then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif ccc when function is ccc significantly valued if (dabs(del).ge.sig) then ccc calc improvement on root delXnd = delXnd - del/del1 if ( + Tnd*Tresnd-cX) then print *, + 'alg fails: prog ends' stop endif endif if ( .and. + dabs(del).ge.sig) goto 250 if ( .or. + (i.eq.nitmax .and. + dabs(del).ge.sig)) then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif ccc calc value of mx to be inherited at ccc next grid time mxnew = mx + idint(delXnd/xresnd) if ( then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif dum = (delXnd + cX - + Tnd*Tresnd)/cokF ccc update mean height of exhaust-plume ccc head resulting from buoyant rise Zhnd = Zhnd + dum*MBnd(1) concf = dum/Tresnd if (iTgs.eq.mTgs .and. + dagxnd = dum1 endif ccc when exhausts are present at least ccc one grid location further from source ccc than at last grid time processed, ccc solve at associated grid points by ccc linear extrapolation if ( .and. then dum = (ix - mx)*xresnd/delXnd agend(ix) = agend(mx) + dum*c2 znd(ix) = znd(mx) + + dum*(Zhnd - znd(mx)) ccc when processing grid locations at ccc which exhausts were present at last ccc grid time processed else if ( then i = 0 ccc set initial estimate of ccc dimensionless exhaust age for ccc improvement by Newton's method agennd = agend(ix-1) ccc step through Newton's method ccc iterations 300 i = i + 1 dum = (agennd - + agend(ix-1))/xresnd dum1 = one - + (agennd - agend(ix))/ + Tresnd - dum*Tnd del = xnd - + (Tnd - agennd/2)*agennd ccc calc derivative of function ccc whose root with respect to ccc dimensionless exhaust age is ccc sought del1 = -corat*del* + (del*(Tnd/xresnd + + 1/Tresnd) + + 2*dum1* + (Tnd - agennd)) - + 2*dum/xresnd ccc calc function dum = corat*dum1*del**2 - dum**2 if ( .or. + .or. + then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif ccc when function is significantly ccc valued, calc improvement on root if (dabs(dum).ge.sig) + agennd = agennd - dum/del1 if ( .and. + dabs(dum).ge.sig) goto 300 if ( .or. + (i.eq.nitmax .and. + dabs(dum).ge.sig) .or. + + agend(ix-1)-sig1 .or. + + then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' print *,'try increasing resn' stop endif dagTnd = (agennd - agend(ix))/Tresnd agend(ix) = agennd dagxnd = (agend(ix) - + agend(ix-1))/xresnd ccc establish appropriate value of MBnd ccc by linear extrapolation, for ccc calculation of mean height of ccc exhausts resulting from buoyant rise del = agend(ix)/Tresnd i = idint(del) j = iTgs - i + 1 if ( .or. then print *,'alg fails: prog ends' stop endif if ( then dum = zero else dum = MBnd(j) endif if (j.eq.1) then dum1 = MBnd(1) else dum1 = MBnd(j-1) endif del1 = dum + + (del - dble(i))*(dum1 - dum) dum = one - dagTnd dum1 = dum/xresnd dum = (dum - dagxnd*Tnd)/cokF del = dagxnd/Tresnd c1 = znd(ix)*del + znd(ix-1)*dum1 del = del + dum1 if ( then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif dum1 = (dum*del1 + c1)/del if (( .and. + ( .or. + .or. + ( .and. + then print *, + 'algorithm fails: prog ends' print *,'try increasing resn' stop endif znd(ix) = dum1 concf = dum endif ccc when grid time furthest into ground ccc run currently for processing is ccc reached, calc dimensional exhaust ccc characteristics as function exhaust ccc age, with ages as separated by 1 s ccc intervals: this is for purposes of ccc output, or for initialisation of ccc dispersion regime after upward ccc rotation of aircraft is begun if (iTgs.eq.mTgs) then ccc initialise youngest appropriate age, ccc in integral s if (ix.eq.1) magnex = 1 ccc when considering a grid location if (ix.le.mxnew) then ccc calc oldest appropriate age, in ccc integral s iage = idint(agend(ix)*ts) if ( .or. + .or. + then print *, + 'alg fails: prog ends' stop endif do 350 i=magnex,iage j = i - (nage - iTfir) if ( xLol(j) = xL(j) dum = (xnd - + (Tnd - agend(ix)/2)* + agend(ix))*xs xL(i) = dum area(i) = (coke*dum)**2 z(i) = znd(ix)*zs dum = concf*concs if ( + dum = dum/dagxnd conc(i) = dum ccc when upward rotation of ccc aircraft has been begun, ccc calc QB, dQBT and QBF so ccc dispersion may be ccc evaluated later if ( then j = mTgs - (i - 1)*ngsps if ( .or. + then print *,'alg fails:' print *,'prog ends' stop endif QB(i)= + MBnd(j)*dagxnd*QBs dQBT(i)= + dMBTnd(j)*dagxnd*dQBTs QLF(i) = + cokF*F0*area(i)*conc(i) endif 350 continue magnex = iage + 1 endif ccc when there are no more grid ccc locations to be processed, ccc draw on characteristics of ccc exhaust-plume head if ( then ccc calc oldest appropriate age, in ccc integral s iage = mTgs/ngsps do 360 i=magnex,iage j = i - (nage - iTfir) if ( xLol(j) = xL(j) dum = (mx*xresnd + delXnd - + (Tnd**2)/2)*xs xL(i) = dum area(i) = (coke*dum)**2 z(i) = Zhnd*zs conc(i) = concf*concs ccc when upward rotation of ccc aircraft begins, ccc calc QB, dQBT and QBF so ccc dispersion may be ccc evaluated later if ( then QB(i) = + MBnd(ngsps)*dagxnd*QBs dQBT(i) = + dMBTnd(ngsps)*dagxnd* + dQBTs QLF(i) = + cokF*F0*area(i)*conc(i) endif 360 continue endif endif ccc when grid locations remain to be ccc processed, progress to next if ( goto 200 500 continue ccc when upward rotation of aircraft begins, ccc prepare to evaluate dispersion of exhausts ccc released earlier if ( then iTold = iTrot goto 120 endif ccc when upward rotation of aircraft has been begun else ccc calc number of grid times to be processed mTgs = (iTlas - iTold)*ng2sps ccc when rotation had been begun by last grid ccc time at which outputs were generated, store ccc val of xL at grid time of last output if ( then do 600 iage=1,iTrot xLol(iage) = xL(iage) 600 continue endif ccc step through grid times do 1000 iTgs=1,mTgs ccc step through gridded ages, as separated ccc by 1 s intervals do 900 iage=1,iTrot if (area(iage).lt.sig .or. + QLF(iage).lt.sig) then print *,'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif dum = z(iage)*invMO ccc when mean height exhausts have risen ccc to buoyantly lies in lower ambient ccc thermal layer if (dabs(dum) then del = karho2 ccc when mean height exhausts have risen ccc to buoyantly lies in upper ambient ccc thermal layer (in stable ccc stratification) else if ( then del = karhu2 else del = zero endif ccc when stable ambient stratification ccc is absent if ( then if ( then dum = one else dum = dsinh(del)/del endif dum1 = dcosh(del) k = 1 else if ( then dum = one else dum = dsin(del)/del endif dum1 = dcos(del) k =-1 endif ccc calc dimensional exhaust characteristics del1 = dum*dQBT(iage)/ng2sps + + dum1*QB(iage) dQBT(iage) = + dum1*dQBT(iage) + + k*ng2sps*(del**2)*dum*QB(iage) c1 = QB(iage) QB(iage) = del1 del = 2*ng2sps*rho del1 = QLF(iage)/del dum = 3*coke*del1/area(iage)**cthrhf dum1 = + dsqrt(one + (c1/QLF(iage))**2) + + dsqrt(one + (QB(iage)/QLF(iage))**2) dum = (one + dum*dum1)**twothd c2 = area(iage) area(iage) = dum*area(iage) conc(iage) = conc(iage)/dum del = 2*del xL(iage) = xL(iage) + + del1*(1/c2 + 1/area(iage)) z(iage) = + z(iage) + (c1/c2 + + QB(iage)/area(iage))/del 900 continue 1000 continue endif write (50,*) 'old time since start of ground run (s)' write (50,*) iTfir write (50,*) 'new time since start of ground run (s)' write (50,*) iTlas write (50,*) 'number ages tracked' ccc initialise number of gridded exhaust ages at which ccc dispersive characteristics are available ntr = 0 ntrold = 0 ccc set up output-loop invariants c1 = coke/rho ccc set nage to number of gridded ages if ( then nage = iTrot else nage = iTlas c1 = c1*cokF*F0 endif ccc when old time preceded upward rotation of aircraft, ccc update itrac and include exhausts emitted after old ccc time if ( then j = nage - iTfir do 1050 i=nage,1,-1 if ( then itrac(i) = itrac(i-j) else itrac(i) = 1 endif 1050 continue endif ccc set c2 to velocity scale of free convection (in m s-1) dum = -iblht*invMO if ( c2 = therc8*(dum**third)*fricv ccc step through set of exhaust ages three times, first ccc to obtain nunber of gridded ages at which dispersive ccc characteristics are available, second to output ccc these characteristics, third to output reason where ccc characteristics are not available do 1500 igo=1,3 if (igo.eq.2) then write (50,*) ntr if ( write (50,'(a57)') + ' t, Xs,delta_xL, xL, zb, zt,delta_y, conc' else if (igo.eq.3 .and. then write (50,*) + 'ages ceased tracking since old time' write (50,'(a36)') + ' t, Xs, reason' endif ccc step through gridded ages do 1100 iage=1,nage ccc when dispersion model was applicable at old ccc time if (itrac(iage).eq.1) then if (igo.eq.1) ntrold = ntrold + 1 if (area(iage).lt.sig) then print *,'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif del = dsqrt(area(iage))/2 ccc when plume is in contact with ground if (z(iage).lt.del) then del1 = 2*z(iage) else del1 = z(iage) + del endif if ( then print *,'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif ccc when exhausts have risen buoyantly to a ccc mean height greater than magnitude of ccc Monin-Obukhov length in ambient ccc convection, set velocity scale of ambient ccc diffusion to that of free convection if (invMO*z(iage).lt.-one) then dum = c2 ccc set velocity scale of ambient diffusion ccc to friction velocity else dum = fricv endif if (iTlas.le.iTrot) then dum1 = c1*conc(iage) else dum1 = c1*dsqrt(QB(iage)**2 + + QLF(iage)**2)/area(iage) endif ccc when exhaust dispersion reflects trapping ccc at inversion capping boundary layer or ccc action of ambient turbulence if ( .or. + then if (igo.eq.3) then itrac(iage) = 0 i = iage + iTlas - nage j = idnint(acc*((iTlas - i)**2)/2) if ( .and. + then write (50,'(i4,i5,a27)')i,j, + 'base of inversion reached' else if (del1.le. + dble(iblht) .and. + then write (50,'(i4,i5,a27)') i,j, + 'ambient diffusion underway' else write (50,'(i4,i5,a55)') i,j, + 'ambient diffusion underway / base of inversion reached' endif endif else if (igo.eq.1) then ntr = ntr + 1 else if (igo.eq.2) then i = iage + iTlas - nage j = idnint(acc*((iTlas - i)**2)/2) if ( then k = 0 else k = nage - iTfir endif if ( then dum = xL(iage) - xLol(iage-k) else dum = xL(iage) endif ccc when plume is in contact with ccc ground if (z(iage).lt.del) then dum1 = zero del = area(iage)/del1 else dum1 = z(iage) - del del = 2*del endif write + (50,'(i4,i5,f9.1,3f7.1,f8.1,e10.3)') + i,j,dum,xL(iage),dum1,del1,del, + conc(iage) endif endif endif 1100 continue 1500 continue if ( .or. then print *,'algorithm fails: prog ends' stop endif if ( goto 100 endif close (50) end